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Software Requirement Specifications

iMMS (Internet Music Management System)

Version 1.0

Prepared by Imran Ahmed, Safi Mustafa, Usman Aslam and Neelofur

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1). Introduction
1.1 Purpose of document
1.2 Scope of Project
1.3. Intended audience and reading suggestion
1.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.5 References
2) General Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Product Functions
2.3 User Characteristics
2.4 General Constraints
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
3) Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements
3.1.1 User Interfaces

5)Non functional requirements

1.1Safety requirements
1 Security requirement
2 Reliability requirements
3 Software quality attributes
4 Business rules

5) Appendix
 Appendix A Images
5.1 Use Case Diagram
5.2 Data Flow Diagram
5.2.1 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram
5.2.2 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram
5.3 Sequence Diagram
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1) Introduction:

1.1. Purpose :

The iMMS is a unique application that is synchronizing both user experience and copyrights while
providing services like online music management, legal downloads, artists’ management. There are
several other applications available in the market that either provides some specific services or large
scale integrated solutions. Our product differs from the rest in a way that we give more power to the
users remaining within the copyrights circle.

1.2. Scope :

iMMS is a unique web application that is basically a community based website. It will have two types of 
users i.e. registered users and unregistered users. Unregistered users can get access to very limited
features. On the other hand, registered users can login to the application so that they can get access to
the dashboard. The dashboard will be interactive options panel that will show users’ activity and the
major functionality of the application. These registered users can also search information about music.
Search can be of three types i.e. search by album; search by year and search by artist name. The
application will pull data from the database servers accordingly. Registered users will have the capability
to edit any information voluntarily if they think that information is inaccurate. The information will be
published once it is verified by the artist himself of his manager.

There will be a community feature that will enable multiple users to interact with each other in a
application’s internal m essaging system. Users can create
specific group. Users can also interact through application’s
their own music streams that can be available for other registered members. These streams can either
private or public depending on the user’s applied settings.

Once logged in, the manager will upload music, videos and pictures. He will have the ability to set the
copyright license. The manager can also create events on Facebook and put the link on the website. Our
application will pull data from Facebook and feature the event on the artist’s Facepage.

The registered users will get access to the content uploaded by the mangers. The users can create
playlists, stream music, download music and take part in community discussions. Before downloading,
the user will be asked to pay for the music if it’s not free.

The administrative panel consists of the global administrators, the artist/managers and the general
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1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions:

Intended audiences for this SRS document are developers, users, testers, documentation writers and
project manager. Chapter 4 will be helpful for developers and test cases developers as they will be able
to understand what the product will do by looking into DFD, Use case diagrams and other diagrams.
Interface developers can have a look at chapter 3 to have a rough Idea what the interface should look
like. Stake holders can have a look at section 4.1 so that they can get to know what will be products
major functionality. Project manager should look at the whole document so that he/she understands
well where are we going and then devise a strategy accordingly.

1.4. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations:

Term Definition
iMMS Internet Music Management System

Global Administrator
Administrator The supreme user of iMMS who has access to the source code, the databases
and almost everything, except personal inboxes and other info, that runs on
the application.
Artist A person who creates his own music.

Manager A person who has the ability to upload content for his artist. The manager can
be an artist.
Guest An unregistered user who has yet to login or will just surf free content.

User A person who is registered with the application and can get access to
exclusive content and buy music.
Facepage A place within the iMMS that will feature all the content of a specific artist.
This includes all the

1.5. References:
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2) General description:
2.1. Product perspective:
IMMS (internet Music Management System) is a system designed for the users from all over the world.
There are so many other web sites already providing us music of all kind such as,
and many more but the major problem with all of them i s that they don’t ensure copyrights and they
information. For example if you search for any song on those websites, it will give
don’t give us accurate information
you 1000s of links to listen a particular song and download it so, what our website is going to do is that it
will provide accurate information upon search. It will also provide us with features such as groups,
messaging, chatting and many more.

2.2. Product function:

The overview of major function of product are given below they will be discussed in more details in section 4.

 Open Source
 Search Music
 Buy Music
 Interact with users having similar taste
 Accuracy of information
 Compatibility

2.3. User classes and characteristics:

The major user classes will be users and IMMS system and they will have their unique attributes and
operations .This will be discussed in detail in section 3.4

2.4. General Constraints:

 Search operation should give result in maximum 2 seconds.
 The application will only work well on major browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.
 The application will not bear load of more than 10,000 users at a specific time.
 The application will work well on Pentium 4 or its upgrades.

2.5. Operating Environment:

The application can run on all kinds of operating system that support internet browsing.
This product will work well on the Pentium 4 and later systems. The application can also be
accessed from hand held devices, PDAs, Tablets and major mobiles like iPhone and other
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2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies:

I personally don’t think anything will affect requirements if the points discussed above will
be kept in mind while designing but requirements will change if the customer come and ask
for something new. The main dependence will be the database, if it fails the system will no
more remain operate able but we have a backup of the database which will obviously take
time to link with the system. Similarly the server can be busy if too many users are logged in
at a same time. We do not have any plans for using components from other product so it ’s
not dependent on any other product.

3) Specific Requirements:

3.1 Functional Requirements

Requirements :-
The requirements will be implemented before the system is deemed
satisfactorily completed.

1. The Systems shall use the tabs for displaying the specified request
from the user.
2. The User must be logged in for the facility of dashboard.
3. Administrative features will allow of manipulation of underlying
database system.
4. The system will provide functionality to allow the user to log in to the
system with a username and password.

3.1.1 Unit Registration :-

1. The unregister user only see the main interface of the website.
2. Register will first
first login(having user name and password) to
enter in the privileged mode .
3. For admin login he/she should given a special id with the
login .
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5. Registered user can make his/her

his/her own playlsit by selecting the
option of Create playlist, in the user can save his/her
favourate song as well as delete them.

3.1.2 Retrieving and Displaying Unit information

information :-

The main interface will prompt the user for the latest events
check,notifications,contact us and for user login.When the user
entered as a registered user he/her will be able to access his own
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4) Other Nonfunctional Requirements:

 Safety Requirements

Admins can’t access personal information of users such as messages so this will insure safety of users.

 Reliability Requirements

We will use cloud server and back data base for reliability .It will be 70% reliable then other applications

 Software Quality Attributes

This application will be very user friendly and we will insure it by making the application in that way that
it’s very easy to use for the people who don’t really know how to use a computer. We are also going to
provide tutorial and help menu so that if they don’t understand any thing the can see tutorial or use
help menu. This application will be available to the user all around the world. We try to make it as
flexible as we can so that changes at any time will be
be easy to manage and this will be done by making
applications in module so that if we make changes in one module it don’t effect other modules of the
system. By making application in module it will be easy to reuse application and portability will also be
achieved. We are also going to test this software with the worst possible inputs to ensure correctness of 

 Business Rules
 Unregistered user can only use limited resources of product such as browsing and viewing
 Registered users will have to login and after they are logged in the can get access to their dash
board so that they can manage their friend chat with friends listen and buy songs and many
other features
 Artist/manager should also log in to get access to their dashboard but their dashboard will have
two additional feature then registered user i.e.(upload, creating and editing events)
 Global admin can do what ever he/she wants to do access source code edit it access database
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5.1. Use Case Diagram:

iMMS Use Case for Unregistered Users

Browser Feature Content


Unregistered user 
Events Free Content
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5.2. Data Flow Diagram:

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Sequence Diagram:

Main view (Interface) Dashboard

User  Database

Disp_events(): Message1

User_infor(): Message2


admin_info(): Message 4



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Interface screenshots:
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