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Institute of International Hospitality Management

Program: Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Course Code:

Course Title: Foreign Language 2

Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the Japanese writing systems. It will be focusing on the
kana writings of Japan, specifically, the Hiragana, Katakana, and basic Kanji. It will
cover the vowels and consonants as well as the dakuten (dakuon) and handakuten
(handakuon) spelling and reading so that the learners will rely less on writing
Romanized Japanese words and phrases. The students also be able to expand their

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, the learners should be able to:
1. Read and write hiragana
2. Read and write katakana
3. Read and write basic kanji
4. Understand and translate basic Japanese words

Grading Rubrics:

Written Exam (45%)
Written Exercises (35%)
Participation, online classroom/course accomplishment report (20%)

Module 1: Introduction to Japanese Writing System

Module 2: Hiragana Reading and Writing

o Lesson 1 – Vowels
o Lesson 2 – Ka
o Lesson 3 – Sa
o Lesson 4 – Ta
o Lesson 5 – Na
o Lesson 6 – Ha
o Lesson 7 – Ma
o Lesson 8 – Ya
o Lesson 9 – Ra
o Lesson 10 - Wa
Module 3: Katakana Reading and Writing
o Lesson 1 – Vowels
o Lesson 2 – Ka
o Lesson 3 – Sa
o Lesson 4 – Ta
o Lesson 5 – Na
o Lesson 6 – Ha
o Lesson 7 – Ma
o Lesson 8 – Ya
o Lesson 9 – Ra
o Lesson 10 - Wa
Module 4: Kanji and Vocabulary
o Lesson 1 – Existence and Elements
o Lesson 2 – Numbers
o Lesson 3 – Time and Space
o Lesson 4 – Time and Space cont.
o Lesson 5 – Common Verbs (Basic)
o Lesson 6 – Measurements
o Lesson 7 – Common Nouns (Basic)
o Lesson 8 – Basic Adjectives


Hiragana course retrieved from: http://japanese-

Katakana course retrieved from: http://japanese-

Kanji Master Drill (Level N04) retrieved from: http://japanese-

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