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HOTLINE: HOTLINE: 096 740 36 48

The bank adheres to all rules regarding the opening and

adhere to tuân thủ
closing of accounts.

The furniture in this apartment is not ours but belongs

belong to thuô ̣c về to the landlord and must be returned at the end of the

If the central heating breaks down again, I will refuse to

break down bi ̣hỏng
pay the repair bill.

The meeting seemed to be going well until Charles

bring up nói về vấ n đề gì
brought up the issue of holiday pay.

The company chose to call off the office picnic due to a

call off hủy bỏ
forecast of adverse weather.

carry out tiế n hành The study will be carried out over a six-month period.

làm thủ tu ̣c vào khách Please would you check in at the reception desk and
check in
sa ̣n sign your name in the book.

làm thủ tu ̣c ra khách We checked out of the hotel right after the morning's
check out
sa ̣n meeting.

come across tình cờ bắ t gă ̣p I came across a former coworkers this morning.

come up with nghi ̃ ra He came up with a great idea for the ad campaign.

There are serious penalties for failure to comply with

comply with tuân thủ
the regulations.

For security reasons, the building department must

conform to tuân thủ strictly conform to laws and regulation during the
building process.

The supermarket chain has promised to cut down on

cut down on giảm
HOTLINE: HOTLINE: 096 740 36 48

The management insisted that the problem must be

deal with giải quyế t dealt with sensitively in order to maintain the
company's reputation.

The publisher told the writers they should drop by if

drop by ghé qua
they ever wanted a newspaper job.

I’m about to leave - can I drop you off somewhere on

drop off đưa ai đế n đâu
my way home?

If we know the cause of the problem, we might be able

figure out tìm hiể u đươ ̣c
to figure out how to prevent it happening again.

The envelope we are going to send you will enclose all

fill in / out điề n vào
the necessary documents you’ll need to fill out.

get off xuố ng xe Make sure you take your belongings when you get off.

Update the software library to get rid of old software

get rid of bỏ cái gì đó
versions, beta versions and out of date service packs.

hand in nô ̣p Please hand in the sales report by the end of this week.

hold on đơ ̣i mô ̣t chút Hold on, I'll check in my schedule.

keep up tiế p tu ̣c phát huy Keep up the good work.

The device has a series of prompts to remind viewers to

log in / out đăng nhâ ̣p / xuấ t
log in when they watch TV and log out when they stop.

I need someone dependable to look after the children

look after chăm sóc
while I'm at work.

We will have to look at all the proposals before coming

look at xem xét
to any decision.

The housing authority has formed a committee to look

look for tìm kiế m
for new construction locations.
HOTLINE: HOTLINE: 096 740 36 48

look forward to mong đơị Look forward to seeing you in the interview next week.

The committee will continue to look into the data

look into nghiên cứu, xem xét closely to determine if the marketing survey can be a
better guide for the labor market.

Since Stanley has a background in accounting, he'll be

look over kiể m tra
asked to look over this year's tax reports.

If you're not sure what the word means, look it up in a

look up tra cứu

My secretary will book you an afternoon flight and

pick up đón ai
have you pick up at the airport.

They decided to put the meeting off until the manager

put off ̃
trì hoan
had returned from Japan.

Regular exercise can result in a general diminution in

result in dẫn đế n, gây ra
stress levels.

Since the restaurant had run out of lobster, it gave us a

run out of hế t
discount on prawns and chips.

We're learning how to develop film in the darkroom and

set up sắ p xế p, bố trí
we're also learning how to set up lights in the studio.

We had arranged to meet at 9 o'clock but she didn't

show up xuấ t hiê ̣n
show up until half an hour later.

In the world of fitness apps, those developed by

stand out nổ i bâ ̣t Arvedlon, Inc., stand out for their innovation and ease
of use.
The plane will take off at about 3:15 pm, and a light
take off cấ t cánh snack will be served to the passengers shortly
HOTLINE: HOTLINE: 096 740 36 48

We threw our old furniture away when we moved into

throw away vứt đi
our new apartment.

If you can get your employees to turn off even just the
turn off tắ t
monitors, you will be able to save a lot of energy.

She applied for a job but they turned down her

turn down từ chố i
application because she didn’t know German.

chuyể n đổ i, cải ta ̣o I am going to turn my garage into a playroom for the
turn into
thành children.

These glasses may seem uncomfortable at first but that

wear off dầ n dầ n biế n mấ t
feeling will soon wear off.

Make sure you drink plenty of water if you are working

work out tâ ̣p thể du ̣c

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