Introduction To Identity & Access Management: Forticloud 21.3

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Introduction to Identity & Access

FortiCloud 21.3









July 19, 2021

FortiCloud 21.3 Introduction to Identity & Access Management

Change Log 4
What is Identity & Access Management (IAM)? 5
Key features 5
Feature comparison chart 6
Accessing the IAM portal 7
Creating IAM users 9
Migrating sub-users 10
User security features 12
User groups 14
FAQ 16

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Change Log

Date Change Description

2021-07-19 Initial release.

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Fortinet Technologies Inc.
What is Identity & Access Management (IAM)?

What is Identity & Access Management (IAM)?

Identity & Access Management (IAM) is a dedicated FortiCloud service to manage users and their access permissions
across FortiCloud services. The IAM portal allows for extra layers of security for FortiCloud products and services with
fine grained access control according to your organization's needs.

Key features

IAM users

Add users to your FortiCloud accounts with role-based access control.

IAM User Groups

Organize IAM Users into groups and manage access with group-level permissions.

API Users

Get programmatic access to FortiCloud APIs with IAM API Users.

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Feature comparison chart

Feature comparison chart

Identity & Access Management introduces an enhanced user model for improved security, scalability, and management.
The following table compares the features in the legacy Sub-user based user model with the IAM user model.

Feature Legacy User Model IAM User Model

Account Access Management Add Sub users to the account Add IAM Users to the account

Permission Control Account level Fine grained permissions for each

(Full Access/Limited Access) FortiCloud Service

Asset Permissions List of devices/Asset Groups (limited) Asset folders with permissions

User Groups & Permissions User group (limited) User groups and group-level

Portal Access No per portal control Allow or Deny access per portal

API User support No Granular permissions for each

FortiCloud Service APIs

User 2FA Management No Enforce (or exempt) 2FA for IAM users

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Accessing the IAM portal

Accessing the IAM portal

Access to the IAM portal is available from the Services menu in the Asset Management (AM) portal or the Account page
in FortiCloud. Use the Account menu to navigate to the legacy Accounts menu in FortiCloud and to view your account
To access the IAM portal from Asset Management, click Services > Assets & Accounts > IAM (Beta).

To access the IAM portal from the legacy Account page in FortiCloud, click My Account (IAM version).

You can access the legacy Account information page in FortiCloud from the IAM portal, by clicking the Account menu at
the top of the page, and selecting My Account.

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Accessing the IAM portal

To change your password or enable Two Factor Authentication for your account, click the Account menu and select
Security Credentials.

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Creating IAM users

Creating IAM users

Create new IAM users quickly and easily with the Add IAM User wizard. To save time assigning permissions to users,
use the Adopt Permissions and User Groups features.
Adopt Permissions allows you to apply the permissions of an existing user to a new IAM user. You can update or edit the
user's permissions at any time. See, Adding IAM users.

User Group permissions allow you to assign permissions and assets to users with the same role. Assigning a user to a
group saves time configuring the user's portal and asset permissions. See Managing IAM user groups.

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Migrating sub-users

Migrating sub-users

Convert existing sub-users in your FortiCloud account to IAM users and leverage the benefits of IAM's security and
access control features without recreating the user. See, Migrating sub users.
The Migrate Sub Users wizard automatically configures the user's ID to the new IAM format so you don't have to.

You can import multiple users or one user at a time.

You can migrate sub users directly into IAM user groups for more granular organization.

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Migrating sub-users

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User security features

User security features

The IAM user model provides enhanced security by allowing Admins to grant users permissions only to the portals and
services they require. You can also protect your assets by enabling Two Factor Authentication at the account level.
When you create a new IAM user, you can specify which portals the user can access as well as their Read/Write
permissions. Some portals use additional permissions for specific roles for more granular permissions. You can update a
user's permissions at any time.

IAM user credentials Include a separate Account ID and Alias. IAM users can use either ID to log in to an assigned

To enforce Two Factor Authentication at the account level, go to the Account Settings tab.

Disable vulnerable IAM user accounts quickly without deleting the user with the user Status settings.

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User security features

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User groups

User groups

With IAM User Groups, you can organize IAM users by role, permissions, portal or another category of your choosing.
After the groups are created, you can assign their permissions to the asset folders in the AM portal. See, Asset and
portal permissions.
In Asset Management, create asset folders for users with Admin permissions and your Support Team.

Use the IAM portal to create corresponding user groups.

The corresponding asset folders appear in the Asset Permissions dropdown. Any portal permissions you assign to the
user group are applied to the devices in the asset folder.

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User groups

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Can anyone access the IAM portal or does it require special permissions?

Any Account Owner (the person who created the account, also known as the Master user) can access the IAM portal.
IAM Users have access to the portal based on the permissions set by the Master user (e.g. admin, read only, read write).

Do I need to be a Master user to create IAM users?

Master users can create IAM Users. IAM Users with Admin/Read-Write permissions to the IAM portal can also create
IAM Users. See, Adding IAM users.

Which FortiCloud portals support IAM users?

Most FortiCloud portals include IAM User support. Refer to the product portal admin guides for more information about
IAM User support and permissions.

Why are you changing user management?

FortiCloud supports many cloud services all accessible with a unified FortiCloud account. IAM introduces granular
access control for various cloud services and improved common user management for all services. For example, an IAM
User can be created by an admin with access to specific services with a designated role such as admin or read only.

What benefit does IAM offer me?

IAM provides in-depth access and permission control for services. Granular permissions provide additional security and
strong access control for account admins.

Can I still create traditional sub accounts?

Yes, however we strongly recommend migrating your users to the IAM portal to take advantage of the security features.
The IAM portal includes a sub user migration wizard for easy migration.

Will you stop supporting sub accounts, and if so, when?

While both models co-exist currently, the legacy user management model is expected to be deprecated in the near
future. The timeline for deprecation will be communicated later.

What limitations do legacy sub accounts have?

Legacy sub accounts have limited permission controls. The IAM permission model enhances the access control with fine
grained permissions for various cloud products and services. See Feature comparison chart on page 6.

What is the Alias for IAM users?

Each account is identified with a unique Account ID. Instead of remembering the Account ID, the account admin can set
an alias (a unique string) to easily identify the account. An account alias can be used by IAM Users when they log in to a

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Is an Alias required?

Adding an account alias is optional. IAM Users can use an Account ID or Account Alias if set.

Can I modify or change the Alias?

Yes, admins can update the alias from the My Account menu in the top menu bar.

How do I set a password for an IAM user?

When creating an IAM User, the system generates a temporary password the IAM User can log in with. After the IAM
User is logged in, they can set a new password of their choice. See, Adding IAM users.

Do I have to provide new IAM users with the generated password file?

Admins should provide the initial system generated password to the IAM User. After that, the IAM User can reset the
password at any time using the Security Credentials menu from the top menu bar.

How do I reset an IAM user's password?

Admins (Master user or IAM User with Admin/Read-Write permissions) can always generate new temporary passwords
from the IAM User profile in IAM portal. See, Generating passwords.

Can admins update or edit an IAM User's permissions to portals or assets?

Yes. An admin (Master user or IAM User with Admin/Read-Write permissions) can change the permissions from IAM
Portal after creating the IAM User. See, Updating user permissions.

Can I can change an IAM User's individual permissions in an IAM User Group?

Once an IAM User is added to a IAM User Group, only Group permissions apply. See, Managing IAM user groups.

How do IAM Users log in to the FortiCloud account?

On the Login screen, select Login as IAM User and enter the Account ID (or Alias), IAM Username and password.

Can I access the IAM portal with my Partner account?

No. The IAM portal is not available in the Services menu when you log in with a Partner account.

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