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Consumer behavior in using notebook computer

Case study: Students in faculty of Economics

Chiang Mai University

Present to
Dr. Nisit Panthamit

Ms. Vitanya Anantakoraneewat Code 491660045

This paper is partial fulfillment of the course 751409

Research Exercise in Economics

Semester 1, Year 2009

Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University

I would like to express my gratitude to my teacher; Dr. Nisit Panthamit who gave me
the possibility to complete this research by any helpfulness suggestions and inspects the
mistake from beginning through finished.
I would like to thank all of my teachers in Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai
University who gave me knowledge that applies to use in the study.
Moreover, I appreciated to my family and my friends who always support and help
me to do my research successfully.

Vitanya Anantakoraneewat
Code: 491660045
Student of Economics Bilingual Program
September, 2009


Acknowledgement A

Chapter 1 Introduction
- Statement of the problem 1
- Purpose of the study 2
- Expected result 3
- Hypothesis 3
- Scope Methodology 3

Chapter 2 Literature Review

- Theories 4
- The Marketing Mix theory 4
- Demand theory 6
- Literature review 8

Chapter 3 Research Method

- Population and sample group 12
- Collecting data 12
- Analysis method 12 

Chapter 4 Research Result

- Part 1 General information of consumers 14
- Part 2 Factors influenced the consumers’ behavior
in using notebook computer            21
Part 3 A test of variables relationship in the model. 26

Chapter 5 Summary and Commendation 30

References 31

Appendix 32
Chapter 1

Rational and statement of the problem

In the edge of globalization, technology of communication seems to be the most

efficiency tools for everyone who wants to catch up the change of the world. One of these
technologies is computer. First invention of computer around mid-nineteenth century that the
price is very high and computer devices are large and difficult to use. But now, computers
have been developed for decades to be smaller, cheaper, easier to use and convenience for
carrying anywhere. Nowadays, there are 2 types of computer which are personal computer
(PC) and laptop (notebook). Personal computers (PC) were very popular among public and
private sector also in individual for example student, teacher, researcher, etc. Because
computer become necessary goods in everyday life or maybe household products soon like
television, refrigerator or radio. Therefore, computers can use for many purpose beside
typing, searching data, working inside corporation. Moreover, computers could use
entertainment stuff such as watch some movies, listen to music or play games. Furthermore,
we can communicate each other through internet in a few minutes, send or receive electronic
mail (e-mail), fax, share information, multimedia files even have face to face conversation
through support program in MSN, Skype or Camfrog.
In Thailand, computer markets have been growing up rapidly that show in the table

Thailand ICT Market 2007 – 2008 and Outlook 2009

Value in MB YTY Growth (%) Value in %
ICT Market
2007 2008 2009f 7/09 8/09 2007 2008 2009f

68,159 75,720 75,435 11.1 -0.4 13.6 13.9 13.3

56,616 62,937 66,117 11.2 5.1 11.3 11.6 11.6

21,425 24,981 28,521 16.6 14.2 4.3 4.6 5

4.Communication 355,117 379,216 400,534 6.8 5.6 70.8 69.9 70.2

Total 501,317 542,854 570,607 8.3 5.1 100 100 100

While personal computer (PC) spread out around country, laptops (notebook) have
been developed to lower cost. Then, the price of notebooks decreases approximately 30-80%
from the past that make hard decision for consumer to choose whether PC or laptop. In
addition, quality of the computer had nearly spec related to its price. But these 2 kinds of
computers have different advantage and disadvantage, when consumer have limit budget and
cannot purchase both. Although, notebook computer would reduce its price as same as rate of
standard desktop; it may notice that laptops still have less efficiency compared to personal
computer in same price for example the way of using mouse and keyboard, size and
sharpness of monitor. On the other hand, the advantage of laptop would be convenience and
carry out to anywhere easily.
From the research of COMMART THAILAND’09 (the biggest computer exhibition
market in Thailand) found that the bestseller product is notebook computer. The grand total is
72,500 units around 2.2 billion baht greater than last year which is just 60,000 units. The top
5 bestseller computer brand are Acer, Hp, Toshiba, Asus and Lenovo. The second bestseller
is LCD monitor and LCD TV. Hardisk drive become in the fifth bestseller. These can imply
that demand of consumer in IT stuff is getting high continued 8% growth because business
sector want to increase their working efficiency and in general consumer who want to raise
their utility in comfortable and their entertainment lifestyle. However, in this exhibition,
desktop computer or personal computer have low sale units; indicate that popularity of using
PC decrease.
According to these reasons, personal computers (PC) and notebook computers
(laptop) become necessary tools for student in learning subjects, searching information or
doing some reports because it’s faster than go to library or bookstore. Thus, it is important to
study what is the factor that student who become the next generation and have modern
lifestyle have decision in using notebook computer more than personal computer.

Purpose of the study

1. To study the consumer behavior using notebook computers in Faculty of
Economics in Chiang Mai University.
2. To study the consumer reasons for using notebook computers in different
3. To study the consumer attitudes and opinions.
Expected results
This study aimed to examine the student behavior using notebook computers in
Faculty of Economics in Chiang Mai university and to know the consumer attitudes and
opinions to decide using whether personal computer and notebook computer. Furthermore,
this research can use in develop computer to match student demand of computer business

1. Gender have relationship with brand of notebook computer
- Female usually use modern and attractive feature of computer
2. Average income per month of parent have relationship with price of notebook
- High parent’s income will purchase the high price of computer
3. Year of study have relationship with objective in using notebook
- Higher student year tend to be work more on computer to do report or presentation
4. Reason of using notebook computer have relationship with quality of product
( product factor)
- Student usually chooses computer that have appropriate function with their

Scope of Methodology
This study aimed to examine the student behavior for using notebook computer in
Faculty of Economics in Chiang Mai University around 2 weeks (between 16 – 30 July
2009). In the first to forth year student in faculty of Economics in Chiang Mai University.
Chapter 2
Literature Reviews


1. The Marketing Mix Theory (The 4 P's of Marketing)

Marketing decisions generally fall into the following four controllable categories:
- Product
- Price
- Place (distribution)
- Promotion

Product - An object or a service that is mass produced or manufactured on a large

scale with a specific volume of units. A typical example of a mass produced service is the
hotel industry. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass produced service is a computer operating
system. Typical examples of a mass produced objects are the motor car and the disposable
Price – The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined by a
number of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and
the customer's perceived value of the product. The business may increase or decrease the
price of product if other stores have the same product.
Place – Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often
referred to as the distribution channel. It can include any physical store as well as virtual
stores on the Internet.
Promotion – Promotion represents all of the communications that a marketer may use
in the marketplace. Promotion has four distinct elements - advertising, public relations, word
of mouth and point of sale. A certain amount of crossover occurs when promotion uses the
four principle elements together, which is common in film promotion. Advertising covers any
communication that is paid for, from television and cinema commercials, radio and Internet
adverts through print media and billboards. One of the most notable means of promotion
today is the Promotional Product, as in useful items distributed to targeted audiences with no
obligation attached. This category has grown each year for the past decade while most other
forms have suffered. It is the only form of advertising that targets all five senses and has the
recipient thanking the giver. Public relations are where the communication is not directly paid
for and includes press releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade
fairs and events. Word of mouth is any apparently informal communication about the product
by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people specifically engaged to create word of
mouth momentum. Sales staff often plays an important role in word of mouth and Public
Relations (see Product above).
Broadly defined, optimizing the marketing mix is the primary responsibility of
marketing. By offering the product with the right combination of the four Ps marketers can
improve their results and marketing effectiveness. Making small changes in the marketing
mix is typically considered to be a tactical change. Making large changes in any of the four
Ps can be considered strategic. For example, a large change in the price, say from $19.00 to
$39.00 would be considered a strategic change in the position of the product. However a
change of $131 to $130.99 would be considered a tactical change, potentially related to a
promotional offer.
The “Marketing Strategy” is decisions that determine how to achieve marketing’s
goal (build and maintain a preference for a company and its products) in a particular target
market, through the selection and application of marketing mixes. The “Marketing Mix”,
originally known as “The Four Ps”, is a combination of product, price, place [distribution],
and promotion activities that are applied to a particular target market. The general idea is to
combine (mix) the variables to generate an optimal, positive, and desired response in the
target market. Diverse and numerous combinations of marketing methods, modes, and
techniques can be selected and applied to create a marketing mix. The marketing strategy is
mostly determined by roles (who focus on the promotion element of the marketing mix) in
the marketing communications department with contributions from other corporate
departments, notably the product marketing department.

A summary table of the marketing mix

The following table summarizes he marketing mix decisions, including a list of some
of the aspects of each of the 4Ps
Summary of marketing mix decision
Product Price Place Promotion
Functionality List price Channel member Advertising
Appearance Discounts Channel motivation Personal selling
Quality Allowances Market coverage Public relations
Brand Financing Locations Message
Warranty Leasing options Logistics Media
Service/Support Service levels Budget
2. Demand Theory
We used about demand for illustrated intend for consumers and function of
demand illustrated relation between the persons who want to buy and variables. The
function is
Q = f (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 …)

Q = Quantity
A1 = Price
A2 = Style (taste)
A3 = Popularity
A4 = Income
A5 = Promotion
A6 = Others
Assumed that the consumers would like to buy satisfied good and service
(depend on if consumer who willing to pay)

Law of demand has inverse relationship between price (P) and quantity (Q) and
we are able summarize;
- The demand curve graphs the relationship between the quantity demanded of a good and
its price.
- The demand curve also showers people’s willingness-and-ability-to-pay that is, for any
given quantity, it shows the highest price people are willing to pay for the last unit
- The demand curve shifts, so that there is a change in demand when some influence other
than the price of product itself changes factors that determine product’s quantity or shift
in demand curve. 
1. If price of product is increasing (P ) consumer will find a substitute good (substitute good
often lower price) and if a substitute goal gets a higher satisfied the consumers will choose it.
However, if substitute good unable give you more higher product 1, sometime the consumers
must be accepted this price.

Satisfied substitute good
Consider about
Price of product goods and
services Satisfied Turn back to consume
product 1 and accepted
price for increase

2. In increasing in price, income is decided to quantity of good and service also.

The law of demand has 2 effects which are the result of the change in price:-
1. The substitution effect points out that when the relative price of a product rises,
people buy less of it because the opportunity cost of consuming it has increased.
2. The income effect points out that a higher price for a product effectively lowers
people’s incomes and, as a result, reduces their purchases of most goods.
Price of related goods, which have two possible relationships.
- Substitute goods that can be used in place of product being studied.
- Complements goods used in combination with the good under study.
Income, again with two possible relationships
- A normal goods is one for which an increase ( decrease) in consumers’ income make the
demand of good increase ( decrease)
- An inferior good is a good is a good for which an increase(decrease) in consumers’
income make the demand of goods decrease ( increase)
The larger (smaller) the population, the larger (smaller) is the demand for all goods.
Changes in people’s preferences affect their demand for a product.
If they expect future price of product is forecast to rise (fall) and the good can be
stored, consumers increase (decrease) their current demand for it.

Literature review

Mr.Thanaphat Huansuriya (2003) study about Factors determining choice of

buying computer found that the results have been drawn from the data obtained by
questionnaires distributed to 359 computer buyers and 120 computer distributors in Bangkok
during April - June 2002 and analyzed by the Binary Logit Model. The findings indicate that
major factors stipulating consumers to choose between Personal or Notebook computers are
gender, term of payment, price of the computer, income, whether this is a first computer
purchase, and occupation. In addition, a probability to purchase a notebook computer is
increasing if a buyer is female, uses of installation payment, intends to buy high price
computer, and is not buying a first computer. It has also been observed that those who have
fixed monthly income are usually more concerned on prices in choosing a computer. Finally,
those whose monthly incomes are below 30,000 baht will not alter their choices even if their
incomes rise. In choosing the place to purchase their computers, only a few variables have
been observed to be significantly influential to computer buyers. The most important ones are
income and gender, followed by term of payment. In particular, a probability of choosing a
computer store that carries only brand name PCs and Notebooks is to increase if a buyer is
female and uses installation (credit term) of payment. In addition, PC buyers tend to change
from purchasing their computer at a general computer store to a brand name one as their
income rises. Such a behavior has not been observed among notebook computer buyers,
though. The study clearly indicates that there are different groups of computer buyers in the
market. It thus implies that producers should carefully separate their target groups in order to
maximize their operation effectiveness. Furthermore, if the government wants to support the
"learning by IT" scheme, such as a "Computer for the Mass" project, it should consider
having computers with a variety of configurations in order to satisfy the needs of different
groups of computer buyers.

Mr. Narongchai Sutheeprasert (2005) study about Purchasing Behavior on Personal

Computers of University Students in Bangkok found that 1. The students’ personal computer
usage behaviors totally were at internal shop, university and residence with the purposes of
doing the report, for entertainment and internet. The majority of the sample had experience in
operating computer and realized about the value and benefit of using the computer. 2. The
students’ behaviors in purchasing behaviors on personal computers totally were self assembly
computers followed by domestic assembled computers and foreign brand computers. The
factors affecting purchasing decision on personal computers were the quality, after sale
service and warranty respectively. 3. The types and the places where the sample bought the
personal computers were significantly different at .05 level with the personal characteristics
regarding gender. 4. Computers’ prices, terms of payment, the most favorable sale promotion
type were significantly related at .05 level with personal characteristics regarding age. 5.
Personal computer purchasing places, computer price and the most favorable sale promotion
type were significantly related at .05 level with personal characteristics regarding the year of
study. 6. The type and the places where the sample bought the personal computers,
computers’ price and the most favorable sale promotion type was significantly related at .05
level with the personal characteristics regarding monthly income.

Miss Photjanaporn Wongwan (2007) study about Factors Affecting Consumers’

Purchasing Decision for Personal Computer in Muaeng district, Lampang Province found that
on utilization behavior, the most samples under study used PC for typing purpose, everyday,
2-4 hours per day, during 06.01-12.00 a.m., at the workplace or office, had one PC for used
preferably Acer brand, generally bought PC from computer shop in shopping center with cash
considered the usefulness and special features of PC when making buying decision, and
contemplated to get a new PC if the old one becomes out-of-order or no longer in working
life. The chi-square test suggested the relationship existed between the following sets of
independent and dependent variable: PC using purpose related just only the age of PC user;
PC using frequency, time duration, location and owning a PC are not related to age, and
education, occupation, income and sex. The study on buying decision was made for two
groups, PC owners and non-PC owners. The most influential aspect of product factor was
basic training for PC owners. But guarantee period for non-PC owners. The most crucial
consideration in price factor was the price level itself for PC owners and discount for
membership for non-PC owners. Good reputation computer shop uses the most important
element of distribution factor for both PC and non-PC owners. In promotion factor, PC
owners took price reduction as the most influential while non-PC owners regarded the
advertisement through leaflets or brochures. Other external factor affecting buying decision
most for PC owners was the cheaper compiler prices and for non- PC owners was the use of
PC for home entertainment. The primary problem or concern for both groups appeared to be
the frequent malfunctioning of the machine. For advice, the PC owners gave priority
importance to pre-purchase training while the non-PC owners addresses the availability of a
standby set for use in case the existing PC go out-of-order.

Miss Pranee Iamlaorphakdee (2007) study about Factors Influencing on the Internet
Using Behavior of Students of the School of Business Administration University of the Thai
Chamber of Commerce found that After internet had been introduced to Thailand, the
demand of internet becomes increasingly popular throughout the country, especially college
students who do research and look for information for their papers and careers. The objective
of this study is for factors influencing on the internet using behavior of students and
relationship between individual and rational behavioral factors. Researcher determines four
hypothesis tests of this study. First, we examine whether students with the differences of
gender, age, year of study, field of study, number of family members, number of family
members using the internet, internet using behavior, and family income have different
internet using activities. Second, students with high level of future aim, self control,
persuasive effectiveness, and computer aptitude have more internet using activities than
students with low level. Third, students who have attitude toward environment in educational
institute, computer possession, and convenience in the use of computer have more frequent
internet use than those who do not. Fourth and finally, we test whether behavioral factors and
situational factors are the variables affecting the frequency of the internet use of students
majoring in Business Administration, UTCC. The study concept utilizes independent and
variables. The independent variables include 1. individual factors which consist of gender,
age, year of study, field of study, number of family members, number of family members
using the internet, and monthly family income and 2. Behavioral factors which consist of
situational factors including environment in education institute, computer possession, and
convenience in the use of internet and behavioral factors including persuasive effectiveness,
self control, and computer aptitude. The dependent variables include computer activities and
frequency of the use of the internet. The researcher determined the sample of 400
questionnaires by using quota sampling, which is the proportion of students by majors and
years of study. The analysis of questionnaire collection uses descriptive statistics, which are
frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation for variable description and uses
reference statistics, which are chi-square test and multiple regression. The study shows that
the majority of the samples have medium skill in computer program application, computer
hardware, and Internet application. The sample exclusively characterizes the maximum of
need for achievement, achievement motive and the medium of educational institute
environment. The majority experiences 2-3 years in internet application at his home or
college for searching information and merchandise approximately 1-3 hours between 8.00 pm
and 12.00 am on Saturday. The factors of gender, age, year of study, major field, and monthly
family income have statistically led to the effect of internet application. Computer skill is a
relevant variable directly influencing on the use of e-mail. Need for achievement and
achievement motive is a relevant variable directly affecting the internet search of
information. Computer skill is a relevant variable directly influencing on the software
application. Nonetheless, educational institute environment does not directly affect the
frequency of internet application. The convenience of having their own computers is a
relevant variable directly influencing on the frequency of students’ internet application.
Chapter 3
Research Method

The study is a descriptive research composes with:-

1. Population and Sample Group
- The population of this study is the student of faculty of economics in
Chiang Mai University.
- The sample group is collected by Accidental Sampling from 100 students in
faculty of Economics in Chiang Mai University.

2. Collecting Data
There are 2 types of resources:-
2.1 Primary Data
- Collect 100 questionnaires from sample group and the questionnaires are divided
into 3 parts:-
Part 1 – General information of the students in faculty of economics in Chiang Mai
University which are gender, student year, average income of students and
their parents.
Part 2 – The information about the consumer behavior using notebook computers
such as the necessary of using notebook computer, objective in using notebook
computer, etc.
Part 3 – Factors influence the student in using notebook computer such as
product, price, place, promotion, etc.
2.2 Secondary Data
- Collect from many resources that study in the past including magazines, books,
research, independent study and internet.

3. Analysis Method
This study analyze as descriptive statistics to describe general information and
consumer behavior using notebook computers. The data shows in frequency table and
percentage ratio. Moreover, use Chi-square test to analyze the relationship of variables that
affect the student in making decision of using notebook computer. The analyzed data would
divided into 3 parts

- Part 1 analyze the general information of consumer; gender, student year,

average income of students and parents then transfer the data and show the
result of analyzing by percentage in figure.

- Part 2 analyze the data by The Summated Rating Scale (Ratcide Likert
created) or Likert scale; this theory is related with the data measurement that
all around the period of attitude, behavior and factors. The answers are
responding able to analyze about attitude, behavior and factors who
responded. The answer can be choosing the best one; we will determine 5
level for show the satisfied average and attitude to consumed services.

Point level of satisfaction

5 = highest satisfied
4 = high satisfied
3 = medium satisfied
2 = low satisfied
1 = unsatisfied

The average rate of point level divided into 5 levels;

Average 4.50 – 5.00 ; strongly agree
Average 3.50 – 4.49 ; agree
Average 2.50 – 3.49 ; neutral
Average 1.50 – 2.49 ; disagree
Average 1.00 – 1.49 ; strongly disagree

- Part 3 analyze the data by using Chi-Square test to figure out the relationship
between 2 variables that affect the consumer behavior in using notebook
computer by using significant level of 0.05.
Chapter 4
Research Result

From the research, we collected primary data from questionnaires by random

sampling from 100 consumers in the faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University. This
research is quantitative data. We will classify the results for analyzing into
3 parts:-
Part 1: General information of consumers such as gender, student year, average
student income and average parent income.
Part 2: Factors influenced the consumers’ behavior in using notebook computer of the
student in faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University. These factors are the product,
prices, place, promotion and the others factors of the notebook computer.
Part 3: The relationship between 2 variables according to the hypothesis of the
consumer behavior in using notebook computer.

Part 1 General information of consumers

1. Gender
Table 1 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by gender.

Gender Frequency
Male 38
Female 62
Total 100
Source: From survey
The table shows that the most of consumer are female and calculate into percentage of
male and female which are 38% of male and 62% of female, respectively.

2. Student year
Table 2 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by student year.

Student year Frequency

first year 12
second year 28
third year 24
forth year 36
Source: From survey

From the research, the student in faculty of Economics divided by student year found
that the most of students using notebook computer are forth year students equal to 36% and
then second year students 28%, third year students 24% and first year students 12%,

3. Student income per month

Table 3 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by student income per month.
Student income per month Frequency

less than 3000 baht 13

3000-5000 baht 46
5000-7000 baht 25
more than 7000 baht 16
Total 100
Source: From survey
The student incomes per month of the most of consumer using notebook computer
have income per month in the range of 3,000-5,000 baht 46% and then 5,000-7,000 baht
25%, more than 7,000 baht 16% and less than 3,000 baht 13%, respectively.

4. Parent income per month

Table 4 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by parent income per month.
Parent income per month Frequency
less than 10000 baht 8
10000-24999 baht 19
25000-49999 baht 41
more than 50000 baht 32
Total 100
Source: From survey
The collected questionnaires found that the most of student’s parent using notebook
computer have income per month in the range of 25,000-49,999 baht equal to 41% and then
more than 50,000 baht 32%, 10,000-24,999 baht 19% and less than 10,000 baht 8%,
5. Time used notebook computer
Table 5 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by time used notebook
Time used notebook Frequency
less than 1 year 8
1 year 22
2 years 36
3 years 11
4 years 13
more than 4 years 10
Total 100
Source: From survey
The study of consumer behavior found that the most of students had been use
notebook computer for 2 years equal to 36% then used for 1 year 22% and less than 1 year
8%, respectively.

6. Influential person
Table 6 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by influential person.
Influential person Frequency
myself 62
parent / family 10
friend 28
Total 100
Source: From survey
The table shows that the most of person who influenced consumer to use notebook
computer is themselves equal to 62%, their friend 28% and then their parent or people in their
family 10%, respectively.
7. Place used notebook computer
Table 7 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by place used notebook
Place used notebook Frequency
house 18
dorm / apartment 26
university 38
internet café / coffee shop 18

Total 100
Source: From survey
The study of sample group and calculate into percentage of using notebook computer
in that place found that the most of student using notebook computer in university area 38%
and then using in their dormitories or apartments 26%, using in their house 18% and using in
internet café or coffee shop 18%, respectively.

8. Amount of computer
Table 8 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by the amount of consumer’s
Amount of computer Frequency
1 81
2 15
more than 2 4
Total 100
Source: From survey
From the table show that the most of student using notebook computer own only 1
computer equal to 81%, have 2 computers 15% and then they own more than 2 computer
equal to 4%, respectively.

9. Latest computer
Table 9 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by consumer’s latest computer.
Latest computer Frequency
desktop 36
notebook / laptop 64
Total 100
Source: From survey
The collected questionnaires from sample group show that the most of the latest
computer of consumer using notebook computer their own notebook or laptop computer
equal to 64% and have desktop computer at level of 36%.

10. The reason of using notebook computer

Table 10 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by the reason of using
notebook computer.
Reason of using notebook Frequency

convenience 47
easy to use 10
modern look 16
to study stuff 18
update news 9
Total 100
Source: From survey
The most percentage of the consumer’s reason using notebook computer because it is
convenience to carry anywhere equal to 47%, the second reason is using computer notebook
in study stuff is 18%, and then using notebook computer because of notebook computer have
modern look 16%, notebook computer use easier than desktop computer 10% and the last
reason is using notebook computer for update news at 9%.

11. Notebook computer brand

Table 11 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by notebook computer brand.
Notebook brand Frequency
Acer 46
HP 7
Compaq 12
Toshiba 4
Sony Vaio 15
Others 11
Total 100
Source: From survey
From the study of consumer’s notebook computer brand found that the most of
student using Acer brand equal to 46% and then Sony Vaio notebook computer 15%,
Compaq notebook computer 12%, others notebook computer brand 11%, HP notebook
computer 7%, DELL notebook computer 5% and Toshiba notebook computer 4%,

12. Price of notebook computer

Table 12 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by price of notebook
Notebook price Frequency
less than 25000 baht 17
25000-34999 baht 54
35000-44999 baht 15
more than 45000 baht 14
Total 100
Source: From survey
The collected questionnaires in type of notebook computer’s price of the consumer
found that the most of student buy notebook computer in the price between 25,000-34,999
baht equal to 54% and then less than 25,000 baht 17%, between 35,000-44,999 baht 15% and
the highest price which is more than 45,000 baht equal to 14%, respectively.

13. The objective of using notebook computer

Table 13 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by the objective of using
notebook computer.

Objective of using notebook Frequency

writing report / presentation 70

search data 84
entertainment stuff 69
update news 42
others 5
Total 270
Source: From survey

The most percentage of student using notebook computer for searching data equal to
31.11% and the second objective is using computer notebook for writing report or
presentation at 25.92%, using computer notebook for entertainment stuff 25.55%, using
computer notebook for update news 15.56% and the last is using computer notebook for
others objectives 1.86%.

14. Payment of notebook computer

Table 14 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by payment of notebook
Payment Frequency
cash 72
credit / installment 28
Total 100
Source: From survey
The questionnaires collected from sample group and calculate into percentage of the
payment when purchasing notebook computer found that student purchased by cash equal to
72% and purchased by credit card or installment at level of 28%.

15. Place that purchased notebook computer

Table 2 shows the amount as percentage of consumers by place that consumer
purchased notebook computer.

Purchased notebook place Frequency

agency store 20
computer shop in shopping
discount store 6
computer exhibition 21
Total 100
Source: From survey
From the study of the place that consumers purchased notebook computer found that
the students purchased notebook computer in computer shop in shopping mall equal to 53%
and then purchased notebook computer in computer exhibition 21%, purchased notebook
computer in computer brand agency store 20% and purchased notebook computer in discount
store 6%, respectively.
Part 2 Factors influenced the consumers’ behavior in using
notebook computer
This section the reasons of consumer in making decision to using notebook computer
and looks at various factors such as product, price, place, promotion and the means of each

1. Product factors

Table 1 shows the amount and the means value of the product factors of the consumer
behavior in using notebook computer.

Level of satisfaction
Product Factors Means
Highest High Medium Low Lowest Total
1. Computer
160 (32) 212 (53) 30 (10) 10 (5) 0 412 4.12

2. RAM size 205 (41) 220 (55) 12 (4) 0 0 437 4.37

3. Hardisk size 170 (34) 196 (49) 51 (17) 0 0 417 4.17

4. Screen size 95 (19) 124 (31) 132 (44) 12 (6) 0 363 3.63

5. Good looking
75 (15) 208 (52) 75 (25) 16 (8) 0 374 3.74
6. High speed
115 (23) 228 (57) 60 (20) 0 0 403 4.03
Internet function
7. Specific
210 (42) 92 (23) 105 (35) 0 0 407 4.07

8. Initial training 70 (14) 68 (17) 156 (52) 34 (17) 0 328 3.28

9. Appreciative
240 (48) 128 (32) 33 (11) 18 (9) 0 419 4.19
after sale
10. Service center
330 (66) 100 (25) 15 (5) 8 (4) 0 453 4.53
11. Insurance
310 (62) 96 (24) 42 (14) 0 0 448 4.48
Source: From survey and calculated
Note: the score in parentheses is the frequency of questionnaires respondent.

From the table 1 shows most of satisfied product factor is the notebook computer that
have service center nearby at the means equal to 4.53, then the second satisfied product factor
is the insurance duration at the means level equal to 4.48 and the last satisfied factor have
means level equal to 3.28 which is initial training of the notebook computer service. These
results imply that the most of consumer concern the relative service more than the products
that have common computer functions.
2. Price factors

Table 2 shows the amount and the means value of the price factors of the consumer
behavior in using notebook computer.

Level of satisfaction
Price Factors Means
Highest High Medium Low Lowest Total
1. Computer
115 (23) 228 (57) 60 (20) 0 0 403 4.03
2. Relative
80 (16) 196 (49) 84 (28) 14 (7) 0 374 3.74
tools price
3. Member
140 (28) 206 (50) 45 (15) 10 (5) 2 (2) 397 3.97
4. Credit card
150 (30) 136 (34) 87 (29) 14 (7) 0 387 3.87

5. Installment 75 (15) 104 (26) 120 (40) 38 (19) 0 337 3.37

6. Service fee 155 (31) 148 (37) 63 (21) 22 (11) 0 388 3.88

Source: From Survey and Calculated

Note: the score in parentheses is the frequency of questionnaires respondent.

The data in table 2 shows most of consumers concern about the price of notebook
computer at the means equal to 4.03 and the last satisfied price factor is the installment of
notebook computer shop which is 3.37 at the means level. The highest means value indicates
that the computer price still is the most important factor for the consumer in making decision
to use notebook computer.
3. Place factors

Table 3 shows the amount and the means value of the place factors of the consumer
behavior in using notebook computer.

Level of satisfaction
Place Factors Means
Highest High Medium Low Lowest Total
1. Reputation of
135 (27) 240 (60) 39 (13) 0 0 414 4.14
computer stores
2. Convenience
contact computer 225 (45) 152 (38) 51 (17) 0 0 428 4.28
3. Reliable of
165 (33) 168 (42) 75 (25) 0 0 408 4.08
computer stores
4. Good relationship
with computer 75 (15) 132(33) 135 (45) 14 (7) 0 356 3.56
5. Computer shop in
100 (20) 104 (26) 153 (51) 6 (3) 0 363 3.63
shopping mall
6. Fine interior
decoration of 135 (19) 36 (9) 192 (64) 16 (8) 0 379 3.79
computer stores
7. Direct computer
135 (27) 152 (38) 78 (26) 4 (2) 7 (7) 376 3.76
brand agency
8. Variety of
155 (31) 176 (44) 45 (15) 20 (10) 0 396 3.96
computers brand
Source: From survey and calculated
Note: the score in parentheses is the frequency of questionnaires respondent.

From the table 3 shows most of satisfied place factor is the convenience contact of the
computer stores which have the means equal to 4.28 and the next satisfied place factor is the
reputation of the computer stores which have means level at 4.14, then the last consumer’s
concern about place factor have means equal to 3.56 which is the relationship between
consumer and computer shop.
4. Promotion factors

Table 4 shows the amount and the means value of the promotion factors of the
consumer behavior in using notebook computer.

Level of satisfaction
Highest High Medium Low Lowest Total

1. Discount 260 (52) 144 (36) 36 (12) 0 0 440 4.40

2. Interesting
135 (27) 260 (65) 18 (6) 4 (2) 0 417 4.17
free stuff
3. Knowledgably
210 (42) 172 (43) 24 (8) 14 (7) 0 420 4.20
sale person
4. Free trial or
240 (48) 148 (37) 33 (11) 8 (4) 0 429 4.29
from medias
5. Computer
120 (24) 124 (31) 108 (36) 10 (5) 4 (4) 366 3.66
exhibition events
Source: From survey and calculated
Note: the score in parentheses is the frequency of questionnaires respondent.
The data in table 4 shows most of promotion factors that the consumer concern about
discount of the notebook computer at the means equal to 4.40 then the second is the free trial
or interest advertisement from medias have means at 4.29 and the least concern promotion
factor is computer exhibition events at the means equal to 3.66 which is not much influenced
the consumer to buy notebook computer.
5. Others factors

Table 5 shows the amount and the means value of the others factors of the consumer
behavior in using notebook computer.

Level of satisfaction
Others Factors Means
Highest High Medium Low Lowest Total
1. Computer
30 (6) 116 (29) 156 (52) 14 (7) 6 (6) 322 3.22
in university
2. Social taste
in using
75 (15) 176 (44) 93 (31) 20 (10) 0 364 3.64
3. Use computer
as entertainment 105 (21) 188 (47) 96 (32) 0 0 389 3.89
4. Higher
220 (44) 136 (34) 66 (22) 0 0 422 4.22
5. Seminar about
65 (13) 76 (19) 126 (42) 40 (20) 6 (6) 313 3.13
6. Computer use
85 (17) 268 (67) 39 (13) 6 (3) 0 398 3.98
7. Cheaper price
265 (53) 164 (41) 9 (3) 6 (3) 0 444 4.44
of computer
Source: From survey and calculated
Note: the score in parentheses is the frequency of questionnaires respondent.

The data in table 5 shows most of satisfied others factors is the cheaper price of
notebook computer than the past that have means equal to 4.44 and the higher technology of
computer have means at 4.22 and the last influenced factor is the seminar about computer
which have means value equal to 3.13. These can imply that the customer is willing to use
notebook computer because of the advanced technology of computer.
Part 3 A test of variables relationship in the model

1. The relationship between consumer gender and the brand of notebook


Computer Brand
Gender Total
Acer DELL HP Compaq Toshiba Others
Male 18 4 0 4 1 4 7 38

Female 28 1 7 8 4 10 4 62

Total 46 5 7 12 5 14 11 100

Source: From calculated

The data in table 1 shows that from the Chi-Square tests appear the relationship
between consumer gender and the brand of notebook computer that has equal to
12.45. This has a fewer value than from statistic table which is 12.59. Therefore, in
summary we can see that the student gender does not have a relationship with the brand
of notebook computer at the significant level of 0.05.
2. The relationship between parent income per month and the price of notebook

Average Computer price

income per less than 25,000-34,999 35,000- more than
month 25,000 baht baht 44,999 baht 45,000 baht
less than
5 4 0 0 9
10,000 baht
0 15 2 2 19
24,999 baht
2 31 7 0 40
49,999 baht
more than
10 6 10 6 32
50,000 baht
Total 17 56 19 8 100
Source: From calculated

From the table 2, we can see that from the Chi-Square tests appear the relationship
between parent income per month and the price of notebook computer that has equal to
45.239. This has a higher value than from statistic table which is 16.92. Therefore, in
summary we can see that the parent income per month have a relationship with the price of
notebook computer at the significant level of 0.05.
3. The relationship between student year and the objective in using notebook
computer for report or presentation

Consumer’s objective in using notebook

Student year Total
Others objective

First year 9 5 14

Second year 6 20 26

Third year 7 16 23

Forth year 8 29 37

Total 30 70 100
Source: From calculated

From the table 3, we can see that from the Chi-Square tests appear the relationship
between student year and the objective in using notebook computer for report or
presentation that has equal to 9.669. This has a higher value than from statistic
table which is 7.81. Therefore, in summary we can see that the student year have a
relationship with the objective in using notebook computer for report or presentation at
the significant level of 0.05.
4. The relationship between the reason of using notebook computer and the
specific software of notebook computer

Level of satisfaction of specific software

Reason Total
Highest High Medium Low Lowest

Convenience 19 8 13 0 0 40

Easy to use 1 6 3 0 0 10

Modern look 9 5 7 0 0 21

Study stuff 8 3 8 0 0 19

Update news 5 1 4 0 0 10

Total 42 23 35 0 0 100
Source: From calculated

From the table, we can see that from the Chi-Square tests appear the relationship
between the reason of using notebook computer and the specific software of notebook
computer that has equal to 10.666. This has a fewer value than from statistic table
which is 15.51. Therefore, in summary we can see that the reason of using notebook
computer do not have a relationship with the specific software of notebook computer at
the significant level of 0.05.
Chapter 5
Summary and Recommendation
From the collected data of 100 consumers of sample group, we can conclude the
research result by the purpose of this study that is to study the consumers behavior for using
notebook computer by the case study of students in faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai
University and study the consumer reasons for using notebook computers in different
objectives include their attitude and opinion by using descriptive statistic, frequency table,
percentage, Likert scale and means value.
As a result of the research, there are many factors influence the consumer to use
notebook computer in different reasons and objectives. Firstly, the most of consumers use
notebook computer for writing report, presentation their work or searching data and choose to
use notebook computer because of its convenience to carry anywhere. Secondly, the factors
related with the marketing mix theory (4P’s) can classify by product factors that the most of
consumer chose the computer which have service center nearby and the long insurance
duration than the computer that have common functions of any brands. Price factors that the
consumer concern about the price of notebook computer even the computer stores offer the
installment for the customer. Place factors that the convenience contact and the good
reputation of the computer shop are the important reason for the consumer to choose
notebook computer. Promotion factors that the consumer prefer to the discount of notebook
computer the most. The other factors influence consumers in using notebook computer are
the cheaper price of computer and the advanced technology than the past that make the
computer use easier and less complicated for the consumer.
Furthermore, the study assumes the hypothesis of consumer behavior in using
notebook computer and analyze by statistic method to figure out the relationship between 2
factors found that the parent’s income have relationship with the price of notebook computer
which is the higher income of parent, the higher price of notebook computer and the student
year have relationship with their objective in using notebook computer to presentation or
writing report which is the high student year tend to use more notebook computer on their
work. But, the consumer gender does not have relationship with brand of notebook computer
and the reasons of using notebook computer do not have relationship with the specific
software function of the computer.
According to the following information imply that the computer have more role in
daily life of student to take the advantage and convenience in study or non study things that
the computer supplier or even teachers should consider the best way of using notebook
computer in academic for the student so far.

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มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม เพื่อศึกษาถึงพฤติกรรมการใชคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา (Notebook Computer) ของ
นักศึกษาคณะเศรษฐศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม จึงใครขอความรวมมือจากผูตอบแบบสอบถาม ในการให
ขอมูลตามความเปนจริง และตามความรูสึกนึกคิดของทาน โดยที่คําตอบที่ไดรับในครั้งนี้จะถูกปกปดเปน
ความลับและจะถูกนําไปใชเพื่อการวิจยั เชิงวิชาการเทานัน้ จึงขอขอบพระคุณทุกทานที่ใหขอมูลมา ณ ที่นี้
วิธัญญา อนันตกรณีวัฒน

คําชี้แจง กรุณาใสเครื่องหมายถูก ( / ) ลงใน ( ) หรือเติมคําใน..........ทีใ่ หไว

สวนที่ 1 ขอมูลทั่วไปของผูต อบแบบสอบถาม
1. เพศ
1. ( ) ชาย 2. ( ) หญิง
2. ชั้นป
1. ( ) ชั้นปที่ 1 2. ( ) ชั้นปที่ 2
3. ( ) ชั้นปที่ 3 4. ( ) ชั้นปที่ 4
3. รายไดเฉลี่ยตอเดือนของนักศึกษา
1. ( ) ต่ํากวา 3,000 บาท 2. ( ) 3,000-5,000 บาท
3. ( ) 5,000-7,000 บาท 4. ( ) มากกวา 7,000 บาทขึ้นไป
4. รายไดเฉลี่ยตอเดือนของผูปกครองของนักศึกษา
1. ( ) ต่ํากวา 10,000 บาท 2. ( ) 10,000-24,999 บาท
3. ( ) 25,000-49,999 บาท 4. ( ) มากกวา 50,000 บาทขึ้นไป

สวนที่ 2 ขอมูลดานพฤติกรรมการใชเครื่องคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา (Notebook)

5. ระยะเวลาทีท่ านใชงานคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา
1. ( ) นอยกวา 1 ป 2. ( ) 1 ป
3. ( ) 2 ป 4. ( ) 3 ป
5. ( ) 4 ป 6. ( ) มากกวา 4 ป
6. บุคคลใดที่มีอิทธิพลตอทานในการใชคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา
1. ( ) ตนเอง 2. ( ) ผูปกครอง/บุคคลในครอบครัว
3. ( ) เพื่อน 4. ( ) พนักงานขาย
5. ( ) อื่นๆระบุ.................................
7. ทานใชงานคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพาในสถานที่ใด
1. ( ) บาน 2. ( ) หอพัก/อพารตเมนต
3. ( ) สถานศึกษา 4. ( ) รานใหบริการอินเทอรเน็ต เชน รานกาแฟ
5. ( ) อื่นๆระบุ......................................
8. จํานวนเครือ่ งคอมพิวเตอรที่ทานมีและใชงานอยูใ นปจจุบัน
1. ( ) ไมมี (ขามไปตอบขอ 4) 2. ( ) 1 เครื่อง
3. ( ) 2 เครื่อง 4. ( ) มากกวา 2 เครื่อง
9. คอมพิวเตอรเครื่องสุดทายของทานคือ
1. ( ) คอมพิวเตอรแบบตั้งโตะ (Desktop) 2. ( ) คอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา (Notebook)
10. เหตุผลที่ทานเลือกใชคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพาคือขอใด
1. ( ) พกพาสะดวก 2. ( ) รูปแบบการใชงาน
3. ( ) รูปลักษณทันสมัย 4. ( ) เพื่อการศึกษา
5. ( ) ติดตามขาวสารไดรวดเร็ว 6. ( ) อื่นๆ ระบุ...............................
11. คอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพาที่ทานใชคือยีห่ อใด
1. ( ) Acer 2. ( ) DELL
3. ( ) HP 4. ( ) Compaq
5. ( ) Toshiba 6. ( ) Sony Vaio
7. ( ) Fujitsu 8. ( ) อื่นๆ ระบุ...............................
12. ราคาคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพาที่ทานใชมีราคาเทาใด
1. ( ) ต่ํากวา 25,000 บาท
2. ( ) 25,000-34,999 บาท
3. ( ) 35,000-44,999 บาท
4. ( ) 45,000 บาทขึ้นไป
13. วัตถุประสงคของการใชคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา (ตอบไดมากกวา 1 ขอ)
1. ( ) เพื่อใชทํารายงานหรือเสนอผลงาน
2. ( ) เพื่อใชคนควาหาขอมูลประกอบการเรียน
3. ( ) เพื่อความบันเทิง เชน เลนเกมส ดูหนัง ฟงเพลง เลนอินเทอรเน็ต
4. ( ) เพื่อติดตามขอมูลขาวสารในชีวิตประจําวัน
5. ( ) อื่นๆ ระบุ........................................................................................
14. การซื้อเครื่องคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา ทานชําระเงินแบบใด
1. ( ) เงินสด 2. ( ) เงินผอน
15. สถานที่ที่ทานสะดวกในการซื้อเครื่องคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา
1. ( ) รานตัวแทนจําหนายใกลบาน
2. ( ) รานคอมพิวเตอรตามหางสรรพสินคาทั่วไป
3. ( ) Discount store เชน Macro, Tesco Lotus, Big C
4. ( ) ตามบูธงานแสดงสินคาเกี่ยวกับคอมพิวเตอรตางๆ
5. ( ) อื่นๆ ระบุ.......................................................................................

สวนที่ 3 ปจจัยที่มีผลตอการใชคอมพิวเตอรแบบพกพา

ปจจัยดานผลิตภัณฑ มากที่สุด มาก ปานกลาง นอย นอยที่สุด

1. ตรายี่หอของเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร
2. ขนาดของหนวยความจํา (RAM)
3. ขนาดของ Hardisk
4. ขนาดของจอภาพ
5. รูปลักษณสวยงาม
6. ใชอินเทอรเน็ตไดรวดเร็ว
7. มีซอฟทแวรสําหรับใชงานเฉพาะดาน
8. มีการอบรมการใชงานเบื้องตน
9. มีบริการหลังการขายที่ดี
10. มีศูนยบริการตรวจซอมภายในจังหวัด
11. ระยะเวลารับประกัน
12. อื่นๆระบุ..................................
ปจจัยดานราคา มากที่สุด มาก ปานกลาง นอย นอยที่สุด
1. ราคาตัวเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร
2. ราคาอุปกรณตอพวง
3. สวนลด การเปนสมาชิก
4. การชําระเงินดวยบัตรเครดิต
5. การผอนชําระเปนงวดๆ
6. คาบริการหลังการขาย
7. อื่นๆระบุ...................................
ปจจัยดานชองทางการจัดจําหนาย มากที่สุด มาก ปานกลาง นอย นอยที่สุด
1. ชื่อเสียงและความนาเชื่อถือของรานคาที่
2. ที่ตั้งของรานคามีทําเลติดตอไดสะดวก
3. รานคาดําเนินกิจการมานาน
4. มีความสัมพันธกับรานคาที่จําหนาย
5. เปนรานคาที่อยูในศูนยการคา
6. การตกแตงราน บรรยากาศภายในราน
7. การเปนตัวแทนจําหนายโดยตรง
8. ขายสินคาหลายยี่หอ มีรุนใหเลือกมาก
9. อื่นๆระบุ...................................
ปจจัยดานการสงเสริมการตลาด มากที่สุด มาก ปานกลาง นอย นอยที่สุด
1. การลดราคา
2. การแจกหรือแถมสินคาที่นาสนใจ
3. พนักงานขายมีความรู อัธยาศัยดี
4. การไดชมหรือทดลองใชสินคาตัวอยาง เชน
ทีวี วิทยุ นิตยสารตางๆ
5. การจัดแสดงสินคาตามสถานที่ตางๆ
6. อื่นๆระบุ.................................................
ปจจัยภายนอกอื่นๆ มากที่สุด มาก ปานกลาง นอย นอยที่สุด
1. มีวิชาคอมพิวเตอรในหลักสูตรการศึกษา
2. ความนิยมของสังคมในการใชคอมพิวเตอร
3. ความนิยมในการใชคอมพิวเตอรเพื่อความ
4. เทคโนโลยีที่สูงขึ้น
5. การจัดสัมมนาอบรมเกี่ยวกับคอมพิวเตอร
6. การที่คอมพิวเตอรใชงานไดงายขึ้น
7. การที่คอมพิวเตอรมีราคาถูกลง
8. อื่นๆระบุ.................................................

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