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Discuss the issue guided by the following question:
 What are the strengths and weakness of your interviewees’ position?
 How does the interview help you better understand the perspectives of the
stakeholders (both pros and cons) and the issue itself of same sex marriage?
 Based on your interview, how do relate the concept of standards of morality?

I asked two of my close friends to be interviewed, and they didn’t want to share
any information about them and so, I respected their privacy. I directly ask them if I can
ask some questions about the topic of same-sex marriage, and they say it is okay with
them so, here are their responses. I gave them only three main questions that leads me
to have this conclusion.
Base on one of my close friends, his opinion about the strength of being part of
LGBTQ is that they can now have their role in the society that can help in any way they
can. Being part of the LGBTQ community, they can now have the freedom and rights that
most people are against and couldn’t accept. In my interview, he also stated that one of
the weaknesses of being part of the LGBTQ community they are always been
discriminated against, but since he knows who he is and no one can change that about
him, he said that the discrimination that happened didn’t bother him at all but makes him
the best version of himself and makes who he is today. On the other side, being not part
of the LGBTQ is way different, it is the very opposite. Most of the rights and privileges are
on their side, and they can do everything that they want without being judge by society,
but the conflicting part with those actions is they can be the judge with the action they
made if the society doesn’t accept it. Like, what's in the interview stated, LQBTQ
members’ strengths are a weakness of those people who don’t belong to their community,
while LGBTQ members’ weaknesses are the strengths of those people who are not part
of the community. Base from their responses I can say that there is always the advantage
and disadvantages of being part of any community. It is up to you as a citizen how you’ll
manage to live your life to the fullest.
During the interview, I realized that being part of the LGBTQ community or not, the
situation that you’re in always matter. The way how you perceived your life will make you
have a decision and opinion about any topic and also same-sex marriage. The way you
think what would be the best for the relationship that you had is always affected by the
environment that you are in because deep down inside yourself, you’re afraid to be judged
by society. Also, culture has a huge impact and role in anyone’s life. The way how the
situation you’re in affects your life perception, your family, the society, the community,
and the world. But, as time goes by, those beliefs that had been influenced by society
may or may not change you because, at the end of the day, it is always you who will
decide what you think is the best for your life, your decision is all that matters.
If I have to connect the interview that I’ve conducted to the standards of morality,
all I can say is that morality affects us in a manner that society builds us to be. That
morality is universal, ought to prefer other values, based on impartial considerations, and
it is always associated with special emotions and vocabulary. Even though we grew up
with different environments that leads to different beliefs and perception in life, at the end
of the day, at the end of every decision that we’ve made, deep down inside us, we know
if what we have done is right thing to or it’s the other way around. And with that, I can
say that we can be moral in anyways any aspect of our lives, but at the same time, we
can’t be ethical. It is always the morality that keeps us the life we have and to make a
decision that is and can affect other people's lives.
We all have our standards when it comes to our morals. Our family, the society,
and the culture we belong are the ones who have a huge impact on it. But always
remember that at the end of the day, what we have done is always have the result that
may change our life. We’re all the masters of our own life, so don’t let other affects our
decision but rather make a decision that can make people change the way they perceived
With a LGBTQ member:
A person who opposes the topic:

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