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Security systems www.blazeautomation .com SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM 7 Burglar (or intrusion), fire and safety alarms are electronic alarms designed to alert the user to a specific danger. Sensors are connected to a control unit via low-voltage wiring or a narrowband RF signal which is used to interact with a response device. Siren sounds when INTRUDER is detected Nae eee ee 7 w The most common security sensors are used to indicate the opening of a door or window or detect motion via passive infrared (PIR). Contr eget anos Flow chart Original sensor wires New pce of wire: Wired Alarm Systems Hard-wired systems are a good option if you are in the process of building your home. This is usually referred to as pre- wiring. Pre-wiring also includes installing additional outlets at strategic points for later use. Hard-wired offer a wide range of sensors which are attached to a central console by wires and the entire home is secured through this central console. Hard wired alarms are usually thought of as a more reliable alarm system. These are the traditional alarm system whereby the sensors that trigger the alarm are connected to the alarm control panel by cables. There is no chance for inference, unlike a wireless system, however there will be considerable disruption during the installation as walls will need to be channeled and shirting and floorboards lifted. Advantages of Wired System Installing a wired alarm system is that it generally requires less maintenance over time than a wireless system does. Because all the components are hard-wired into your home, there are no batteries to replace, which means the system is likely to be more reliable. In addition, wired alarm systems are less prone to false alarms because they do not rely on radio waves. Therefore, hard-wired systems are less prone to the interference that often accompanies household wireless devices. Wired systems also have fewer components, because _ each component in a wireless system requires both a transmitter and a receiver. Because of this, wired systems are less likely to fail. Disadvantages of wired System » The main disadvantages to installing a wired alarm system is the sheer amount of time and effort involved in installation. Because hard-wired systems require an electrician to run wires through all the walls in your home to connect protection points, installation is often much more costly and labor-intensive. In addition, wired alarm systems are much less adaptable to home expansion, making it more difficult to add or modify components in the future. Wired alarm systems are also non- portable for homeowners who wish to take their system with them if they decide to move to a different home. Wireless Alarm System @. External Sirens contact All the sensors are connected wirelessly > A wireless alarm system is a home security package that again consists of a control panel and sensors, but are connected wirelessly thus _ virtually eliminating the need for wiring A wireless burglar alarm system can be self installed by the keen “Do-it-yourself” so will reduce the overall cost of your Security System significantly. It can also be easily de-installed and took with you if you move house so this is ideal if you are in rented accommodation. A wireless burglar alarm is an excellent solution for homeowners who want the best of all worlds—easy installation, cost- effectiveness, and reliability. Advantages of Wireless > Portability:: Wireless alarm systems don't need an elaborate set up. When you move, you can disconnect all the components very easily and take them with you. ® Independence: Wireless alarms are not connected to the power grid in your house. Batteries allow them to function even in the event of a blackout. > Anti- sabotage: Sophisticated burglars can disable a wired system by cutting the right wires. With wireless systems, there are no wires, so a burglar needs to disable each individual component. Disadvantages of Wireless > Battery Dependence :: Sophisticated burglars can disable a wired system by cutting the right wires. With wireless systems, there are no wires, so a burglar needs to disable each individual component. >» Alerts :: Wired alarm systems have the capacity to alert the police or a security served. While some wireless alarms can dial 911 and play a recorded message, they mostly just make a loud noise. > Range::Wireless systems operate via radio signals, which means each component must be within range of the central station. For large houses, that may leave certain areas unsecured v COMPONENTS OF SECURITY SYSTEMS Central Unit Door/Window Magnetic sensors. PIR Motion Detectors. Vibration Detectors. Glass break Detectors. Gas Leak Detectors. Smoke Detector. CENTRAL UNIT The basic form of a security system starts with a control panel that is operated by a keypad / remote key fob, usually located in a closet or basement. The control panel can be called as the “brain” of the security system, and essentially operates as the central computer. Various sensors connect to the control panel from locations throughout the home. If the security system is armed and the sensors detect a problem, the desired result of an alarm system control panel is to cause an appropriate alarm output. Door/Window Magnetic Sensor >This is usually accomplished with a non-contact switching system using a sintered alnico magnet and a i reed switch. >The presence of the magnetic field passing through the conductors of the switch causes them to pull together, closing the circuit. »When the magnet is moved away from the switch, the circuit opens. Closed circuit indicates the closed door/window and releases the reed switch when the door/window is opened and triggers an alarm at the same time. Installation method for Door/window sensor Clean the surface of the mounting location. Tear apart the double-side adhesive tape on the front of the magnet and adhere it to the appropriate position. For steadier mounting, you may remove the plastic cover of the magnet and then drive two screws through the back cover. If it is mounted on a metal door or window, and signal transmitting is not ideal, it is Recommended that you underlay the magnet with something non-metal to improve the result. You may also option to buy a RF magnet for roller shutter door. PIR Motion Detectors >The Passive Infrared Detector works through detecting the human bodies’ infrared spectrum. >The sensor receives infrared rays given off by the human body and outputs signals after computing to the central unit for further action to be taken. >This Technology detector combined with microwave and passive infrared intelligence, adopting advanced signal analysis technology, can avoid various kinds of false alarms under worse environment and proper installation can avoid dead zones. Installation Method for PIR Motion Detector ‘uouTOnG THE CeTECTOR SACRO REFERED AETIR QUITE, HEAP jn, DETECTOR CATO BASE \ ANOREPLACE CASE SCREW weearer| | vaso oes eT) fonlesmna a Wears woursa | 7 « Pon OUT MESA HCE von schnw MUNG x UCLOTEE ei Dra Bo tah BUT ISS ALC iLL RTALATICNS > Survey your home and determine where you intend to puta motion sensor. » Mount the sensor to a wall using the drill and screws. Remember to aim a passive infrared motion sensor away from a heat source. » Route the wire of the sensor (if it is a hard-wired sensor) along the baseboard and/or through walls to the control panel. PIR motion detector should be fixed min 6 — 8 Feet height. v Route the wire of the sensor (if it is a hard-wired sensor) along the baseboard and/or through walls to the control panel. v Connect the wire to the proper input. If you are using a wireless motion sensor, you may only have to route a wire infrared. Vibration Detectors Vibration detectors fall into two main categories; 1.Detectors that mount on glass 2..Detectors that are frame / wall or ceiling mounted. The glass mount type may be specifically tuned to the vibration of breaking glass ora basic vibration detector. The units that are tuned to sense only breaking glass will not trip if someone simply knocks on the glass. The optimal mounting location for these detectors is in a corner approximately two inches from the frame. The reason for this is that the shock waves tend to concentrate in the corners. Basic vibration detectors will sense any vibration within their range. The typical range of vibration detectors is a radius of 10 feet, although you should have one detector for each window unit being protected regardless of size . Installation method for Vibration detectors > Vertically fix the vibration detector by screw on target. If somebody touch it, it will send the signal to the control unit for alarm. Maximum emitting distance should be 150 m. Sensitivity adjusted before installing the vibration sensor, open the cover and pull out the vibration column, then move the letter vertically to match the sensitivity as you want It can be used for any object for vibrating alarm such as preventing door and window prized and destroyed.Anti-theft or anti losing outdoor goods. s Smoke Detectors » These sensors are designed to sense if the combustible gas-leak traces are found around the place of interest {inmost of the cases kitchen). >This sensor has an inbuilt low current consuming gas-detecting element which reduces its own resistance when there is any gas trace found near it. >The internal comparator circuit will identify this reduction of resistance and trigger an alarm to the Central Unit. Installation method for Smoke Detectors va Measure the distance between the Mark the same distance on your chosen location. Drill small holes at the marks. Attach the mounting bracket to the surface with the screws. See "Tips" for seeking professional assistance. Mount the rest of the detector into the bracket. Glass Break Detector >The creative method used to protect glass required the use of a conductive metallic tape (also called as foil), directly to the glass. >The foil was varnished onto the glass 2-3 inches from the edge and glued around the perimeter of the glass. > If the glass was broken, the cracks would cause the foil to break. % While this was a reliable method of detecting glass breakage, it was very labor-demanding to install and prone to extensive service from scratches and breaks in the foil. Installation Method for Glass break sensor Mount the sensor to the ceiling or wall in a location that allows it to cover all the windows. Be certain that it is not mounted near insulation. Use the drill and screws to secure it to its mount. Route the wire from the sensor across the ceiling and down a corner to the base board. Continue routing the wire along the base board and/or through walls to the control panel if you are using a hard wired version of the sensor. If you are using a wireless sensor, of course, there will be no wires to route. Connect the wire to the proper input on the control panel. Accessories 7 Wireless Shutter Wireless PIR Motion Wireless Vibration and ‘open Sensors Detector re Glass Break Detectors a. : * Wireless PIR Curtain Sensors Wireless Smoke and Gas Wireless high Loudness Leak Detector Siren module ( J ; Also we are providing Wireless Heat Detectors, Gas Cut Off Valves, IR beam sensors and Pet Immune PIR sensors etc... Basic security system 100% Do It Yourself ‘ARM/ DISARM control EB S| High Loudness Standalone — Low Power Consuming — Affordable Features of Basic security system ARM/ DISARM control through Remote High Loudness Built In Hooter 100% Do It Yourself configuration and Installation Easy to use Completely wireless system Standalone Affordable 15 different types of sensors can be integrated Functioning > When this system is in arm mode and if some one tries to open the door or break the glass, sensors will immediately sends wireless signal to central unit. Which in turn activate sirens, which will grabs the attention. = | Central unit Hooter sensors e ——___, ii) —_ —_____— é sensors Intelligent high security system ans ‘ARM/ DISARM control through Remote Key fob Built in Self Test and ‘Watch Dog Timer enabled ae ‘Mult User Control Enabled ‘Model No: 8AS AD—2000 a High Fidelity Voice playback at the time of Intrusion Remote PSTN Telephone or ‘Mobile based Control ‘Wide Range of Hoater Selectior for Various application areas Remote Site monitoring, through Telephone & 100% Do It Yourself configuration and Installation PANIC and MEDICAL Emergen ‘enabled ¥ VVVVVV VV vvv iw Features ARM/ DISARM control through Remote Key fob. Supports both wired and wireless sensors. Multi User Control Enabled. High Fidelity Voice playback at the time of Intrusion Remote PSTN Telephone or Mobile based Control Wide Range of Hooter Selection for Various application areas Remote Site monitoring through Telephone 100% Do It Yourself configuration and Installation Low Power Consuming PANIC and MEDICAL Emergency enabled 30 different types of sensors can be integrated Can be monitored and controlled from remote location. Functioning When we set up this system in arm mode it will keep eye on all the sensors If it get signal from any of the sensor integrated to this system , it will immediately starts siren and calls pre fixed numbers. System can store up to 15 pre fixed numbers. It uses PSTN as well as GMS connection to call by which information is passed in short time. This system can be monitored from remote location via internet by assigning IP address to it High security system integrated with blaze software. Integration of security system with blaze home automation software will extend the features and safety of the security system in large extent One can monitor and control the security system from any where in the world. it will maintain the log of all events (example door operation i.e. NO of times door opened and closed etc.) Allows us to integrate this system with flood lights, CCTV cameras, Strobe light etc. Also divide the sensors in to different zones. i.e. if fire or smoke sensor activates system will automatically calls fire station. If it is door sensor it make a call to police station. Integration of access control is also possible through this software which avoids unauthorized visitors and maintain log of all visitors Many other feature can be added by integrating security system with Blaze Home Automation Software per requirements 3 -] i ) ( Features of blaze home automation software Touch panel Blaze provides user friendly GUI for monitoring and controlling the security systems through blaze automation software. Users can divide their home or office in to zones, which eases them to monitor and maintain the security. Integration with software also allow users to view event log. Touch panels provided by blaze allows user to access to security system form any where in home or office by connecting it via Ethernet GUI for Zone wise security sia ee ro on nn oe oe 3s to ee Realy rec Cee naee (Foor wise Senings > Cee Pears Call center monitoring service It's important for a security company to not only provide the best home security system, but also quality service to all its customers. To provide quality service Balze has 24/7 call center facility by which our team will monitor your security systems day and night . We analyze the call from our security system and inform concern agencies immediately ( police, fire station etc. ) Call center will also help customers in tech support and trouble shooting for our security products. WHY BLAZE? Quality of products ::Blaze products uses latest technology which is extremely reliable and effective. Services ::provides 24/7 customer support. online support. onsite support. Phone support. Email support . Provides free training on products. Cost Effective ::The cost of Blaze products are far less than the cost of similar products available in the market. Warranty ::Blaze provides 2 years of warranty. THANK YOU

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