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Design and Implementation of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Framework for

Nonlinear Actuator Health Monitoring and Compensation

Reference No. : 422019001337

Saved By : Dr. Puneet Mishra
Saved Date : 22-Apr-2019

Dr. Puneet Mishra
Assistant Professor(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)-Pilani

Pilani campus, vidya vihar, pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan-333031
Technical Details :
Scheme : Start-up Research Grant
Research Area : Electrical Engineering (Engineering Sciences)
Duration : 24 Months Contact No : +918010443127
Date of Birth : 27-Sep-1988 Gender : MALE
Category : GEN Is differently abled : No
Nationality : INDIAN Total Cost (INR) : 26,65,000

Project Summary :
This project proposal aims to develop an intelligent Industrial Internet of Things
framework for compensating actuators nonlinearities and its health monitoring. It may be
noted that, various actuators are found in industries for driving various processes. For
example, handling of materials using robotic manipulators will require motors or
pneumatic actuators. Manufacturing industries employ pneumatic control valves to
manipulate flow rates to regulate product compositions, temperature, pressure etc. In
integrated power systems, actuators such as governor for controlling steam flow rate for
reheated turbines, actuator for manipulating turbine blade pitch in wind turbine etc. are
ubiquitous. In nutshell, actuators are essential part of industries and affect the final
throughput of the industry in a considerable manner. However, these actuators are prone
to suffer severe nonlinearities such as static-friction (stiction), deadband, deadzone etc.
which can potentially disturb the desired profitability of the plant by providing reduced
control level performance. To overcome this issue, the current practice is to manually
check the actuators in the plant at various locations by technicians and observe its health
condition. This method is quite unreliable, expensive and can cause detrimental effects on
the control performance. Also, many times information regarding actuators’ current
condition is desired at supervisory level to plan a scheduled maintenance for fixing of
actuator/s or their replacement. This can be further very tedious, since scheduled plant
maintenance is often carried out in open loop mode with minimal dependence on input
from technicians visiting the plant. If, between two successive maintenance operations,
actuator fails; it can lead to catastrophic results. In order to address these issues, this
project proposal aims to garner the capabilities of recently investigated technology of
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Through IIoT, it is possible that the data from
actuators, irrespective of their quantity and geographical location in a large plant, can be
easily accessed. In this project, this input-output data of actuators will be used to monitor
the condition of actuators in the plant. This data along with unique ID of different
actuators in the plant will be transmitted to a cloud database to monitor the health of
actuator using intelligent algorithms. The condition of actuators in the plant will be
assessed with the help of its nonlinearity estimation, as the nonlinearity index associated
with any actuator can be used to predict the life of actuator and its current health. The
application of the nonlinearity index is two-fold in this project. One of the use of
nonlinearity index will be in implementation of the nonlinearity compensation algorithm
and second use will be in assessment of actuators' health and taking supervisory action at
a higher level of industrial automation hierarchy.

Objectives :

• Nonlinearity estimation in electrical and pneumatic industrial actuators using intelligent

techniques for robotic manipulators and control valves
• Actuator health assessment based on nonlinearity estimation on a cloud platform in IIoT
• Development and implementation of a unified compensation and control algorithm for
stiction and deadband nonlinearity
• Implementation and validation of developed framework for assisting in critical decision
making process at supervisory level of industrial automation

Keywords :
Actuator nonlinearity, Nonlinearity compensation, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT),
Stiction, Fuzzy logic

Expected Output and Outcome of the proposal :

This project will aim to develop an intelligent Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
framework benefitting from Industry 4.0 revolution. An integrated solution for the
compensation and control of various process variables will be developed and
implemented. This developed solution is expected to increase the efficiency of a typical
manufacturing industry in terms of energy and product quality. Since, a unified
framework will be responsible for compensation and control of nonlinear control loops, it
is expected that the actuators wear and tear rate will also decrease considerably. This can
in turn increase the profitability of the plant by lesser frequent replacement of the
actuators in the field. Further, the development of IIoT framework for the assessment of
actuators’ health will enable the industrial control practitioners to visualize the forecasted
actions to be taken related to plant maintenance, This will ensure a reliable plant
maintenance activity calendar which will render industries to use their resources in an
optimal way. The IIoT framework will be using cloud database, and thereby will reduce
any related hardware maintenance activities. This will also ensure reduction in expenses
since no physical computational device at the plant has to be integrated. Also, very little
modification will be needed in existing physical structure of the plant since most of the
computational activities will be done on a virtual computational platform.
Other Technical Details
1 State of the art

Stiction compensation is a challenge in industries and attention has been paid to this area recently.
A framework for choosing the parameters of knocker pulses, in the approach proposed by Hägglund
[1], was introduced by Srinivasan and Rengaswamy [2, 3]. Further, Cuadros presented a modification
[4], to be integrated with knocker or constant reinforcement method in order to gain reduced variability
on process variable. Srinivasan and Rengaswamy (2008) presented a “two move approach” for the
stiction compensation in control valves [5]. This technique used a separate compensator, whose output
at every sampling instant was evaluated through OP, its derivative and value of stiction band (S). This
scheme was reliant on an exact measure of valve and stiction parameters However, this cannot be
guaranteed in a practical environment [6]. Cuadros et al. (2012) revisited two move approach and
presented two new methods for compensating stiction [8]. This work again used a separate
compensator and added signal to the control loop other than the controller output. It was assumed that
the dynamics of valve and the process are similar, which cannot be guaranteed [6, 7]. In year 2000,
Kayihan and Doyle [9], proposed use of a local nonlinear controller making an internal loop with
original process variable to curb stiction deteriorating effects. Mohammad and Huang [10] presented
stiction compensation scheme through controller tuning. Further, Arifin et al. (2014) provided an
improved method of stiction compensation for control valve which is claimed to require minimal
information from process or the operator [11]. Wang presented a stiction compensation method [12],
loosely based on addition of a pulse in control signal (as in knocker method or two move approach),
but with a different procedure of determining the pulse characteristics. Brasio et al. have presented an
extensive review on stiction nonlinearity in [13], and covered modelling, detection, quantification and
compensation of stiction from over one hundred fifty articles. An aspect covered in this review article
was nonlinearity compensation in control valves. It was inferred that the compensation of stiction in
control valves is a relatively lesser explored area [14], and only limited methods are reported for
stiction compensation. The most studied method is, knocker method [1] or its modified version, which
employ a separate compensator and adds some signals (knocker pulses) in the control signals.
However, it has been observed that the additional pulses are usually filtered by low pass characteristic
of pneumatic actuators and thereby reducing their effectiveness in valve having pneumatic actuators
[5]. Further, the review article which accounted for over one hundred and fifty articles, reported no
any integrated stand-alone automated framework which could identify or detect, estimate, and then
compensate the hard nonlinearity in the control loops. Some efforts at national level are also being
made Advanced Process Control Laboratory (APCL) at Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi
has majority of the work on stiction compensation in control valves. Two different techniques namely
stiction combating intelligent controller (SCIC) [6, 15] and nonlinear proportional integral controller
[14] were developed to compensate the stiction nonlinearity in control loop with pneumatic control
valve. Effects of tuning in SCIC controller and related comparison are shown in [16, 17]. It may be
noted that, these works were mainly focused on compensation of stiction effects on the control loop,
and no information of detection was employed in these works. Sivagamisundari and Sivakumar have
performed few research activities in detecting and compensating stiction nonlinearity in pneumatic
control valves [18–22]. Another instance of identification of stiction in valves by a neuro-fuzzy system
can be seen which is explored at CSIR-CLRI laboratory at Chennai, India by Arumugum and Panda
[23]. It may be inferred from the survey presented that effect of hard nonlinearities such as stiction,
which has a characteristic of hysteresis and friction, is not being studied thoroughly in industrial
control aspect and not much work is being reported in this area.

2 Origin of the Proposal:

It has been pointed out in literature survey that separate techniques are available to detect and
compensate the stiction effects on the control performance. The separate existence of the detection
estimation technique and compensation technique for nonlinearities in control loop may render the
industrial control practitioner for following problems,

1. Lack of a bridge between available stiction detection / estimation / compensation techniques,

thereby causing control performance and product quality degradation.
2. Manual intervention is needed which cause lesser reliability and increased expenses.
3. No unified framework for control valve health monitoring and stiction compensation.

The abovementioned points illustrate the need of an automated integrated framework which
could monitor the health of control valve, compensate nonlinearity as well as control the process
variable of interest. This development will not only cause the control performance to improve but also
the product quality and efficiency of controlled process. This improvement will further cause a
reduction in wasted manpower and energy; and can significantly decrease the maintenance issues in a
plant. The following illustration might be seen as the gap which is to be explored in this research

Valve health
Unified framework for valve health
monitoring and compensation
estimation and NOT Available !!!
Existing Status

Fig. 1. Existing status of valve health monitoring and compensation in industries.

3 Research Plan

This project proposal aims to develop a unified framework for the monitoring of the actuators’
health in view of various nonlinearities present in it. Primarily stiction is the root cause of deterioration
in the control performance in the industrial control loops and the most common final control element
affected is the control valves. Since, there is no unified framework for the control valves actuators
health monitoring and stiction compensation, this work is an attempt to deal with the same problem.

In order to assess the valve health, the controller output, control valve actuator response, and
final process variable will be observed and recorded simultaneously. Then with the help of Industrial
Internet of Things (IIoT) platform, a machine learning algorithm using fuzzy system will be assessing
the control valve health parameters. The valve health parameters will comprise of the measure of its
hysteresis and stiction nonlinearity parameters. A brief representation of this framework is presented
in Figure 1, where different run time data will be observed from plant at different valve locations and
with the help of associated valve identification code (Valve ID), the data will be stored in a cloud
database. Further, on the basis of acquired data, the stiction and hysteresis related parameters will be
estimated so as to assess the valve health. Further, supervisor actions will be generated to take timely
corrective actions and prevent valve failures.

Run time learning
data algorithm


health data


Figure 1: An Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) framework for actuators health monitoring.

Also, the problem of stiction compensation is a big menace in industry which can considerably
reduce the plant productivity by introducing large amplitude limit cycles in different process variables,
such as controlled variable and manipulated variables. These sustained oscillations can potentially
reduce the life span of the actuators which can in urn cause large load on the financial health of the
industry. Also, if these oscillations are further ignored, these can also cause severe instability problems
with a possibility of loss of materials and even worse lives. To compensate for these problems, it is
desired that a stand-alone algorithm which can take care of control and compensation at local level of
distributed control system, will be more beneficial. A possible block diagram of the proposed stand-
alone control and stiction compensation structure is presented in Fig. 2. It may be inferred from this
block diagram that it is an adaptive control scheme which can change its gains in run time to
compensate for the stiction nonlinearity. The intelligent compensator-cum-controller depicted in Fig.
2 is an intelligent system which uses fuzzy logic for its implementation. Since the system is intelligent,
and uses a measure of nonlinearity present in the loop with the help of nonlinearity index (NI), the
controller will also be able to function in normal mode when no hard nonlinearity affects the loop.

The automatic nonlinearity detection facility through IIoT platform will be an added advantage,
since it might be possible that the control loop component is newly installed and does not suffer from
any hard nonlinearity. The measure of NI will make sure that only necessary compensation occurs in
the control loop. It needs a mention here that Fig. 2 shows the structure of the control loop with
compensator-cum-controller only, however, the complete framework will also accommodate the
detection and estimation aspect.
Error (e) Fuzzy
𝟏− 𝐳 −𝟏

+ + output
Process + × +
variable 𝟏− 𝐳
Sampling period 𝑧 −1

SP Final
+- OP PV
Controller Actuator control Process

Nonlinearity index (NI)

Fig. 2. Proposed intelligent stand-alone controller and compensator for actuator nonlinearity.

Table 1: Breakup of tasks, with start and end dates

Task 1 Procurement of Robotic manipulator (within two months of start of project)
Task 2 Study of pneumatic and electric actuator nonlinearity characterization and modeling (3rd – 6th months)
Task 3 Development and testing of intelligent control method to curb stiction effects (7 th to 10th month)
Task 4 Nonlinearity index estimation on IIoT platform (10 th to 13th month)
Testing of detection and controlling of process loops on laboratory scale plant at other locations (13 th month to
Task 5
15th month)
Task 6 Compilation of results (16th – 18th month)
Task 7 Research paper writing and communicating to international journals (17 th – 22nd month)
Task 8 Project report preparation (22nd to 24th month)
4 Key publications of the Investigator during the last 5 years

1. Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar and K. P. S. Rana, “A fractional order fuzzy PID controller for binary
distillation column control,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 42, no. 22, pp. 8533-8549, 2015.
(SCIE Indexed, I.F. – 3.92)
2. Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar and K. P. S. Rana, “An online tuned novel nonlinear PI controller for
stiction compensation in pneumatic control valves,” ISA Transactions, vol. 58, pp. 434-445, 2015. (SCIE
Indexed, I.F. – 3.39)
3. Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar and K. P. S. Rana, “A novel intelligent controller for combating stiction
in pneumatic control valves,” Control Engineering Practice, vol. 33, pp. 94-104, 2014. (SCIE Indexed,
I.F. – 2.60)
4. Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar and K.P.S. Rana, “Intelligent Ratio Control in Presence of Pneumatic
Control Valve Stiction,” The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 677 – 689,
2016. (SCIE Indexed, I.F. – 0.865)
5. Vineet Kumar, K.P.S. Rana, Puneet Mishra, “Robust speed control of Hybrid Electric Vehicle using
fractional order fuzzy PD and PI controllers in cascade control loop,” Journal of the Franklin Institute,
vol. 353, no. 8, pp. 1713-1741, 2016. (SCIE Indexed, I.F. – 3.13)
6. Vineet Kumar, K. P. S. Rana, Jitendra Kumar, Puneet Mishra and Sreejith S. Nair, “A Robust
Fractional Order Fuzzy P + Fuzzy I + Fuzzy D Controller for Nonlinear and Uncertain
System,” International Journal of Automation and Computing, Springer Publication. (SCOPUS
7. Vineet Kumar, K.P.S. Rana, Jitendra Kumar, Puneet Mishra, “Self-tuned Robust Fractional Order
Fuzzy PD controller for Uncertain and Nonlinear Active Suspension System,” Neural Computing and
Applications, Springer, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1827-1843. (SCIE Indexed, I.F. – 2.505)
8. Nithilasaravanan. K, Nitisha Thakwani, Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar, KPS Rana, “Efficient Control
of Integrated Power System using Self Tuned Fractional Order Fuzzy PID Controller,” accepted for
publication in Neural Computing and Applications, Springer. (SCI Index, I.F. – 2.505)
9. Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar, K.P.S. Rana, “An Efficient Method for Parameter Estimation of a
Nonlinear System using Backtracking Search Algorithm,” Engineering Science and Technology – An
International Journal, Elsevier, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 338 - 350 (SCOPUS Indexed).
10. Vishal Goyal, Puneet Mishra, Vinay K Deolia, “A robust fractional order parallel control structure for
flow control using a pneumatic control valve with nonlinear and uncertain dynamics,” Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering (Springer), vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 2597-2611, 2019. (SCI index, I. F. – 1.092)
11. Aasheesh Shukla, Vishal Goyal, Puneet Mishra and V. K. Deolia, Cooperative relay beamforming in
IDMA communication networks. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 69(4), pp.300-304, 2018. (SCIE
12. Vishal Goyal, Puneet Mishra, Aasheesh Shukla, V.K. Deolia, and Aarti Varshney, “A fractional order
parallel control structure tuned with meta-heuristic optimization algorithms for increased robustness,”
Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 16-24, 2019. (SCIE indexed)

5 Bibliography

[1] T. Hägglund, “A friction compensator for pneumatic control valve,” Journal of process control, vol.
12, no. 8, pp. 897-904, 2002.
[2] R. Srinivasan and R. Rengaswamy, “Stiction compensation in process control loops: A framework for
integrating stiction measure and compensation,” Industrial & engineering chemistry research, vol. 44,
no. 24, pp. 9164-9174, 2005.
[3] R. Srinivasan and R. Rengaswamy, “Techniques for stiction diagnosis and compensation in process
control loops,” In American Control Conference, pp. 6-pp. IEEE, 2006.
[4] de Souza L. Cuadros, C. J. Munaro, and S. Munareto, “Novel model-free approach for stiction
compensation in control valves,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 51, no. 25, pp.
8465-8476, 2012.
[5] R. Srinivasan and R. Rengaswamy, “Approaches for efficient stiction compensation in process control
valves,” Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 32, pp. 218-229, 2008.
[6] P. Mishra, V. Kumar, and KPS Rana, “A novel intelligent controller for combating stiction in
pneumatic control valves,” Control Engineering Practice, vol. 33, pp. 94-104, 2014.
[7] M. Farenzena, J. O. Trierweiler, “Modified PI controller for stiction compensation,” In Proceedings
of the 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS 2010).
Leuven, Belgium, July.
[8] de Souza L Cuadros, C. J. Munaro, and S. Munareto, “Improved stiction compensation in pneumatic
control valves,” Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 38, pp. 106-114, 2012.
[9] A. Kayihan, F. J. Doyle, “Friction compensation for a process control valve,” Control Engineering
Practice, vol. 8, pp. 799-812, 2000.
[10] M. A. Mohammad, B. Huang, “Compensation of stiction through controller tuning,” Journal of
Process control, vol. 22, pp. 1800-1819, 2012.
[11] B. M. S. Arifin, C. J. Munaro, MAAS Choudhury, and S. L. Shah, “A model free approach for online
stiction compensation,” IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 5957-5962, 2014.
[12] J. Wang, “Closed-loop compensation method for oscillations caused by control valve
stiction,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 52, no. 36, pp. 13006-13019, 2013.
[13] A. S. Brásio, A. Romanenko and N. C. Fernandes, “Modeling, detection and quantification, and
compensation of stiction in control loops: The state of the art,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Research, vol. 53, no. 39, pp. 15020-15040, 2014.
[14] Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar and K. P. S. Rana, “An online tuned novel nonlinear PI controller for
stiction compensation in pneumatic control valves,” ISA Transactions, vol. 58, pp. 434-445, 2015.
[15] Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar and K.P.S. Rana, “Intelligent Ratio Control in Presence of Pneumatic
Control Valve Stiction,” The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 677 –
689, 2016.
[16] Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar and K. P. S. Rana, “Stiction Combating Intelligent Controller Tuning:
A Comparative Study,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advances in
Computer Engineering and Applications (ICACEA), March 19-20, 2015, pp. 534-541, IMS
Ghaziabad, India.
[17] Puneet Mishra, Vineet Kumar, KPS Rana, “A comparative study for flow control with SCIC and NPIC
controllers,” presented at ICCCNT, IIT Delhi, 3-5 July, 2017.
[18] S.Sivagamasundari, D. Sivakumar, “A New Methodology to Compensate Stiction in Pneumatic
Control Valves,” International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, Volume 2, Number 6, Jan
2013, pp. 480-484, 2013.
[19] S.Sivagamasundari, D. Sivakumar, “Quantification of Nonlinear Valve Stiction Model using
Compound Evolution Algorithms,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,
Volume 2, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 932-938. 2012.
[20] S.Sivagamasundari, D. Sivakumar, “A Practical Modelling Approach for Stiction in Control Valves,”
Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 38, Number 3, Mar 2012, pp. 3308-3317. 2012.
[21] S.Sivagamasundari, D. Sivakumar, “Estimation of Valve Stiction Using Particle Swarm
Optimization,” Sensors & Transducers, Volume 129, Number 6, Jun 2011, pp. 149-162. 2011.
[22] S.Sivagamasundari, D.Sivakumar, A Practical Modelling Approach for Stiction in Control Valves,
Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, Dec 27-28, 2010, Annamalai University, pp. 179-180,
Annamalai nagar, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers.
[23] S. Arumugum, R. C. Panda, “Identification of Stiction Nonlinearity for Pneumatic Control Valve using
ANFIS Method,” International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 570-578.

6 Equipment available with the Institute/ Group/ Department/Other Institutes for the
Equipment Generic name of Model, make and year Remarks including
available equipment of purchase accessories available
and current usage of
PI & his group Pilot scale pneumatic Anshuman These equipment are
control vales (4 pcs) Technologies, PCT available with PI and
100, 2018 his group and
MyRIO – 1900 National Instruments currently one PhD
(NI), 2018 students is working
Data acquisition facilities National Instruments towards his thesis on
(NI), USB – 6009, these setup
Pilot scale plant to study Anshuman
flow, level and temperature Technologies, PCT -
control 100, 2018

PI’s Department Digital Storage Tektronix TDS – These equipment are

oscilloscope, 1072B - EDU available in the
Multimeters Fluke – 17B+, 2017 department for
general purpose use in
the laboratories.

Other institutes NA NA NA
in the region
Budget Details
Birla Institute of Technology and
Budget Head Science (BITS)-Pilani Campus Total

Manpower 744,000 744,000

Consumables 300,000 300,000

Travel 120,000 120,000

Equipment 1,211,000 1,211,000

Contingencies 40,000 40,000

Other cost 50,000 50,000

Overhead 200,000 200,000

Total 2,665,000 2,665,000

Institute Name : Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)-Pilani Campus

Budget Summary (Amount in INR) :
Budget Head Year-1 Year-2 Total

Manpower 372,000 372,000 744,000

Consumables 150,000 150,000 300,000

Travel 50,000 70,000 120,000

Equipments 1,211,000 0 1,211,000

Contingencies 20,000 20,000 40,000

Other cost 0 50,000 50,000

Overhead 100,000 100,000 200,000

Grand Total 1,903,000 762,000 2,665,000

Manpower Budget Detail (Amount in INR) :

Designation Justifiocation Year-1 Year-2 Total
Junior Research The project involves design, development and
372,000 372,000 744,000
Fellow implementation of Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT) framework for actuator health monitoring
and nonlinearity compensation. The JRF will be
responsible for validation of the proposed
framework at various places at different stages of
the project. In later half of the project JRF will be
responsible for visiting different labs facilities to
gather data for training purpose of the
intelligent algorithm for health monitoring of

Consumable Cost Detail (Amount in INR) :

Justification Year-1 Year-2 Total
Consumables will be needed to develop the integrated platform for
150,000 150,000 300,000
gathering actuator data at plant. This will include different sensors,
microcontrollers, routers and other related material to develop the
data gathering platform. Service of a cloud will also be required on
which the computation has to be implemented for assessing the
valve health.

Travel Cost Detail (Amount in INR) :

Justification (Inland Travel) Year-1 Year-2 Total

Travel will be needed to visit different industrial plant sites to collect
50,000 70,000 120,000
the data. Also to test and validate the developed framework at
Advanced Process control Lab of Netaji Subhas University of
technology, Delhi and other places, travel will be needed by PI and
For attending relevant conference and workshops also travel amount
will be needed.

Equipment Cost Detail (Amount in INR) :

Generic Name
Model No. Justification Quantity Spare time Estimated Cost (INR)
Robotic Robotic manipulator is need to study electrical 12,00,000
manipulator 1 25 %
actuator characterization in manipulators. This
Omni bundle will also be required to validate the stiction
compensation algorithm in electrical actuators.
Printer This is required item to print various data 11,000
LBP 2900 B 1 20 %
generated at different locations and keeping
track of reports in hard copy.

Contingency Cost Detail (Amount in INR) :

Justification Year-1 Year-2 Total

This involves the cost related to the stationary items during the
20,000 20,000 40,000
execution of the project.

Overhead Detail (Amount in INR) :

Justification Year-1 Year-2 Total

10% of the total budget is allocated for the Institute for providing
100,000 100,000 200,000
necessary facilities to the PI and JRF in the project

Other Budget Detail (Amount in INR) :

Description Justification Year-1 Year-2 Total

Fee for assistance in This is needed to get professional assistance in
0 50,000 50,000
drafting IPR getting IPR generated through this project with
applications permission of DST SERB.
PROFORMA FOR BIO-DATA (to be uploaded)

1. Name and full correspondence address

Dr. Puneet Mishra,

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Pilani Campus
Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan - 333031

2. Email(s) and contact number(s)

Email ID:

Contact No: +91-8010443127

3. Institution

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Pilani Campus

Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan - 333031

4. Date of Birth: 27th September, 1988

5. Gender (M/F/T): MALE

6. Category Gen/SC/ST/OBC: GENERAL

7. Whether differently abled (Yes/No): NO

8. Academic Qualification (Undergraduate Onwards)

S. No. Degree Year Subject University/Institution % of marks

1 B. Tech 2009 Electronics and Anand Engineering College, 78.34
Instrumentation Agra (Uttar Pradesh Technical
Engineering University, Lucknpw)
2 M.E. 2011 Control and Delhi College of Engineering. 82.58
Instrumentation (University of Delhi, New
Engineering Delhi)
3 Ph.D. 2017 Instrumentation and Netaji Subhas Institute of NA
Control Engineering Technology, Dwarka, New
Delhi. (University of Delhi,
New Delhi)

9. Ph.D thesis title, Guide’s Name, Institute/Organization/University, Year of Award

Ph.D. Thesis Title: Some Investigations on Intelligent Controllers for Nonlinear Processes
Guide’s Name: Dr. Vineet Kumar, Prof. K.P.S. Rana, and Prof. A. P. Mittal
Institute/University: Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi (University of Delhi,
New Delhi)
Year of Award: 2017
10. Work Experience (Chronological Order)

S. Positions Held Name of the From To Pay Scale

No. Institute
1 Assistant GLA University, July, 2011 January, 15600-39100
Professor Mathura 2013 (Basic Rs. 22250/-)
2 Teaching cum Netaji Subhas January, July, 2016 30000
research fellow Institute of 2013 (Consolidated)
technology, New
2 Assistant Birla Institute of July, 2016 September, 15600-39100
Professor Technology, 2016 (Basic Rs. 21,600)/-
3 Assistant GLA University, September, December, 15600-39100
Professor Mathura 2016 2017 (Basic Rs. 25,644)/-
4 Assistant Birla Institute of December, Till date Baisc – Rs.
Professor Technology and 2017 1,04,500 /-
Science, Pilani,
Pilani Campus

11. Professional Recognition/ Award/ Prize/ Certificate, Fellowship received by the


S. Name of Award Awarding Agency Year

1 MHRD Fellowship for MHRD, Govt. of India 2009-2011
M. E
2. Merit Scholarship in Delhi College of Engineering 2010, 2011
3. University Rank 8 in UG Uttar Pradesh Technical 2009
Merit Univeristy, Lucknow

12. Publications (List of papers published in SCI Journals, in year wise descending order).

S. Author(s) Title Name of Volume Page Year

No. Journal
1 Vishal Goyal, A fractional order Journal of 70 16-24 2019
Puneet Mishra, parallel control Electrical
A. Shukla, V.K. structure tuned Engineering
Deolia, and A. with meta-
Varshney heuristic
algorithms for
2 Vishal Goyal, A robust fractional Arabian 44 2597- 2019
Puneet Mishra, order parallel Journal for 2611
Vinay K Deolia control structure Science and
for flow control Engineering
using a pneumatic (Springer)
control valve with
nonlinear and
3 A. Shukla, V. Cooperative relay Journal of 69 300-304 2018
Goyal, Puneet beamforming in Electrical
Mishra and V. K. IDMA Engineering
Deolia communication
4 Nithilasaravanan. Efficient Control Neural Available 1-19 2018
K, Nitisha of Integrated Computing and online
Thakwani, Puneet Power System Applications,
Mishra, Vineet using Self Tuned Springer
Kumar, KPS Rana Fractional Order
Fuzzy PID
5 Vineet Kumar, Self-tuned Robust Neural 30 1827- 2018
K.P.S. Rana, Fractional Order Computing and 1843
Jitendra Kumar, Fuzzy PD Applications,
Puneet Mishra controller for Springer
Uncertain and
Nonlinear Active
6 Vineet Kumar, Robust speed Journal of the 353 1713- 2016
K.P.S. Rana, control of Hybrid Franklin 1741
Puneet Mishra Electric Vehicle Institute
using fractional
order fuzzy PD
and PI controllers
in cascade control
7 Puneet Mishra, Intelligent Ratio The Arabian 41 677 – 2016.
Vineet Kumar and Control in Journal for 689
K.P.S. Rana Presence of Science and
Pneumatic Control Engineering,
Valve Stiction
8 Puneet Mishra, An online tuned ISA 58 434-445 2015
Vineet Kumar and novel nonlinear PI Transactions
K.P.S. Rana controller for
compensation in
pneumatic control
9 Puneet Mishra, A fractional order Expert Systems 42 8533- 2015
Vineet Kumar and fuzzy PID with 8549
K.P.S. Rana controller for Applications
binary distillation
column control
10 Puneet Mishra, A novel intelligent Control 33 94-104 2014
Vineet Kumar and controller for Engineering
K.P.S. Rana combating stiction Practice
in pneumatic
control valves

13. Details of Patents


S. Patent Title Name of Patent no. Award Agency/country Status

No. applicant(s) Date
- - - - - - -

14. Books/Reports/Chapters/General articles etc

S. Title Author’s name Publisher Year of

No. publication
1 Adaptive Control of a A. Agrawal, V. Applications of Artificial 2018
Nonlinear Surge Tank-Level Goyal, and Puneet Intelligence Techniques in
System Using Neural Mishra Engineering, Springer
Network-Based PID Controller
2 Analysis of parallel control Aarti Varshney, Lecture Notes in Computer 2017
structure for efficient servo Puneet Mishra, Science, Springer
and regulatory actions Vishal Goyal

15. Any other information

The principal investigator, Dr. Puneet Mishra, has a strong exposure in the fields of
process control, nonlinear control, and intelligent control. Sound knowledge of bio-
inspired global optimization algorithm can also be credited to his name. He has
developed/implemented more than five, recently proposed bio-inspired optimization
algorithm namely genetic algorithm, cuckoo search algorithm, grey-wolf optimization
algorithm, backtracking search algorithm, bat algorithm, flower pollination algorithm etc.
All these algorithms were implemented in labVIEW platform in Advanced Process Control
Laboratory, at Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Further, he has a sound
knowledge of hard nonlinearities and their behavior in process control loop. He has
developed two novel compensation techniques for the same and their behavior was justified
and validated on a hardware laboratory scale setup. This was done with help of LabVIEW
software and associated data acquisition facilities. He has a strong hands-on experience on
different data acquisition facilities like PCI based DAQ card (NI PCI – 6221), USB DAQ
card (NI USB – 6009), fieldpoint, myRIO – 1900, CompactRIO etc.
Apart from this, all the fuzzy based systems were developed from scratch without any
help of built-in fuzzy based toolkits for the implementation of intelligent control for his
PhD thesis work. This provides a real potential for designing a novel and strong control
algorithm for real time applications. For the proposed research work, a prototype of
compensation algorithm has already been developed. The results are encouraging for the
primary tests conducted for flow control process on a laboratory scale hardware setup at
Intelligent control lab, at BITS, Pilani, Pilani campus.

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