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Output 7

Science, Technology, Society and Human Condition

The Ten Golden Rules” by Michael Supious and Panos Mourdoukoutas
Reflection Paper

Transcending time, date and space, what is that humans value the most? It may be reaching a
milestone in one's career, achieving financial freedom, or even being of service of others. The answer to
this question will always be subjective to the eye of the beholder, yet one thing remains the same. All
humans want to have a good life, regardless of what the "good life" means to them. How can one
actually describe a good life? What does a good life entail and how can one achieve it? These may be
difficult to answer however, one should answer that there is not one concrete explanation to describe
what a good life is. However, one must yearn and aspire to follow a particular set of general guidelines,
if one wishes to enjoy a "good life" in his/her terms. An attempt to understand the guidelines of living
and maintaining a good life based on Greek Philosophers, such as Aristotle, Plato, Epictetus, to name a
few was compiled into a book called The Ten Gold Rules: Ancient Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers
on Living a Good Life authored by Michael Soupios and Panos Mourdoukoutas.

From their book, they have compiled concise and simplified explanations of what Greek
Philosophers have taught to men about Eudaimonia or the Good Life from centuries ago. There were a
few most rules I pondered on which have impacted my life in more ways than one. Personally, I am avid
reader of Philosophy works of the Greeks from Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics. I
am also familiar with the work of Epictetus, namely Discourses. Therefore, these articles have been a
delight to read since their works are even more relevant in today's time for self-reflection.

In my own life, the second rule, which talks about only working and worrying on the things that
are in my control, has made a big impact in my life. Having been a constant worrier about world politics
and catastrophes has been one of my constant struggles. Having read about the previous world wars,
the damages it has done to people from all nations and experiencing the pandemic in the present time
have both given me unintended anxiety and fear of what has life yet to offer for me in the future. Yet,
when I have to come my senses that these worldly matters will never be in my control since they have
either happened in the past already or out of my capacity to intervene as with the increasing COVID-
cases, I have learned to let go of these worries since they will only do more harm than good for my well-
being. At the present, I have come to prioritize the practice of self-reflection with all my words, actions,
relationships and my contribution to society. It is indeed, a dutiful task, yet when I am able to succeed in
tasks in my life, such as getting my school requirements finished on time or ensuring my loved ones that
I am here to talk to them at all times, I feel more at peace with myself and, indefinitely brings me joy
and a sense of self-accomplishment in life may it be simple yet meaningful.

Moreover, the first rule, the capacity to use reason to question and explore the different aspects
of life has always been my ticket to liberation. I think that human's capacity to think and reason is one of
the most valuable gifts that makes us humans unique in nature. Therefore, having this awareness and
practicing the ability to reason things out, may it be from analyzing the reality and situations we live in
or even placing oneself in the shoes of another when reading a book or watching a documentary or
movie gives me the capacity to practice my reason. This is mainly the reason why I engross myself in
non-fiction books and documentaries since I am able to place myself in the shoes of another person,
another lifetime in another era or environment. I have always been in curious as to how a woman of my
age may have lived during the world war in France when they were occupied by the Nazis or even living
as a colored woman in the 60s in America. Reading self-memoirs or books during these crucial times in
history by different from different races, religions and beliefs, truly sets me free from the challenges and
realities I am going through in life. Moreover, analyzing the political history of the Philippines and
comparing it to the present-day political system we currently have, has helped me understand more
how Filipinos (normal citizens and politicians) see the world. Furthermore, I have always treasured the
power of the mind's capacity to grasp and analyze even the most complex of thoughts, ideologies and
perspectives and being able to practice through reading books, analyzing the news and watching
documentaries has helped to set myself free.

On an end note, every human being has the capacity to unlock his/her idea of a good life. These
rules written by Michael Soupios and Panos Mourdoukoutas are guidelines to attain the "good life" yet
should always remember that there is not "fast pass" or "no perfect way" to incorporate all of these in
our lives. Moreover, we should also not be pressured when we are in a particular stage in our lives
wherein, we have not acquired these rules in our daily lives. There is no expiration date to follow these
yet we have today to start and reflecting how we may apply these rules in our lives.

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