Citizens' Rights: by Hailey C

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By Hailey C.
19th Amendment
How does the amendment protect citizen

◦The Amendment protects that no matter what your

sex is you cannot be denied the right to vote and
nor can your right to vote be taken away from you.

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Who supported it? Why?

◦Both the democrat and republican party supported

the 19th amendment along with at the time
President Woodrow Wilson. They supported the
Amendment because they believed that women
deserved equal rights.

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Who did not support it? Why?

◦Anti-Suffragist and Husbands. They argued that

most women didn't want to vote and that they
already had a duty to fulfill at home with cleaning,
cooking, and taking care of their children. They
claimed that they didn't need any more distractions
or power.
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When was it introduced?

◦June 4th, 1919

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When was it ratified?

◦August 1920
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What events led to its ratification?

◦The women's suffrage movement. The movement

lasted nearly a decade before the 19th Amendment
was finally passed.
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26th Amendment
How does the amendment protect citizen

◦The amendment protects your right to vote at the

age of 18 and makes it known that you cannot be
denied the right to vote nor can that right be taken
from you.

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Who supported it? Why?

◦Dwight D. Eisenhower supported the 26th

amendment. Dwight felt that along with all other
troops that if they were old enough to fight in war,
they were old enough to vote.

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Who did not support it? Why?

◦President Richard M. Nixon. Nixon made a public

announcement which deemed the provision of the
amendment unconstitutional.

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When was it introduced?

◦March 23rd, 1971

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When was it ratified?

◦July 1st, 1971

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What events led to its ratification?

◦The Vietnam War. One troop was going to vote but

they denied the right to vote to him because he was
not of age which at that time was 21.

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