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Direction: Write the letter of the best answer in the space provided before the number
___1. What is the difference between fossils formed by compression and impression?
A. Compression-made fossils are characterized by shallow molds, while impression-made fossils
are compact with the matter.
B. Compression-made fossils are less common than impression-made fossils.
C. Fossils made by compression have more organic matter, while fossils made by impression has
little or none of it.
D. Pressure fossils have little to no organic matter, whereas impression-made fossils are full of it.

___2. Why are analogous structures among organisms similar in function despite the difference in origin?
A. Adapted to similar environmental pressures
B. Adapted to different environmental pressures
C. Due to similar diets
D. Due to the same embryological development

___3. Which of the following statements best explains why bat wing and butterfly wing are analogous
structures? They have _______
A. Different functions.
B. Different underlying structures.
C. Similar functions
D. Similar underlying structures

___4. Fossils are made up of_________. How do these provide evidence for evolution?
A. Compressed objects formed by natural processes that happened in the past
B. Inorganic matter that came from organisms living in the past
C. Organic matter that came from organisms living in the past
D. Shallow molds formed by natural processes that happened in the past

___5. Scientists determine the age of fossils through relative dating. If you were that scientist, how do this
be done?
A. Studying different layers of rock where the oldest fossils are in the deepest layers
B. Study of various rock layers in which the oldest fossils are in the middle layers
C. The study of various rock layers in which the oldest fossils are in the newest layers
D. The study of various rock layers where the oldest fossils must be confirmed by other tests,
regardless of the location of the rock layer.
___6. How does genetic information provide as evidence of evolution?
A. Amino acid sequences, the more closely related the species are
B. Amino acid sequences, the more distantly related the species are.
C. Enzymes between organisms, the more distantly related the species are.
D. Enzymes between organisms, the more similar they are.

___7. How do scientists determine the age of fossils by radioactive dating? It is determined by the time it
takes for ___________
A. All the radioactive elements decay into nonradioactive elements.
B. A quarter of the radioactive elements decay into nonradioactive elements.
C. Half of the radioactive elements decay into nonradioactive elements.
D. Three-quarters of the radioactive elements decay into nonradioactive elements.

___8. What is the difference between divergent and convergent evolution?

A. Divergent evolution results in the formation of homologous structures while convergent evolution
results in the formation of analogous structures.
B. Divergent evolution results in the formation of analogous structures while convergent evolution
results in the formation of homologous structures.
C. In species that are exposed to the same environment, divergent and convergent evolution
D. Occurrence of divergent and convergent evolution will depend mainly on the strength of the

___9. Which of the following statements best explained the formation of homologous structures?
A. Groups from the same species adapt to different environments resulting to the formation of
similar underlying structures but with different functions.
B. Groups from the same species adapt to different environments resulting to the formation of
similar underlying structures with the same functions.
C. Species with different ancestors adapt to different environments forming structures with similar
D. Species with different ancestors adapt to the same environment forming structures with similar

___10. Which of the following best explains the evolutionary relationship of humans and chimpanzees on
the basis on their genetic information?
A. Humans and chimpanzees have a genetic makeup difference of around 1.2%
B. Humans and chimpanzees have around a 1.2% difference in their genetic makeup. Hence, they
are distantly related.
C. Humans and chimpanzees have around a 1.2% difference in their genetic makeup. Hence, they
are closely related.
D. The genetic makeup difference in humans and chimpanzees is 30%

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