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Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1338–1344


Sample drama plans for preschool education

Duygu Çetingöza *, Berna Cantürk Günhanb
Dokuz Eylul University, øzmir, 35150, Turkey

Received October 12, 2009; revised December 21, 2009; accepted January 6, 2010


This study was conducted in the spring term of the 2008-09 academic year in Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir with forth- grade
students as part of a ‘teaching practice’ lesson in Pre-school Teaching Department of Buca Faculty of Teacher Training. 14
students who participated in the study took the drama lesson during their undergraduate study. During this study, the students in
Pre-school Teaching Department were taught what should be taken into consideration during drama planning and their suggested
plans for application were examined together with the candidates themselves. Sample drama plans that are composed related to
preschool education are presented in the study.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Pre-school education -1; drama -2; drama plans-3; Pre-school education candidate teachers -4; drama lessons -5

1. Introduction

Every type of direct relation, action reaction traffic, even a least level of interaction between a person and a
person is a dramatic moment or dramatic situation (San, 2006). Drama is a way that hangs on high level of
creativitiy capability and researches human experience. Dramatic activities help people to know well himselves and
others. Supports students on the way of becoming individuals who are skillful, coherent, perceptive who try to
broaden their outlook by the facilities that they have, take part in life by their own thought and who are courageous.
Dramatic activities have been used very early in preschool education too to explore and express himself (Gönen and
DalkÕlÕç 2003). So that the place of creative drama in modern education programmes explicitly visible. Drama
provides the child both as personel and as an individual in the community to maximize his potential which is the
target of all educational programmes (Ömero÷lu, 2006c).
Researches related to drama in preschool period show that drama have positive effects on growth of children who
are in preschool period. By the research on 5-6 years old children Ömero÷lu (1992) comes to the conclusion that
creative drama activities effect the childrens linguistic creativeness in positive way. By the research on 5 years old
children about the effects of drama method on learning number and transaction concepts Türker (2008) comes to
the conclusion that drama method helps children to learn number and transaction concepts and this method supports
these concepts. And by a eight weeks research on preschool children Önder and Kamaraj (1998) come to the
conclusion that drama plays positive role on childrens social and emotional qualities to progress.

* Duygu Çetingöz. Tel.:+90 0232 4204882 fax: +90 0232 4640284

E-mail address:
1877-0428 © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Duygu Çetingöz and Berna Cantürk Günhan / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1338–1344 1339

The most significant aspect of creative drama as a way of learning is that it supports mental, social and pscho-
motor abilities (Ömero÷lu, 2006a). Creative drama method contains cognitive, effective and psyco-motor behavioral
objectives together and in this way it appeals to different characteristics and abilities of students. It also covers
various learning types such as learning through experience, learning by acting, learning through interaction and
collaboration, learning by discovery and discussion, active learning and finally emotional, social and conceptual
learning (Alibeyo÷lu et al, 2008). With drama children join to the activities directly. They express their ideas and
emotions easily, they reach the information by observation and testing by themselves. The information obtained this
way be more permanent (KandÕr, 2006). Children use real objects also as symbolic means so they increase their
imagionary power and creativeness and they learn information about concepts instantly and permanently by drama
performances (KandÕr, 2006). Action based techniques could be more effective than linguistic expression on
education of preschool children. Preschool child can express his emotions by the actions, express his needs to people
around him. He can learn a lot of concepts, processes, cases in drama performance by the actions (Önder, 2007).
Generally what drama teach to child is; to understand others by empathy, to catch the communication language,
to notice that he is an individual of the community, to express himself by his linguistic, intellectuel, physical and
artistic sides, to be in peace with himself and community, to overcome the problems, to generate suggestions, to be
open to critics and self criticism, to gain aesthetic sensibility, to build up a creative identity, to spread the sharing
and solidarity senses in his life, to act democratically to different opinions and behaviours, to build up rightly
behaviour, to improve the self reliance (AksarÕ, 2005).
Generally, there are four types of application methods in drama performances: to gain confidence, to harmonize,
to use five sensorials, to improve the observation ability, warmup and calm down works to listen to body and brain
are adopted by certain rules and enforced by group leader. Play stage composed of pandomime and role playing is
based on freely play set up and progress under determined rules and creativity and imaginary plays role in here.
Improvisation works have determined less certain and you start with a determined subject, seperate or group
creativeness stand in the forefront. In the formations stage you start from a point not determined beforehand. The
process and the end of the process indefinite (San, 1991). In the creative drama activities participant thinks, feels
and acts with others. In creative drama a structure, that we can call it play, built up based on imagination and the
play can be built up by using real lives and events (Ömero÷lu, 2006b).
It is really important for a teacher who is supposed to use creative drama method to know what creative drama
is and to fully understand its components and steps as it will ease the presentation and progression of the lesson.
Practices in a lesson in which creative drama method is to be used start with preparation and warm-up, continue with
role-playing and end with evaluation and discussion (Alibeyo÷lu et al, 2008). Some important points that teachers
must pay attention while planning and exercising preschool period drama activities can be summarizied as below
(Akyol, 2009; Ömero÷lu, 2006a; Önder, 2007; Gönen ve DalkÕlÕç, 2006):
x While the activities are planning the starting point should be children’s interests, needs, development
characteristics and ages.
x Firstly, target and behaviour expected to achieve should be determined. Then, to achieve that behaviour and
target a drama plan should be made. Target areas and behaviour expected to achieve shouldn’t be same
always while the target areas are determining. All target areas should take place according to children’s
x Teacher shouldn’t forget that every child in the group has different characteristics and every childis unique.
Furthermore teacher also shouldn’t give up the idea of every child can have different experiences and
different past lives. So that personel differences should be considered while drama activities are planning.
x While drama activities are planning, to improve of children’s creativity, problem solving ability,
adjudication ability, internal discipline, responsibility and collaboration senses should be considered.
x Giving a certain decision about a drama activity that for which age it is suitiable could be misleading.
Teacher should give a decision about any drama activity that if it is suitable for children that he is training
by looking children’s chronological ages and should consider children’s attention, interest and ability of
repetition of artificial based actions. Drama performances can be done before five years old that in drama
the important one is the process not the result. But it is not fully possible to apply all stages of drama on
performances done with under five or six years old children.
x The place that drama performances are done must be safe there must be enough space.
1340 Duygu Çetingöz and Berna Cantürk Günhan / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1338–1344

x While the drama activities are performing factor of risk should be estimated rightly. While acting a role, the
risk of failure or stress shouldn’t be faced with children.
x There shouldn’t be a winner or looser in drama performances.
x Firstly, educator should determine what he wants to observe but also he should be sensible against an
unusual behaviour.
x In drama children shouldn’t be evaluated as clever or flat-footed, successful or un successful.
x Some children may want to play always with same friends. And sometimes nobody wants to play with
some of children. To take away this situation preschool period children should maintained to play with
eachother with methods as giving color or animal names.
x While studying with children process sould be easy to hard. The progress may be first, pandomime and role
playing then improvisation. The children that drama is applied at the first time all the stages of drama may
not come true. By the process progress of stages can be maintained.
x Playing the drama with actions do not guarantee learning. Child can gain capability and information by
illustrating and giving meanings to actions that body do with linguistic symbols. So that it is important to
make a discussion stage that actions are named, codified meanings are comprehended, differentiated or

2. Method

This study was conducted in the spring term of the 2008-09 academic year in Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir with
forth- grade students as part of a ‘teaching practice’ lesson in Pre-school Teaching Department of Buca Faculty of
Teacher Training. 14 students who participated in the study took the drama lesson during their undergraduate study.
It is known that having information about activities in drama planning is not enough to prepare effective drama
plans. Therefore, the more trainee teachers practice in drama planning, the better and more effective planning they
they will make for their drama lessons. During this study, the students in Pre-school Teaching Department were
taught what should be taken into consideration during drama planning and their suggested plans for application were
examined together with the candidates themselves. After the examination the problems observed were sorted out
together with each trainee teacher to make necessary changes and corrections. It is thought of that the study would
show the way to educators and researchers in the literacy who will make studies about drama in preschool period.
Drama plans should develop students’ ability to improve their cognitive, effective and pscho-motor learning.
They should also help students process information, emotions, and skills from easy to difficult, simple to complex,
concrete to abstract, known to unknown, from close to distant environment and put them in such an order that one is
a prerequisite for another (Öztürk, 2007). The lesson plans prepared during this study were carefully examined by
two professionals in drama field and by one expert trainer in the field of pre-school teaching. After all the
preperations for plans the candidate teachers were asked to put the plans into practice.
The drama lesson plans were prepared according to the criteria determined by the Ministery of Education
considering the structure of the lesson and class atmosphere. All the lesson plans consist of three parts as warm-up,
role-play, and evaluation. Sample plans regarding pre-school education are presented below.
Sample plan concerning seasons is presented in Table 1 .

3. Results

Table 1. Sample Drama Course Plan About Regarding Seasons


NAME OF THE STUDY fight of the seasons
MATERIAL crowns for queen and king, crowns representing four
DURATION 30 minutes
x Saying the features of events or things
x Using the body, gestures and mimes
x Acting according to oral instructions
x Joining group activities
Duygu Çetingöz and Berna Cantürk Günhan / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1338–1344 1341

OBJECTIVES AND GAøNS x Carrying out group responsibilities

x Obeying the rules during group activities
x Expressing emotions and ideas in different ways
x Speaking according to the given role in the activity
x Respecting his/her own and others’ rights
Children play the following game: ‘Come on kids, let’s hold
WARM UP hands and make a baloon. Our baloon is small, let’s blow it up and make it big. Now it’s losing air, let’s
blow it up again’
The leader tells children a short story about seasons. He/she talks about a queen and a king in a country.
The king and the queen are very happy and their country is really peaceful. However, one day a big fight
breaks out in this peaceful country and the king calls the fighters into his presence. The fighters are four
seasons and they cannot decide who will be the first to appear. The king eventually gets angry and asks
them to introduce themselves so that he can make a decision. And the seasons start to introduce
themselves.The fall says: My clothes are always yellow and I love this color very much, as I love fall
very much my clothes are always yellow. The winter says: My clothes are always white and I love this
color very much, as I love winter very much my clothes are always white. The spring says: My clothes
ROLE PLAY are always green and I love this color very much, as I love spring very much my clothes are always
green. The summer says: My clothes are always red and I love this color very much, as I love summer
very much my clothes are always red.After listening to the seasons, the king decides that they should
always appear in the same order as they did and there has been no fights since then. The seasons exhibit
their skills when their turn comes.After completing the story, the leader distributes the roles and he asks
the children to act out the story with the costumes and materials given.
After the study is over, the children sit down to make a circle. The leader asks children: What did you
like? Are there things you didn’t like? What would you do if you were the seasons or the king? What
EVALUATION would happen if the seasons appeared in a different order? The questions might vary according to the
flow of the role-play.
There is a sample drama plan about importance of cleaning in Table 2.

Table 2. Sample Drama Course Plan About Cleaning


MATERIAL Laughing and angry faced microbe costume made of carton paper
DURATION 30 minutes
x To be able apply cleaning rules
x To use the body, gesture and mimics
x To act approprately according to linguistic instructions
OBJECTIVES AND GAøNS x Joins group activities
x Fulfills the responsibilities that are taken in the group
x To obey the rules of group activities
x To express emotions and ideas by several ways
x To speak in the activity appropriate to the role that is commited
Group build up a circle by hand in hand, start to walk according to instructions of leader. Leader wants
WARM UP children to walk according to instruction as on the clay, as there is brunt on the shoulders, as on hot
sands, on ice, like a robot, as on the broken glass, happy, scared, angry etc.
Leader expresses a short story about microbs to children. He tells that a microb moves in to a house
and walks upstairs, when he reaches to upper floor he knocks the door. Then he tells about the dialogue
between the microbe and the child in the house. Leader expresses children that the microb tell child that
he came to house to make him ill but the child looks after himself very well, he is so clean, vaccinated
ROLE PLAY and eats properly and tell that hecannot make the child ill. Leader tells that at the same time mother
cleans the house with soapy water and the microb glided because of the soapy water and find himself out
of the house.
Leader ends the story by telling that microbs cannot tolerate to clean water and if we would be
healthy, clean and well kept microbs cannot get close to us.
After ending the story role distribution is evantuated. Then leader wants children to play the story by
giving children miscellaneous costumes and materials.
After the end of the work leader gives paper and crayons to children. He tells them “I want you to
draw a picture about what we have done”. By the end of the paintings a conversation about paintings is
EVALUATION done together. Leader asks questions about the importance of cleaning.
Emotions and organs are emphasized at the third sample plan. This sample plan is given on Table 3.
1342 Duygu Çetingöz and Berna Cantürk Günhan / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1338–1344

Table 3. Sample Drama Course Plan About Emotions and Organs


NAME OF THE STUDY Organs-Concepts-Emotions
MATERIAL Wool, organ pinafore, emotion cards
AGE GROUP 60-72 months
DURATION 30 minutes
x To be able to classify objects, occasions or cases according to theri qualities
x To show the object that placed in a group of objects
x To be able to do particular moves that can be done by physical coordination
OBJECTIVES AND GAøNS x To walk appropriately to linguistic instructions
x To run appropriately to linguistic instructions
x To be able to notice own emotions
x Expresses his emotions
x To be able to notice the others emotions
x Shares others emotions
All group members stands and composes a circle. Teacher says the name of the organ or part of the
body which he wants to be and delivers bobble of wool to student that he chose without leaving the cusp of
the rope. Child who takes the bobble says the name of the organ or part of the body that he wants to be and
delivers the bobble to another student without leaving the rope. By this process the rope should be tight.
WARM UP When the turn is at last child he says his name, tighten the rope and at the same time sounds like the organ
or part of the body (heartbeating, clapping, jumping, running, walking) if it has a voice. So that the bobble
comes again to the teacher coiling by students one by one. But in the meanwhile every child says the name
of the organ or part of the body and also sounds its voice.

Teacher asks every child to come near him and ties up their eyes and wants them to choose an organ
from the bag that organs taken out from the organ pinafore are placed in. Wants student to guess the organ
rightly. After the guessing different questions are addressed to student. For example he asks for heart;
“once a day the owner of this heart got very exited, what do you think about the speed of it? Can you show
us (with moves like running, walking or jumping)?” then the whole class follows the moves of their friend.
If there is a student who finds a different move that move is also done by whole class. For lungs; “the
owner of these lungs has smoke too much. How do you think these lungs feel?” question is asked. To
choose this emotion out of emotion card is wanted from student. After choosing all class do the mimics of
that emotion; some moves are done with that feeling. For example to dress, to brush teeth, to wash face
ROLE PLAY with sad expression. For the stomach; “one day the owner of this stomach hasn’t eat anything or has eaten
too much, how do you think this stomach feels?” question is asked. To animate the situation that distresses
the stomach is wanted from students. Actions like eating quickly, eating too much then acting like having
stomachache. It is said to students that a drama is going to be performed. Groups that each have fifteen
students are composed. It is said to students that they built up a man’s body but there is some imbalance on
the body that places of some organs are confused. Every student form a piece of an organ is said to
students. The card which shows that organ hangs up on students neck. Students are mixed up and one
student is chosen to solve the puzzle. The mission of the student is to place organs in this alive puzzle.
At the evaluation stage children are asked which game they like most and what they feel while playing
EVALUATION that game. They are asked that at which game they coerced most and what kind of rule modification would
make the game easier. Evaluation is completed by asking children that if it is more cheerful to play the
alive puzzle stage of drama as an organ or as the owner of the body and placng the organs.

At table 4 sample plan named “Growth of a Seed” is presented

Table 4. Sample Drama Course Plan Named “Growth of a Seed”


NAME OF THE STUDY Growth of a Seed
AGE GROUP 60-72 months
DURATION 30 minutes
x Ranks the beings according to their growth stages
x Ranks the events according to their becoming times
x To be able to do specific moves which requires physical coordination
x To act appropriate to linguistic instructions
OBJECTIVES AND GAøNS x To be able to notice own emotions
x To express his emotions
x To be able to notice others emotions
x Shares others emotions
All group members stands and composes a circle. Teacher says, “ Now we are in a big garden. There are
Duygu Çetingöz and Berna Cantürk Günhan / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1338–1344 1343

fruits on trees, lets gather them together”. At the same time every body says, “let’s jump, gather the fruits
and throw them to chest” and the fruits are gathered. And then teacher says, “the fruits on trees have fell
down, now gather them together”. Fruits on the ground are gathered too by saying, “let’s bow, let’s rise,
WARM UP gather the fruits on the ground and throw them to the chests”. The teacher says, “we are the seed that had
been in the book we just read”.
Teacher takes all students to the centre of the class. And wants everybody to choose a suitable place for
their trees. After students settled, teacher says, “I’m the gardener and you are my little seeds”. Teacher
wants everybody to sit down and shrink and says, “now I’m cropping you to ground”. Students shrink and
sit down. Teacher makes the move like throwing soil and says, “my little seeds now I’m covering you with
soil”. In the meanwhile teacher asks questions as followings; How is under the ground, bright or dark? Are
ROLE PLAY you lonely? Takes the students answers. Teacher asks, “my little seeds what do you need to grow; what do
you want me to give you? Waits until the students find the answer, rain. When students find the answer
teacher says, “now it is raining, let’s make rain sound” and rain sound is made together. After that wants
them to grow up by saying, “now you take the water and grew a little. You are squeezed under the ground.
You can rise up and be small saplings”. Students stands up a little but it is not allowed to stand up
completely. Teacher asks, “what do you need to be a tree?” Waits until students find the answer, sun.
When students answer the question teacher says, “now I’m your sun, I’m heating you, you are growing and
becoming big trees”. Students become big trees by standing on finger tips. Meanwhile children are wanted
to find a shape peculiar to their tree. And then the question, ‘you have lack of something, what can it be?’ is
asked. Teacher waits until students find the answer, fruits. After finding the answer, teacher wants them to
gather eachother fruits. Then they act as washing and eating them.
At the evaluation stage children are asked which stage of the seed game they like most and what they feel
while playing that game. They are asked that at which game they coerced most. Evaluation is completed by
EVALUATION asking them if it is more enjoyable to be a seed under the ground or to be a small saplings or big trees.
Following questions are asked: Have you or a parent of you plant a seed? If yes, how did they grow up?
What would happen to seeds if there weren’t sun and rain?

4. Discussion

Literature revealed that in order to evaluate the effectiveness of drama as an instructional method, qualitative data
from the drama lesson plans was collected. (Flyn, 1995; Gabb, 1994; O'Neill, 2008; Sausbury,1982). Consequently,
it is important to prepare well-structured drama plans to ensure the effective usage of drama method. In some
research, drama plans which were prepared under the framework of the research were presented. (Mattevi, 2005). In
this research also, sample lesson plans which were prepared by the pre-school candidate teachers after they received
their training were presented. Well-prepared lesson plans are needed to ensure the effectiveness of drama lessons; in
this respect it is thought to be important to present well-prepared lesson plans to teachers and candidate teachers that
they can make use of.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

During this study, the students in Pre-school Teaching Department were taught what should be taken into
consideration during drama planning and their suggested plans for application were examined together with the
candidates themselves. After the examination the problems observed were sorted out together with each trainee
teacher to make necessary changes and corrections. The lesson plans prepared during this study were carefully
examined by two professionals in drama field and by one expert trainer in the field of pre-school teaching. After all
the preperations for plans the candidate teachers were asked to put the plans into practice. After the research on
plans some problems are determined. These are trouble on determining the content of drama that is suitable for
target benefits, deficiency of questions in evaluation section by quality and quantity and absence of accordence
between the sections of drama plan. The problems which are determined in the drama plans are explained to
candidate teachers by face to face discussion,and the needed corrections and arrangements are made by them.
The drama lesson plans were prepared according to the criteria determined by the Ministery of Education
considering the structure of the lesson and class atmosphere. All the lesson plans consist of three parts as warm-up,
role-play and evaluation.
Sample drama plans that are composed related to preschool education are presented in the study.
Drama helps children to discover that it is necessary to live with other people in a harmony and cooperation with
them (Önder, 2007). In this sense, if the abilities that gained by drama are considered, teachers should use the drama
method more often. Especially while the preschool candidate teachers are educated, the information about drama
1344 Duygu Çetingöz and Berna Cantürk Günhan / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1338–1344

should be given and they should be educated about how drama based course plans are prepared. Sample drama plans
should be developed for present teachers to take the advantage of.


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