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An intensive care unit (ICU), also known as an intensive therapy unit or intensive
treatment unit (ITU) or critical care unit (CCU), is a special department of a hospital or health
care facility that provides intensive care medicine. An ICU is an organized system for the
provision of care to critically ill patients that provides intensive and specialized medical and
nursing care, an enhanced capacity for monitoring, and multiple modalities of physiologic organ
support to sustain life during a period of life-threatening organ system insufficiency. A formal
definition and descriptive framework for ICUs can inform health care decision-makers in
planning and measuring capacity and provide clinicians and patients with a benchmark to
evaluate the level of resources available for clinical care.
Intensive care units cater to patients with severe or life-threatening illnesses and injuries,
which require constant care, close supervision from life support equipment and medication in
order to ensure normal bodily functions. They are staffed by highly trained physicians, nurses
and respiratory therapists who specialize in caring for critically ill patients. ICUs are also
distinguished from general hospital wards by a higher staff-to-patient ratio and access to
advanced medical resources and equipment that is not routinely available elsewhere. Common
conditions that are treated within ICUs include acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock,
and other life-threatening conditions. ICU is based in a defined geographic area of a hospital
have three level, A level 1 ICU is capable of providing oxygen, noninvasive monitoring, and
more intensive nursing care than on a ward, whereas a level 2 ICU can provide invasive
monitoring and basic life support for a short period. A level 3 ICU provides a full spectrum of
monitoring and life support technologies, serves as a regional resource for the care of critically ill
patients, and may play an active role in developing the specialty of intensive care through
research and education.
Dita Novia M


Nama : Dita Novia Maharani
Nim : I1C019011
Jurusan : Farmasi
Kelas : 2019 A


Relative Clauses

1. She worked for a man.

The man used to be an athlete.
Answer : She worked for a man who used to be an athlete.
2. They called a lawyer.
The lawyer lived nearby.
Answer : They called a lawyer who lived nearby.
3. I sent an email to my brother.
My brother lives in Australia.
Answer : I sent an email to my brother who lives in Australia.
4. The customer liked the waitress.
The waitress was very friendly.
Answer : The customer liked the waitress who was very friendly.
5. We broke the computer.
The computer belonged to my father.
Answer : We broke the computer that belonged to my father.
Dita Novia M


Reduced Relative Clause

Tentukan apakah relative pronouns di bawah ini bisa dihilangkan atau tidak. Bila bisa
dihilangkan tulislah kalimatnya!
1. The studies which we have of this modeling process do not testify to its effectiveness.
2. He reported an investigation which showed about the process of the crime.
3. The characteristics of the students which are included in the requirements are diligent.
4. The students who took part in the show are diligent.
5. The last thing is the type of activities that need to be designed.

Dari kelima soal tersebut, relative pronouns pada kalimat nomer 1, 3, dan 4 tidak dapat
dihilangkan karena relative pronouns tersebut menjelaskan subject bukan objek, sedangkan
relative pronouns yang dapat dihilangkan yaitu pada kalimat nomer 2 dan 5. Kalimatnya
menjadi :

2. He reported an investigation showed about the process of the crime.

5. The last thing is the type of activities need to be designed.



Nama : Dita Novia Maharani
Nim : I1C019011
Jurusan : Farmasi
Kelas : 2019 A


Table 2: Temperature and Rainfall in Edinburgh, Scotland
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Temperature 39,1 39,5 41,3 45,4 50,1 55,7 58,6 58,3 54,7 48,5 43,3 39,9
Rainfall 1,7 1,6 1,9 1,4 2,0 1,9 2,7 3,1 2,0 2,6 2,1 2,1

Now complete the following sentences. If necessary, look at the formation of comparisons.
Number 1 has been done for you.
1. The Severn is longer than the Thames.
2. The Thames is not as long as the Severn.
3. The Severn and the Thames are the longest in England.
4. In Edinburgh January is a colder month than December.
5. July is a hotter month than June.
6. There is more rain in May than in March.
7. August has the most rain; in other words, August is the most rainy month.
8. May is not as warm as June.
9. April is the driest month.
10. The rainfall in May is as much as in September.
11. June is as wet as March.
12. The rainfall in February is less than in March.

Look at the text below. Read carefully and do the exercise.

Characteristics of Indica Japonica Rice Varieties
There are two main groups of rice varieties. These are the Indica varieties and the Japonica
varieties. The Indica varieties grow in tropical countries, where the climate is hot. The
Japonica varieties grow in countries like China and Japan, where the climate is more
temperate. The Indica varieties usually grow in less fertile soils than the Japonica varieties. In
general, Indica varieties have a taller stem than the Japonica varities.

Taken from A.J. Clyne. 1985.

English for the Life Science. IDP Australia: Canberra
Make 5 statements of comparison based on the information in the text. Example:
The Indica varieties grow in less temperate climate than the Japonica varieties.
(a) Indica varieties have a taller stem than the Japonica varieties.
(b) The indica varieties grow in less fertile soils than the Japonica varieties.
(c) The indica varieties grow in hotter climate than the Japonica varieties.
(d) The Japonica varieties grow in more temperate than the Indica varieties.
(e) The Japonica varities have a smaller stem than the Indica varieties.

Look carefully at the information below:
Table 3: 4 Nordic countries (information 1976)

Information Denmark Finland Norway Sweden

in Fahrenheit: 83 F 82F 83F 83F
(average 11F -11F -2F 3F
max annual)
Area: sq. 16.600 130.165 125.018 173.624
Population 4.767.597 4.715.800 3.973.000 8.208.000
Density: per 113 15,4 18 12,2
Forest area 11% 73% 20% 55%
Agricultural 70% 13% 3% 11%
Constitution constitutional Republic constitutional constitutional
monarchy monarchy monarchy
Religion Lutheran Lutheran Lutheran Lutheran

(1) Similarities:
(a) Look at the following examples based on the table above:

 Both Denmark and Norway have a constitutional monarchy.

 Denmark and Norway are similar (or: alike) in that they both have a constitutional

 Sweden is similar to Norway in that it has a small agricultural area.

 Sweden is similar to Norway in its constitution.

 Denmark and Sweden both have the same kind of constitution.


 Denmark, like Finland, has a population of about 43/4 million.

(b) Now write one sentence similar to each of the above six types, basing your information
on Table 3.
ANSWER : Finland is similiar to Norway in its religion

(2) Differences:
(a) Look at the following examples based on Table 3:

 Norway and Sweden are dissimilar in that Norway has a much smaller population
than Sweden.

 Denmark is different from (or: unlike) Finland in that it has a constitutional monarchy
(…. whereas Finland is a republic).

 With regard to population, Sweden is bigger than Norway.

 Denmark has a constitutional monarchy, whereas (or: while) Finland is a republic.

 Whereas Finland is a republic, Norway has a constitutional monarchy.

 Denmark has the smallest land area; however, it has the largest percentage
agricultural area.

 Although Denmark has the smallest land area; on the other hand, it has the largest
percentage agricultural area.

 (On the other hand,) Denmark has the smallest land area; on the other hand, it has the
largest percentage agricultural area.

 The main difference One of the differences between Finland and Sweden is that
Finland is a republic, whereas Sweden has a constitutional monarchy.
(b) Now write one sentence similar to each of the above nine types, basing your information
on Table 3.

ANSWER : Sweden has a constitutional monarchy,whereas Finland is a republic.

Dita Novia M


Nama : Dita Novia Maharani
Nim : I1C019011
Jurusan : Farmasi
Kelas : 2019 A


Gabungkan kedua kalimat di bawah ini dengan menggunakan exemplification words:

1. In some insects, taste is detected by the feet.

Flies use their feet to taste.
Answer: In some insects, taste is detected by the feet, for example, flies use their feet to
2. Mammals have hair or fur on their bodies, and they suckle their young.
Dogs feed their young on milk.
Answer: Mammals have hair or fur on their bodies, and they suckle their young, for
instance dogs feed their young on milk.
3. Herbivore is an animal which eats plants.
Gouts eat grass.
Answer: Herbivore is an animal which eats plants, for example, Gouts eat grass.
Dita Novia M


Buatlah paragraf yang berisi exemplification!

Types of Learners

There are numerous types of learners in the world. There are four main types: visual learners,
auditory learners, reading-writing learners and kinesthetic learners. Visual learners learn easier
when aided by images, pictures, and spatial organization of elements. Auditory learners prefer to
hear info rather than reading it. They learn easier if they hear things, or repeat things loud to
themselves. Reading-writing learners – as its name suggests – learn new info when they interact
with the text. Kinesthetic learners learn the best when they do those things. These types of
learners pick up motoric skills the easiest.
NIM : I1C019011
Kelas : FARMASI A/2019
Write Paragraphs Consist Of Cause And Effect That Talk About Covid 19

Coronavirus Has Affected Us So Much

A new epidemic virus has spread all over the world. It started from Wuhan china, then
quickly jumped to the whole world. The viruses is known worldwide for Covid-19. The world
health organization has considered this virus a global threat. It has many tremendous effect on
the world, but our country has taken many preventive measures to stop it.
The spread of Corona Virus has caused to the world and our country to suffer from many
problems. Firstly, It caused mass death among people because there is no effective vaccine for
this new virus. Secondly, the majority of people lost their jobs as the whole economy is shut
down. Thirdly, many people are stuck in different places because the borders between countries
as well as between cities are closed. All in all, the virus has caused the world to suffer in all
Our country, as happened in many countries all over the world, has taken many measures
to foght the virus. First, the government has shut down the country’s borders and restricted the
movement of people between the cities, and sensitized people to stay at home. Second, the state
provided all the required equipment and buildings to deal with the sick people. Third, the country
moved to distance learning and closed all the schools and universities. In other words, our
government did all that is possible to stop the epidemy virus from the spread of the virus.
To conclude, the world is witnessing a very serious broblem with teh outbreak of this
virus. Fortunately, our government has taken great measure to stop the virus from spreading
therefore, new measures has to be taken to provent this pendemic diases and be ready for the
future ones.

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