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Sheryll B.


Characteristics of Philippine Folk Dances

(Expanded Explanation of Lecture and Additional Examples)

1. In general, dancers stand apart – In Philippine Folk dances, dancers are usually stand
apart and not expected to have body contact. In this manner, the
dancers are apart in order to move freely their hands and feet and
to execute the dance moves properly.

2. There is little, if any, bodily contact. – Aside from dancers can move freely with little or
without body contacts, it is also considered that Philippine folk
dances mirror Filipino culture, in which women are valued and
modesty is demonstrated.

3. Most of the dances are done by pairs or couples. – It is done by pairs and couples
because most of the folk dances of the Philippines portrays and
expresses courtship of a man and woman.

4. Hand movements play an important part. – Hand and body movements signifies
corresponding meaning reflecting a culture or tradition that is a
medium of communication of dancers to portray their dance to
their audience.

5. Most dances are in long formation. – Most folk dances are in long formation to enable
to execute the dance steps freely with a lot of space considering
their partners.

6. Most dances begin and end with “saludo.” – Folk dancers begin and end with ‘saludo’
to show respect and courtesy among audience, dancers itself and
with the dance.
7. Dances from the lowlands have more foreign elements those found in the uplands. –
Lowlands usually undergone progress and democratic change of
every aspect, also, since lowland areas are accessible these areas
are touched with foreign culture because of colonization unlike in
the upland or high areas were areas weren’t accessible enough to

8. War dances are found among non-Christian tribes. - For they were not thought the
Christian way of living and they were not colonized by Christians
and ethnic tribes solve or settle their conflict by means of war.

9. It is an expressive behavior. - Most of folk dances in the Philippines portrays a way of

living of our tribes and/or locals. It is their way of expressing their
lifestyle and common custom to the mainstream and let it show to

10. An unknown choreographer creates a folk dance – In studying the historical

information of every, folk dances here in the Philippines, it is hard
to identify the choreographer of it and is usually grow and change
because of evolution that have been passed through generation.

11. Most folk dance are traditional and has a great history. – Since folk dances are old and
passed through by our ancestors, it is believed that most of the
movements of folk dances have different meaning that reflect their
tradition and culture.
12. Simple basic rhythm dominates the folk dance and establishes the pattern of
movement – Folk dances usually have the same pattern and beat that are easy
to determine and put up body gestures and steps. And folk dance
steps are usually derived from a basic pattern movement and
combine by other steps.

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