THE Lady With: by Zoe Heuer

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Once upon a time a long time ago there
lived a lady named Cheryl. Everybody
called her pink head because she had
pink hair. When Cheryl was a kid she ran
away from home because no one
understood her. She ran and ran. Soon
she saw a chair. She sat on the chair and
took a rest. She did not sleep though.
Soon she could see something in the air.
She knew it was not a star! But in her
head she thought it was a WITCH! In fact
Cheryl was right it was a witch! Cheryl
tried to run back home as fast as she
could. But Cheryl was still too tired from
running and running before and she still
needed a break. So she stopped and
took a break and the witch got in luck
because Cheryl needed a rest and the
witch put a spell on Cheryl! The spell
made her hair pink. Cheryl did not know
what the spell did to her. After the witch
put a spell on Cheryl the witch went
away and Cheryl started walking home.
Cheryl walked and walked. Right when
Cheryl walked in to her house her
parents looked at her hair for a real long
time. Finally they said where have you
been and what happened to your hair!
Cheryl said I was on a walk. Her parents
said but what happened to your hair!
She said I do not know and then Cheryl
pulled her hair down to her eyes so she
could see. My hair is PINK! OH NO! That
is what the spell did! Her parents looked
surprised. What spell? Cheryl said I
forgot what kind of spell. Cheryl had to
do a little fib about the spell because her
parents would not believe her but her
parents wanted to know. Soon Cheryl
grew up and still had pink hair. So
everybody called her pink head. In fact
the whole town called her pink head!
Cheryl did not like being called pink
head. So Cheryl went to the place where
the mean witch had made her hair pink.
Cheryl ran and ran. Soon she saw the
chair that she took a rest when she was
a kid. In fact Cheryl needed a rest right
now. She wanted to take a rest but she
needed to get the witch’s wand! So she did
not fall asleep. Soon the same thing
happened as before when Cheryl was a kid!
Cheryl saw something in the air! This time
Cheryl knew it was not a star! She knew it
was the witch! The witch saw Cheryl and
Cheryl saw the witch. The witch took her
magic wand out and put another spell on
Cheryl. It was the same spell as before and
it made Cheryl’s hair pink! But since
Cheryl’s hair was already pink it made
Cheryl’s hair RED! Cheryl did notice the spell
this time and she did not like the witch
making her hair different colors. Cheryl
liked her hair brown the color of hair that
she was born with.

So Cheryl climbed a tree and she jumped
and Cheryl landed on the witch’s broom.
Cheryl tried to get the magic want but
the witch kept on making it harder to
reach! Soon the witch lost balance and
fell to the ground and the witch died!
Soon Cheryl made the broom go to her
house and she took the magic wand and
tried to make her hair back to brown.
But Cheryl did not know how to work
the magic wand but finally Cheryl made
her hair back to brown! The color that
her hair was when Cheryl was born!
After a couple years Cheryl got married
to a person named Tom and Cheryl had
kids of her own. Cheryl had two kids.
Their names were Sarah and Emma.
Soon Sarah and Emma went to College
and then Sarah and Emma got married
just like Cheryl. Sarah got married to a
boy named Carter and Emma got
married to a boy named Maisen.

The End

About the Author
My name is Zoe.
I am 8 years old. I have 4 people in my
family: a brother, a mom, a dad and me.
I have no pets. My favorite color is
purple. When I grow up I want to be a
teacher. My hobbies are drawing and
reading and playing with my friends. I
wrote this book because I enjoy reading
and writing and I wanted people to see
my imagination!


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