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In a hostel, an old woman is seen calling someone. She is the old

leader of the hostel. She’s name is Mrs. Kinanti.
Kinanti: I begging to you, Can you change me to be the leader of the hostel?
Rini : I can’t ma'am…..
Kinanti: please… only you can!
Rini : okay
Kinanti: thanks God, thank you Rini. Tomorrow, you will be picked up by
Mr. Selamat, the hostel guard, you still remember, right?
Meanwhile in the hostel led by Mrs. Rosa “ the cruel and cold woman.“
That's the nickname given by Nurul, Nisa, and Putri. Three students who
were not allowed to go home by Mrs. Rosa on the vacation of their low test
scores, they had to carry out a severe punishment from her.
Nisa: That woman is so cruel and cold, we should be on vacation right now!
Nurul: That's right, Mrs. Rosa is a stone woman
The sun began to sink, the moon appeared accompanied by the sound
of animals that made it seem scary. It was night, it was 3:00am The alarm
wake Nurul up from his sleep.
Nurul: Putri…nisa… wake up it’s morning, let's pray tahajjud first!
Nisa : I'm still sleepy, you go first, Nurul!
(Prayer Practice)
The next day, the three students were sweeping the yard. While they
were busy talking, Rini arrived at the hostel. Mr.Selamet invites Rini to go
around the hostel. And finally Rini met the three students.

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Rini : May I help you?
Putri: Yes you may, thank you mrs!
Suddenly while they were sweeping the yard, Putri fell and started
screaming while acting strangely. Rini was very surprised to see her, she
asked Nurul about what was going on.
Rini: what is this? What is up with her?
Nurul also told her everything about Putri who was often in a trance,
ustadz who help her, even about the supernatural beings who always
followed her when she prayed. They call it MAKMUM
Rini was surprised to hear that, she wanted to ask Nurul more. But,
Mr. Selamat called her and asked her to go to Mrs. Kinanti's room to get a
black box under Mrs. Kinanti's bed.
Selamet: Hurry up Rini! No more time, you have to go to Mrs. Kinanti's
room and get the black box under her bed!
Rini : but sir, what about Putri?
Selamet: It's okay, let me take care of it
Rini’s leaving soon to Bu Kinanti's room to take the black box. When
Rini opened the box, she was very surprised. In the box there isa piece of
newspaper that told the story of a hostel fire 10 years ago.
Rini begins to remember everything of her past when she was still
living in the hostel.
That night he and his roommate woke up to perform the tahajjud
Ningsih: where are you going?
Rini : I want to pray tahajjud

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Ningsih: I want to come with you Rini, I want to pray for my sister, Putri and
my mother at home so that they are always healthy
Rini : that’s good,let's go!
Ningsih: Rini… May I be your makmum?
Rini : The tahajjud prayer is hasn’t makmum, right?
Ningsih: But, I haven’t memorized the prayer readings
Rini : okay
(After Praying)
Rini : you can go to room, I want to read the holy qur’an first
Ningsih: okay, I'll go first!
Ningsih went to sleep in her room, but with her carelessness she kept
the candle in front of the curtain. The fire began to burn everything in the
room, including the Ningsih.
Rini smells fire from her room. she ran to save Ningsih but, she was
hit by a burning wood and she passed out.
Now that Rini has remembered everything, she realizes the reason
behind all this incident. Rini ran to Putri who was in a trance.
Ustadz: (reading the quran)
Finally, the figure of the makmum disappeared, and the truth is
revealed that Mr.Selamet and Mr.Kinanti had buried Ningsih alive because
they don’t want the hostel get a bad reputation.
So my friends, from this story we can take a lesson that
“No Matter How Clever We Hide The Carcass, It Will Smell It Too.”
We hope after you watch this video, you’re not afraid to pray, but feel
challenged to pray more solemnly.

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