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Module Code: BUSS-B 2011
Module Name: Marketing Management

Executive Summary...................................................................................................................2

Marketing objectives..................................................................................................................2

Consumer Behaviour analysis....................................................................................................2

PESTEL analysis........................................................................................................................3

Political environment.............................................................................................................3

Economic Environment..........................................................................................................3

Social Environment................................................................................................................3

Technological Environment...................................................................................................3


Legal Environment.................................................................................................................4

Business Portfolio analysis........................................................................................................4

Marketing Strategies:.................................................................................................................4

Market Segmentation Strategy...................................................................................................5

Market Growth Strategy.............................................................................................................5






Evaluation and recommendations..............................................................................................6


Executive Summary
The goods that are only accessible from Numi Tea are completely special. I like their teabags
the most out of anything they produce. The tea in these tea bags is well-balanced and fast to
brew. Even, Numi Tea makes loose-leaf tea. Do consumers who choose to buy in-store profit
from getting a store locator on the Numi Tea? The marketing objective, business Portfolio
analysis, marketing Strategies, Market Segmentation Strategy

Marketing objectives
Demand for sustainable and ethically manufactured goods has accelerated in recent years.
Around the same period, demographic forces have pushed rich and natural food shoppers to
massive discounts, supermarkets, storage clubs and online stores. We chose to concentrate on
a specific form of client base in the placement of our company, from natural health care food
stores to fine dining establishments as well as hotels to colleges and coffee houses, says
Numi's CEO [ CITATION Ama14 \l 2057 ]. The objectives are to make the day start
refreshing to inspire citizens with hope and satisfaction.
 Creating a value
 And make a transition in culture
Consumer Behaviour analysis
As per Numi's marketing chairman, Jennifer Mullin, the typical Numi customer is a
university student, a woman and purchases two to three tea boxes every month, typically
green tea. Whenever practicable, she even buys sustainable goods. Until Mullin joined the
squad, Numi took on the same profile as its young workers. The results of Mullin
demonstrated that the firm had to invest more energy into older consumers and mothers and
its target college segment.
To meet millennial customers, Numi raises visibility of goods on university campuses,
whereby people are more likely to take an interest in topics linked to recycling, fair trade and
organics. The main challenge is the price. Since Numi teas are a luxury commodity, they
have a price point that is higher than traditional teas. And since college students have little
currency, Numi has decided that college customers can better access tea service departments
by prepayments. The plan was effective [ CITATION Oks19 \l 2057 ]. Not only does Numi
have large accounts for these food service contracts, they even invite students to trial.
Sampling is Numi's most effective marketing activity to draw potential customers and now
students are practically able to drink Numi teas.

The most convincing explanation for many organic customers to drink Numi tea is its health
benefits. But although Numi is organic, this part of its market is scarcely publicised. Some
critics feel that customers may lack trust if organic and natural are simply marketing
buzzwords, because some goods are unavoidably incompatible with marketers' demands. In
this respect, Numi claims that it is best to inform customers about the commodity. Jennifer
says we have an in-house PR team working with women's magazine publishers to inform tea
customers to help them appreciate the safe properties of tea. The team still carries out
sampling at Whole Foods or at activities directed at environmentally conscious clients. While
Numi is still very young, the business is rapidly growing in the US and also enjoying success
abroad. Regardless of what marketing and public relations departments do to sell tea brands
sampling shops, sustainability activities or collaborations with like-minded enterprises like
Clif Bar they still have an eye on customers' demographic and psychographic profiles
PESTEL analysis
Political environment

There are several variables, such as the cost of credit and the return on investment. It would
further stimulate investment as it enables the inflow of much capital. With a good credit
rating, Numi Tea would be able to attract funding. We Except for this, currently has a calm
political environment which indicates the absence of war and tragedy.
 Economic Environment

 It is said that the external sector has started to offset net flows owing to the gains in
international exchange. The entire mechanism is also remaining the same, which is why
Numi Tea should expect to produce a stronger outcome owing to the fact that all of these
variables are accounted for [ CITATION Phi181 \l 2057 ].
Social Environment

It is seen to be having an influence on the market for Numi Tea because of its wide social and
cultural movements. Due to a rise in health awareness regarding nutrition, people's well-
being, there is an increase in the market for food products that help improve health.
Technological Environment

 Consumers choose the most engaging channels to connect with their producers and others to
online social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. This is said to be one
of the key components for a good marketing campaign, allowing consumers to locate the

right facilities and also to improve better connectivity using various applications on their

Numi Tea must maintain all lawful processes when setting up its company and exporting its
goods. They would have to uphold the expectations that the authority enforces. They would
have to comply with and distribute the laws for the production of tea, packing, importing and
Legal Environment

The maintenance of all legal procedures is critical while starting up business and exporting
the goods.
Business Portfolio analysis
The owners of Numi Tea, Ahmed and Reem Rahim, immigrated into the USA as small
children as well as grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. Reem became a biomedical engineer,
whereas Ahmed went as a photographer around the globe, living in Prague for a while,
opening two teashops. Both reconnected in 1999 and began Numi Tea in Reem's apartment in
Oakland, California.
Marketing Strategies: 
Numi's marketing strategy is to reach customers in locations or locations they believe would
be their consumers. Numi uses samples that believe that the tea really tastes the commodity.
They provide samples of locations such as convenience shops, classrooms and spas. You
know that a young woman must take food and taste a tea while shopping will lead the
sampler to purchase the commodity. "Depending on how individuals invest their time, the
value of the topics that surround them, their values and social factors, such as wages and
schooling, separates them into classes [ CITATION Bar20 \l 2057 ]. Many times, when the
product wasn't heard about, customers are always excited about trying the product. Spas are
basically soothing areas and this organic tea is a feeling of relief. Your intended customer
needs innovative organic goods. They enter a bigger cause like cancer walks and give free tea
samples to customers involved in the same cause. I comply with the saying that you'll get that
in exchange if you handle me well. Building a partnership with your customers would let the
customer realise that it is your wishes and desires that you care and not only the profits. Numi
team donates for free but still pays for sampling. There are several forms Numi's business
staff uses its demographic objectives to execute its marketing strategy.

Market Segmentation Strategy

Demographic segmentation is the consumer segmentation they use to classify this customer
category. Demographic segmentation is characterised as consumer segmentation by age,
gender, income, ethnic background and period of family life They defines all terms of her
usual customers in the following categories: age, sex, salary, race and family life
[ CITATION Krs11 \l 2057 ].
Market Growth Strategy
Thier main campaign approach is a multi-segmented technique. Numi Tea will market two or
more consumer markets with separate marketing blends for each market by
multisegmentation. They will help to develop further marketing campaigns through defining
their marketing strategy. Practicing this method of goal strategyNumi Tea utilises
demographic details to attract consumers' interest. They also reduced their age, ethnicity,
family life as well as income demographics. They also approach consumers who are
searching for goods that suit their needs and want the advantages Numi Tea can bring. Numi
Tea utilises quality distinction as a continuation of business with the usage of excellent
materials and affordability at their low expense. This positioning contributes to a positioning
of price and consistency that is affordable for better quality goods in Numi Tea's market
signals. [ CITATION Pet10 \l 2057 ] notwithstanding comprehensive and segmented
consumer awareness, four patterns will continue to favour customers: customer focus, time
saves, loyalty and technology. Undifferentiated targeting is a marketing strategy which views
the market as one wide market without segments and thus uses a single marketing mix.
(Lamb, 2013) (Lamb) This will be the least possible tactic to be used so they realise precisely
what party they are attacking. If they used this approach, they will spend time and resources
on customers who have already chosen not to use their commodity.
Antaram's tea line contains over one hundred distinct teas with different tastes and health
benefits. This broad variety enables the brand to sell exclusive teas to its consumers.

The organisation has a gross margin of between 20 percent and 30 percent in the price of
goods and the key expenses are the procurement of herbs, salary costs, packaging, taxation
and distribution.

Numi Organic Tea is a private company headquartered in Oakland, California, with a

threefold basis. Numi is renowned for its variety of approved organic and fair trade teas and
herbal teasans.

By inserting their items in gift bags and other promotional donations, it helps current
prospective buyers to gain their name. It makes people shift how they interpret organic food
and teas by encouraging them to taste their items.

Some consumers don't want to spend money on innovative goods and they don't want them.
People are normally able to do something because they are free and if they enjoy it, the way
they see the product can shift internally [ CITATION Sla10 \l 2057 ].
Evaluation and recommendations
Numi organic tea offers a better alternative to additives and traditional chemically filled teas.
Numi has a good selection of items that can be appreciated by even the most selective tea
drinker. If you are contemplating tossing the Lipton or the Celestial Seasonings into the trash,
make sure that the organic, chemical-free goodness is separate from Numi tea! Numi Tea
provides a broad variety of teas, so what do I recommend? I strongly recommend the Green
Jasmine. It has an excellent taste for both fresh and long-term tea drinkers. It has a solid, not
intense taste. The Three Roots are a decent alternative for long-term tea drinkers. This tea has
a good, spicy taste and scent. Whatever you're searching for in a tea, Numi Tea has
everything great for you.
Amanda, 2014. Numi Organic Tea Review. clearsunshine.
Harfmann, B., 2020. Numi Organic Tea sources the right spices worldwide. bevindustr.
John, O. &. M. S., 2019. 10 Best Organic Tea Brands That You Need To Know About.
Krstic, I. a. B. S., 2011. Implementation of marketing strategy: Factor of competitive
advantage. Marketing.
Peter, J. a. O. J., 2010. Consumer behavior & marketing strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill
Phillips, R., 2018. The rare flavors and unique taste of Oakland's Numi Tea. Oakland NortH.

Slater, S. H. G. a. O. E., 2010. Factors influencing the relative importance of marketing

strategy creativity and marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. Industrial Marketing

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