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Republic of the Philippines


Catbalogan City, Samar
Tel.Nos. (055) 251-3021, 543-881, Fax (055) 251-3021

Name: Lemuel R. Aying

Subject code: 20184 Teaching English in the Elem. Grades (Literature)
Course & Year: BEED 3
Instructor: Cherylou Bacalan
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions.
1. Based on the readings provided, define literacy in your own understanding.
For me, literacy means knowledge about many things in either academic or non-
academic. Academic like reading, writing, communicating and listening. Non-
academic like having skills like life skills.

2. As an educator, how will you make literature attractive for children?

I will make literature attractive to children by using a creative teaching style for
every genre that will capture their interests, let’s say for example when telling a
story, I will show creativity like modulation of my voice. For poems, I will show
emotions, voice modulation and actions or gestures and for other genres I will
formulate and think of ideas for the lesson to be attractive.

3. Why use stories and book in teaching Children’s literature?

Stories and books are useful n teaching Children’s literature because books are
accessible and a as the child reads his ideas are enriched because he imagines.
Books and stories can help foster social relationships because children love to
read together, they interact and share ideas. Books also helps the child to
enhance his verbal and even writing skills, it also helps the child to gather
information and enhance learning.

Identification: Write your answers on the space provided.
Stories and
Books 1 & 2. They build concepts and present information. It also encourages
verbal expressions, calls attention to the printed word and stimulates new ideas.
Language 3. To develop ___ is the goal of literacy.
Scheme 4. The letter S in C.R.O.W.S. stand for ___.
Board books 5. A book for young children with pages made of heavy laminated paper
or cardboard.
Literacy 6. The ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us
communicate effectively and make sense of the world.
Chapter books7. It tells the story primarily through prose, rather than pictures.
__________8. It is one of the characteristics of a good story teller wherein it helps
students feel engaged and it also build rapport.
Chapter books9. This is a story book which is intended for intermediate readers,
generally age 7-10 years old.
Going to library10. Give one economical way of getting Children’s book.

DIRECTIONS: Watch the video clip and choose one teaching model, two teaching approaches in teaching
literature and discuss each.

“The cultural model views literature as a teacher centered and source of facts
where teacher delegates knowledge and information to students. This enables students
to understand and appreciates cultures and ideologies different from their own in time
and space.
Paraphrastic approach is primarily paraphrasing and rewording the txt to
simpler language or use other language to translate it. Teachers use simple words or
less complex sentence structure to make the original text easy to understand. It is
teacher-centered and does not contribute much interesting activities towards students.
Response Approach encourage students to make sense of their experiences and
personal lives with text themes. It also promotes students to associate the subject
matters of the reading texts with personal life experiences. It engages individual in
literary text reading as personal fulfilment and pleasure can be met while developing
the language and literary competency. Brainstorming, small group discussion, journal
writing, interpreting opinions, and generating views from a text are practiced in this
Republic of the Philippines
Catbalogan City, Samar
Tel.Nos. (055) 251-3021, 543-881, Fax (055) 251-3021

Name: Lemuel R. Aying

Subject code: 20184 Teaching English in the Elem. Grades (Literature)
Course & Year: BEED 3
Instructor: Cherylou Bacalan

1. Based on the material presented, give an overall impression about the range of
Children’s Literature.
Children's literature is so important because it serves as foundation that develops
to higher level of learning as the child grows. The use of picture books, story
books, wordless books, alphabet books and other forms or educational materials
appropriate for children's level of understanding is something that I believe to be
effective in influencing a child to learn, by browsing the books and looking at the
pages together with explanations from adults like teachers the children can
already learn and that simple learning however small will be the foundation or
building blocks to higher learning.

2. What is the difference between children’s literature and adult literature?

Children’s literature is written with child readers in mind. It is often written with
children of a particular age group in mind, taking their reading ability into
account. It is also written on topics that would most likely be of interest to
children. Adult literature is not written with child readers in mind. The language
does not make concessions to the reading ability of children, and the plots and
characters are usually written with adult readers in mind.

3. Based on the development of children’s literature over the years, was there a
time where discrimination was present? If not, provide facts. If so, how will
you teach elementary grades literature as equal?
During the development of children's literature discrimination appeared in the
form of stereotyping, it happened because of the culture like the black raise
characters who appeared in children's books. I will teach elementary grades
equally by showing them that I am fair and there will be no favouritism among
the students and that all of them have equal rights whatever raise, culture or
belief they have. An example is showing them in times of conflict that I will
always listen to both sides and do appropriate action and fair judgement.

4. As an educator, what strategies will you use in teaching when presenting

literary topics which are considered as taboo for a short time but now being
presented in good taste such as death, child abuse, economic deprivation,
alternative life styles, illegitimate pregnancy, juvenile gang warfare, and
rejected children?
First I will try to know my students like knowing their customs or belief so that I
will be able to identify if some topics could have an impact or harm the students
also so that I will be prepared if certain issue arises because of the topic. Also, I
will arm myself with the needed information and knowledge about the topics
especially because the topics are considered to be sensitive.

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