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Christian Noel B.

Naparota COPVA

Session 3

1. Facts I need to learn about Silliman...

- Education builds competence, character and faith. Established in 1901 as Silliman

Institute by the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, it is the first American and
Protestant founded institution of higher learning in the Philippines and in Asia. Its
founder is David S. Hibbard and the school is already 117 years old.

2. Things I see in the SU seal.

- The things I saw in the Silliman Seal are a small book, a lamp, a candle lit flame and

3. The three important V's

- The three V’s which are VIA, VERITAS, VITA means “I Am the Way, the Truth and the
Life: Now and Always”.

4. What are the student services?

- The student services that are available in silliman are these following: The Student
Scholarship & Aid Division, Student Housing Residence Division, Guidance and Testing
Program, SOAD, and lastly, International Students Office.

5.  list the 5 C's of Silliman education.

- The 5C’s of silliman education are the Church, Classroom, Culture, Court, and

5. How do I envision myself as a future graduate of Silliman

- I envision myself in the future as a proud student carrying the values of Silliman and
harboring and keeping the memories of what I learned as valuable and irreplaceable. A
person who will be a professional molded by Silliman.

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