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Model Management

Module for PSS®E

Simple, effective, database-driven model
management, fully integrated into PSS®E

At a glance across different teams (long-term users to work within the familiar native
planning, operations planning, system PSS®E environment, fully leveraging the
The PSS®E Model Management add-on
protection, market analysis, etc.). Within built-in visualization and editing
module can vastly increase data quality
a given organization, this data is likely features of PSS®E.
and efficiency at the department or
stored in many files scattered across
organizational level by providing: The solution
different machines, drives and folders.
• An easy-to-use, scalable, database- This presents an organizational PSS®E Model Management provides
driven solution with minimal IT challenge, often causing excessive a simple yet powerful platform that
overhead labor, model inaccuracies, and sub- offers the benefits of database-driven
optimal system performance. model management without requiring
• A single source of truth for the as-
Consolidated data systems are less additional IT or database know-how.
built network model with structured,
error-prone and can save hundreds Storing and loading data between
time-bound and annotated projects
of hours per year in duplicated effort; PSS®E and the database can be done
• On-demand case builds from however, they previously involved without regard to file paths. Model
customizable combinations of significant custom implementation editing is performed directly in PSS®E,
projects, profiles and ratings and ongoing maintenance. maximizing convenience and
minimizing the learning curve.
The challenge Solution requirements
PSS®E Model Management is designed
It is clear that the industry is moving An important consideration for the
to let the engineer leverage the time
towards centralization of network development of this module was to
savings and data accuracy of a
model data, as the same topological ensure PSS®E users are able to focus on
database, while allowing them to
network data is necessary for various their work without being distracted by
directly interact with network model
study activities (power flow, dynamic network, server or database issues. In
data within PSS®E, hiding all database
stability, short circuit, etc.) conducted addition, the solution should allow
implementation-related details.
The PSS®E Model Management user interface showing the interactive timeline view

Local and Standard edition How it works

The Local Edition is included with the PSS®E base license, Database setup
and enables users to:
PSS®E Model Management has been designed to make it as
• Assemble and use a local, native PSS®E format network simple and intuitive as possible to store data to the database
model database (either from selected files or PSS®E memory). The methods
provided to populate your database include:
• Organize and manage case definitions, base cases,
projects, profiles and ratings • Store/import base case data (including sequence and
• Interactively record model changes in PSS®E
• Store/import profile data
• Build and load customized study cases on-demand
• Store/import rating data
• Import and export data in PSS®E format
• Import project data
• Visualize projects in an interactive timeline view
• Import diagrams (SLD)
The Standard Edition (fees apply) additionally enables
users to: • Create and edit case definitions
• Deploy a central network model database for multi-user The base network topology is captured by storing a master
access base case. This is the foundation upon which all incremental
changes will be built.
• Assign user roles
Generation, load and device control profiles can be created
• Publish directly to PSS®MOD
in PSS®E (for example, by using the generation and load
scaling functions), and then easily stored in the database
for later reuse.

Ratings can be stored or imported from multiple existing accommodates change. For example, when a data correction
saved cases. or addition is made to a planned project, no further action
or elaborate coordination is typically needed. Users will
Projects (new transformers, upgraded lines, new generators,
automatically receive the new data the next time they load
etc.) are stored in the database through a smart recording
PSS®E from any case definition that includes the updated
process. You simply start “recording” the project changes in
project. All study cases built from that point onwards are
PSS®E, and the resulting actions are automatically stored in
virtually updated.
the database for future use.
PSS®E Model Management makes the “single source of truth”
Projects can also be extracted via case comparison and
concept a practical reality for your team.
imported in PRJ format.
Prerequisites and compatibility
For added convenience, an unlimited number of Slider
diagrams (associated with base cases and projects) can PSS®E Model Management works with PSS®E 34 (including
also be stored in the database. full support for detailed substation modeling); a PSS®E 35
compatible version is in development.
Production deployment
PSS®E Model Management is built on Python 3 and wxPython
Once the database setup has been completed, your team or
4; its prerequisite Python components are included in the
organization no longer needs to rely on saved case files and
PSS®E installer.
scripts as the de facto system of record for shared study
cases. It requires SQL Server 2017 or higher. SQL Server Express
Edition (available at no cost from Microsoft) is fully
When PSS®E Model Management is launched, user-defined
case definitions are readily available. These case definitions
are persistent references to other data elements in the Getting started
database: base case, projects, profiles and ratings. To obtain
PSS®E Model Management – Local edition is bundled with
a study case from the system, the user simply selects the
PSS®E 34.7 and enabled with a basic PSS®E license. To unlock
desired case definition and invokes the “build and load”
Standard edition, please contact:
This on-demand case build approach minimizes hard
dependencies, promotes transparency and better

Published by For the U.S. published by
Siemens AG Siemens Industry, Inc.
Smart Infrastructure
Digital Grid
Humboldtstrasse 59 100 Technology Drive
90459 Nuremberg Alpharetta, GA 30005
Germany United States
For more information, please contact For more information, please contact
E–mail: E–mail:
© Siemens 2020
Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance
features which may not always specifically reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the course of further
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The technical data presented in this document is based on an actual case or on as-designed parameters, and therefore should not be
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reason, we reserve the right to modify, at any time, the technology and product specifications contained herein.

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