Clil 4º Syllabus Contents

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Contenidos de las unidades didácticas

UNIT1: Sound, noise and silence. Qualities of sound.
UNIT 2: The rhythm.
UNIT 3. Melody and Harmony Tonality, Scales and keys.
UNIT 4: The human voice. Voice types and vocal ranges. Physiology of the voice

UNIT5: The instruments of the orchestra. The string family, the wooding family, the brass
family and the percussion family in the orchestra.
UNIT 6: Musical texture

UNIT 7 : Musical Form
UNIT 8: Urban Popular Music
UNIT 9 : Music and the performing arts


Music On Stage:
1. Definition and main characteristics of Musicals and Music Films and theri evolution
2. Chronology of the music in Films: Ages and Soundtracks
3. Famous Works in Theatre and Films paying attention to the Lyrics, Scripts and Soundtracks.
4. Specific words and terms about musica used in Films, Drama and Dances: Film Score, Soundtrack,
background music, diegetic music, non-diegetic, orchestration (or choice of instruments),
instrumentation (how the instruments are used) and descriptive language and expressions like
“mood of the scene, reinforcing dramatic developments and aspects of character,” “the dramatic
impact”, “provide continuity across edits”
5. Writing: adaptation of famous scripts and lyrics from Musical or Films as a part of the Clil project.
Optional: creation of original songs and scripts . (First and second term)

Definition Characteristics, and Evolution Opera
Famous Operas works and their story lines.
Opera houses and other spaces to act.
Nowadays: modern opera and updating the classic.
Language: Review of previous terms as opera voices and use of Italian and German words: cadenza, aria...
Writing: adaptation of famous opera scripts and lyrics as a part of the Clil project. Optional: creation of
original songs and scripts . (First and second term)
Music and Media
Definition and description about Radio, Television, Internet, Advertising, Internet, Audiovisuals.
Features of the music in the different media and its evolution.
Social media and music.
Language: jingle, serials, spots, advertisement, streaming, videoclip…
Music And New Technologies: comparison and creation of a basic advertisment or audiovisual production
using the English as an instructional language. English language has to apper in the final product.

Music Styles: Name of the styles, origins and relationships worked with diagrams and maps.
Frame works and mindmaps to reflect the definition an evolution of blues, jazz, pop and rock.
Music in the UK (The british music experience)
Writing some articles or reviews about succesful soloists, groups or songs.
Interpretation: Play and sing some of the selected songs


Language and Creation (1st 2nd and 3rd term)
· Score reading.
· Song writing: simple elements lyrics, melodies and solos.
· Structure & Form: chorus, verse, middle eight, interlude, solo, bridge…
Scales: Mayor, Minor, Pentatonic Circle of fifths. New
· Accompaniment (Harmony): Chords Mayor, Minor, Seventh. Related to the rhythm patterns (meters,

Language applied to Practice (1st 2nd and 3rd term)

Voices: Ranges, tessitura and terms referred to breathing and production of vocal sound.
· Parts and functions of the instruments of the room: Xylophones, Guitar, Timple and Piano
· Body Percussion: parts of the body and instructions.
· Groups: Instructions and language used in real practice and groups rehearsal

Music and New Technologies (1st 2nd and 3rd term)

New systems of recording and reproduction
· The MP3 and others formats which allow the compression of audio without the ear perceiving hardly any
loss of quality. · Other compression systems: Windows Media Audio and Ogg Vorbis…..
The Internet and Music
· Systems of buying music à la carte like Your Music are put into operation. Spotify, Youtube..
Musical Information Technology
· The advances in equipment and programmes afford users a recording studio at home (home studio).
· There is more and more musical software: score editors, audio editors, sequencers, etc.
· Virtual instruments reproduce real sounds from instruments through software programmes.
· MIDI language allows the instruments to communicate between them or with a computer.

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