6/2 The Role Model Hermit

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6/2 The Role Model Hermit

With this 6/2 Profile, the conscious Personality is on a long road to become a
‘Role Model’ of themselves; someone deeply authentic.The unconscious Hermit
is the naturally gifted one who doesn’t really know how they do what they do
that impresses others and can be shy when put in the spotlight. Someone who
isn’t really interested in developing themselves unless they can see a point in it
and who prefers to be left alone to follow their own self-motivations. Your
Profile dictates that you will have three very distinct phases in your life.
First Life Phase (up to 28-30 years-of-age)
The first phase, up until the age of approximately 28-30, is the time you live a
life of trial and error, making and breaking bonds and commitments. You will
make mistakes, although hopefully you will learn from them. You are likely to
have your trust broken, by trusting the wrong people or putting your energy into
things and people that are simply not fulfilling. You may try things or meet
experiences that are harmful to you. It is not unusual to encounter relationship
problems in this phase and find yourself breaking the bond with one partner
only to find you have to split from the next one too. It can be intense and that’s
just the way it is for you at this time in your life. You can be very idealistic,
wanting perfection in your life and wanting it from your partners as well
Breaking the bond with your friends and colleagues may be difficult and
painful, for you are not naturally suited to behaving this way. But it does happen
when the young anarchist in you rises up when you discover a perceived
perfection is not authentic or someone smashes through your self- imposed
barriers, pushing you into running away into your unconscious Hermit side that
wants everyone to just leave you alone.

But, of course, people will continue to see the gifts that naturally shine out of
you and you will be pulled back into trying something else, which again may
not work. It can be a rather pessimistic time. Please remember this is just a
temporary stage in your life, which is happening to teach you what doesn’t work
and to prepare you to consider what to get involved in later in your life. You
carry within you and may find it burdensome, a deep longing for perfection. In
the later part of this first phase of your life you may even try to epitomise
perfection in the way you think it is. But it won’t work. Experience will teach
you that any homogenised version of perfection is not for you. You are on a
long journey towards authenticity and nothing less will really do. You are not
here to pretend in this life.These hard lessons are best learnt when you’re young
enough to move on without getting stuck in the pessimism. You will bump into
all kinds of people and have all kinds of experiences. This conscious aspect of
your nature can become burnt out quickly and you can find yourself not wanting
to commit to anyone until you find someone of real value in your life. It may
also be difficult for you to find something consistent upon which to build a
career, as you may want to try many things and stick at none of them. Again,
realise that this is a temporary stage and your patience and desire to find
something you trust and value, is often rewarded in the second part of your life.
In this first phase, you basically need to sustain yourself through it no matter
what the chaos or craziness you may encounter. In this phase, don’t expect to
get the respect you deserve. Until you can find something you can stand by and
live by, you won’t be the authority that you can be.

Second Life Phase (around 28-30 years-of-age)

The second phase starts at approximately 30 years old. You may find yourself
carrying the weight of a life where nothing seems to work. But in reaching this
age you have good reason to be optimistic, for it can be a twenty year period
when you feel more stable and can become wealthier and happier as people hold
you in higher esteem and as a result you can feel much better about yourself and
your life. At the same time, you may feel somewhat aloof and disconnected
from others during this period.
The advantage of this is that you can gain a better overview of what works and
what doesn’t and slowly begin to gain a higher perspective and become more
and more objective about what and who is worthwhile and what and who is not.
The deep subjectivity of the first phase leaves you and as you become more
objective, you don’t care as much about things the way most people do. You are
content to simply watch what is happening. As a result, many feel they can
approach you and ask for your objective advice. For this reason, you can be a
fine administrator overseeing the whole process, company and situation. Your
seeking for perfection never leaves you, but you will be far more reticent to
jump in until you can really see that something is likely to succeed. It is in this
period that you can be very useful to others, as your past experiences can be a
good signpost for others on their journey. Indeed, you may find yourself in a
position of authority because of it. Others may come to you to seek
confirmation, value your greater perspective and listen to you as you show them
good examples of what does work. For this reason, it is in this second stage of
your life that your career can lift off, especially in the area of administration, as
your natural authority begins to be noticed and valued. You may not really think
you know how to be a good administrator, as your unconscious 2nd Line is
unaware of it’s gifts, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be excellent at it, if you
just relax and do what you do naturally. Begin to really trust yourself. Certainly,
you can see that your objectivity is always of value.
What you rate as worthwhile really influences people, because they know how
discerning you can be. There can also be a yearning for your Soulmate that
develops during your second phase. This desire to share your life with a perfect
complementary partner may grow as, in your aloofness you watch those around
you and see how it ‘could be’ for you. If you jump in too quickly, you may burn
out and may not want to engage anymore.
You may avoid making commitments, but within that you have the potential to
see from the more aloof perspective and know what experiences are to be
avoided. It may be that you stay out of relationship dramas and instead enjoy
deeply fulfilling friendships until later on in life when the question of being in
relationship returns again. If you are in relationship, then it is likely that you
will want your partner to step up and meet your standards of how a partner
should be and how they should behave towards you. During this second phase,
when you retreat, to some extent from the world, here you can find the harmony
that comes from being alone. At this time, there can be a growing optimism as
you distance yourself from the intense pessimism of the subjective first phase,
because you are looking to see what really can work and you are likely to zero
in on things and people you can trust.

Third Life Phase (around 49-51 years-of-age)

The third phase involves a complete return to the world. You no longer have the
privilege of being aloof from what is going on around you. This transition
happens during the Chiron Return period around 49-51 years of age. It may be a
rocky time of feeling rather unstable as you change your trajectory on the way
to a completely different life. In truth, you may not feel you have your feet
firmly on the road until the age of 56. This is the time when others no longer
come to you as an authority, no longer listen to what you say the way they did
before but rather watch you to see what you do. Your trial and error journey at
the beginning of your life brings you to this point where you are able to be a
Role Model of yourself; Someone who is authentically themself, able to sing
their own song and do their own thing in the world but on their own terms. Now
that is something everyone wants to see. It’s a time when the perfection you’ve
always longed for can manifest in your life as pretense falls away and truth is
embraced. Your ability to guide others from such a stance can be profound. This
can be the best part of your life, a whole new lease of life can be apparent to
you and others. What you thought was perfection you realise is not and often,
surprisingly, you find perfection in just being yourself. If you can flower in this
third stage, then the authentic inner harmony that emanates out of you, can
attract others who resonant with you. In this phase, you have no choice but to
re-engage in the intensity of the world and if you can surrender to your own
truth you can attract someone who loves the ‘real’ you. Your sexuality shows
itself in shyness and can put up barriers until someone can be bold enough to
move through them and lead you to intimacy. Because of your experience and
objectivity, as you begin to trust yourself more and learn what you can trust in
others, you can allow love in from someone you can really trust. If trust is there
and your barriers come down, then your own boldness can emerge and a love
affair can blossom as you allow your heart to open.

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