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Junior Learn & Talk II

School Days
Lesson 05
He often plays soccer after school.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(2 mins)

Key Word
Look, choose and say: Who often watches movies? 谁时常看电影?


TI: Ask S to choose the answer and encourage S to say his/her reasons. 2
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(1 min)

Key Word
Look, choose and say: Who often watches movies? 谁时常看电影?


Will and Stacy are talking about their after-school activities(放学后的活动)!

Let’s go have a look!

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(3 mins)

Story Time wait for… 等待…

① Will, who are you always 总是
waiting for?
right now 现在
③ What’s he doing soccer 足球
right now?
② I’m waiting for my
brother Bill. We always
go home together.
④ He’s on the playground.
He often plays soccer
after school.

TI: Read the dialog/word(s)/phrase(s) and then have S repeat after you. 4
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(2 mins)

Story Time sometimes 有时

volleyball 排球
Good for him! What do swim v. 游泳
you do after school? swimming n. 游泳

I sometimes play volleyball

with Jerry. But I like swimming
the most! I swim every day.

TI: Read the dialog/word(s)/phrase(s) and then have S repeat after you. 5
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(3 mins)

Story Time athletic 运动的

seldom 很少
You guys(你们) are athletic! basketball 篮球
I seldom do sports, but I like
game 比赛
watching basketball games!
Do you play basketball? never 从不
usually 通常

Never! But Jerry usually plays

basketball. He’s good at it.

TI: Read the dialog/word(s)/phrase(s) and then have S repeat after you. 6
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(1 min)

Let’s learn!
always usually often sometimes seldom never

I use these pictures as hints, let’s finish the following exercises together!

TI: Ask S to read the adverbs of frequency. 7

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(30 secs)

Let’s practice!
Look and say.

I _______ play soccer after My brother Will _______ plays

school. basketball.
Hint: Hint:

TI: Have S use the pictures to complete the sentences. 8

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(30 secs)

Let’s practice!
Look and say.

often play soccer after

I _______ never plays
My brother Will _______
school. basketball.
Hint: Hint:

TI: Have S use the pictures to complete the sentences. 9

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(30 secs)

Let’s practice!
Look and say.

I swim every day. I _______ I ___________ play volleyball with

swim. Jerry.
Hint: Hint:

TI: Have S use the pictures to complete the sentences. 10

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(30 secs)

Let’s practice!
Look and say.

I swim every day. I _______ sometimes play volleyball with
I ___________
swim. Jerry.
Hint: Hint:

TI: Have S use the pictures to complete the sentences. 11

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(30 secs)

Let’s practice!
Look and say.

But I _________ watch basketball

I _______ do sports. games!

Hint: Hint:

TI: Have S use the pictures to complete the sentences. 12

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(30 secs)

Let’s practice!
Look and say.

usually watch basketball

But I _________
I seldom
_______ do sports. games!

Hint: Hint:

TI: Have S use the pictures to complete the sentences. 13

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(1 min)

1. Say and read.
They are talking about sports…

I’m good at basketball.

I like swimming the most.

Volleyball is my favorite.
I can do well in the

soccer games.

TI: Ask S to say the words of the pictures and read the complete sentences. 14
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(1 min)

1. Say and read.
They are talking about sports…

I’m good at basketball.

I like swimming the most.

Volleyball is my favorite.
I can do well in the

soccer games.

TI: Ask S to say the words of the pictures and read the complete sentences. 15
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(2 mins)

2. Read and say.

I swim.
I often swim.
Let’s put the words in
the right position! He plays soccer.

She plays volleyball.


They play basketball.


TI: Have S use the adverbs of frequency to say the sentences, an example is given. 16
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(1 min)

2. Read and say.

I swim.
I often swim.
Let’s put the words in
the right position! He plays soccer. He seldom plays
(seldom) soccer.

She plays volleyball. She usually plays

(usually) volleyball.

They play basketball. They sometimes play

(sometimes) basketball.

TI: Have S use the adverbs of frequency to say the sentences, an example is given. 17
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(4 mins)

3. Think and say.

always I sometimes play volleyball. swim

usually I never watch soccer games. basketball
often game
sometimes English class
seldom read
never …

What about you? Tell me about your life!

TI: Make conversations with S, use the words and phrases learned. Ask S to say more answers if possible. 18
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

(1 min)

Wrap Up
• always • soccer
Good job!
• usually • volleyball
Today you’ve learned 13 words • often • swim/swimming
and 2 phrases. • sometimes • basketball
Let’s have a look together! • seldom • athletic
• never • game

• wait for …
• right now

TI: Review the lesson with S. 19

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See you next lesson!




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