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Case Study: Hand Held Devices

1. What were the devices used by doctors and nurses in the study?
Devices Used by Doctors and Nurses
In the study, the main devices used by doctors and nurses were the following: stationary PCs, 2
types of computers on wheels or COWs (generic COWS which were laptops that were mounted on
trolleys and ergonomic COWS which consisted of an integrated computer and cart device), and tablet
PCs. Among these devices, generic COWs were the most preferred and mostly used by both doctors
and nurses.

2. What were the tasks done by the nurses using the devices mentioned?
Task done by Nurses using Hand Held Devices
Nursing tasks were centered mostly on preparing and administering medications towards
patients. The most common tasks observed to be done by nurses were the following: drug
administration, drug preparation and reviewing patient medical charts. Other tasks performed by
nurses were the following: checking the preparation of a restricted drug, uncharting a drug that was not
given, looking at drug information, viewing patient’s test results, documenting other information
relevant to medication orders.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the devices mentioned?
Advantages and disadvantages of using Hand Held Devices
The usage and choice of device was dependent on one’s clinical role, nature of task, extent
wherein mobility is required, the availability, speed knowledge and training about device. For generic
COW, it is preferred because: 1) it provides better mobility since it was easily movable and can be
used everywhere, 2) convenient since it allowed spacious storage of medication and charts. The
disadvantages of generic COW were: 1) it occupied a vast space wherein it cannot be stored by the
patient’s bedside, 2) batteries were needed to recharge therefore restricted 24/7 mobility. As for tablet
PCS, the disadvantages were: 1) few received training thus few use it, 2) had a small screen size, 3)
inconvenient to carry while walking, 4) made task completion slow due to the difficulty in using the
stylus. Its advantages were focused on pharmacist usage since they found it easy to use during rounds
and found the input system to be user-friendly. Lastly for ergonomic COW, the disadvantages were:1)
inconvenient location of table space since it obscured the screen when items were placed in the table,
2) smaller screen space than generic COW, 3) difficult to push around. Overall, the usability and
mobility of these devices were dependent on the design of devices and ward space limitations.

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