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[DRC Address]


To: [Supplier name]

Request for Quotation No.[insert RFQ number & Type of Items].

Dear Sir/Madam:

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) with funding from the [insert name of donor] hereby request you to
submit price quotation(s) for the supply of the item(s) listed on the attached Bidding Form titled ‘RFQ No.
[insert RFQ number and type of item]

You should submit one original of the attached Bidding Form. On the same form you also have to indicate
your present stock and the delivery period. Your quotation should be sealed in an envelope, clearly
marked ‘Quotation No. [Insert RFQ number] and delivered to the address above. Alternatively your
Quotation may be submitted by facsimile to Fax number [insert Ax number or delete sentence if not

The deadline for receipt of your quotation is [insert time] on [insert date], at the address above.

You quotation should be submitted as per the following instructions.

a) Prices: The prices should be quoted for supply and delivery to DRC destination Point as given in
the attached Bidding Form.
b) Evaluations of Quotations: Offers determined to be substantially responsive to the technical
specifications will be evaluated by comparison of their prices
c) The delivery lead time will also be a consideration in the contract award.
d) Award of Purchase Order: The contract award will be made to the bidder offering the best value for
money (lowest acceptable evaluated price). The successful bidder will sign a Contract (Purchase
Order) as per the attached General Conditions of Contract for Procurement of Goods and must also
sign and uphold the DRC Code of Ethics.
e) Validity of the Offer: Your quotation should be valid for a period of [insert number of days] days from
the deadline for receipt of the quotation. DRC will attempt to notify all suppliers of the outcome of
their Quotations by [insert date].

All enquires and questions should be addressed to: [insert applicable details]

Under DRC’s Anticorruption Policy Bidders shall observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of such contracts. DRC will reject a Bid if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award, has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing
for, or in executing, the Contract.

Yours sincerely

[Insert No. of RFQ]

Page 1


[Insert No. of RFQ]

Page 2

DRC BID FORM – Request For Quotation No: _______

DRC to complete Bidder to complete

Offered specification
Quantity Quantity
Ser Item Required Specification (if different from Unit price Total Price
required offered

Required Delivery Date: ______________ Offered Delivery Date: ________________

Required Delivery Destination: __________________ Offered Delivery Destination: ______________________

This Bid is valid for: _______ days Country of Origin of offered Items: __________________

Company Name: __________________________________ Phone No: __________________

Address: ________________________________________ Facsimile No: ________________

________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________

I certify that I have read and understood the DRC General Conditions of Contract for the Procurement of Goods and the DRC Code of Ethics. I
further certify that the above mentioned company has not engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for, or in
executing, any Contracts.

Signed: ________________________________________ Company Position: ________________________________

Print Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________

Please stamp this Bid Form with your Company Stamp

[Insert No. of RFQ]

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