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One bright morning, a crow was flying around and saw a piece of cheese on a
window sill.

“Ooh! Cheese! Yummy! Even if my friends beg me, I’m not sharing. Ha ha ha!” says
the crow.

The crow quickly took the cheese in his beak and flew off high in the sky. After flying
far, far away the crow landed on a branch.

“I’ve never seen a bird as beautiful as you.”

Upon hearing these wonderful words, the crow began to look around.


“And how do you keep your feathers so lustrous?”

The crow could see the fox under the tree, praising him.

“Hmmph! You can’t fool me. I know you’re just after my cheese,” thought the crow.

He quickly turned his head and pretended not to hear the fox’s words.

“Now, all you need is a beautiful singing voice and you will be seen as the most
amazing crow ever!” says fox.

Then the fox turned around as if she were planning to leave.

Now the crow was determined to show off his voice and sing for the fox as loud as
he could. Just as the crow opened his mouth, the cheese fell from his beak onto the

The fox ran for the fallen piece of cheese and took it in her mouth and says “Thanks

The crow realized he had finally fallen for the fox’s trick. But it was too late.

So, the moral of the story here is to never trust a flatterer coming from others!

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