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Comparative Study of Termiticidal Effect of Cymbopogon Stalk and Alpinia Galanga Nodes

Extract on Isoptera

Carla L. Campos

Grade 12 HUMSS

A Research Paper

Submitted on Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements

Research 2

Buhang National High School

Buhang Hamtic Antique

Xyza Inah Rae A. Palomata

Research Adviser



Background of the Study

This Study aims to compare the effectiveness of Alpinia Galanga and Cymbopogon on

Isoptera. Termites can cause certain problem like destroying wooden objects. According to

(Sanica, 2011) and (Ramesk K. Verma et al, 2011). Cymbopogon and Alpinia Galanga has a

chemical content that has a potential to kill termites. Thus, this study was conducted.

Termiticidal are one class of Insecticides specifically designed to elimate termites. Termiticidal

activities by reducing the rate of survival duration of tested termites (Psyche, 2005). Termiticides

made from substances that termites love to eat such as paper and cardboard-combined with a

slow acting poison that is lethal to termites.

Objective of the Study

This study aimed to determine the mortality count of Cymbopogon Stalk and Alpinia

Galanga Nodes Extract when it applied in Isoptera at different concentration.

1. The mortality count of Isoptera when it applied with Cymbopogon Stalk and Alpinia

Galanga Nodes Extract at different concentration.

2. Is there a significance differences on the mortality count of Alpinia Galanga Nodes

Extract and Cymbopogon Stalk when it applied in Isoptera.


There is no significant differences on the mortality count of Alpinia Galanga Nodes Extract

and Cymbopogon Stalk when it applied in Isoptera at different concentration.

Significance of the Study

Nowadays, researchers usually choose new ways to kill and to lessen pests. The useful and

relevant information acquired from the study will encourage the fellow people or researchers to

further study the effect of Cymbopogon on other pests, not only termiticides but also

insecticides. The result of the study give insights to the researchers about the termiticidal effect

of Cymbopogon Stalk and Alpinia Galanga Nodes Extract on Isoptera. This study motivates the
researcher to use Cymbopogon Stalk and Alpinia Galanga Nodes Extract as a Termiticides and

avoid using commercial products that has a side effect.

Scope and Limitation

The goal of this study is to compare the termiticidal effect of Cymbopogon Stalk and Alpinia

Galanga Nodes Extract on Isoptera. This study will be conducted on June-October 2019 at

Laboratory Room of Buhang National High School. Buhang, Hamtic, Antique. The study utilize

2kg of Cymbopogon Stalk and 1kg Alpinia Galanga Nodes Extract at 540 Isoptera. The study

was arranged at Completely Randomize Design (CRD) with 36 treatments of Isoptera replicated

3 times. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was the statistical tool use to determine the significant

different on the mortality counts of Isoptera among and between treatments set at 0.01 and 0.05

significance level.

Definition of Terms

Comparative study- the study or comparative of Alpinia galanga nodes extract and Cymbopogon


Termiticidal- an organic way to kill termites.

Effect- the mortality rate of Isoptera when Cymbopogon stalk and Alpinia galangal nodes extract

are applied.
Cymbopogon- will be extracted and will be made as a sauce to be a termiticidal on Isoptera.

Stalk- a part of a plant that will be extracted.

Alpinia galanga- an independent that will be extracted and apply to increase the mortality count

of Isoptera.

Nodes- a part of a plant that will be extracted.

Extract- to extract certain components in a plant.

Isopteran- a pest that will be used on the experiment of the study.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Essential oil obtained from cymbopogon flexuosus contain a number of constituents.

Numerous investigation were conducted to establish compounds such as mycrene, pcymene-

methlyl, neptenone, citral a, citral b, geraniol, nerol decyl aledehyde, farnersol, famesal a

terpineol and isopulegol. (Gupta B.K. and Daniel p35.)

The name cymbopogon is derived from the greek word “kymbe” (boat) and “pogon”

(beard) referring to the flower spike arrangement. (Shah et al, 2011)

Cymbopogon citratus (the grass) has been used by the Brazilian Quilombolas trike to

decrease blood pressure and to calm individuals (anxiolytic). (Rodriques snd Carlini, 2004)

Psyche. (2005)

Volume 2012 article ID 86 9415 ‘5 pages

Adams, R.P. (1995). Identification of essential oil components by Gas

Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Allured Publ. Corp, Caral Stream.

Shah G, Shri R, Panchal V, Sharma N, Singh B and Mann AS. Scientific basis for the

therapeutic use of cymbopogon citratus, staff (lemongrass). J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2011


Mar: 2(1): 3-8.

Rodriques E and Carlini EA. Plants used by a Quilombola Group in Brazil w/ Potential

Central Nervous System Effects. Phytotherapy Research 18, 748-753 (2004)

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