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Personal Statement

Mechanical Engineering is my passion, and my ambitions have always been very clear. I enjoy
the diversity of the subject, projects are wide, varied and always different, all factors which help
to keep it interesting. This degree is very relevant to the work I want to do, and one that will
strengthen my engineering knowledge and skills for future jobs and opportunities. I strongly
believe that it will provide me with the skills required for a professional career in a wide range of
sectors like finance, industry, consultancy and public services.

To me real engineering is not about having large amounts of technical knowledge in your head,
but instead it’s about applying basic principles and methodologies to find answers and solutions
to problems.

Basically I have chosen to study mechanical engineering because I want to be involved in

designing technology and products that help to cut down on ozone depleting emissions and lower
energy costs. For me it’s a chance to have a career in a field where I can help in the fight to
improve the global environment and tackle climate change. It’s a subject that I am both intrigued
and excited about, as although I have been studying it for a while, I fell there is still so much out
there for me to discover.

I have good technical knowledge of many primary engineering disciplines and a thorough
understanding of Building Services Engineering and interdisciplinary design through to all stages
of the design process. I also possess excellent communication skills and a team-based work
approach, with an appreciation that holistic working is central to good building design. I am
someone who readily accepts responsibility, pays careful attention to detail, and has a track
record of exercising good judgement. My experiences to date have given me a comprehensive
understanding of the commercial dimension of mechanical engineering, as well as its ethical and
environmental implications. I am dedicated to this subject, have excellent time management
skills, am highly self-motivated and also possess the personal drive and motivation necessary to

Through the knowledge, advice and experience that I gained at university I have been able to
realize what my long term career ambitions really are. The quality of education I received at
university was exceptional, classes were very engineering orientated with cases studies every
other week. I really enjoyed the fact that when studying engineering we had labs to support what
we were being taught in theory, this helped me to understand everything a lot more. I always find
it much easier to take in things if you can visualize what you are learning, instead of just being
given books to read. I came away from university with the belief that collaboration and the
sharing of knowledge is vital to success in mechanical engineering, as together, people can
produce better results than when they work alone.

After successfully completing my university education, I felt that I needed a more in-depth
knowledge of mechanical engineering, in order to better prepare for a career in the engineering
sector. I chose this university, because of its excellent research power and quality, and my belief
that your institution can take me to the next level.

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