The Oak and The Reed

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Once upon a time there was a big Oak tree. The Oak tree was very proud of itself.

“My trunk is big and strong. My branches are thick and plenty. And my green leaves
are shiny. There is no other tree that is as great as me” says the Oak tree.

The Oak tree would snicker at the flimsy stalk of the reed as it was bending with the

“Reed! Oh, Reed! How do you survive with your scrawny little stalk? Even with the
slightest breeze you move to and fro, to and fro. Hahahaha,” laugh the Oak tree.

No matter what the Oak tree said, the reed just swayed back and forth quietly.

Then, one day, a strom hit. Lightning lashed and thunder crashed.

“I’m going to be fine with my big, strong stump. But, what about you?” asked Oak to
the reed.

The Oak tree stood strong and proud as it fought hard against the storm. But, just
then, a huge gust of wind snapped the oak tree’s trunk in half.

The reed finally spoke, “Hey, Oak tree! It’s great that you have a strong trunk. But,
sometimes, it’s more important to bend with the wind.”

The reed continued to bend until the storm subsided.

So, the moral of the story here is to never be so proud of yourself and remain

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