English For Academic Ang Professional Purposes Task 2 w3n4

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1. I think the narrator in the story is so full of himself for thinking that he is above other people like
Petey and Polly – thinking that they are dumb.

2. A. To inform about fallacies in an entertaining way. And also for us to be able to think logically.

B. The assumptions of the author is to give ideas that talks about logic and fallacies that are connected
in our daily lives which we can now easily apply in our life.

C. The claims of the author is that love is a fallacy or love might be fallacy. And he also wants us to use
our critical thinking when it comes to these things.

3. For me, yes because it was entertaining to read and informative on the details about the different
fallacies and the readers also learned from it.

4. Neither of them, because I don’t think that loving someone is easy as acquiring the new trends of
clothing or someone who have high intelligence but loving you by your looks.

5. No, because one does not have to think logically to find love. Many cases of love between partners
are illogical, in fact. In some cases, opposites attract. This may not make sense logically. In other cases,
similarities may contribute more to compatibility. There is no formula to calculate the potential of love
or compatibility between people. Love happens, sometimes by no rhyme or reason at all. It is merely
based off of emotions, feelings, or innate intuitions. Everyone prioritizes things differently, material or
non-material, characteristics or traits. These desired preferences for a love interest vary from person to
person. But love is also fallacy in terms of in relationship status because it promotes contradictory
premises. Contradictory premises are how situations contradict one another, in which there can be no
argument. If there is no irresistible force, there can be no immovable object and vice versa. For example,
if love is meant to heal and comfort people then why in most cases do people get hurt from it? it is a
contradictory premise because it creates motives. Love creates motives because it drives people in good
and bad directions. However, I also have to take in mind that love is within an individual. It is not forced
upon someone.

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