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Learning Area General Physics 2 Grade Level Grade 12

W6 Quarter Fourth Quarter Date June 21-25, 2021

I. LESSON TITLE Interference and Diffraction
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING 1. Determine the conditions (superposition, path and phase difference,
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) polarization, amplitude) for interference to occur emphasizing the properties
of a laser as a monochromatic and coherent light source.
2. Relate the geometry of the two-slit experiment set up (slit separation and
screen-to-slit distance) and properties of light (wavelength) to the properties of
the interference pattern (width, location and intensity).
3. Relate the geometry of the diffraction experiment set up (slit size and screen-
to-slit distance) and properties of light (wavelength) to the properties of the
diffraction pattern (width, location and intensity of the fringes).
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT ✓ Coherence and Conditions for Interference
✓ Young’s Double Slit Experiment
✓ Diffraction from single-slits
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
Light travels in a rectilinear motion. As light waves move near an obstacle, they tend to bend around the barrier and spread
out. Optical effects resulting from diffraction are produced through the interference of light waves. When two light waves from
different coherent sources meet, the distribution of energy due to one wave is distributed by the other.
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
1. Determine the conditions (superposition, path and phase difference, polarization, amplitude) for interference to occur
emphasizing the properties of a laser as a monochromatic and coherent light source.
2. Relate the geometry of the two-slit experiment set up (slit separation and screen-to-slit distance) and properties of light
(wavelength) to the properties of the interference pattern (width, location and intensity).
3. Relate the geometry of the diffraction experiment set up (slit size and screen-to-slit distance) and properties of light
(wavelength) to the properties of the diffraction pattern (width, location and intensity).
Butterflies possess some of the most striking color displays found in nature. As they fly from flower to flower gathering nectar,
their brightly colored wings seem to shimmer and change color before your eyes. But what makes the vivid colors of butterfly
wings appear to dance? How can they possess such intense hues?
The quality of changing colors of the butterfly’s wings is known as iridescence. And when talking about iridescence, it helps
to remember that light is a wave and can be described as wavelength. And waves can also be described by their phase.
D. Development (Time Frame: 100 minutes)
Interference of Light
Interference is the phenomenon in which two waves superimpose to form the resultant wave of greater or lesser amplitude.
Interference usually refers to the interaction of waves that are correlated (coherent) with each other because they originate
from the same source, or they have the same or nearly the same frequency.

Constructive Interference (in-phase)

Constructive interference happens when two identical waves (same wavelength and same amplitude) arrive at one point
(point P) – that is crest to crest and trough to trough. The resulting amplitude of either individual wave, and in the case of light
waves, the brightness at P is greater than that due to either wave alone.

The figure at the right shows that the waves

emitted by source 1 and source 2 starts out phase
and arrive at point P in phase, leading to
constructive interference at that point.

In general, when the waves start out of phase,

constructive interference will result at point P
whenever the distances are the same or differ by
any integer number of wavelengths. in other words,
assuming l2 is the larger distance.
Whenever l2 – l1 = mλ, where m = 0, 1, 2, 3,…

Destructive Interference
Occurs when two identical waves arrive at point P out of phase with one another, or crest to trough. Now the waves
normally cancel according to the principle of superposition and destructive interference result. With light waves, this would
mean there is no brightness.
The figure at the right shows that the waves emitted
by the two sources have the same phase to begin with,
but they have arrived at point P out of phase. As a result,
destructive interference occurs at point P.

In general, for waves that start out of phase, destructive

interference will take place at P whenever the distance
differ by any odd integer of half-wavelengths – that is
whenever l2 – l1 = ½ λ, 3/2 λ, 5/2 λ,….. where l2 is the larger
distance. This is equivalent to l2 – l1 = (m + ½)λ,
where m = 0,1,2,3….

Coherent Sources
Two sources are said to be coherent when the waves emitted from them have the same frequency and constant phase
difference. Interference from such waves happens all the time, randomly phased light waves constantly produce bright and
dark fringes at every point.

Characteristics of Coherent Sources

1. The waves generated have a constant phase difference.
2. The waves are of a single frequency.

Lasers are commonly used as coherent sources and use a phenomenon called Simulated Emission to generate highly
coherent light. Small sources of light are at least partially coherent. The light emitted by the laser light has the same frequency
and phase. The reason why we can observe interference patterns on soap bubbles and appreciate the iridescence of butterfly
wings. While sunlight is incoherent overall, small portions on small areas are generally partially coherent.

General Conditions for Interference

1. Coherent sources of light are needed.
2. Amplitudes and intensities must be nearly equal to produce sufficient contrast between maxima and minima.
3. The source must be small enough to produce wide fringes.
4. The interfering sources must be near enough to produce wide fringes.
5. The source and screen must be far enough to produce wide fringes.
6. The source must emit light in the same state of polarization.
7. The source must be monochromatic.

Young’s Double Slit Experiment

In 1801 the English scientist Thomas Young (1773-1829) performed a historic experiment that demonstrated the wave nature
of light by showing that two overlapping light waves interfered with each other. Double-slit experiment is famous in the history
of Physics because it demonstrates conclusively that light is a wave.
The figure at the right shows one arrangement of Young’s experiment,
in which light of a single wavelength (monochromatic light) passes
through a single narrow slit and falls on two closely spaced, narrow
slits S1 and S2. These two slits act as coherent sources of light waves
that interfere constructively and destructively at different points on
the screen to produce a pattern of alternating dark and bright fringes.
The purpose of a single slit is to ensure that only light from one direction
falls on the double slit. Without it, light coming from different points on
the light source would strike the double-slit from different directions
cause the pattern on the screen to be washed out. The slits S1 and S2
act as coherent sources of light waves because the light from each
originates from the same primary source – namely, the single slit. In Young’s
double slit experiment, two slits S1 and S2 act as coherent sources of
light. Light waves from these slits constructively and destructively on the
screen to produce fringes.

What are the fringes?

The bright fringes are lines of constructive interference where waves from two slits arrive in phase and reinforce each other .
The dark fringes are lines of destructive interference where the waves cancel each other out. Young’s double-slit experiment
does not only demonstrated the wave nature of light but also allowed him to measure its wavelength.
Diffraction of Light
As light waves pass near an obstacle, they tend to bend around the barrier and spread out. The bending of light as it passes
around the edge of a barrier is called diffraction or sometimes known as scattering. The amount of bending depends on the
size of the wavelength of light to the size of the opening. If the opening is much larger than the light’s wavelength, the bending
will almost be unnoticeable. However, if the two are closer in size or equal, the amount of bending is considerable and easily
seen with the naked eye.
If you place your middle and index fingers close together and look through the opening at a distant light source, you will
see a clear diffraction pattern consisting of bright and dark lines running parallel to your fingers. Young’s double-slit experiment
shows the spreading out of light when passing through a small slit or around sharp edges because of diffraction. Diffraction is a
demonstration of Huygens’ principle which states that every point on any wavefront of light from a point source may be
regarded as a new point source of secondary waves. When a wavefront reaches the edge of a corner, a secondary wave is
formed at that point and makes another wavefront. Thus, the light is able to extend to the area where there would normally
be a shadow.
In the atmosphere, diffracted light is actually bent around atmospheric particles – most commonly, the atmospheric
particles are tiny water droplets found in clouds. Pastel shades of blue, pink and green in the clouds are often observed
because light is refracted and diffracted from water droplets in the clouds. An optical effect that results from this phenomenon
is the silver lining found around the edges of clouds of coronas surrounding the moon or sun.
E. Engagement (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Learning Task 1 – Study the following figures and identify if what phase is formed where the two waves of coherent source
met. Write In-phase or Out-of-phase.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Learning Task 2 – Write LIGHT if the statement is true. Otherwise, change the underlined word to make the statement true.
1) A flashlight is a very good example of a coherent source.
2) Two sources are coherent if they have the same frequency.
3) Constructive interference happens when two identical waves arrive at one point.
4) The interference is said to be in-phase if the crest of one source met the trough of the other source.
5) Diffraction is a phenomenon in which two waves superimpose to form the resultant wave of greater or lesser amplitude.

Learning Task 3 – Fill in the blanks. Write increases or decreases.

1) As the screen is moved farther from the slits, the distance between the bands _______________.
2) As the slits move farther from each other, the distance between the bands _______________.
3) As the screen is moved closer to the slits, the distance between the bands _______________.
4) As the slits move closer to each other, the distance between the bands _______________.
5) As the wavelength of the source increases, the band separation _______________.

Learning Task 4 – Answer each question concisely.

1) When will in-phase and out-of-phase interference occur?
2) Give three physical evidences that light travels in straight lines.
3) What happens if two light waves with the same amplitude interfere?
4) How do wave effects depend on the size of the object with which the wave interacts?
5) Why does the wavelength of light decrease when it passes from vacuum into a medium?

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A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
1. Summer is fast approaching. And during summer, we can see a lot of people wearing sunglasses walking down the
street especially if not during a pandemic. Why do we usually use sunglasses? Is it just a fashion or helps our eyes? Explain your
answer by using the concepts of interference, reflection, and polarization.
2. A team of New York University has developed a method using holographic imaging to detect both viruses and
antibodies. The breakthrough has the potential to aid in medical diagnoses and, specifically, those related to the covid-19
pandemic. How do hologram work? How do we see images using a hologram? Explain.
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
Directions: Analyze each item carefully then choose your answer from the choices. Write the letter of your answer.
1) What principle is responsible for alternating light and dark bands when light passes through two or more narrow slits?
A. Diffraction B. Interference C. Polarization D. Refraction
2) When the crest of one source meets the trough of another source with the same frequency, they are said to be
A. Out-of-phase B. In-phase C. Interference D. Diffraction
3) One beam of coherent light travels path P1 in arriving at point Q and another coherent beam travels path P 2 in arriving at
the same point. If these two beams are to interfere destructively, the path difference P 1-P2 must be equal to ______________.
A. Zero C. an odd number of half wavelengths
B. a whole number of wavelengths D. a whole number of half-wavelengths
4) Two light sources are said to be coherent if they _______________.
A. are of the same frequency C. are the same amplitude, and maintain a constant phase difference
B. are of the same frequency and amplitude D. are of the same frequency, and maintain a constant phase difference
5) Which of the following DOES NOT show any interference pattern?
A. A thick film B. Soap bubble C. Excessively thin film D. Wedge-shaped film
6) When two waves of the same amplitude add constructively, what will be the resultant amplitude?
A. Half B. Double C. Four Times D. One-Fourth
7) Instead of monochromatic light, white light is used for interference of light. What would be the change in the observation?
A. The pattern will not be visible. C. The shape of the pattern will change from hyperbolic to circular.
B. The bright and dark fringes will change position. D. Color fringes will be observed with white bright fringe at the center.
8) Which of the following is an example of a coherent source of light?
A. Fluorescent lamp B. Flashlight C. Sunlight D. Laser
9) Which of the following is NOT an application of interference?
A. Formation of rainbow. C. Formation of different colors in a thin film of a soap bubble.
B. Light reflected from a film of oil floating on water. D. Formation of rainbow colors in the surface of a compact disk.
10) What would happen if the distance between the slit and the screen was increased?
A. Fringe spacing would increase. C. No change in the fringe spacing.
B. Fringe spacing would decrease. D. All of the above
11) The silver lining in the sky is due to _______________.
A. Diffraction B. Interference C. Polarization D. Refraction
12) A single slit diffraction pattern is obtained using a beam of red light. If the red light is replaced by blue light, then the
diffraction pattern _______________.
A. remains unchanged B. becomes narrower C. becomes broader D. will disappear
13) Which refers to the increase in the wavelength of the x-rays and the gamma rays which occurs when they are scattered?
A. Halls effect B. Thermal effect C. Compton effect D. Photoelectric effect
14) A Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is created by monochromatic light shining through which of the following?
A. single slit B. double slit C. triple slit D. more than 3 slits
15) The blue tint of a coated camera lens is largely caused by what effects?
A. diffraction B. interference C. polarization D. refraction
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this task.
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8
VII. REFERENCES • Nicholas J. Giordano. 2018. General Physics 2. Manila: REX Book Store Inc.
• Alicia L. Padua. 2010. Practical and Explorational Physics. Quezon City. Vibal Publishing House Inc.
• Hugh D. Young & Roger A. Freedman. 2012. University Physics 13 th Ed. California. Pearson Educ. Inc.
Prepared by: Maricel B. Sumanghid Checked by: Jocelyn B. Reyes Willma G. Flores

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