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Maple Bear Canadian School

Science Program – Y7

Y7 Assessment – Unit 1

1. Take a look at the 3 pictures below. 2. An ecosystem is formed of a group of… (Mark
the right alternative by turning the letter to red
like this: (h).)
a) Biotic and abiotic things
b) Animals and plants only
c) Humans, animals and plants
d) Sunlight, water and air

3. What are the needs of a living thing? Write at

least 3:

4. Observe the image below and answer the


Food Chain

a) Who is the producer in the image?

b) The draw without name refers to bacteria.

What do they are in a food chain?
These pictures are from Surtsey Island in
Iceland. After the raise of the island from the
deep of ocean, some species started to live c) There’s some consumer in this food chain?
on it. Knowing that noman introduce life there, Who?
explain a theory on how the plants and
animals arrived on the island.

5. Explain how occurs the photosynthesis in

6. Take a look at the image: 9. Give examples of:
Human Impacts to Natural Impacts to
environment: environment:

10. Connect the line I to the line II correctly:

One specie
A Predatism hunts other to
This phenomenon above represents a very eat it.
important cycle to the living things. Mark the One specie
right alternative by turning the letter to red like takes
this: (h). B Parasitism advantage from
a) Cycle of sun other. No
b) Cycle of carbon reciprocity.
c) Cycle of arrows One specie
d) Cycle of water looks like other
C Mimmetism
to confuse the
7. The greenhouse effect is one of the reasons predator.
for the global warming. How is the cycle of Two different
carbon connected to the global warming? D Mutualism species helping
each other.
Same specie
E Society
helping each

11. In your opinion, what’s the best place to

send the garbage?

8. Acording to your biome spinner or the videos

you watched, write below a paragraph about
how is the climate and examples of animal
and plants that live in these biomes:
a) Atlantic Forest

12. Why is it important to preserve the living

things in a region? What can happens if a
b) Desert specie gets extinct?

c) Taiga

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