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Output 10 and 11: Climate Change

In the midst of an ongoing pandemic, the challenge for the worldwide population is not
only to reach a fully vaccinated global community but more importantly, to wake up to the
reality of climate change by taking a stand and an initiative to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
One of the biggest takeaways that I have come to realize is that anything is possible through
proper dissemination of information and responsible cooperation with one another. As the
pandemic took a great toll over the worldwide community, strict guidelines have been
proposed such as social distancing, staying at home, wearing a mask and practicing proper
hygiene and handwashing etiquette. It has amazed me that the global effort to abide these laws
for the safety of humanity has been observed and constantly practiced. Why should we stop
there if we can also put the same energy and determination towards living a more eco-friendly
lifestyle? Personally, I practiced Earth Hour for the first time last March 26. Amidst being in
darkness that night, it was a very empowering experience for me because it opened my eyes to
slow down and listen to mother nature. It was very calming to feel the wind breeze and hear
the crickets chirping in our garden. It was also very peaceful to see the stars glistening brighting
in the night’s sky. I thought to myself, I could do this more often because what is one hour with
mother earth. She has provided us with a world filled with beautiful landscapes, running water,
the greeneries and sunlight since the beginning of time. For this year, the theme of Earth Hour
was to “Speak Up for Nature”. With this effort alone, the Philippines was able to conserve at
least 700 megawatts for an hour of closing our lights, gadgets and appliances. Being part of this
nationwide effort has really awakened a sense of responsibility for me not only as a Filipino
citizen but more importantly, a citizen of the world. The message behind this act is not solely
focused on the conservation of energy but also being part of a movement for change. Besides
taking part of the event, Earth Hour’s message is also centered in living a more sustainable
lifestyle which I have been practicing for several years now, such as eating more sustainable
food, supporting and switching to purchase locally made products, living plastic-free by
choosing products that are packaged in glassware, using glass containers for food storage and
using eco-bags for purchases. In my own way, this is how I am able to contribute to a greener
environment.As Earth Hour Co- Founder Andy Riley once said, "We need massive change, one
hour in terms of change is not that much. We want people to think about what they can do to
lower their carbon footprint, and ideally take that beyond the hour."

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