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REGISTRATION NO : I71/5019/2016.
DUE DATE: 31st MAY 2018
A successful job search requires one to have a strategic plan. In this plan, I would incorporate
among others the principles of marketing since it is actually a crucial item when it comes to job
searching and career development. In today’s job searching environment, one can succeed
understanding the value of marketing and applying the principles of marketing in their job

Firstly, I would undertake a thorough market research and also gather information about the
organizations I would like to work for. Market research is an essential tool since it would help
me to be aware of what is expected of me by the employer even before applying for various
positions in their organizations. I would also use another research tool whereby I would
interview or talk to professionals who have actually made it in my career line to be able to hear
their advice about my potential. These professionals may even be potential employers and this
would be absolutely advantageous in my job search. The information I get from this research will
help me in writing my cover letter and designing my resume.
Secondly, in my job search I would apply the marketing mix concept or rather the P`s in a job
seekers perspective. They include:

In job search, I am actually the product or the brand. At every point in my job search, am
actually trying to convince the employer to purchase my products i.e., my skills, experiences and
my knowledge which I can use to impact value in their organizations. In trying to convince the
employer I would actually use a customer-centric approach and a process of segmentation rather
than hope that everybody will find my product attractive.
Instead of sending twenty resumes to different employers, I would try to understand the
differences among the employers and target the most attractive and relevant ones with highly
designed application materials like resumes and recommendation letters. Again, as a brand, I
would position myself that I build a positive perspective in the eye of the employer by first
knowing a set of possible competitive advantages upon which to build position over the other job
seekers. I would then select the best competitive advantage because employers look for different
skills and strengths. Lastly, I would communicate and deliver the position to the employer.
This is a way of communicating to potential employers that I can offer value to their
organizations. It would include a cover letter, a resume, phone calls and interviews. All of these
can help me get a job interview and ultimately get a job thereafter. I would enough time to
design and to polish these application tools. I would enhance this by building a professional

network and tending to it effectively. I would write a clear and focused resume with only the
relevant information in a way of promoting myself as a brand.

In a jobseeker`s perspective, price is the aspect of compensation I can expect to receive from an
employer combined with the strategies to follow to get the price I want as an employee.
Compensation may include aspects such as salary, allowances, bonuses, overpays, stock options
and many more which the employer feels you deserve.
On the aspect of price, I would understand the tactics to use on salary negotiation and when
exactly to talk about it. I would understand the target company`s compensation philosophies
prior to answering the price question in interviews with the employer.

I would choose the right channel to communicate with the employer about my quest for a job. I
would use distribution channels such as job postings, cold calling, job hunting on the web,
LinkedIn, networking, university career centers, employment agencies, personal web and
I would also use prospecting in my job search whereby I would target a list of best fit companies,
then build connections and social networks like LinkedIn to accelerate my job search.

Potential employers are always looking for that employee who will add value to their
organizations. In order to prove that I can offer value to them, I would seek further expertise, say
computer knowledge and other relevant skills which the employer is looking for. In this case I
would be of value to be at a position in their organizations. I would communicate my value to
my potential employers through my resume, calling them or through networking.
One way of creating or increasing value is by working hard. I would invest extra hours and more
effort on a project that matters a lot to my target company and always go an extra mile which is a
huge competitive advantage over the other job seekers. If I’ll be able to show such qualities to
the employer, I would add value to myself and become more attractive as a potential employee.
On the issue of creating value, I would make sure I have an impressive CV, with only the
relevant information in a well-organized manner. I would include in my CV other aspects about
myself that will create value like my skills, abilities, hobbies, qualifications, education history
and work experience.

I would understand the job description of the job am applying for in order to deliver value. I
would do this by asking questions about how they evaluate performance in the company and
what is really expected of me if am to get the job. In this way I would be able to deliver value to
the company.
Sometimes just writing is not enough to prove that you can actually deliver value, to enhance my
career, I would improve my skills by earning new qualifications and get involved in professional
development courses which adds up to my CV and so much advantageous in my job
This proves to the employer that I can actually deliver value because it shows am ready to take
initiative in problem solving matters regarding the organization`s progress and profitability.
Furthering my professional skills would be a very important tool in proving to employer that I
am a more valuable asset to their organization.
By employing all the above, marketing principles and the knowledge of how I can deliver value
to various target organizations, I would be at good position when it comes to getting employed.

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