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Answer the following questions concisely.

IN LIFE. (20 points)

Ethics has always been part of our daily life. Basic ethical concepts can help us
live a more fulfilled life. However, tests happen to make our actions committed with
social ideals due to needs to do differently. Ethics is a set of rules that helps us
distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad. Ethical principles (i.e., honesty,
trustworthiness, and accountability) assist us in dealing more successfully with ethical
challenges by identifying and removing behaviors that do not fit our sense of right and
wrong - our best rational interests – without sacrificing others. In simple words, our daily
lives are guided by the principle of ethics.
Life is all about choices. And choosing what you think is right or wrong depends
on what ethical principle you believed. The decision that we made can sometimes be
the reason for who and what we are right now. And in life, there would be a time where
we ask some questions like why people are rude without even analyzing the whole
situation. Maybe the reason behind this is that some circumstances keeping us from
doing it. In other words, most of us want to do the right thing, but internal and external
pressures get in the way. So at the end of the day, we decided what we think is the best
way to do.
It's all about the choices we make when it comes to ethics. We are questioned
about decisions that have an impact on the quality of our life. And we understand that all
those decisions that we make have consequences for both ourselves and others. We
are accountable for our actions.
My ethics in life is just simple, in every action, there is an equal and opposite
reaction. I am responsible and accountable for everything that I do because who would
be? There's no other person who would help me if I can't even help myself. Yes, there
are things within my environment that can influence me, but it is up to me to decide. And
because at the end of the day, it will always be yourself, and you sometimes you only
have yourself. And also respect, my motto in life is “Respect begets Respect”, this also
goes with the saying “Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto
you”. We are now living in the 21 st century so, we should normalize that respect doesn’t
come with status, age, gender and any physical aspect. We must learn that anyone can
live the life they wanted as long as respect is within their hearts. It may be ethical or not
but I do believe that respecting has a big part of one’s personal life and ego.
Ethics are important because they define who we are as individuals and as a
society. These are standards of conduct that everyone should conform to. If we believe
that every one of us can determine what is the correct thing to do, our society may
devolve into chaos. Some people may lie; others may not follow through on their
promises, and yet others may act carelessly and damage others. And there is ethics
who would be a guide, a reference to look for if we want to make a decision towards a
certain situation.


WORK. (20 points)

Having moral behavior as a guide in doing work is the best thing to have a
healthy environment. A healthy environment in the sense that we as workmates are
humane enough to think of other's welfare and not just ourselves. In doing work, moral
means you are doing the best to be productive, had the overall outlook of everyone,
and the satisfaction in any aspect because sometimes a person can be just but not
ethical. It means that someone can invalidate ethics because they believed that
something they did is generally correct. The term ethics refers to the norms of the
society, while moral is the person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is
and is not acceptable for them to do. And come to think of it, if we are all experiencing
a healthy environment because we are all being moral, the work atmosphere can be as
light as we want, and even if the workload is too much, it is easy to accomplish.
Imagine working in this kind of environment – one of your bosses got accused
and proven that he has stolen a huge of money at the company since moral laws are
the guide in doing the work, he got arrested. With this, the money that has been stolen
might be back to the company or maybe not, but that boss being removed from the
company may have a chance for the company to start again. The regulation of the
company can be back to normal because justice has been served.
Moral laws apply to anyone of us. With this moral law, most works are legal
because you can't do work against your morals. People who work illegally are the ones
validated their own ethical principle and moral in life. Your conscience will never make
you sleep at night unless you're that evil. So at work, if moral laws take control, it
doesn't matter if you are the boss or an employee action can be justified accordingly.
And with that, I think it is a must to be moral when doing work. It’s quite okay to pursue
one's interests. Because of our commitment to civil society, and an ethical person must
be willing – at least occasionally – to put the interests of others ahead of their own and
this is the moral viewpoint.

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