Chapter 7

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Chapter VII

Marketing Plan

Our target customers are in ages 16 and above that loves sweets. So we bring out a product
that will satisfy their taste tooth with the deliciousness of puto. Customers are male and female
who's studying and working at DMMC Institute of Health Sciences like sweets and desserts that
is made from puto. Some customers want to taste new and some may want to know the
difference of our product to our competitors who have the same product. Our product is way
more affordable and unique since some customers want low cost value product and unique
products that is new to taste. Entrepreneurs innovated puto to bring out the best that will lead to
it's popularity in the society it will be well known for it's uniqueness and affordable price.


In order to be popular ang gain more customer the entrepreneurs plan to give flyers with a
certain information about the business establishment and also make the product more popular.
The flyers indicates some health facts about to our PutoHub that customer can benefit and lastly
the goal, mission of the entrepreneurs or the business. Also for us the entrepreneurs wanted to
give promo every holiday season which may give discounts to every customers who are
interested. Also every anniversary of our business will also give a huge discount and will going
to have a raffle that will give specific prize that the customer can get and surely they will
patronize our product and love how we care to our customers. While the customers are waiting
for their order, we can give our customers a little entertainment to them.


We will use direct selling and promotion online. Direct selling is a method of marketing
strategy that gives service ang goods directly to the customers. The product sold through direct
sales in the same establishment. By disseminating information about to our product thought
online with the use of social media we are also going to post in social media by that time we also
going to have more customers and we will give information and contact in our post in social
media to know how our buyers can contact us if they are interested to buy our product

The proponent will use cost plus pricing. Cost plus pricing is a cost-based method for setting
the prices of goods and services. In cost plus pricing, add the direct material cost, direct labor
cost, and overhead cost then multiply it to the mark-up of cost to get the profit margin. Add the
total cost and profit margin then divide it to the number of finished product per day to determine
the price of the product per piece.


Direct Material Cost - 700 1,900 × .30 = 570 (Profit Margin)

Direct Labor Cost - +¿ 1,000 1,900 + 570 = 2,470

Overhead Cost - 200 2,470 ÷ 250 pcs. of product per day=9.88 or

Total Cost - ₱ 1,900 ₱ 10.00 per piece

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