Amber Quartet

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Amber US Tour

The idea is to collaborate with the Jazz labels “PlanetArts” create by Thomas
bellino to co-produce a serie of concert to performers with Tunisian musicians
lives in New York and promote Tunisian jazz scene by this performance and to
create Tunisian newmusicproject lead it by the jazzpianistbased in tunisia omar
el ouaer and produced by the Planet Arts label and work to promote the
Tunisian potential over the world and share Tunisian cultural under the
American cultural who was the jazz music .

Jazz music has a big power to create an interaction between cultural way and
help musicians over the to share together good and positive energy .

Jazz is an universal language and helps young Tunisian artists to express him
self even when you lives in tunisia and think as an international musician and
The goal of this project is to work to export a Tunisian artistic project and
strengthen the links between international jazz platforms such as the planet
arts label and the artistic project of the Tunisian musician omar el ouaer to
create the opportunity for this project to be exported over the international
scene and promote through international jazz labels which will continue to the
success of Tunisian born jazz projects. The second process of the Amber US /
Tunisia tour project and the collaboration of the musician omar el ouaer and
his group made up of American and Tunisian musicians who live in the United
States with the association Tunisia 88, a very important association in the
Tunisian artistic and musical landscape . this collaboration consists of
proposing to the music club networks formed by the association in several
tunisian cities a series of educational concerts carried out by the group of
omar el ouaer to possibly contribute to the musical education of young
tunisian artists and to make them discover this culture of jazz which is an
emerging style in tunisia especially I have a young audience, and also to help
promote jazz on a large scale and especially close to young students, this series
of educational concerts will be very enriching for club students music and it
could be a d-click maybe for future Tunisian jazz musicians.
AMBER Project
Influenced by the Modern Jazz with lots of accents
rock, "AMBER" self-taught pianist Omar El Ouaer is a
project of original compositions that departs in a
distinctive way of shots. "This is not the merger
although it remains fed Tunisian jazz common and
particular influences musicians," says Omar El
This project is far from the clichés. The group will
consist of a piano, a bass and drums, which are the
original instruments of jazz ensembles. "This is not
fusion but really a creation of Tunisian jazz
nourished common and particular influences
musicians," says Omar El Ouaer. "I am in constant
search of a particular sound in this project. Tunisian
song inspires me a lot etje think the greatest singers
as "Saliha", "Naama" and many others have done
much to create a Tunisian song, rich in harmonies,
rhythms and melodies. Myself with other artists, we
try to revisit and rearrange this rich repertoire to
achieve a sound borrowing a fraîchemodernité and
create a purely Tunisian music. "
Amercican cooperative school or
tunis Concert 05/18
Line Up
Omar el Ouaer Piano
_ He made the discovery of the internship or co
belgotunisienne he fol of jazz classes with renowned
musicians from the Belgian scene as Jean Louis
Rassinfosse Pierre Vaiana Erik Vermulen Ivan pauduart.
He also attended a closed three-week internship in
Belgium of the Association of Hortence Monday, where
he is af met several musicians, Jozef Dumoulin, Fabrice
Allman, and many others. On the other hand, he joined
the Association of the Tunis jazz club in 2011 he played
several concerts in quartet formation, trio and quintet
with talented musicians such as jazz HediFehem
Tunisian Mehdi Azaiz, Neffaallem Mohamed Ali kamoun
currently he performs with his own project '' Another
perspective '' in quartet and recording his album in
progress. He presented w ith the
project in the Sousse Museums National Festival and
also the cultural center ausii Agora jazz International
has Fesitival Carthage and also the International
Festival of Hammamet. Omar al Ouaer lectures of
"Piano Jazz" as a contractual teacher at the Higher
Institute of Music in Tunis. Omar al Ouaer is also the
Artistic Director Of Jazz THE RESIDENCE CLUB
Yacine Boulares
Yacine Boulares is a French-Tunisian saxophonist, clarinetist and
composer based in New York.
After graduating with a BA in Philosophy Yacine Boulares decides to
take a year off to respond to the urge to play music. He takes his first
music lessons and after studying under Andre Villeger for 3 years he
wins the Esprit Jazz Festival Competition in Paris and is endorsed by
Selmer saxophones (2006) A year later he enters the Conservatoire
National Supérieur de Musique de Paris where his horizons broaden
under the influence of peers and mentors such as Riccardo Del Fra
and Francois Theberge. He soon understands the necessity to go to
the roots of Jazz and in 2009 he is granted a Fulbright Scholarship to
study at the New School for Jazz and Contemporary music on a merit
In New York, the dream of meeting and playing with his idols becomes
true and Yacine gets to learn from Chris Cheek, Donny Mc Caslin,
Reggie Workman and with countless musicians who inspire him daily.
But New York also exposes him to a myriad of different musics.
These influences urge him to find his own identity and his explorations of Cameroonian dance
rhythms lead to the creation of the band AJOYO, a mystic brew of African tradition, jazz and
soul. Yacine signs the music and lyrics of a repertoire that celebrates life, love and justice. The
album is released in 2015 on Ropeadope Records and played on radios throughout the world
from New Yorks' WNYC to French RFI, London's Jazz FM, National radio in Brazil, South Africa,

In the meantime, Yacine continues to play as a sideman both in the jazz repertoire with the likes
of Sheila Jordan, Theo Bleckman and Becca Stevens and for various projects such as Japanese
singer/songwriter Senri Oe (3 albums for Sony Japan).

In 2014 he is part of an intimate band picked by producer and arranger Robert Sadin to
accompany Opera legend Placido Domingo on his remarkable record Encanto Del Mar. Yacine is
featured both as a soloist and arranger of the Andalucian standard Lamma Bada and gets the
chance to work closely with Ira Coleman, Mark Feldman, Rhani Khridja, Chico Pinheiro and
Bridget Kibbey. This is also where he meets cellist Vincent Segal and gets the idea to explore the
tunisian Stambeli repertoire with Vincent on cello and drummer Nasheet Waits.
Allam Marouene :Double Bass
Born and raised in Tunisia, began learning classical guitar around the
age of fifteen years old in a very divers atmosphere and huge
passion, his education was mainly in a private way and self-taught.
A few years later he switched to the Electric bass starting with blues
and funk and later on, to traditional Arabic music to straight ahead
and modern jazz.
After performing in several events and participating in several
internships in Belgium and some local festivals in Tunisia he got a lot
of experience and knowledge and apparently a lot of motivation.
After a while Marouen had been one of most asked bass player in
Tunisia and shared the stage with well-known musician from many
countries such as Piere vaiana ,Fawzi chkili, David berkman. And
recorded an Album with Nabil Khmir.
In 2009 he joined the prins claus conservatorium under the direction of one the top players and
teacher’s around Europe and the US and try out new directions in music like playing in a big bands
arranging and composing for smaller and bigger ensembles and playing in some festival around
Europe .
Aymen Boujlida
A multi award winning drummer and composer, Ayman is a NYC based
musician who has been touring as a performer and teacher in the US, Europe
and Africa for the past 10 years. His love for music has first taking him across
the world including Europe and Africa where he begin constantly touring in his
early twenties and India where he studied Indian percussions with the
legendary Dr. Ghatam Karthick and toured across the country with the
prestigious Splendor of Masters playing with some of the most well known living
legends of Indian music including Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, Shubankar Banerjee
and Prasanna. Few years later, Mr Boujlida has moved to New York City where
he is currently based after he graduated from the prestigious New School for
Jazz and Contemporary Music with a strong merit scholarship.Known for his,
musicality, unique educational style and innovative drumming, Ayman has found
a unique musical voice as a result of his passion for jazz and his natural
Tunisian folk music. He has been exposed in his early age to perform with
countless stellar jazz artists and Grammy winners from allover the globe. His
reputation has steadily grown with every performance and he is rapidly
becoming one of the most brilliant drummer composer of his generation.Ayman
has been leading his band in several prestigious Jazz Festivals around the
world as well as winning several awards including the AFAC 2016 composers
award. He has appeared playing as a drummer, pianist, konnakol vocalist and a
multi hand percussionist in stages such as Reykjavic Jazz festival, Carthage
international festival and Dubai Jazz festival.
Recording AMBER
American Cooperative
school of Tunis
Concert /Flayers Paris Recording Session
Press kit

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