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ACD End of Term Reading Test Level 7A

Name: ___lay mounin________________ Term: __7____/ 20___21___ Teacher: ________________

60 Minutes: Score:

Part 1: Read the following article and then answer the questions below. (10 marks)

The Beijing Summer Olympics

After 7 years of preparations, the Summer Olympics have opened in Beijing, China. An opening
ceremony and lighting of the Olympic cauldron marked the official start of the Games on Friday.
More than ten thousand athletes will compete in the games. They will take part in more than three
hundred events across twenty-eight sports.
Chinese President Hu Jintao welcomed leaders from around the world to a special celebration meal.
He said the Chinese government had been fulfilling promises made to the international community when
Beijing was chosen to host the games.
The theme for this year’s Olympics is “One World, One Dream”. The idea is to unite the world in the
spirit of the Olympics.
China is promising a safe and peaceful Olympics. The government had to increase security after a
deadly attack on police in the far western Xinjiang Province.
China has spent more than forty billion dollars to make new bridges, roads and transportation. Earlier
this week, some people protested the destruction of their homes to make way for new buildings.
There have been many other protests. China threw out two American and two British citizens for
hanging signs saying “Students for a Free Tibet” near the main Olympic Stadium. They want Tibet to
have freedom from Chinese rule.
Another issue surrounding the Olympics is air pollution. The city has some of the most polluted air in
the world. Pollution caused the Chinese government to ban three million vehicles from the roads each
day. It also shut down factories during the games so that athletes didn’t have to compete in poor quality
ACD End of Term Reading Test Level 7A

Part I: The Beijing Summer Olympics Questions: Answer as short as possible.

1] What marked the official opening of the Olympic Games?

___ Opening ceremony and the lighting of Olympic cauldron._

2] How many athletes competed in the Beijing Olympics?

_More then ten thousand.___

3] How many events are there in the modern Olympics?

__three hundreds event.__

4] What was the theme of the 2008 Beijing Olympics?

_"One World, One Dream" ___

5] What does China promise during the Olympics?

_China promise a safe and peaceful Olympic.___

6] What did some Chinese people protest about?

__About destruction of their home to make way for new buildings __

7] What were the four foreign students thrown out of China for?
__for free tibet__

8] What did the students hope for with their protest?

___freedom from China's rules_

9] Which sentence compares the air quality in Beijing to other cities?

__the second sentence__

10] What did the Chinese Government do to try and reduce pollution?
__ban 3 millions from the road each day__
ACD End of Term Reading Test Level 7A

Part II: Read the following article and then answer the questions below. (10 marks)


Tom: Hi Henry, it's been a long time since we saw each other last. What have you been up to?
Henry: Hi Tom! It's great to see you again. I've been away on business.
Tom: Really, where did you go?
Henry: Well, first I flew to New York for two meetings. After that, I flew to Atlanta, where I had to
make a presentation at a company conference.
Tom: It sounds like you've been busy.
Henry: Yes, I've been very busy. It's good to be home again. What have you been doing lately?
Tom: Oh, nothing much. I've been working in the garden these past few days. Alice has been away for
the past two weeks visiting her relatives in Chicago.
Henry: I didn't know she has family in Chicago.
Tom: Yes, that's right. We met at university in California. She was born in Chicago and lived there until
she went to college.
Henry: How long have you lived here in Colorado?
Tom: We've lived here for over 10 years. We moved here in 1998 because I had a new job as a sales
Henry: Have you lived in the same house since you arrived?
Tom: No, first we lived in a condo in downtown Denver. We moved here four years ago. We've lived on
the street for four years and they've been the happiest years of our lives.
Henry: Yes, my wife Jane and I love this neighbourhood.
Tom: And how long have you lived in your house?
Henry: We've only lived here for two years.
Tom: That's strange, it seems like you have lived here longer than that.
Henry: No, we moved here in 2006.
Tom: How time flies!
Henry: I have to agree with you on that. It seems like yesterday that I graduated from college. I can't
believe I've been working for more than 10 years!
Tom: I've been working for more than 30 years! I'm going to retire soon.
Henry: Really? You don't look a day over 40!
Tom: Thank you. You're a great neighbour!
Henry: No, really. Well, I have to get going. Work is waiting for me. Have a good day.
Tom: You, too. Glad to have you back in the neighbourhood!
ACD End of Term Reading Test Level 7A

Questions: Circle ONE correct answer, A, B or C (10 marks)

1] Where has Henry been? __b__
a) He’s been away on vacation. b) He’s been away on business.
c) He’s been away on holiday.
2] Which city was not a destination on his business trip? __a__
a) Chicago b) Atlanta c) New York
3] What has Tom been doing? __b__
a) Travelling to visit relatives b) Working in the garden c) Teaching at school
4] What has Alice been doing? __b__
a) Travelling for work b) Visiting relatives in Chicago c) Visiting friends in Chicago
5] When did Tom and his wife move to Colorado? ___b_
a) 10 years ago b) more than 10 years ago c) 2 years ago
6] How long have Tom and his wife lived in the neighbourhood? __b__
a) More than 10 years b) 4 years c) 2 years
7] How long has Henry lived in the neighbourhood? __b__
a) More than 10 years b) 2 years c) 6 years
8] How long has Tom been working? _c___
a) More than 10 years b) More than 40 years c) More than 30 years
9] How long has Henry been working? ___a_
a) More than 10 years b) More than 20 years c) More than 40 years
10] What surprises Henry? __b__
a) Tom’s wife b) Tom’s age c) Tom’s house

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