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Ministry of Haigh education and scientific research

Eldeain University


Assess of knowledge and a practice of nurse regarding hepatitis

.B at eldeain teaching hospital

Preparation supervision
Magbola AbdElmjied Abdallh Muhammed Abdahady

Chapter one

1-1- background

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B

virus (HBV) that affects the liver; (1)(6)isn't is a type of viral
hepatitis(2) .it can cause both acute and chronic infection
.many people have no symptoms during the initial infection. in
acute infection , some may develop a rapid onset of sickness
with vomiting, yellowish skin, tiredness,dark urine, and
abdominal pain (1).often these symptoms last a few weeks and
rarely does the initial infection result in death. (1)(7) it may
take 30 to 180 days for symptoms to begin. (1) in those who get
infected around the time of birth 90% develop chronic
hepatitis B while less than 10% of those infected after the age
of five do.(2) most of those which chronic diseases have no
symptoms; however, cirrhosis and liver cancer may eventually
develop. (3) cirrhosis or liver cancer occur in about 25% of
those with chronic disease.(1)

The virus transmitted by exposure to infections blood or from

contact with other people's blood during childhood is the most
frequented method by which hepatitis B is acquired in areas
where the disease is common. in areas where the disease is
rare, intravenous drug use and sexual intercourse are the most
frequent routes of infection.(1) other risks factors include
working in Healthcare, blood transfusion, dialysis, living whith
an infected person, travel in countries where the infection rate
is high, and living in an institution.(1)(2) tattooing and
acupuncture led to a significant number of cases in the 1980s;
however, this has become less common with improved
sterilization. (4) the hepatitis B viruses cannot be spread by
holding hands, sharing eating utensils, kissing, hugging,
coughing, sneezing,or breastfeeding.(2) the infection can
diagnosed is usually can be 30 to 60 days after exposure ,the
diagnosis is usually confirmed by testing the blood for parts of
the virus and for antibodies against the virus.(1) . It is one of
five main hepatitis viruses:A, B, C, D, and E.(5)
1-2- problem statement

Abut a third of the world population has been infection at one

point in their lives.(1) at least 391 million people, or 5% of the
world's population, had chronic hepatitis B virus infection as of
2017 . While another 145 million cases of acute HBV infection
occurred that year (6) over 750,000 people die of hepatitis B
each year.(1) about 300,000 of these are due to liver cancer.
The disease is most common in western pacific (6.2%) and
African (6.1%) regions.(7) in Europe rates are 1.6% and in the
American they are 0.7% .

Sudan is classified among the currents with high hepatitis virus

servicerance exposure to the virus varied from the 47%_78%,
whith hepatitis B surface antigen prevalence ranging from 6.8%
in Central Sudan and 26% in sauoth Sudan(7).

1-3- Justification

Improve nursing knowledge and practice about hepatitis B and

provide good out come for patients in settler area and prevent
from complications .

These study is needed to increase knowledge and improve

practice of nurses about hepatitis B will help to and to .

1-4- Objectives:

1-4-1- General objective

To study nurses knowledge and practice regarding hepatitis B

at eldeain teaching hospital.

1-4-2- Specific objective

To assess nurses knowledge regarding the hepatitis B.

To assess nurses practices regarding application of hepatitis B.

Chapter 3


3-1- Stady design

Descriptive cross sectional based on Eldeain teaching hospital

3-2- Stady area

This stady will be conducted in eldeain teaching hospital

locality. border from the north the court and ministry of
breeding and channeling from west ministry of health and
chronicle civilian, from est the market and from south
amusement park of Om Aldeiar familialy this locality consist of
30 nurses in 5 words

3-3- Staudy population

Nurse should be graduated from education college with

(diploma, bakaluated, masters) the study population of this
stud were nurses who working in hospital Eldeain teaching

3-3-1- Inclusive

All nurses have atiestation of diploma, bakaluated, or master

for nursing.

3-3-2- Exclusive

1- any nurse have not attestation of diploma, bakaluated and

master for nursing .

3-4- Sampling
3-4-1- Sample size

60 nurses were randomly chosen according to formula

n= N/1+(N_1)(e).(e)


n is Sample size

N is population size

e is precision level taken as 0,05


3-4-2- Sample technique

Sample tandem sample

Words Number of Percentage Sample size

1 6 15% 4
2 4 12% 5
3 9 38% 12
4 7 25% 6
5 4 10% 2
Total 30 100% 29
3-5- Pata collection

3-5-1- Data collection

Conducted by questionnaire (open and close question) and
observation check list to evaluate knowledge of nurse
regarding hepatitis B.

3-5-2- Data analysis

Data will be analyze by using SPSS.

3-6- Ethical considerations

Each nurse recruited will receive all information necessary to

provide free the research will permission from Eldeain locality
and university of Eldeain.

Budgets :

Transportation 950
Daily living quirement 800
Data entry and analysis 500
Prints out 550
Totak 2800

Can chart

From 16 September to 18 Preparation of questionnaire

September 2021
From 18 September to 19 Phase of data collection
September 2021
From ogus to September 2021 Phase of entry and analysis
From ogus to September 2021 Preparation for discussions
Chapter four

4-1- Reference

(1)hepatitis B fact sheet no 2014.

(2)chanl MH( June 2007). " hepatitis B virus infection ". semin
fetal neonatal med. 12(3): 167. doi: 1016/j.siny
2017.01.013.PMID 17336170.

(3)"hepatitis B FAOs for the pubic transmission ".U.S centers for

pisease control and prevention (CPC) .

Archive from the original on "December 11. Retired from


(4) Thomas SHC (2013).viral hepatitis (4Th ed.). Hoboken: wiley.

P.83.I B N 978111637302.

(5) Global hepatitis report 2017 (pdf). WHO 2017 ISBN 978-93-

(6) long cm, Rice MK( 1987). logan's medical and scientific
Abbreviation . J.B.lippincott and company. Pp.233.ISNO-397-

(7) "hepatitis medicine plus " .U.S. national library of medicine.

Retrieved 19 june 2020.

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