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Volume 6 / Issue 10 October 2018

Just playing…
There are private spaces
in my mind where I agree
with all and sundry. But
there are public spaces in my
mind where I could debate
all that anyone says or thinks.
This is not a Contradictory
Existence, just that deep down
I never took sides of any sort.
Though I stand stoutly for all
that I take up. Don’t you go
thinking I am in a confessional mode
Just playing with you, as deep
down in this me there is really
no you and me. Just playing…

Grace & Blessings

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | b


Dear Readers,
The most special time of the year annual leadership intensive, INSIGHT:
for Devi is coming up this month. The DNA of Success, which is scheduled
“Navaratri: How to Receive Devi’s for the end of November.
Grace” has all the information you need
Also in this issue: In our Mahabharat
to prepare yourself. Find out about
series, “Bhima Saves Draupadi” and
the special sadhana that Sadhguru
Duryodhana is again denied revenge
devised for this purpose and the many
over the Pandavas; the News &
offerings at Linga Bhairavi’s abode near
Events are packed with happenings
Coimbatore during these nine nights
from Isha’s Kerala flood relief efforts
in celebration of the Divine Feminine.
and the Kailash Manasarovar yatra,
Get into the mood with the beautifully
to Conversations with the Mystic,
illustrated article “My Navaratri
the launch of a photo book about
Experience in Isha,” which evokes the
Sadhguru, and the first few events of
warm, all-enveloping atmosphere
the Youth and Truth movement. Lastly,
of the Linga Bhairavi procession and
our “Pearl Millet Dosa” recipe presents
Maha Arati.
a savory way to enrich your menu with
Then, in culmination of Dussehra, there a healthier, more nutritious alternative
is of course Vijaya Dashami, the day of to regular rice. Enjoy!
victory and success, which brings us to
The Editorial Team
the second main theme of this edition:
success. First of all, “How Do You
Define Success?” In our Lead Article,
fresh from a Youth and Truth event in
Delhi, Sadhguru expands the context
beyond social and material aspects to
life itself. Does that mean all of us should
withdraw from the world and become
ascetics? Not at all, as the ”Insights
for Success in Business” by Sadhguru
show. The article offers a taste of Isha’s

Contact the Editorial Team:

Isha Forest Flower, Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri Foothills, Ishana Vihar Post, Coimbatore – 641114
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2 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018



How Do You Define Success? 04 Part 47: Bhima Saves Draupadi 09

How Do You Define Success? 4

Insights for Success in Business 7

Part 47: Bhima Saves Draupadi 9


Isha’s Kerala Flood Relief Work 11
Kailash Manasarovar 2018 12
Sabyasachi in Conversation with the Mystic 13
Launch of Sadhguru Photo Book by Raghu Rai 13
“Youth and Truth” Takes Off 14

My Navaratri Experience in Isha 16

Bhuta Shuddhi Vivaha Training 18


Navaratri: How to Receive Devi’s Grace 19
Isha – Program & Event Highlights 20

Pearl Millet Dosa 21

What’s Not a Prime Cut? 23

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 3


How Do You Define Success?

In this excerpt from his Youth and Truth interaction at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB),
Sadhguru dispels the fear of missing out – a pervasive concern, especially among the youth. In this context, he
contrasts success with fulfillment. The following question is a thematic continuation: “How to deal with being
average?” Here, Sadhguru gives his very own definition of success and explains why dying as a “blissful failure”
is actually a sign of doing great in life. In the end, it is all a question of vision. Read on to find out why.

The Fear of Missing Out

Questioner: Sadhguru ji, one of the most trending Fear is about “What will happen?” That
question that we have here in campus is FOMO – means your fear is about something
the fear of missing out. We have the fear of missing
that does not exist.
out on our activities, our placements, on anything
whatsoever under the roof. When do we realize
that we have to stop this and that this should not may happen or may not happen. Fear is not about
influence our decision-making? what we are experiencing right now. Fear is about
“What will happen?” That means your fear is about
Sadhguru: Let’s look at life beyond where you are
something that does not exist.
right now. Your stay in the educational institution
is only a transition. You have come only to equip You are suffering something that does not even
yourself for something. You have not come to exist. If you are suffering something that does not
an educational institution as a destination. It is even exist, it is not about life, education, or career –
a packaging place to package you nicely. I am it is about your mind being out of control. Is it
not making a commentary on education but on not important to learn to manage your mind first
how we go through it. About the fear of missing before we allow you to manage an industry or a
out… First of all fear, let’s address fear, before we business? If you do not know how to manage your
address missing out. Fear is always about what mind, what are you going to manage in the world?
4 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018
Managers are all freaking out and growing ulcers to drive you crazy in no time. Here, what should or
in their stomachs. Today it has become normal should not happen to you is all managed for you by
that if you are a CEO, if you don’t have an ulcer by someone else.
forty-five, you are not a great CEO. Because you When you step out on the street, if you leave it
are managing by accident. The fear comes because to other people to decide whether you are happy
there is an accidental possibility. or unhappy, you are going to miserable, for sure,
Let’s say you didn’t know how to ride a bicycle. The because they are going to do many things. What
bicycle was on a stand, you sat on it, you were just happens within you must be determined by you.
pedaling for fun. It came off the stand and started And anyway, why are you copying people? Most
rolling – is there anxiety or not? Started rolling people don’t know what the hell they are doing.
faster – fear or not? Very fast – terror or not? It’s not This happened: Shankaran Pillai was working at the
because bicycles produce terror – it is just that you Pentagon. He kept moving his work table from one
don’t know how to ride. If you know how to ride, office to another. Then he moved to the corridor; he
the faster it goes, the better it is. The very reason moved into the garden; he moved here and there.
why we created a bicycle is because we wanted Then he moved into the men’s restroom, settled
it to go faster than walking. That’s the idea. But down there, and started working. Everyone was
if you do not know how to ride, how much fear it looking at this – what’s wrong with him? Initially,
creates! Right now, your problem is not with the they thought he was a Russian agent. Then they
world or with your education. Your problem is your thought he must be a Muslim terrorist. Then they
education system, right from kindergarten, hasn’t thought all kinds of other things, but he didn’t
told you a thing about how to manage yourself. cause any harm to anyone. They told the Pentagon
They think you are going to manage the world psychiatrist that this guy has gone loony, settling
without knowing how to manage yourself. down in the men’s room and working there.
When you are a mess, you can only create a mess. The psychiatrist strolled in, as if he wanted to use
You may be successful. Success happens for a variety the men’s room, and started chatting. Then he
of reasons. There are situations, there are times found Shankaran Pillai was quite normal; everything
which supports us in many different ways, and of was fine with him. He said, “Why are you sitting
course, your bit is there. But just because someone and working in the men’s room?” He said, “I moved
is successful, it doesn’t mean they have figured out everywhere and saw in the end this is the only damn
everything. It doesn’t mean they are at ease with place where people know what they are doing.”
life. It doesn’t mean their life is in some way fulfilled.
Today, our idea of success is just doing a little better Being Average
than someone else.
Questioner: Most of us here at IIM Bangalore have
You doing a little better than someone else means been consistent achievers, at least in some domain
and you are very happy about that, what it means or the other, for all our lives. But some time at IIM
is you are actually enjoying other peoples failures. If Bangalore is good enough to make you feel that
someone enjoys another person’s failures, I call that you are not good enough. How do you deal with
sickness, not success. Unfortunately, this is how you the pressure of being relatively average?
are going. This is the reason why human potential
Sadhguru: It is best someone makes you feel that
is not unleashed. Because if you are a lame person,
right here, because anyway that may happen in
you are happy to be one step ahead of him. Only
when you meet Mr. Bolt, will you understand who
you are. Until then, you think you are a great runner. … none of us are ever really good enough.
There is nothing to miss out in life. Life is happening
to all of us. The question is only, “If I miss this
party, am I missing out on something? If I miss this your life. It can happen in your work; it can happen
examination, I am missing out something? If I miss in your family – someone will tell you, you are not
this job, am I missing out something?” This is simply good enough. So whether they tell you or not, I
because right now, who you are is not internally want you to understand none of us are ever really
managed. It is externally stimulated. Right now, good enough. If you have a large-scale intention
you are in a very controlled campus atmosphere – in the world, you are never really good enough.
a beautiful campus, I have to say. When you step People keep telling me, “Sadhguru, you have done
out in the world, if you leave it to other people to so many things, so many projects.” I’ll tell you my
decide what happens within you, they are going project. Because the day before yesterday, I was at

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 5

the Chamundi Hill. 7.6 billion people. So I know I will die a failure. And
everything else I wish to do, I know I will probably
This happened thirty-seven years ago. I went up
not even fulfill ten, fifteen percent of it. But I will die
Chamundi Hill and sat there. For no reason, I was
blissfully. I am living blissfully and I will die blissfully.
overflowing with ecstasy – every cell in my body
It is best that you are a failure in your life – that
exploding. I didn’t know what was happening.
means your vision is large. If you are a success, you
When I spoke to my closest friends, they said, “Tell
have a constipated sense of life.
me – what did you drink? What did you pop?” This is
the only thing they could ask. When I asked my own
skeptical mind, it said, “Maybe you are going off the
If you work incessantly, and still, at the
rocker.” But I knew I had hit a goldmine. Something
fantastic was happening within me, without any
end of your life, the job is not done, it
reason. If I simply sit like this, I become so ecstatic, doesn’t mean you are a failure. It means
what I think is two minutes, has gone into seven, you had a great vision.
eight hours. Have you noticed this, when you are
very happy, time just flies. If I close my eyes and
open them again, eight, ten hours are gone like Success means what? “I made it!” What did you
that. I saw, “This is fantastic – if I simply sit here, I make? “I bought a house site.” “I got a job.” “I
am completely blissed out.” made this much money.” If you think these are
achievements, it is a very constipated way of looking
I decided to make the whole world blissful. At that
at life. I want people to look at it in terms of how we
time, the world’s population was some 5.6 billion
can do something that cannot be completed in this
people. I made a specific plan, how I would do it. I
lifetime. “Oh! What will happen if I don’t fulfill it?” If
thought in two and a half years’ time, I would have
you work incessantly, and still, at the end of your
the entire world blissed out, because it doesn’t take
life, the job is not done, it doesn’t mean you are a
anything. If you simply sit here, it happens. Thirty-
failure. It means you had a great vision.
seven years later, we may have touched 500, 600
million people on the planet, but that’s not my
idea of the world. My idea of the world today is

6 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018


Insights for Success in Business

In Sadhguru’s welcome address to participants of INSIGHT – The DNA of Success last year, he outlines what
Isha’s leadership intensive is about. He identifies key ingredients for exceptional success and explains why
addressing the inner dimension is vital for success to be sustainable and not take a toll you. “If you enhance your
activity without enhancing yourself, you will die of stress,” Sadhguru says.

System and Star Player was Neymar. He is the most expensive man in the
world right now – 262 million dollars. But a star like
If you look back on the history of any really great this cannot do anything unless the other ten players
successes, there are two dimensions: Certain things have a good system. If there is no good system, the
succeed because of systemic excellence, systemic star will go waste. But without the star, the team
cleanliness, and systemic competence – this is very
will go waste.
important. At the same time, the biggest successes
always have one star player. Without the star player, Activate Your Genius
the system would have never been a great success.
In everyone’s life, there are moments when you
“Star player” means in some way, this person had
have flashes of genius. Especially for leadership,
a deeper insight than the rest of the generation of
it is important to know how to spark it on a daily
the time. This person was able to see something
basis. If one day, ten years ago, you had a bright idea
that others could not see. This person was able to
and did something beautiful, it is not good enough.
do something that others could not imagine. It is
Every day, every moment, your genius should fire.
because of that, that this one person made such a
We want to explore the inner dimension – what it is
big difference.
and what the right things to do with yourself are, so
Even today, you can see this. Some time ago, I that the best in you is coming out. You should not
was at the Wembley Stadium. It was supposed to function below your capability but always at your
be a friendly match between Brazil and England. optimum. For this to happen, a certain amount of
It was a goalless match; both of them played very care, a certain amount of consciousness, and certain
badly. But one man stood out. The moment he types of practices are needed.
got the ball, the entire crowd of 85,000 people
Exploring the inner dimension may not look like
unknowingly would become breathless. There
business at all. But business is, after all, done by
were twenty-two people out there – all of them
human beings. The quality of the human being
were good, international-level players. But if this
determines the quality of the activity we perform.
one man got the ball, everyone would gasp, as if it
One of the greatest mistakes that modern societies
was certain that something would happen now. It

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 7

have made is, we are always trying to enhance once you see a small picture, you will act within
our activity. If you enhance your activity without this small boundary. Isha INSIGHT mainly focuses
enhancing yourself, you will die of stress. If this towards this dimension – to enhance the human
“machine” [yourself] is well enhanced, activity will being in such a way that the play that you have
happen effortlessly. If this is not enhanced and taken up in your life happens effortlessly and joyfully.
you up the activity, it is like you have a Maruti
800 but you decide to compete in Formula One About INSIGHT
races. Of course, all the five wheels will fly in five INSIGHT: The DNA of Success is a business leadership
different directions – the fifth wheel being the intensive conducted by Isha Leadership Academy
steering wheel. that explores the science of scaling up one’s
First Enhance Yourself business as well as one’s own self. Through four
days of intense interaction, INSIGHT offers a rare
You don’t have to aspire for a certain activity – if chance to see through the eyes of successful
you build yourself up, naturally, activity will come. leaders and experientially learn the DNA of Success.
With the reverse approach, that is you enhance
the activity and then struggle with the activity on a Who should attend?
daily basis, you are killing yourself. Success is killing This program is designed for highly motivated and
people. The most successful people have the most committed entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, who
tense and anxious faces. This must change. To be are keen to invest substantially in themselves:
an entrepreneur means to do what you want to do. CEOs, potential CEOs and Senior Executives from
If you are suffering that, it is not right. If you want both public & private undertakings, who are aiming
to function well, you must know how to be at ease, to “multiply” their businesses
how to be joyful, how to be pleasant to yourself and
everything around you. To be successful, it is very Founders and promoters of small and medium
important that you are alive to life around you. enterprises, who are ambitious to grow their
companies or institutions to global class and scale.
Without being lively, you will not see reality as a
whole – you will only see a very small picture. And

8 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018



Bhima Saves
What happened so far: The Pandavas and Draupadi completed their twelve years of forest exile. The next
challenge was to live undiscovered for another year, that too among people, in a city. They had to come up with
a smooth disguise.
Life continued for the Pandavas and Draupadi Initially, when the queen asked her to go to him,
during their time living undercover in King Virata’s Draupadi said, “No.” But later on, the queen insisted,
kingdom. Yudhishthira became very popular with “Take wine and go to Kichaka’s quarters in the
the king. They were waiting for these twelve evening.” Then Draupadi activated Bhima, though
months to get over. By the eleventh month, she was not supposed to contact anyone. She knew
Duryodhana was desperately trying to find the if she went to Yudhishthira, he would talk dharma.
Pandavas and Draupadi. His spies did not produce And, above all, if you do anything to Kichaka, the
any results, so he sent out his brothers to search chances of being discovered were too high. Virata
for them everywhere. They tried to find out their was the king of the Matsya kingdom only in name,
whereabouts in all kinds of ways, asking astrologers, because he had become old – almost seventy years
aghoris, and mystics to find out where they are. of age. Kichaka was the real power. He was the one
But it was upon Krishna’s advice that the Pandavas who controlled the army. If something happened to
and Draupadi went to Matsya, under the guidance
Kichaka, it would be serious trouble. So she went
of the sages Dhaumya and Lomasa. So they were
and instigated Bhima. She said, “I’m not going to
under Krishna’s protection. He assured them, “No
that man. Either you do something about it, or I’m
matter what happens, you’ll not be discovered in
going to kill myself today.”
that one year. Don’t fear; just go and settle there.”

Kichaka’s Desire Bhima Leaves His Mark

In the eleventh month, a certain incident happened. A secret rendezvous was arranged with Kichaka.
One day, the queen’s brother Kichaka set his eyes Bhima came and killed him. It had been a long time –
on Draupadi, the flower girl. He went mad with eleven months since he killed anybody. He had
desire. When warriors came back from campaigns, done nothing but cooking – now he was itching
they were in a certain mode, thinking they could for action. So after Bhima killed Kichaka, he did not
grab anything they wanted. They were used to leave it at that but pushed Kichaka’s arms and legs
that. Wherever they went, in every kingdom they into his body with sheer brute force. At first, when
conquered, they grabbed the women they wanted. the news spread, no one knew who killed Kichaka.
So when he came to see his sister, and he saw When the queen said, “It must have been Draupadi’s
Draupadi, he instantly went crazy. He told his sister, Gandharva husbands,” everyone got scared of
“I want this girl.” She tried to tell him, “It seems she
Draupadi, that she has some magical husbands who
has five Gandharva husbands.” He said, “Rubbish. If
mysteriously came and killed someone like Kichaka.
they come, I’ll make sure that she has no husbands –
Since Kichaka was a strong man, people could not
it’s as simple as that.” He was a battle-hardened
believe he could be killed like this, with bare hands.
man, and he wanted her.
October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 9
When the news went to Duryodhana, he was strummed the Gandiva, it always made a particular
alarmed. He asked, “How was he killed?” They said sound that struck terror in people’s hearts. So when
that each limb was pushed into the body. Then he Arjuna strummed the Gandiva, people realized
said, “Only Bhima does that. It is his modus operandi.” it was him.
After killing somebody, he pushed the limbs into the
Duryodhana was happy, thinking that now Arjuna
body, because he’s not satisfied killing – he has to do
was caught, and the Pandavas would have to go
something more. So Duryodhana said, “It is Bhima –
back into exile for twelve more years. Bhishma
let’s go there.” frowned and said, “You are ignorant of these things.
The Kauravas Go on Attack The solar calendar gives them their freedom – the
thirteenth year is over. That is the reason why
Duryodhana, Dushasana, Karna, Bhishma, Drona, Arjuna appeared in front of us.” Duryodhana said,
Kripacharya, all the stalwarts decided to ride there, “Nothing doing. We are Chandravamshis – we
along with a small battalion of the Kaurava army. must follow the lunar calendar.” Bhishma said, “We
And they asked a friendly king to steal Virata’s cows, may be Chandravamshis by lineage, but on the
so that Virata would go chasing the cow thieves. battlefield, we belong to Surya, and that is the cycle
They took away the cow herds in one direction. we go by. That is the dharma in this land. You can’t
Virata and the whole army went there, chasing the change that now, simply because it doesn’t work to
thieves. None of them was in the city when the Kuru your advantage.”
army came there. Just Virata’s only son Uttara, who
was about seventeen years of age, was at home Arjuna and the Kauravas Face Off
with his sister, his friends, and all the women. When Then they went into battle. Arjuna told Uttara that
he realized the Kuru army was approaching, he said, his sister, a young girl of fifteen or sixteen years of
“I will go and take them on single-handedly.” age, had told him to convey the following message:
Only among the harem women was Uttara brave. “Brother, when you win the war, get the upper
He knew nothing about fighting. He had never clothes of all the Kauravas for me. I want to use
been in a battlefield. Still, he thought he could beat them to dress up my dolls.” That was dangerous.
the Kuru army and boast about it. But he needed When they went to battle, Uttara saw the magic of
a charioteer, and there was no one around. Then Arjuna’s archery. Karna said, “Wait, I will finish him
Arjuna came forth to volunteer, in the guise of today. Whether it’s twelve years, thirteen years,
Brihanala, a eunuch. Uttara said, “It would be a fourteen years – what does it matter.” Arjuna gave
shame for me to be charioted by a eunuch. No, find him battle in such a way that he broke Karna’s bow.
a man as a charioteer.” But there was no one else. Karna had to turn back andPART escape45
from the fight.
Then Yudhishthira, who was Kanka now, came and Arjuna used a weapon that made them all faint.
said, “Take Brihanala – you’ll have no problems. I After everyone fainted, Uttara went there, took the
know he’s a great charioteer.” So, Arjuna went as a upper clothes of Duryodhana, Karna, Dushasana,
charioteer, Uttara as the warrior, to face the Kuru and Ashwatthama – leaving out the elders – and
army. When Uttara saw all these battle-hardened went away. When they came to their consciousness,
warriors standing there, he shook in his pants, and they discovered their upper clothes were gone. It
his heart sank into his footwear. was a matter of shame that someone came in the
Arjuna Drops His Disguise battlefield, took off your clothes and went away,
and you could not do anything about it.
Uttara told Arjuna, “Let’s turn back.” Arjuna replied,
“Why turn back? We wanted to fight them. Let’s Completely shamed, they left. But Duryodhana
fight!” “No way! Turn back, immediately! I order was still arguing, according to which calendar or
you! Let’s go back.” Arjuna said, “No.” Uttara got astrologer the years should be calculated. Bhishma
off the chariot and started running. Arjuna chased said, “They went by the law. You have to keep your
him, caught hold of him, put him in the chariot, word.” Duryodhana had always been determined,
and said, “Wait.” Arjuna took down his Gandiva and but now he expressed it: “It doesn’t matter if it is
told Uttara, “I’m Arjuna.” Just then, the thirteenth thirteen years or fourteen years – I’m not going to
year was over, according to the solar calendar. give back anything to them.”
According to Duryodhana’s calculations, there were To be continued.
still a few days left. Duryodhana’s argument was,
“We are Chandravamshis, so we must go by the
lunar calendar.” At first, people could not recognize
Arjuna. But then he came out as a warrior. When he

10 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018


Isha’s Kerala Flood Relief Work

Kerala, Aug-Sept 2018:

As Kerala reeled under its worst flood in nearly
a century, 175 Isha volunteers including 50 Nadi
Veeras and several doctors were on the ground
involved in rescue efforts, providing basic amenities,
medical aid, and cleaning houses and temples. In
these ongoing efforts, they have reached out to
68,000 people so far.

Nadi Veeras in action, cleaning the Shankaracharya

temple in Kaladi.

An Isha doctor checks the vitals of a little girl at a

relief camp.

While mopping a school, volunteers pause to take in

In solidarity with the people of Kerala, the volunteers
the messy situation.
at Isha Yoga Center have been skipping dinner
on Monday evenings. The money saved will go it’s important that we express our empathy to the
towards the flood relief efforts. Sadhguru tweeted, people of Kerala.”
“Our financial contributions may be nothing for
the scale of devastation that has happened but

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 11

Kailash Manasarovar 2018

On sturdy legs, Sadhguru leads a group up rocky slopes. Outside the famous Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet.

A mystical reunion – the 13th year of the Kailash yatra. A blazing initiation process to receive the Grace of Kailash.

Nepal/China, late August:

Excerpted from Sadhguru Spot:
Three weeks of Altitude… Though I handle altitude
quite well, it does leave one breathless with a bit more
activity than one should. From Lake Kagbhusundi
and Annapoorna South to Manasarovar and Kailash
– not only breathless but speechless too. From the
Power of Natural Beauty that is without parallel to
the Majestic Presence of Mysticism. A heady mix
that leaves you spinning and throbbing in Mind and
Heart, a dizzy intoxication…
Love and Grace,
Surveying the magical Manasarovar.

12 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018

Sabyasachi in Conversation with the Mystic
Delhi, 2 September: Sadhguru and
fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee
had an intriguing discussion which
covered the currently irresponsible and
blatant use of textile products, and how
by using natural fibers, India could be
the guiding light for the world to reverse
this situation. It is here that Sadhguru
announced that on 2 October, the
150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi,
a Save the Weaves campaign will be
launched to preserve the vast variety of
India’s weaves, which are on the verge
A conversation themed on “Fifty Shades of Grey: of extinction.
Sadhguru in Black and White”

Launch of Sadhguru Photo Book by Raghu Rai

Of extraordinary size, the book is a testament to an extraordinary life.

Delhi, 3 September: On Sadhguru’s birthday, an of photographic excellence and recognition, Rai

audience of over one thousand people filled the Isha mentioned, “This is the biggest book the divine has
Delhi Center for the launch of the much awaited granted me to do.” Capturing the many facets of
photo book Sadhguru by master photographer Sadhguru, this limited edition coffee table book is
Raghu Rai. A Padma Shri awardee with fifty years available for purchase at
October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 13
‘Youth and Truth’ Takes Off

A movement to inspire and empower India’s youth

During the month of September, Sadhguru has been connecting with
millions of youth online and offline through interactive, candid sessions in
colleges across India. Celebrity youth icons have been posing their burning
questions to Sadhguru as well, creating a buzz on social media. Youth and
Truth provides a platform for young people to get answers on anything
of interest to them – career, parents, addiction, stress, relationships,
sexuality – nothing is off-limits. The campaign aims to bring clarity and
balance to young Indians, and make them a positive force that will shape
the future of the nation.

Delhi, Shri Ram College of Commerce

4 September: The first
event saw the indoor
stadium at Shri Ram College
of Commerce (SRCC) packed
to capacity as its student
community turned out in full
strength to catch a glimpse
of Sadhguru. Sadhguru
answered questions ranging
from Adiyogi to social
media; relationships to
parenting, and goal setting
to confidence building.
A trio of students in the tricolor kick off the first event in the national capital.

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

An informal meet with Sadhguru under the Banyan tree, after the main event.

10 September: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University questions on stress, violence against women,
(TNAU) warmly hosted the second episode of Youth agriculture, and ignorance.
and Truth. The bilingual session covered pressing

14 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018

Chennai, College of Engineering, Anna University

Sadhguru and Chennai youth in motion for truth

12 September: After battling with 700 different drugs, relationships, education, and love at first
and unique questions, the engineering students sight. An impressed student shared: “Every person
finally narrowed down their questions and shot has walked out as a smarter person than the way
them at Sadhguru, encompassing politics, religion, he entered the hall.”

Bengaluru, Mount Carmel College

13 September: Students at
Mt. Carmel did not hesitate
to grill Sadhguru on topics
including homosexuality,
feminism, fashion, and
depression. Sadhguru tweeted
after the event: Only today
I realized that two years
of my education happened
in Carmelite Institutions. I
congratulate and appreciate
the nuns and teachers of
Mount Carmel Convent for
continuing the possibility of
education to thousands. –Sg
There is palpable excitement in the air at the all-girls college.

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 15


My Navaratri
Experience in Isha

Sometimes, a chance visit turns out to be not by chance at all. That is what Usha Iyer found, looking back at a
spectacular and intense Navaratri night at Isha. Enjoy her beautifully illustrated account.
It was a matter of sheer chance that I said yes the flickering diyas, the flower arrangement – all of it
to going to Ooty for a couple of workshops at a leading to a feeling of gratitude. The Akka gestures
residential school there, and later decided to spend that the time is over. I do my namaskaram, crying.
the evening before at Isha. I was dropped off at the
I hadn’t seen the Linga Bhairavi in my previous visit.
parking from where the Adiyogi was visible. The
When I climb down the stairs, I see this amazing
breeze was crazy. My goal was the Dhyanalinga, so
Devi in red. Covered in sindoor, with the three Devi
I spent no time here. I walked on and on for what
eyes and a gold spiral nose pin. I am in time for the
I was told would be a 7 minute walk.
evening aarti. The next few minutes are magic!
I was hoping I wouldn’t be late for the darshan of the When the aarti finishes, I am again crying, happy to
Dhyanalinga. That would have been devastating! have made it in time for this. All of it felt like I was in
I walk up and ask someone if I could still go inside. another world. I actually was.
When I say that even it is only for three or four
As I walk out, I see a bunch of people standing there,
minutes, it’s okay with me, an Akka leads me into the
as if waiting for something to start. The gate behind
dome. I sit and look at the Dhyanalinga. What a space!
me shuts. In front are some men in white dhotis,
What energy, what vibrations! The subtle lighting,
red angavastrams, and a green leaf mala. Some of

16 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018

them have picked up
musical instruments –
the pakhawajs, the I can’t believe my luck and thank all the
typical bugle, cymbals. powers that have made me experience
Others are carrying something I didn’t even know I wanted to.
flags (illustrated)
and a thick log with Bhairavi, Jai Bhairavi. The sound gives me goose
torches. Now the bumps. As I watch the entourage turn, I turn to the
bugle is blown, and person next to me. He is dressed in red and very
as the drums beat, clearly, he isn’t an Indian. I tell him how blessed
suddenly, the Linga I feel and ask him if this is an everyday event. He
Bhairavi is out in wipes his tears away and says this is only for the 9
procession. Seated days of Navaratri.
royally, the Devi is
moving amidst all the I can’t believe my luck and thank all the powers that
music, light from the have made me experience something I didn’t even
torches, the fragrance know I wanted to. I realize all things in life are not
of camphor and by our design. My write-up and illustrations will
flowers. It is dark and do little justice to the spectacle. But try I must to
the space belongs only recreate it.
to this amazing bunch of people and their Usha Iyer is an artist and design faculty in New Delhi
devotion to Linga Bhairavi. Awestruck, I move
with the crowd, silently. Now the procession
goes up and down the stairs to loud chants of
Jai Bhairavi, Jai Bhairavi. The procession stops
and the men move to position in front of the
huge Nandi.
What follows is an aarti. Then five men on either side
pick up torches, and start to dance. Choreographed,
but very powerful, deeparadhanai. This goes on for
a while till the music changes. The torches are put
on the floor and cymbals are picked up. What starts
as an organized dance suddenly turns chaotic. The
sound of the cymbals is now a din, and we know the
crescendo isn’t far.
After it, silence again. Deeparadhanai to Devi and
the Dhyanalinga over, the men take position, pick
up the doli, flags, etc., and proceed to where they
started, climbing the stairs to more chanting of Jai

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 17


Bhuta Shuddhi Vivaha Training

Sadhguru has opened up possibilities for Isha volunteers to get trained in consecration processes. Bhuta Shuddhi
Vivaha, the process of consecrating marriages, is one such sacred offering.

The Bhuta Shuddhi Vivaha Process:

“There is a certain beauty in two lives trying to merge into one. To think beyond yourself, to feel
beyond yourself, to accommodate one another is also a stepping stone for the Ultimate Union.
Vivaha is a certain form of consecration for marriages. This is a very ancient form that has its origin
in the yogic system. It is based on the process of Bhuta Shuddhi, which means mastery over the five
elements. In the Bhuta Shuddhi Vivaha, we want the couple to achieve a union beyond thought,
companionship, emotion, body –on an elemental level.” - Sadhguru

The Training: Who can apply?

The 8-day training program is conducted at • 
Isha volunteers who have attended the Inner
Linga Bhairavi, Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore. Engineering/Isha Yoga program and the Bhava
• Dates: 1–8 December 2018 Spandana Program.
• Above 30 years of age
Those who complete the training and will be
authorized to conduct the process will be call • Preferably couples
Sumangalas. “I want you to know the joy and fulfillment
of offering something that touches and
• Currently, the Bhuta Shuddhi Vivaha process is
transforms lives.” – Sadhguru
conducted only at Linga Bhairavi, near Isha Yoga
Center. After this training program, Sumangalas
Contact: For more details: 83000 83111
will conduct Bhuta Shuddhi Vivaha processes
worldwide, as per request.
To apply online:

18 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018

Navaratri: How to Receive Devi’s Grace
Navaratri, nine nights in celebration of Devi, is coming up from 10 to 18 October 2018. Here is a brief background
of what Navaratri is about and ways to connect with Devi and receive her Grace.

Navaratri Navaratri Sadhana

Navaratri is a journey from darkness to light, and is Sadhguru created a special Navaratri Sadhana for
dedicated to the feminine nature of the Divine. Linga this period that you can do at home to become
Bhairavi unites all three dimensions of the divine more receptive to Devi’s Grace. This sadhana is
feminine that represent the three basic qualities to be practiced on all the nine days of Navaratri,
of existence (tamas, rajas, sattva – traditionally following these simple steps:
represented as Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati), with • Light a lamp for Devi.
three days dedicated to each quality – the first
two towards survival and sustenance, and the third • Chant a minimum of three cycles of the Linga
towards aspiring to go beyond. Bhairavi Devi Stuti in front of a photo of Devi,
Linga Bhairavi Gudi, Linga Bhairavi Yantra, or
This is the most conducive phase of the year to
Avighna Yantra. It is advisable to chant eleven
receive Devi’s Grace. Every evening of Navaratri,
devotees will have the opportunity to participate in cycles (one cycle is the recitation of 33 names
a special Navaratri Abhishekam at Linga Bhairavi, of Devi).
near Isha Yoga Center. There is also a possibility • Make an offering. There are no restrictions on
to offer Annadanam on any of the Navaratri what can be offered.
days. Maha Arati, concerts and cultural programs,
and a crafts fair complement the celebration of The sadhana can be done at any time of the day
the feminine. or night, by all, and along with other traditional
celebrations. There are no dietary restrictions,
After Navaratri, the tenth and final day of Dussehra though it is preferable to have sattvic food.
is Vijayadashami (19 October), the day of victory,
For more information, contact: +91-83000 83111
which symbolizes the conquering of all these three
or send an email to
qualities. A special Vidyarambham to initiate and
support children (ages 2 to 12) in the process of Navaratri: 10 to 18 October 2018
education will be offered at Linga Bhairavi on the Vijayadashami (and Vidyarambham):
same day. 19 October 2018

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 19


Date Program Place Contact

Isha Life Health Solutions

3 Oct, 27 Oct 044-28885333 / 83000 45333
Obesity Treatment Program (opp. Spencer Plaza),
Chennai – India

Isha Yoga Center,

10–14 Oct 83000 93555 / 83000 83111
Samyama Sadhana Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India

Isha Life Health Solutions

12 Oct, 29 Oct Joint and Musculoskeletal 044-28885333 / 83000 45333
(opp. Spencer Plaza),
2018 Disorders Treatment
Chennai – India

Isha Yoga Center, 94437 00982 / 83000 83111

15–17 Oct Yogasanas for Beginners
Velliangiri Foothills, hathayoga.iyc@
2018 (at IYC, Nalanda)
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

18–21 Oct 83000 93555
Guru Pooja Training Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

18–21 Oct 94890 45164 / 83000 83111
Inner Engineering Retreat Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India

Isha Institute of Inner-

19–21 Oct Bhava Spandana Program +1 (931) 229-0709
sciences, McMinnville,
2018 with Sadhguru

Isha Rejuvenation,
21 Oct – Isha Yoga Center,
Yoga Marga isharejuvenation@
10 Nov 2018 Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India
Isha Yoga Center,
24 Oct – Shivanga Sadhana Initiation Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
5 Dec 2018 (Gents) Coimbatore & local
centers – India

Isha Yoga Center,

25–28 Oct 94890 45164 / 83000 83111
Inner Engineering Retreat Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center, 94437 00982 / 83000 83111

29–31 Oct Yogasanas – Advanced
Velliangiri Foothills, hathayoga.iyc@ishafoundation.
2018 (at IYC, Nalanda)
Coimbatore – India org

Isha Yoga Center,

22–25 Nov INSIGHT: The DNA of 83000 84888
Velliangiri Foothills,
2018 Success with Sadhguru
Coimbatore – India

Live in a Consecrated Space Isha Yoga Center,

94890 45136 / 94890 45133
22 Dec 2018 – Yantra Ceremony with Velliangiri Foothills,
Sadhguru Coimbatore – India

Current at the time of print, however subject to change. For full program schedules and updates, please visit

20 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2018

ISHA RECIPE Pearl Millet Dosa


1 cup pearl millet (bajra/kambu) 1. Wash the millet and rice and soak them for
about 4 hours.
1 cup idli rice (medium grained parboiled rice)
4 red chilies 2. Drain the water and grind them with a little
bit of water, along with red chilies and salt.
1 tsp. fennel seeds Towards the end, add the fennel seeds too
Salt to taste and grind them for just a minute. Adjust the
consistency of the batter by adding a little water
Oil (as needed) so it is spreadable.
Small bunch of coriander leaves and curry 3. To the ground batter, add chopped coriander
leaves – chopped and curry leaves. Add the grated carrot and
½ carrot – grated cabbage and mix thoroughly.
¼ of a small size cabbage – grated 4. Take a ladle full of batter and spread it evenly
on an oiled hot pan, in a circular fashion. Add a
few drops of oil and cook from both sides until
Tip: Serve with sambar, coconut chutney, or
golden brown.
other chutneys of your choice.

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 21


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October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 22


Courtesy Zen Speaks

Published by: B. RAJESH CHANDER on behalf of ISHA FOUNDATION

Published from 117/50, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004, TAMILNADU

Printed by: S. PRAKASH; at FINE DOTS, No.15, Boo Begum 3rd Street,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002, TAMILNADU. Editor: K. SEKAR

October 2018 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 23

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Registered with Patrika Channel Egmore RMS under Registration No. TN/CH(C)/492/17–19. Published on 2nd of every month – October 2018

You see.
valley shall not hold me
The comfort of a pleasant

down from the harsh Mountains.

Propelled by that One Mountain Dweller,

a || ISHA
FLOWER October
October 2018

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