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The size of the provincial boundary monument (PBM) for

permanently defining position of points survey is?
A. 30 x30 x 100 cm C. 40 x 40 x 100 cm
B. 20 x 20 x 100 cm D. 50 x 50 x 100 cm
91. The size of barangay monuments (BBM) for permanently defining
position of points of survey is?
A. 30 x 30 x 100 cm C. 40 x 40 x 100 cm
B. 20 x 20 x 100 cm D. 50 x 50 x 100 cm
92. The size of Bureau of Lands Location Monument (BLLM) for
permanently defining position of points of survey is? A.
A. 30 x 30 x 100 cm C. 40 x 40 x 100 cm
B. 20 x 20 x 100 cm D. 50 x 50 x 100 cm
93. The size of corner tracks of land to define the boundary is?
A. 15 cm diam. by 40 cm in length
B. 15 cm diam. by 60 cm in length
C. 10 cm diam. by 50 cm in length
D. 10 cm diam. by 60 cm in length
94. standard concrete monuments to be used to define the boundary of
tracts of land shall be made of the following mixture.
A. Cement (1 part), Sand (2 parts) and gravel (4 parts)
B. Cement (1 part), Sand (3 parts) and gravel (5 parts)
C. Cement (1 part), Sand (2.5 parts) and gravel (5parts)
D. Cement (1 part), Sand (2 parts) and gravel (5 parts)
95. When a corner of tract of land is inaccessible, its position shall be
defined by;
A. two witness monument of which shall be placed as near as possible
to the inaccessible corner
B. a tree more than 15 cm in diameter
C. stake D. steel pipe filled with concrete
96. Boundary lines of parcels of tracts of land shall be defined by
monuments of permanent of nature and the distances between this
corner shall not exceed:
A. 500 meters C.300 meters
B. 400 meters D.100 meters
97. When the boundary line follows the direction of irregular rice land
dikes, monument shall be placed at the corners situated within an
average interval of not to exceed:
A.25 m C.30 m
B. 50 m D.40 m
98. When a fixed rock or boulder is used as a corner of a tract of land it
should have an exposed surface of a diam. Of more than: meter C. 2.0 meters
B.1.5 meters D. 40 meters
99. In the execution of the original survey which is adjacent to a public
highway or existing roads, who shall be consulted on the widths and
center line of such highway or roads?
A. Ministry of Public Highways C. Bureau of Forestry
B. Bureau of Lands D. Office of Governor
100. Who shall be consulted regarding widths of municipal or barangay
roads which are adjacent to the property undergoing a survey?
A. Municipal Mayor
B. Barangay Captain
C. Municipal Engineer
D. Sangguniang Bayan or Sangguniang barangay
101. Who shall be consulted on the min. width of roadways within
residential subdivisions?
A. Municipal Mayor C. National Housing Authority
B. City Engineer B. Bureau of Public Highways
102. Any narrow natural bed or channel thru which the water flows
continuously or intermittently throughout the years is called:
A. Arroyo C. River
B. Estero D. Ditch
103. Any bed or channel thru which stagnant, dirty or saltwater flows
under the influence of the tides is called:
A. River C. Arroyo
B. Estero D. Ditch
104. Any wide natural bed or channel thru which the water flows
continuously or intermittently throughout the year is called:
A. Estero C. River
B. Arroyo D. Ditch
105. The banks or arroyos, stream, esteros and rivers and the shore of
seas, and lakes will have a legal easement throughout their entire
length in urban areas within a zone of:
A. 3 meters C. 5 meters
B. 20 meters D. 6 meters
106. Lands bordering on the seas, gulf, bays or ports are burdened with
easement of coast police. The easement of coast police is the obligation
to leave a right of way of:
A. 3 meters wide C. 6 meters wide
B. 5 meters wide D. 4 meters wide
107. In cadastral survey project, all the lines should be tide to:
A. BLLM #1
B. Nearest Triangulation Station
C. Nearest BLLM
D. Nearest Political Boundary Monuments
108. The banks or arroyos, stream, esteros and rivers and the shore of
seas and lakes in agricultural areas shall have a legal easement within a
zone of:
A. 20 meters C. 6 meters
B. 3 meters D. 40 meters
109. Banks or rivers, shore of seas, esteros in forest area shall have a
legal easement within a zone of:
A. 20 meters C. 6 meters
B. 40 meters D. 3 meters
110. In public land subdivision survey, all the lines should be tide to:
A. BLLM #1
B. Nearest BLLM
C. Nearest Political Boundary Monument
D. Nearest Triangulation Station
111. Maps and plans of all land survey in the Phil. Shall be plotted on
appropriate standard base map projected upon spheroidal quadrangles
A. Clarkes spheroid of 1866
B. Mercator projection
C. Polyconic projection
D. Gnomonic projection
112. Cadastral maps, municipal base maps, provincial base maps and
regional base maps are classification of:
A. Standard Base Map C. Chart
B. Index Map D. Statistical Map
113. Standard scale of cadastral maps which is drawn in the PPCS on
drafting material of uniform size of 54 cm x 54 cm is:
A. 1:2 000 C. 1:1 000
B. 1:4 000 D.1:10 000
114. a cadastral map which is drawn on a drafting material 54 cm x 54
cm comprises area within spheroid quadrangle of:
A. one minute of arc in latitude and one minute of arc in longitude
B. 15 minute of arc latitude and 10 minute of arc in longitude
C. one degree of arc in latitude and one degree of arc in longitude
D. 13 minute of arc in latitude and 8 minute of arc in longitude
115. Sectional cadastral maps on the top left of the cadastral map
which is numbered as CM 1.4 49 N- 120 54 E with a scale of 1:2 000is
numbered as:
A.14D49’N-120D54’E SEC 3
B. 14D49’N-120D54’E SEC 1
C. 14D49’N-120D54’E SEC 2
D. 14D49’N-120D54’E SEC 4
116. Barangay boundary and Index Maps, Municipal Boundary and
Index Map shall be prepared and drawn in grid system on drafting
material of stable base and uniform size of:
A. 50 cm x 50 cm C. 60 cm x 60 cm
B. 54 cm x 54 cm D. 40 cm x 40 cm
117. One of the standard base maps which is prepared and kept upto-
date for each city, municipality which shall comprise areas within
spheroidal quadrangles of 15 minutes of arc in latitude, and 10 min. of
arc in longitude drawn in scale of1:60 000 on a drafting material of
uniform size of 54 cm x 54 cm:
A. Municipal Base Maps C. Barangay Boundary Maps
B. Provincial Base Maps D. Regional Base Maps
118. Provincial Base Maps which is prepared and kept upto-date for
each province, comprises areas within spheroidal quadrangles of one
degree and 30 minutes of arc in latitude and one degree of arc in
longitude drawn on drafting materials of uniform size of 54 cm x 54 cm
has a scale of:
A. 1:400 000 C. 1:200 000
B. 1:100 000 D. 1:600 000
119. Regional Base Maps keeps upto-date for each region which
comprises areas within spherical quadrangles of 6 degrees in latitude
and 4 degrees in longitude, drawn in a scale of 1:800 00 and on a
drafting material of uniform size of:
A. 54 cm x 54 cm C. 50 cm x 50 cm
B.104 cm x 104 cm D.100 cm x 100 cm
120. This is a type of cadastral map which comprises areas within
spheroidal quadrangles of one minute of arc in latitude and one minute
of arc in longitude, plotted in a scale of 1:4 000 by using the length of
minutes and seconds of arc parallel and meridian passing thru BLLM #:
is known as;
A. Projection Maps C. Provincial Base Maps
B. Regional Base Maps D. Municipal Base Maps
121. In an isolated land survey plans, there shall be indicated in light
dotted lines approximate boundary of the area under cultivation and
nature of its vegetation such as rice, pastures, wood, with a brief
discretion of then topographic features, such as plain, rolling hilly or
mountainous if the area of such lot is:
A. one hectare or more
B. less than one hectare
C. greater than 5 hectares
D. less than 10 hectares
122. Survey plans should indicate a general classification of lands as
residential lot, home lot, rice land, sugar-cane land if the area of such
lot is:
A. greater than one hectare
B. less than one hectares
C. greater than 5 hectares
D. less than 10 hectares
123. A homestead was surveyed by a Geodetic Engineer in the Bureau
of Lands and was assigned a survey number of H-XI-I (2425). Supposing
this particular lot is surveyed by a Geodetic Engineer in private practice,
what would be the approximate survey number for this same lot?
A. H-XI-I (2425) – D C. H-XI-I (2425) PLS
B. H-XI-I (2425) P.S. D. H-XI-I (2425) - E
124. Bureau of Lands geodetic engineers shall undertake isolated
survey only upon:
A. receipt of an order for survey by the Director of Lands
B. receipt of an authority and order for survey issued by the Director of
C. receipt of an authority to survey from the land Registration
D. receipt of an order from the court
125. Geodetic Engineers in private shall undertake public land survey
only upon:
A. receipt of an order for survey by the Director of Lands
B. receipt of an authority and order for survey isseud by the Director of
C. receipt of an authority from the DENR
D. receipt of an order from the DAR
126. No survey of any kind shall be undertaken within the area covered
by classified unclassified public forest. Private claims inside unclassified
areas shall not be surveyed except with authority or permit from the:
A. Director of Bureau of Lands
B. Director of Forest Development
C. Director of Public Works and Highways
D. Director of DENR
127. In isolated survey, the azimuths of side shots shall be read from
the instrument to the nearest one minute of arc and the distances shall
be measured to the nearest:
A. centimeter C. millimeter
B. meter D. inches
128. Traverse station in an isolated survey shall be placed as closed as
possible to corners that cannot be occupied. Side shots from corners in
residential lots shall not exceed:
A. 100 meters C. 200 meters
B. 50 meters D. 300 meters
129.For agricultural lots, side shots to corner from any traverse station
shall not exceed:
A. 100 meters C. 200 meters
B. 50meters D. 300 meters
130.Side shot in residential or agricultural lots where travestying is
difficult such as in marshy lands, may be allowed up to:
A. 100 meters C. 300 meters
B. 200 meters D.400 meters
131. When two or more non-adjacent lots are plotted on one plan for
the same claimant, what must be indicate on the plan?
A. Inter the Lines C. lot number
B. technical description D. areas of each lot
132.tracts to be surveyed shall be tied by a close circuit survey control
A. BLLM #1 only
B. BBM only
C. Triangulation station of Bureau of Court and Geodetic Survey
D. any of these point are references
133. Relative position between adjoining or nearby previously approved
isolated land surveys and the survey in progress shall be determined by
a closed circuit traverse connecting at least.
A. 3 well defined and permanently monumented corners of the
previous survey
B. 2 well defined and permanently monumented corners of the
previous survey
C. 4 well defined and permanently monumented corners of the
previous survey
D. all corners of the previous survey
134. When the position of a corner of an earlier survey and its position
as determined in a letter survey, the position as determined in the
earlier survey shall be adopted as the position of such corner in the
latter survey if its position differs only:
A. 10 cm or less in residential areas and 30 cm in agricultural areas
B.30 cm or less in residential areas and 50 cm in agricultural areas
C. 5 cm or less in residential areas and 25 cm in agricultural areas
D. 30 cm in both residential and agricultural areas
135. When the applicant of the tract undergoing survey and the owners
or claimant of the adjoining properties agree to a common boundary
line different from the boundaries as surveyed approve by the Director
of the Bureau of Lands? In the previous survey, what will you do in
order that your survey will be approved by the director of the Bureau of
A. Let both parties execute on affidavit to the effect that they both
agree to the new common boundary lines and the plan of the property
already surveys shall be amended.
B. Request for order from the court.
C. Request for order from the Director of the Bureau of Lands.
D. Request for survey authority to cancel the first survey.
136. When the applicant of the property undergoing survey does not
accept the corners of the previous survey as common to his property,
how would you proceed with your work in order that it would be
approve by the Director of the Bureau of Lands?
A. The boundary lines shall be monumented and survey on the ground
as pointed out by the applicant and the area in conflict shall be
indicated as separate lot on the plan of the later survey.
B. The old survey shall be amended.
C. Request for an order from the Bureau of Land.
D. Exclude the conflicting area of the previously surveyed property,
from the tract undergoing survey.
137. When the applicant of the property undergoing survey does not
accept the corners of the previous survey which is already patented or
decreed as common to his property, how would you proceed with your
A. Any area in conflict with patented, leased or decreed properties shall
be excluded from the tract undergoing survey.
B. The old decreed survey shall be amended.
C. Request for a Court Order as to what to do to prevent any conflict.
D. Request an advice from the Director of Bureau of Lands.
138. In the cases of the properties covered by titles containing no
technical description or those with technical description based on
magnetic survey, how would you proceed to your work?
139. After 30 days from the date of order from survey of cadastral
project issued by the Director of Lands, surveys of tracts situated within
the cadastral project shall not be made by Geodetic Engineer than
those executing the cadastral survey except when:
A. The isolated survey are begun prior to the date of order for the
survey of the cadastral project as issued by the Director of Lands.
B. The survey is not the registration purposes.
C. The survey is for the determination of boundaries of mining claims.
D. The survey is for the purpose determining the conflicting areas
between two claimants.
140. In an isolated survey have been undertaken prior to the survey
order for a cadastral survey, for that period of time will the field notes,
computations and sketches of survey of lots within the cadastral project
be submitted to the Director of Lands for verification thru the chief of
he cadastral project, based from the date of the inauguration of the
cadastral project?
A. 6 months C. 4 months
B. 3 months D. one year
141. Under what conditions could you execute an isolated survey inside
a cadastral project?
A. When the isolated survey begun prior to the date of order for survey
of the cadastral project.
B. When the contract for isolated survey were entered in good faith by
geodetic engineer prior to the order of the cadastral project by the
Director of Lands.
C. When the parcels surveyed and decreed properties.
D. all od the above.
142. Which of the following is not required for the transmittal of
isolated survey returns for verification and approval to the Director of
A. Original field notes, field notes cover duly notarized.
B. Original and duplicate of the complete lot data computation,
astronomical observation computation, original plan and tracing plan
signed and sealed by the Geodetic Engineer.
C. Survey notification letter, geodetic engineer certificate.
D. The recommendation of the Barangay captain where the lot is
143. Isolated survey executed by registered Geodetic Engineers shall
submit the survey returns to the Bureau of Lands for a period starting
from the date of start of the field work within:
A. 3 months C. 6 months
B. 4 months D. one year
144. One of the following requirements for the survey of rectangular
homestead tracts is that the length of one of the sides of a rectangular
homestead, laid out on the ground shall in no case exceed:
A. 800 meters C. 500 meters
B. 400 meters D. 200 meters
145. One of the following requirements for the survey of tract applied
for safe by any applicant is that the length of one of the sides of a
rectangular sales traces laid out on the ground shall not exceed:
A. 800 meters C. 1000 meters
B. 2000 meters D. 500 meters
146. The length of one sides of a rectangular tract applied for lease
shall in case exceed:
A. 1 000 meters C. 4 000 meters
B. 6 400 meters D. 5 000 meters
147. The area allowed for any applicant for a foreshore lands shall not
A. 48 hectares C. 24 hectares
B. 12 hectares D. 25 hectares
148. The area of marshy land tract applied for shall not exceed:
A. 24 hectares C. 12 hectares
B. 48 hectares D. 25 hectares
149. The area required for public school sites as provided by the
regulations of the Ministry of Education and Culture shall not exceed:
A. 48 hectares C. 24 hectares
B. 96 hectares D. 12 hectares
150. all applicants of public school sites filed by province, cities, and
municipalities must be approved before the survey shall not exceed:
A. Ministry of Education and Culture
B. Director of Lands
C. Malacanang
D. Ministry of Public Works and Highways
151. Several tracts or lots may be surveyed for one or more persons
provided that:
A. All the tracts or lots to be contained in one plan prepared in
accordance with the rules and regulations be made the subject of one
registration case to comply with the requirements of the property
Registration Decree.
B. a joint agreement under oath the survey applicants shall be
submitted as part of survey returns.
C. All the tracts could be plotted in one scale and can be
accommodated in the plan as per rules and regulations.
D. all of the above.
152. Surveys affecting the Friar Land Estate shall be made by geodetic
engineers upon authority and order from the:
A. Director of Lands
B. Parish Priest where the land is located
C. Archdiocese where the land is situated
D. Archbishop of the Phil.
153.National Government Lands are classified as:
A. Lands forfeited for non-payment of taxes
B. Lands acquired through expropriation proceedings
C. Other private property of the national government when not needed
for the public purpose
D. all of the above
154. Lands belonging to or claimed as private property to provincial
government or private lands acquired by said gov’t. by purchase, grant,
donations or any other manner from individuals, partnership, or
corporations are known as:
A. Provincial Gov’t. Lands C. Public Lands
B. National Gov’t Lands D. Friar Lands

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