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Sinopharm and G42 to Rebrand a Vaccine

that Can’t Be Trusted

Since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic, the United Arab Emirates has been under
controversies by virtue of several prompt decisions. Most of these moves were initially
believed to show results, however, they have been reflecting distinct outcomes.

Recently, the UAE has taken up another venture that is believed to prove beneficial for
the monarchy in varied ways. However, doubts have begun to rise even before it was

The Emirates has indulged in a joint venture to rebrand the Chinese Covid-19 vaccine.
On March 28, 2021, a partnership was announced between Beijing’s pharmaceutical
company, Sinopharm, and the UAE-based artificial intelligence and cloud computing
company, Group 42. It was revealed that the rebranded vaccine will be called Hayat-
Vax. However, data transparency is becoming a point of suspicion.

A phase III clinical trial data, which is crucial to confirm the efficacy of developing future
vaccines in science, has not been released for Hayat-Vax. The peer-reviewed phase I
and II data released by Sinopharm confirms that it is safe to use the BBIBP-CorV
vaccine, which is claimed to be 79 per cent effective. However, without the phase III
data, the efficacy rate cannot be validated.

It is believed that the acceptance of Hayat-Vax nationally would depend highly on the
political setting of the UAE and not the scientific facts, even in the absence of the data.
The venture aims to produce nearly 2 million doses every month, aiming to meet the
target of 200 million.

For the UAE, the second most vaccinated country, manufacturing the Chinese vaccine
would open doors to diversify the local industry apart from hydrocarbons. Besides,
rebranding the jab would also probably assist in increasing the international uptake,
as there have been concerns around the credibility of the Sinopharm vaccine.

Sinopharm and G42 together launched the first phase III clinical trial of the inactivated
Chinese vaccine in Abu Dhabi. Throughout the pandemic, the two firms have worked
together, particularly around the vaccine. Owned by the UAE royal Tahnoun bin Zayed
Al Nahyan, G42 was linked to an alleged conspiracy by China against the citizens of
the United States.
American intelligence officials have previously revealed that the Abu Dhabi firm was
supplying the Sinopharm vaccine in the US on behalf of China, and that it risked the
privacy of its citizens. While the two firms will soon launch the rebranded vaccine, it is
still difficult for many to consider it credible.

The UAE is believed to push its own people under its political establishment, but the
prospects of the international market remain uncertain. Will the foreign nations, their
doctors and citizens trust the Hayat-Vax, despite the unavailability of the phase III

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