Sources/ $/ton Mile Tons Coordinates Markets: Buffalo Memphis St. Louis Atlanta Boston Jacksonville Philadelphia New York

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Steel Appliances (Figure 5-8) Using Solver to Optimize Location for Steel Appliances
1. Using Data | Analysis | Solver, solve the model to obta
Sources/ $/Ton Mile Tons Coordinates location of facility represented by pink dot in chart below

Markets Fn Dn xn yn dn 2. Change tonnage from St. Lous in Cell D7 to 1,700. How

you expect location of facility to change? Try using Solve
Buffalo 0.90 500 700 1200 1389
Sources Memphis 0.95 300 250 600 650 3. Change tonnage from St. Lous in Cell D7 to 2,700. How
St. Louis 0.85 700 225 825 855 you expect location of facility to change? Try using Solve
Atlanta 1.50 225 600 500 781
Boston 1.50 150 1050 1200 1595
Markets Jacksonville 1.50 250 800 300 854
Philadelphia 1.50 175 925 975 1344
New York 1.50 300 1000 1080 1472
0 0
Facility Location 1400
x= 0.0
y= 0.0

Cost = $ 3,277,110 600

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Page 1

timize Location for Steel Appliances

lysis | Solver, solve the model to obtain
epresented by pink dot in chart below.
from St. Lous in Cell D7 to 1,700. How do
n of facility to change? Try using Solver.
from St. Lous in Cell D7 to 2,700. How do
n of facility to change? Try using Solver.

Page 2

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