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Trần Lĩnh:

Now that Covid-19 is a worldwide deadly pandemic, everything is done online including
going to school and its ceremonies. However, the school year closing ceremony is unlike
the others and I think schools should try doing everything to prevent it from being held

Firstly, this is the last time the students get to meet each other. After months of studying
through their computer screens, the urges of meeting their classmates should have built
up a lot and the closing ceremony is the place and time to release it. This is even more
important when it comes to the final-year student as this is the last time they can spend
with the people who have studied with them for the last 3 year. Simply, this is the one
occasion students shouldn’t have to participate online.

Secondly, will students actually pay attention to the ceremony behind their computer
screens? The most common answer would be NO, it’s easy to understand this. No one
would use their precious time looking at a computer screen for two hours straight
listening to their lag-back teachers. Then, they will look up to better things to do and get
distracted from the ceremony.

Lastly, not ALL students would be able to join this ceremony. One of the most frequently
used program to help students study online is Zoom and for most cases would be the
program that held the closing ceremony as well. Nevertheless, the basic requirement for
this application is a network provider (a Wi fi or mobile data) and at least a phone strong
enough to run it. Poor students won’t be able to afford such things and this is another
reason not to take closing ceremony online.

In conclusion, schools can deal with the pandemic by doing everything online. It truly is
Internet prime time this period, still something should be kept traditional. And school
year closing ceremony is one of them.

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