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THESIS STATEMENT: Love cannot be deduced from a set of given premises.


POINT 1: The first claim affirmed that logical statements are hard to understand unless you concentrate on it. It’s a
fact for it exists in our reality that logical statements are really hard to understand except when we analyze it. As
shown in the story that the narrator told Polly that those things aren’t so hard and all you have to do is
concentrate on the process of thinking – examining – evaluating. It is the scene when Polly got the first correct
answer in the last fallacy that they discussed.

POINT 2: The next claim asserted that we should choose to love the person’s heart than to love the person’s
material things. It’s an individual policy that most girls choose a man who is rich in money and things than heart
and it is a current issue to our society. This may relate to the story that Polly rather to choose Petey than the
narrator because Petey got a raccoon coat which is very popular during their present. It is stated at the ending of
the story that when Polly answer the question of the narrator of why she chooses Petey. It expressed that a
raccoon coat is more important than Petey.

POINT 3: The last claim expressed that a person chooses the partner for the things, is not called love, it is
considered as a gold digger and it is immoral. Since people choose their partner for the things thus some people
called it love is a fallacy because they didn’t truly love to someone and they only chase for the things that they
desire to have. In the story, the narrator entitled it love is a fallacy because the girl she likes preferred to choose
the person who had a raccoon coat.

The story "Love is a fallacy" is about an intelligent guy who had a friend named Petey who was the opposite of him.
Petey was a very dumb guy not like him. The intelligent guy likes a lady named Polly who Petey also admires. So he
used his intelligence over Petey. That time raccoon coats were popular, so he had a deal with Petey. He made him
choose between the raccoon coat or Polly. Being a dumb guy, he chose the raccon coat. So the intelligent guy
seized his chance. He then did some actions to be closer to Polly. Polly was a very beautiful lady but a very stupid
one too. So he did everything to make her a perfect partner for him. He asks her out to teach her about fallacies.
He explained to her all the types of fallacies. And with his patience, he had succeeded on making her
knowledgeable about fallacies.

He then decided to express his feelings towards her but each time he tries to, Polly can spot a right fallacy for it.
She kept on using the fallacies in every sentence he gives in expressing his love. In the end, Polly admitted that she
can't be his girl because she has already said yes to someone. To Petey!! And just because of one reason, because
Petey has a raccoon coat.

In his short story, “Love is a Fallacy”, author Max Schulman narrates the attempt of a young man to use logic as his
advantage to pursuit love. Ironically, however, he falls victim to his own fallacies. Through his use of sophisticated
diction and satirical tone, Schulman proves that in certain cases logic does not apply.

The foreshadowing was clear from the very beginning, that the protagonist’s arrogance and narcissism will
inevitably be his downfall. Although the protagonist is not a very likable character, Schulman’s display of
haughtiness turned mocking makes one read ‘till the very end to see if the protagonist will succeed in his endeavor
at all. The way the protagonist thinks that because he is well comprehended, he can easily be an eligible boyfriend
and husband, is a logical fallacy in itself. This further proves that even the smartest could be outwitted when it
comes to love and romance.

The irony and hypocrisy of the situation in the story is so brilliant and well-constructed. I like the way Schulman
demonstrates how logic and emotions, especially love, does not coexist. Both love and logic may hold truth but
merging the two ideas so that they may justify each other is simply not possible.

In a logical sense, it may be concluded that love is a fallacy. Not in the way that it is purely a fabrication but
because of how the way it works. Love sometimes disregards clear indications of error. It usually fails to recognize
the most obvious warnings because it is blinded by what it only wants to see. Though it has all the qualities of a
fallacy, love is definitely not a fallacy. Nor is it a mere deception. It is so much more than having someone to
complete our pieces. For a lot of people, it could be their lifeline, their surrender. Because in this tumultuous
world, love is the only thing that could bring us happiness and stability. It would be unfair to conclude it a fallacy
just because of how unexplainable and unpredictable it is.

In the short story, the protagonist must understand that it takes more than knowledge, logic, or reason to create
an emotional connection. Love and logic are two incomparable ideas. One cannot live without both, but it would
be a futile attempt to be logical about love.

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