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An Iterative Algorithm for Trust

Management and Adversary Detection
for Delay-Tolerant Networks
Erman Ayday, Student Member, IEEE, and Faramarz Fekri, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs) have been identified as one of the key areas in the field of wireless
communication, wherein sparseness and delay are particularly high. They are emerging as a promising technology in vehicular,
planetary/interplanetary, military/tactical, disaster response, underwater and satellite networks. DTNs are characterized by large end-
to-end communication latency and the lack of end-to-end path from a source to its destination. These characteristics pose several
challenges to the security of DTNs. Especially, Byzantine attacks in which one or more legitimate nodes have been compromised and
fully controlled by the adversary can give serious damages to the network in terms of latency and data availability. Using reputation-
based trust management systems is shown to be an effective way to handle the adversarial behavior in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
(MANETs). However, because of the unique characteristics of DTNs, those traditional techniques do not apply to DTNs. Our main
objective in this paper is to develop a robust trust mechanism and an efficient and low cost malicious node detection technique for
DTNs. Inspired by our recent results on reputation management for online systems and e-commerce, we develop an iterative malicious
node detection mechanism for DTNs referred as ITRM. The proposed scheme is a graph-based iterative algorithm motivated by the
prior success of message passing techniques for decoding low-density parity-check codes over bipartite graphs. Applying ITRM to
DTNs for various mobility models, we observed that the proposed iterative reputation management scheme is far more effective than
well-known reputation management techniques such as the Bayesian framework and EigenTrust. Further, we concluded that the
proposed scheme provides high data availability and packet-delivery ratio with low latency in DTNs under various adversary attacks
which attempt to both undermine the trust and detection scheme and the packet delivery protocol.

Index Terms—Security, trust and reputation management, iterative algorithms, malicious node detection, delay-tolerant networks.


D ELAY-TOLERANT Networks (henceforth referred to as

DTNs) are a relatively new class of networks [1],
wherein sparseness and delay are particularly high. In
Compared to traditional MANETs, common problems
in packet communication such as routing, unicasting,
broadcasting and multicasting become sufficiently harder
conventional Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), the in DTNs even with lossless links (i.e., no packet erasures
existence of end-to-end paths via contemporaneous links is due to communication link). This increase in difficulty can
assumed in spite of node mobility. It is also assumed that if a be directly attributed to the lack of knowledge on the
path is disrupted due to mobility, the disruption is network topology, and the lack of end-to-end path. Hence,
temporary and either the same path or an alternative one the schemes for routing packets have to be primitive such
is restored very quickly. In contrast, DTNs are characterized as forwarding to the next available node, injecting multiple
by intermittent contacts between nodes, leading to space- copies into available nodes and employing erasure block
time evolution of multihop paths (routes) for transmitting codes [2]. On the other hand, depending upon the model
packets to the destination. In other words, DTNs’ links on an for mobility, efficient communication schemes for station-
end-to-end path do not exist contemporaneously, and hence ary ad hoc networks can be extended partially or wholly
intermediate nodes may need to store, carry, and wait for to DTNs.
opportunities to transfer data packets toward their destina- As in MANETs, adversary may mount several threats
tions. Hence, DTNs are much more general than MANETs against DTNs to reduce the performance of the network.
in the mobile network space (i.e., MANETs are special types The most serious attacks are due to the Byzantine (insider)
of DTNs). Applications of DTNs include emergency adversary in which one or more legitimate nodes have
response, wildlife surveying, vehicular-to-vehicular com- been compromised and fully controlled by the adversary. A
munications, healthcare, military, and tactical sensing. Byzantine-malicious node may mount the following attacks
in order to give serious damage to the network:

. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer 1. Packet drop, in which the malicious node drops
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332. legitimate packets to disrupt data availability,
E-mail:, 2. Bogus packet injection, in which the Byzantine node
Manuscript received 15 Feb. 2010; revised 5 July 2011; accepted 15 July 2011; injects bogus packets to consume the limited
published online 1 Aug. 2011. resources of the network,
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference IEEECS Log Number TMC-2010-02-0076. 3. Noise injection, in which the malicious node changes
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TMC.2011.160. the integrity of legitimate packets,
1536-1233/12/$31.00 ß 2012 IEEE Published by the IEEE CS, CASS, ComSoc, IES, & SPS
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Pittsburgh. Downloaded on February 11,2021 at 16:38:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

4. Routing attacks, in which the adversary tempers behavior, without requiring a central authority. We will
with the routing by misleading the nodes, show that the resulting scheme effectively provides high
5. Flooding attacks, in which the adversary keeps the data availability and low latency in the presence of
communication channel busy to prevent legitimate Byzantine attackers. We will also show that the proposed
traffic from reaching its destination, and iterative mechanism is far more effective than the voting-
6. Impersonation attacks, in which the adversary based techniques in detecting Byzantine nodes.
impersonates the legitimate nodes to mislead the The main contributions of our work are summarized in
network. the following:
We note that because of the lack of end-to-end path from a
1. We introduced a novel iterative method for trust and
source to its destination in DTNs, routing attacks are not
reputation management referred as ITRM which is
significant threats for such networks. Attacks on packet
inspired by the iterative decoding of low-density
integrity may be prevented using a robust authentication
parity-check codes over bipartite graphs.
mechanism in both MANETs and DTNs. However, packet
2. We introduce the application of ITRM into DTNs as
drop is harder to contain because nodes’ cooperation is
an iterative trust management and malicious node
fundamental for the operation of these networks (i.e., a
detection scheme. The scheme provides high data
group of nodes cooperate in routing each others’ packets
availability and packet delivery ratio with low
using multihop wireless links without any centralized
latency in the presence of Byzantine attackers.
control). This cooperation can be undermined by Byzantine
3. The proposed algorithm computes the reputations of
attackers, selfish nodes, or even innocent but faulty nodes.
the network nodes accurately in a short amount of
Therefore, in this work, we focus on packet drop attack time in the presence of attackers without any central
which gives serious damages to the network in terms of data authority.
availability, latency, and throughput. Finally, Byzantine 4. The proposed algorithm mitigates the impacts of
nodes may individually or in collaboration attack the Byzantine attackers proportional to their attack
security mechanism (e.g., the trust management and mal- degrees. That is, the ones that are attacking with
icious node detection schemes) as will be discussed later. the highest strength are detected with higher
In MANETs, reputation-based trust management sys- probability.
tems are shown to be an effective way to cope with 5. Comparison of ITRM with some well-known reputa-
adversary. By establishing trust with the nodes it has or has tion management techniques (e.g., Bayesian framework
not directly interacted, a node in the network diagnoses and EigenTrust) indicates the superiority of ITRM
other nodes and predicts their future behavior in the in terms of robustness against attacks in a realistic
network. Hence, trust plays a pivotal role for a node in DTN environment. Further, the proposed algorithm
choosing with which nodes it should cooperate, improving is very efficient in terms of its computational
data availability in the network. Further, examining trust complexity. Specifically, the complexity of ITRM is
values has been shown to lead to the detection of malicious linear in the number of nodes. Hence, it is scalable
nodes in MANETs. Despite all the progress for securing and suitable for large-scale implementations.
MANETs, achieving the same for DTNs leads to additional The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In the rest
challenges. The special constraints posed by DTNs make of this section, we summarize the related work. In Section 2,
existing security protocols inefficient or impractical in such we describe ITRM and its security evaluation as a general
networks as will be discussed in Section 1.1. trust and reputation framework (i.e., in a general setting).
Our main objective in this paper is to develop a security Next, in Section 3, we present the application of ITRM to
mechanism for DTNs which enables us to evaluate the DTNs and the proposed security mechanism in detail.
nodes based on their behavior during their past interactions Moreover, we evaluate the proposed scheme by analysis
and to detect misbehavior due to Byzantine adversaries, and simulations in a realistic DTN environment. Finally, in
selfish nodes, and faulty nodes. The resulting scheme Section 4, we conclude the paper.
would effectively provide high data availability and packet
delivery ratio with low latency in DTNs in the presence of 1.1 Related Work
Byzantine attackers. To achieve this goal, we aim at The main goal for building a reputation system in MANETs
obtaining a reputation-based trust management system is to protect the reactive routing protocol from attackers and
and an iterative malicious node detection mechanism for increase the performance of the network. A recent review of
DTNs. Our work on reputation systems stems from the these secure routing protocols for MANETs [6] indicates
prior success of iterative algorithms, such as message that these protocols either use the watchdog mechanism or
passing techniques [3] in the decoding of Low-Density ACK messages to build trust values between the nodes. In
Parity-Check (LDPC) codes in erasure channels [4]. We MANETs, a node evaluates another by using either direct or
believe the significant benefits offered by iterative algo- indirect measurements. Building reputation values by
rithms can be tapped in to benefit the field of reputation direct measurement is either achieved by using the watch-
systems. To achieve this, we develop the Iterative Trust and dog mechanism or by using the ACK from the destination.
Reputation Mechanism (ITRM) [5], and explore its applica- Building reputation values by just relying on the direct
tion on DTNs. We propose a distributed malicious node measurements and using the watchdog mechanism is
detection mechanism for DTNs using ITRM which enables proposed in [7], [8]. In [9], [10], the use of indirect
every node to evaluate other nodes based on their past measurements to build reputation values is also allowed

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while the watchdog mechanism is used to obtain direct malicious peer can attack the network protocol or the
measurements. In [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], reputation reputation management system independently. Therefore,
values are constructed using the ACK messages sent by the EigenTrust algorithm is not practical for applications in
the destination node. We note that these techniques are not which the trustworthiness and reputation are two separate
applicable to DTNs due to the following reasons. In DTNs, a concepts (as in our work). Use of the Bayesian framework is
node cannot use the watchdog mechanism and monitor also proposed in [9]. In schemes utilizing the Bayesian
another intermediate node after forwarding its packets to it. framework, each reputation value is computed independent
This is because links on an end-to-end path do not exist of the other nodes’ reputation values. However, the ratings
contemporaneously, and hence an intermediate node needs provided by the nodes induce a probability distribution on
to store, carry, and wait for opportunities to transfer those the reputation values. These distributions are correlated
packets. As a result, the node loses connection with the because they are induced by the overlapping set of nodes.
intermediate node which it desires to monitor. This implies The strength of ITRM stems from the fact that it tries to
that a Byzantine node in DTNs can get packets from a capture this correlation in analyzing the ratings and
legitimate node, then move away and drop the packets. computing the reputation values. Finally, Dellarocas [22]
Similarly, relying on the ACK packets from the destination proposed to use the Cluster Filtering method [23] for
to establish reputation values would fail in DTNs because of reputation management. However, it can be shown that
the lack of a fixed common multihop path from the source Cluster Filtering introduces quadratic complexity while the
to the destination. Even if we assume an ACK from computational complexity of ITRM is linear with the
destination to the source (which incurs large latency), this number of users in the network. As a result, our proposed
feedback packet travels to the source via intermediate nodes scheme is more scalable and suitable for large-scale
that are different from the set of nodes that delivered the reputation systems. Different from the existing schemes,
data packet to the destination. More specifically, the source ITRM algorithm [5] is a graph-based iterative algorithm
node, upon receiving a negative ACK, cannot decide which motivated by the previous success on message passing
node on the forwarding path is to be blamed. Lastly, using techniques and belief propagation algorithms. We com-
indirect measurements is possible in DTNs. However, it is pared the performance of ITRM with EigenTrust [21] and
unclear as to how these measurements can be obtained in the Bayesian reputation management framework [10]
the first place. (which is also proposed as the reputation management
Reputation systems for P2P networks and online systems system of the well-known CONFIDANT protocol [9]) in a
also received a lot of attention [10], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], realistic DTN environment in Section 3.5 and showed the
[21], [22]. In [16] and [17], authors cover most of the work on effectiveness of our proposed scheme.
the use of reputation systems for P2P networks. However, Several works in the literature have focused on securing
reputation systems for P2P networks are either not DTNs. In [24], the challenges of providing secure commu-
applicable for DTNs or they require excessive time to build nication in DTNs is discussed and the use of Identity-Based
the reputation values of the peers. Most proposed P2P Cryptography (IBC) [25] is suggested. In [26], source
reputation management mechanisms utilize the idea that a authentication and anonymous communication as well as
peer can monitor others and obtain direct observations [18] message confidentiality are provided using IBC. In [27], the
or a peer can enquire about the reputation value of another use of packet replication is proposed to improve message
peer (and hence, obtain indirect observations) before using delivery rate instead of using cryptographic techniques. We
the service provided by that peer [19], [20]. However, note that the existing techniques to secure DTNs are aimed
neither of these techniques are practical for DTNs. In DTNs, to provide data confidentiality and authentication only. On
direct observations are not possible as we discussed above. the other hand, our proposed trust-based scheme provides
Further, enquiring about the reputation value of a peer is malicious node detection and high data availability with
not practical in DTNs due to opportunistic communications low packet latency in the presence of Byzantine attacks.
during contact times and intermittent connectivity of the
peers. Assuming a peer enquires about the reputation
values of the other peers from its contacts, it can calculate
the reputation values of the other peers when it collects MANAGEMENT MECHANISM (ITRM)
sufficient indirect measurements. However, considering the In this section, we describe ITRM and its security
opportunistic and intermittent connectivity in DTNs, this evaluation in a broader context (i.e., in a general setting).
method requires excessive time to build the reputation Then, we will modify and utilize it for DTNs in Section 3.
values of all peers in the network. EigenTrust [21] is one of Further, we will evaluate ITRM and compare its perfor-
the most popular reputation management algorithm for P2P mance with some well-known reputation management
networks. However, the EigenTrust algorithm is con- techniques (e.g., Bayesian framework and EigenTrust) in a
strained by the fact that trustworthiness of a peer (on its realistic DTN setting in Section 3.5. As in every trust and
feedback) is equivalent to its reputation value. In Eigen- reputation management mechanism, we have two main
Trust, the trust relationships between the nodes are goals: 1) computing the service quality (reputation) of the
established based on the service qualities of the peers peers who provide a service (henceforth referred to as
during a P2P file transfer. However, trusting a peer’s Service Providers or SPs) by using the feedbacks from the
feedback and trusting a peer’s service quality are two peers who used the service (referred to as the raters), and
different concepts. As we will discuss in Section 3.1, a 2) determining the trustworthiness of the raters by

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edge with value T Rij from the ith check vertex to the jth bit
vertex. As time passes, we use the age-factored values as the
edge values instead. To each edge fijg, a value W Rij ¼
wij T Rij is assigned, where W Rij is the age-factored T Rij
value. The factor wij ðtÞ is used to incorporate the time-
varying aspect of the reputation of the SPs (i.e., time-
varying service quality). We use a known factor wij ðtÞ ¼
^ttij where ^ and tij are the fading parameter and the time
when the last transaction between the rater i and the SP j
occurred, respectively. If a new rating arrives from the ith
rater about the jth SP, our scheme updates the new value of
the edge fijg by averaging the new rating and the old value
of the edge multiplied with the fading factor.
We consider slotted time throughout this discussion. At
each time slot, ITRM will be executed using the input
parameters Ri and W Rij to obtain the reputation para-
meters (e.g., T Rj ) and the list of malicious raters (referred
to as the blacklist). Initially, the blacklist is set empty.
Fig. 1. Illustrative example of ITRM. Details of ITRM may be described by the following
procedure at the Lth time slot. Let Ri and T Rij be the
analyzing their feedback about SPs. We consider the parameter values prior to the present execution (the Lth
following major attacks that are common for any trust execution) of ITRM algorithm. Let also T Rj and T Rij be the
and reputation management mechanisms: 1) Bad mouthing, values of the bit vertex and the fijgth edge at the iteration 
in which malicious raters collude and attack the SPs with of the ITRM algorithm. Prior to the start of the iteration
the highest reputation by giving low ratings in order to ( ¼ 0), we set T R¼0
ij ¼ T Rij and compute the initial value
undermine them, and 2) Ballot stuffing, in which malicious of each bit vertex (referred to as the initial guess T Rj¼0 )
raters collude to increase the reputation values of peers based on the weighted average of the age-factored edge
with low reputations. Further, we evaluated ITRM against values (W Rij ) of all the edges incident to the bit vertex j.
some sophisticated attacks (which utilizes bad mouthing or Equivalently, we compute
ballot stuffing with a strategy) such as RepTrap [28] or the P 
one in which malicious raters provide both reliable and  i2A Ri  W Rij
T Rj ¼ P j ; ð1Þ
malicious ratings to mislead the algorithm. i2Aj Ri  wij ðtÞ
Our proposed iterative algorithm is inspired by the
earlier work on the improved iterative decoding algorithm where Aj is the set of all check vertices connected to the bit
of LDPC codes in the presence of stopping sets [4], [29]. In vertex j. It is interesting to note that the initial guess values
iterative decoding of LDPC, every check vertex (in the resemble the received information from the channel in the
graph representation of the code) has some opinion of what channel coding problem. Then, the first iteration starts (i.e.,
the value of each bit vertex should be. The iterative  ¼ 1). We first compute the average inconsistency factor
decoding algorithm would then analyze the collection of Ci of each check vertex i using the values of the bit
these opinions to decide, at each iteration, what value to vertices (i.e., T R1
j ) for which it is connected to. That is,
assign for the bit vertex under examination. Once the values we compute
of the bit vertices are estimated, in the next iteration, those " , #
values are used to determine the satisfaction probability of X X  

C ¼ 1
i ^ ij
d T R1 ; T R1 ;
ij jð2Þ
the check vertices values. The novelty of ITRM stems from j2B j2B
the observation that a similar approach can be adapted to
determine SPs’ reputation values as well as the trustworthi- where B is the set of bit vertices connected to the check
ness of the raters. vertex i and dð; Þ is a distance metric used to measure the
We let T Rj be the global reputation of the jth SP. Further, inconsistency. We use the L1 norm (absolute value) as the
T Rij represents the rating that the peer i reports about the distance metric, and hence,
SP j, whenever a transaction is completed between the two    1  tt
peers. Moreover, Ri denotes the (report/rating) trustworthi- d T R1
ij ; T Rj
¼ T Rij  T R1
^ ij : ð3Þ
ness of the ith peer as a rater.1 The first step in developing After computing the inconsistency factor for every check
ITRM is to interpret the collection of the raters and the SPs
vertex, we list them is ascending order. Then, the check
together with their associated relations as a bipartite graph,
vertex i with the highest inconsistency is selected and
as in Fig. 1a. In this representation, each rater corresponds
placed in the blacklist if its inconsistency is greater than or
to a check vertex in the graph, shown as a square and each SP
equal to a definite threshold  (whose choice will be
is represented by a bit vertex shown as a hexagon in the
discussed later). If there is no check vertex with incon-
graph. If a rater i has a rating about the jth SP, we place an
sistency greater than or equal to , the algorithm stops its
1. All of these parameters (T Rj , T Rij and Ri ) may evolve with time. iterations. Once the check vertex i is blacklisted, we delete
However, for simplicity, we omitted time dependencies from the notation. its rating T Rij for all the bit vertices j it is connected to.

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Then, we update the values of all the bit vertices using (1). future references, frequently used notations are listed
This completes the first iteration of ITRM. The iterative below:
algorithm proceeds to other iterations exactly in the same
D Number of malicious raters
way as the first iteration, updating the values of the bit
H Number of honest raters
vertices and blacklisting some other check vertices as a
N Number of service providers
result. However, once a check vertex is placed in the
blacklist, for the remaining iterations it is neither used for m Rating given by an honest rater
the evaluation of T Rj s nor for the inconsistency measure of n Rating given by a malicious rater
the check vertices. We stop the iterations when the X Total number of malicious ratings T Rij per a
inconsistencies of all the check vertices (excluding the ones victim SP
already placed in the blacklist) fall below . d Total number of newly generated ratings, per
As an example, ITRM is illustrated in Fig. 1 for seven time-slot, by an honest rater
raters, three SPs, and  ¼ 0:7. It is assumed that the rates are b Total number of newly generated ratings, per
integer values from f1; . . . ; 5g and the actual reputations, time-slot, by a malicious rater
TR^ j , are equal to 5. For simplicity, we assumed wi ’s to be b^ Total number of newly generated attacking/malicious
equal to 1 and Ri ’s to be equal for all raters. Furthermore, ratings, per time-slot, by a malicious rater
we assumed that the peers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are honest but 6  ^ (i.e., fraction of attacking ratings per time-slot)
and 7 are malicious raters. The malicious raters (6 and 7)  Total number of un-attacked SPs rated by an
mount the bad-mouthing attack in this example. Fig. 1a honest rater
shows the T Rij values (illustrated by different line styles)
prior to the execution of ITRM. The T Rj values and the 2.2.1 Analytic Evaluation
individual inconsistencies of the raters after each iteration We adopted the following models for various peers
are also illustrated in Fig. 1c. We note that the algorithm involved in the reputation system. We assumed that the
stops at the third iteration when all the raters have quality of SPs remains unchanged during time slots. We
inconsistencies less than . Fig. 1c indicates how ITRM provided the evaluation for the bad-mouthing attack only,
gives better estimates of T Rj ’s compared to the weighted as similar results hold for ballot stuffing and combinations
averaging method (which is correspond to the zero of bad mouthing and ballot stuffing. We let TR ^ j be the
iteration). Fig. 1b illustrates the edges after the final actual reputation value of the jth SP. Ratings (i.e., T Rij )
iteration of ITRM. It is worth noting that the malicious generated by the nonmalicious raters are distributed
raters 6 and 7 are blacklisted and their ratings are uniformly among the SPs. We further assumed that m is
accordingly deleted. Moreover, rater 3, although honest, is a random variable with folded normal distribution (mean
also blacklisted at the third iteration. We note that this TR^ j and variance 0.5); however, it takes only discrete
situation is possible when an honest but faulty rater’s rating values from 1 to 5. Furthermore, the values of Ri for all the
have a large deviation from the other honest raters. raters are set to the highest value (i.e., Ri ¼ 1) for simplicity
(which reflects the worst case). Finally, we assumed that d
2.1 Raters’ Trustworthiness
is a random variable with Yule-Simon distribution, which
We update the Ri values using the set of all past blacklists resembles the power-law distribution used in modeling
together in a Beta distribution. Initially, prior to the first online systems, with the probability mass function
time-slot, for each rater peer i, the Ri value is set to 0.5 fd ðd; Þ ¼ Bðd;  þ 1Þ, where Bð; Þ is the Beta function.
(i ¼ 1 and ’i ¼ 1). Then, if the rater peer i is blacklisted, Ri For modeling the adversary, we made the following
is decreased by setting assumptions. We assumed that the malicious raters initiate
 i ðtÞ þ ðCi þ 1  Þ ; bad mouthing and collude while attacking the SPs. Further,
’i ðt þ 1Þ ¼ ’ ð4Þ
the malicious raters attack the same set  of SPs at each
otherwise, Ri is increased by setting time slot. In other words,  represents a set of size b^ in
which each SP has an incoming edge from all malicious
 i ðtÞ þ 1;
i ðt þ 1Þ ¼  ð5Þ raters. The following discussions are developed for the
where  is the fading parameter and  denotes the penalty time slot t.
factor for the blacklisted raters. We note that updating Ri -eliminate-optimal scheme. We declare a reputation
scheme to be -eliminate-optimal if it can eliminate all the
values via the Beta distribution has one major disadvantage.
malicious raters whose inconsistency (measured from
An existing malicious rater with low Ri could cancel its ^ j of SPs) exceeds the threshold
actual reputation values TR
account and sign in with a new ID (whitewashing). This
. Hence, such a scheme would compute the reputations of
problem may be prevented by updating Ri ’s using the
the SPs by just using the honest raters. Naturally, we need
method proposed in [30].
to answer the following question: for a fixed , what are the
2.2 Security Evaluation of ITRM conditions to have a -eliminate-optimal scheme? The
To prove that the general ITRM framework is a robust trust conditions for ITRM to be a -eliminate-optimal scheme
and reputation management mechanism, we briefly evalu- are given by the following lemma:
ate its security both analytically and via computer simula- Lemma 1. Let j and dt be the number of unique raters for the
tions. Then, in Section 3.5, we will evaluate the security of jth SP and the total number of outgoing edges from an honest
ITRM in a realistic DTN environment. In order to facilitate rater in t elapsed time slots, respectively. Let also Q be a

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random variable denoting the exponent of the fading parameter

^ at the tth time slot. Then, ITRM would be a -eliminate-
optimal scheme if the conditions
^ þ bÞ
r  ðbm ð6aÞ


>1 ð6bÞ
dt D
are satisfied at the tth time slot, where

mX þ nr ^Q
r ¼ for r 2 ; ð7Þ Fig. 2. Waiting time for -eliminate-optimal.
X þ r ^Q
and  is the index set of the set . shown in Fig. 2, for W lower than 0.30, the waiting time
becomes shorter to have a -eliminate-optimal scheme for
Proof. At each iteration, ITRM blacklists the rater i with the
 ¼ 0:4. However, the scheme may also blacklist a few
highest inconsistency Ci if Ci  . Each malicious rater
nonmalicious raters in addition to the malicious ones when
has b^ attacking ratings at each time slot. Moreover, the W is actually less than 0.30. This is because the optimal
inconsistency of a malicious rater due to each of its value of  is higher for a -eliminate-optimal scheme when
mXþn ^Q
attacking edge j is ð Xþ ^jQ  m Þ, where j 2 . There- W is actually less than 0.30.
fore, the total inconsistency of a malicious rater (which is
calculated considering both its attacking and nonattack- 2.2.2 Simulations
ing ratings) should be greater than or equal to  to be We evaluated the performance of ITRM via computer
blacklisted. This results the condition in (6a). Further, simulations. We assumed that there were already 200 raters
given Ci   for a malicious rater i, to have a -eliminate- (all of which are honest and provide reliable ratings) and 50
optimal scheme, we require that the inconsistency of the SPs in the system. Moreover, a total of 50 time slots have
malicious rater with the highest inconsistency exceeds passed since the launch of the system. Further, ratings
the inconsistencies of all the reliable raters so that the generated during previous time slots were distributed
blacklisted rater can be a malicious one in all iterations. among the SPs in proportion to their reputation values.
To make sure ITRM blacklists all malicious raters, the After this initialization process, we introduced 50 more SPs
inconsistency of a malicious rater must be greater than as newcomers. Further, we assumed that a fraction of the
existing raters changed behavior and became malicious
the inconsistency of a reliable rater at the 0th iteration
after the initialization process. Hence, by providing reliable
with a high probability. The inconsistency of a malicious
ratings during the initialization period (for 50 time slots) the
rater at the tth time slot is given by
malicious raters increased their trustworthiness values
  before they attack. Eventually, we had D þ H ¼ 200 raters
mX þ ncQ 
 X þ cQ  m : ð8Þ and N ¼ 100 SPs in total. We further assumed that d is a
random variable with Yule-Simon distribution as discussed
Similarly, the inconsistency of a reliable rater at the in the analysis. At each time slot, the newly generated
tth time slot is ratings from honest raters are assigned to the SPs in
  proportion to the present estimate of their reputation
mX þ ncQ  dt  
  n  : ð9Þ values, T Rj . We obtained the performance of ITRM, for
 X þ cQ  dt each time slot, as the mean absolute error (MAE)
jT Rj  TR^ j j, averaged over all the SPs that are under attack
Hence, to blacklist a malicious rater, we require the term
(where, TR ^ j is the actual value of the reputation). We used
in (8) be greater than that of (9) which leads to (6b). tu
the following parameters throughout our simulations: b ¼ 5,
The design parameter  should be selected based on the  ¼ 1, ^ ¼  ¼ 0:9, the penalty factor  ¼ 10, and  ¼ 0:4 (the
highest fraction of malicious raters to be tolerated. To choice of  is based on the analytical results discussed in
determine the optimal value of , we start with Lemma 1. Section 2.2.1).
We use a waiting time t such that (6a) and (6b) are satisfied We have evaluated the performance of ITRM in the
with high probability (given the highest fraction of presence of bad mouthing and ballot stuffing. Here, we
malicious raters to be tolerated). Then, among all  values provide an evaluation of the bad-mouthing attack only, as
that satisfy (6a) and (6b) with high probability, we select the similar results hold for ballot stuffing. In all simulations, we
highest  value. The intention for selecting the highest  considered the worst case scenario in which the victims are
value is to minimize the probability of blacklisting a reliable chosen among the newcomer SPs with an actual reputation
rater. In the following example, we designed the scheme to value of TR ^ j ¼ 5 in order to have the most adverse effect.
tolerate up to W ¼ 0:30 (i.e., 30 percent malicious raters). The malicious raters do not deviate very much from the
For the given parameters D þ H ¼ 200, N ¼ 100,  ¼ 1, actual TR ^ j ¼ 5 values to remain under cover as many time
 ¼ 1, and ^ ¼ 0:9, we obtained the optimal  ¼ 0:4. As slots as possible (while still attacking). Hence, at each time

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Fig. 3. MAE performance of ITRM for bad mouthing and for varying W . Fig. 4. MAE performance of ITRM for bad mouthing when W ¼ 0:10 and
for varying .
slot, the malicious raters apply a low intensity attack by
choosing the same set of SPs from  and rate them as n ¼ 4. 3 TRUST MANAGEMENT AND ADVERSARY
We had also tried higher deviations from the TR ^ j value and
observed that the malicious raters were easily detected by
ITRM in fewer time slots. Therefore, we identified the low- 3.1 Adversary Models and Security Threats
intensity attack scenario as the most adverse one against the As discussed in Section 1, we consider the challenging
reputation management mechanism. We note that this problem of countering Byzantine (insider) attacks (that give
attack scenario also resembles the RepTrap attack in [28] serious damage to the network in terms of data availability,
which is proved to be a strong and destructive attack that latency, and throughput). We note that the security issues
can undermine the reputation system. Further, by assuming such as source authentication and data authentication have
that the ratings of the reliable raters deviate from the actual been considered for disconnected networks in [24], [26].
reputation values, our attack scenario becomes even harder Hence, they are not explicitly considered in this paper.
to detect when compared to the RepTrap. Fig. 3 illustrates Instead, broadly we consider two types of attack: 1) attack
the MAE performance of ITRM for this attack scenario after on the network communication protocol, 2) attack on the
the newcomer SPs joined to the system and varying security mechanism.
fractions of existing raters (W ) changed behavior and Packet drop and packet injection (attack on the net-
became malicious. Thus, the plots in Fig. 3 are shown from work communication protocol). An insider adversary
the time slot the newcomers are introduced and existing drops legitimate packets it has received. This behavior of
raters changed behavior. We note that for this simulation the malicious nodes has a serious impact on the data
^ ¼ 1. The lags in the plots of ITRM in Fig. 3
we set  ¼ b=b availability and the total latency of the network. Moreover,
correspond to waiting times to include the newcomer SPs a malicious node may also generate its own flow to deliver
into the execution of ITRM, computed based on our to another (malicious) node via the legitimate nodes. As a
analytical results presented in Fig. 2. We also observed result, bogus flows compete with legitimate traffic for the
that the average number of iterations for ITRM is around 5 scarce network resources.
and it decreases with time and with decreasing fraction of Bad mouthing (ballot stuffing) on the trust manage-
malicious raters. ment (attack on the security mechanism). As it will be
We also evaluated the performance of ITRM when the discussed, a legitimate node needs feedbacks from a subset
malicious raters provide both reliable and malicious ratings of nodes to determine its trust on a specific node. When a
to mislead the algorithm. In Fig. 4, we illustrate the malicious node is an element of this subset, it gives incorrect
performance of ITRM for this attack for W ¼ 0:10 and feedback in order to undermine the trust management
^ values. We observed that as the malicious
different  ¼ b=b system. Bad-mouthing and ballot-stuffing attacks attempt to
raters attack with less number of edges (for low values of b),^
reduce the trust on a victim node and boost the trust value
it requires more time slots to undo their impact using ITRM. of a malicious ally, respectively. A successful attack may
Further, when the b^ values becomes very small (b^ ¼ 1; 2), it result in an incorrect edge value (rating) from a nonmali-
is hard to detect the malicious peers. On the other hand,
cious check vertex in the graph representation in Fig. 1a.
although the malicious raters stay under cover when they
Random attack on trust management (attack on the
attack with very less number of edges, this type of an attack
security mechanism). A Byzantine node may adjust its
limits the malicious raters’ ability to make a serious impact
(they can only attack to a small number of SPs). It is worth packet drop rate (on the scale of zero-to-one) to stay under
noting that Fig. 4 only considers the MAE on the SPs that cover, making it harder to detect.
are under attacked. Thus, if the MAE is normalized over all Bad mouthing (ballot stuffing) on the detection scheme
SPs, it becomes clear that the impact of the malicious raters (attack on the security mechanism). As it will be discussed,
is reduced as they attack using smaller b^ values. We note every legitimate node, in order to detect the nature of every
that for small values of b, ^ other reputation management network node, creates its own trust entries in a table
mechanisms also fail to detect the malicious raters. From (referred to as the node’s rating table) for a subset of
these simulation results, we conclude that ITRM framework network nodes for which the node has collected sufficient
provides robust trust and reputation management in the feedbacks. Further, each node also collects rating tables
presence of attacks. from other nodes. When the Byzantine nodes transfer their

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tables to a legitimate node, they may victimize the 3.2 Network/Communication Model and Technical
legitimate nodes (in the case of bad mouthing) or help Background in Context
their malicious allies (in the case of ballot stuffing) in their Before giving a high-level description of our scheme, we
rating table entries. This effectively reduces the detection will introduce the network/communication model and the
performance of the system. Furthermore, malicious nodes main tools that we use for the system to operate.
can provide both reliable and malicious ratings to mislead Mobility model. We use both Random Waypoint (RWP)
the algorithm as discussed in Section 2.2.2. A successful and Levy-walk (LW) mobility models for our study which
attack adds a malicious check vertex providing malicious are widely used for simulating DTNs. RWP model
edges (ratings) in the graph representation in Fig. 1a. produces exponentially decaying intercontact time distribu-
During the evaluation of the proposed scheme, we tions for the network nodes making the mobility analysis
assumed that malicious nodes may mount attacks on both tractable. On the other hand, LW is shown to produce
the network communication protocol and the underlying power-law distributions that has been studied extensively
security mechanism (trust and reputation management for animal patterns and recently has been shown to be a
mechanism, ITRM) simultaneously. In the attack on the promising model for human mobility [31]. In the RWP
network communication protocol, we assumed that mal- mobility model [32], each node is assigned an initial
icious nodes both drop the legitimate packets they have location in the field and travels at a constant speed to a
received from reliable nodes and generate their own flows randomly chosen destination. The speed is randomly
to deliver to other (malicious) nodes via the legitimate chosen from ½vmin ; vmax  independently of the initial location
nodes in order to degrade the network performance (i.e., and destination. After reaching the destination, the node
data availability and packet delivery ratio) directly. In the may pause for a random amount of time before the new
attack on the security mechanism, we assumed that destination and speed are chosen randomly for the next
malicious nodes simultaneously execute “bad mouthing movement. In LW mobility model [31], [33], [34], on the
(ballot stuffing) on the trust management,” “random attack other hand, each movement length and pause time
on trust management,” and “bad mouthing (ballot stuffing) distributions closely match truncated power-law distribu-
on the detection scheme” (which are described above) to tions. Further, angles of movement are pulled from a
cheat the underlying trust and reputation management uniform distribution. Our implementation of the LW
scheme (i.e., ITRM) and degrade the network performance mobility model is based on the model in [31]. A step is
indirectly. We study the impact of these attacks and represented by four variables, movement length (‘), direc-
evaluate our proposed scheme in the presence of these tion ( ), movement time (tf ), and pause time (tp ). The
attacks (on the network communication protocol and the model selects movement lengths and pause times randomly
security mechanism) in Section 3.5. First, we study the from their Levy distributions pð‘Þ and ðtp Þ with coeffi-
impact of the attacks to cheat the underlying trust and cients
and , respectively. Finally, regardless of the
reputation management mechanism alone and obtain the mobility model used, we assume a finite rate of packet
time required to detect all the malicious nodes in the transfer which forces the number of packets transmitted per
network. Next, we study the impact of the “packet drop and contact to be directly proportional to the contact time.
packet injection attack” to the network performance (in Packet format. We require that each packet contains its
terms of data availability and packet delivery ratio) while two hop history in its header. In other words, when node B
the malicious nodes also mount attacks on the underlying receives a packet from node A, it learns from which node A
reputation mechanism. received that packet. This mechanism is useful for the
As a result of our studies, we concluded that ITRM feedback mechanism as discussed in Section 3.4.
provides a very efficient trust management and malicious Routing and packet exchange protocol. We assume that
node detection mechanism for DTNs under the threat messages at the source are packetized. Further, the source
model discussed above. The most significant advantage of node never transmits multiple copies of the same packet.
ITRM under the above threat model, in addition to Hence, at any given time, there is at most a single copy of
resiliency to a high fraction of malicious nodes, is to let each packet in the network. We assume only single-copy
each network node accurately compute the reputation routing since reliable single-copy routing with packetiza-
values of the other network nodes in a short time. tion is achieved by encoding the data packets using rateless
Computing the reputation values in a short time is a very codes [35], [36] at the source node. The use of rateless
crucial issue in DTNs because of their unique characteristics coding improves reliability and latency in DTNs even when
(such as the intermittent contacts between the nodes). As a there is no adversary [37]. Furthermore, exchange of
result of this advantage, each legitimate node detects and packets between two nodes follows a back-pressure policy.
isolates the malicious nodes from the network to minimize To illustrate this, assume nodes A and B have x and y
their impact to the network performance (as will be packets belonging to the same flow f, respectively (where
illustrated in Section 3.5). x > y). Then, if the contact duration permits, node A
We note that since we did not assume preexisting trust transfers ðx  yÞ=2 packets to node B belonging to flow f.
relationships among the nodes, we did not study some As a result of the mobility model, each node has the same
particular attacks such as RepTrap [28] (which is studied in probability to meet with the destination of a specific flow.
Section 2.2.2 to evaluate the performance of ITRM) Hence, by using the back-pressure policy, we equally share
particularly for DTNs. the resources (e.g., contact time) among the flows.

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The packet exchange protocol also enforces fairness

among multiple nodes that forwarded the same flow to a
node. To clarify, let us assume that node A has some
packets from a flow f (which were forwarded to it by
different nodes) and based on the back-pressure policy, it
needs to transfer some of them to node B. In this situation,
node A must fairly select the packets based on their
previous hops (which is available via the packet format
discussed before). In other words, each packet that is
received from a different node has the same probability to
be selected for transfer. This mechanism is useful for the
feedback mechanism as discussed later. Finally, when a
node forwards a packet, it deletes it from its buffer.
Bloom filter. A Bloom filter is a simple space-efficient
randomized data structure for representing a set in order to
support membership queries [38]. A Bloom filter for
representing a set U of G elements is described by an array
of bits, initially all set to 0. It employs  independent hash
functions IH1 ; . . . ; IH with range f1; . . . ; g. For every
element x 2 U, the bits IH1 ðxÞ; . . . ; IH ðxÞ in the array are
set to 1. A location can be set to 1 multiple times, but only
the first change has an effect. To check if y belongs to U, we
check whether all IH1 ðyÞ; . . . ; IH ðyÞ are set to 1. If not, y
definitely does not belong to U. Otherwise, we assume y 2 Fig. 5. Collecting and combining the rating tables at the judge node M.
U although this may be wrong with some probability.
Hence, a Bloom filter may yield a false positive where it node has received sufficient number of feedbacks to form a
suggests that y is in U even though it is not. The network rating with high confidence). Besides, by collecting suffi-
designer can arbitrarily decrease this probability to the cient number of rating tables from other nodes, a judge
expense of increasing communication overhead. Further, node can generate a bipartite graph as in Section 2, which
the false positive probability can be significantly reduced by includes all the network nodes as bit vertices. We illustrate
using recently proposed techniques such as [39]. this process at judge node M in Fig. 5 in which node M
3.3 Iterative Detection for DTNs collects rating tables from other judge nodes (including K
and V ) and generates a bipartite graph including all
In this section, we will describe how ITRM is adapted in
network nodes as bit vertices. Assuming N nodes in the
DTNs as an iterative malicious node detection mechanism.
network, a judge node may create a bipartite graph with
We will pick an arbitrary node in the network and present
N bit vertices by collecting rating tables from k  1 nodes
the algorithm from its point of view throughout the rest of
each with at least s nonempty entries. Hence, the resulting
this paper. We denote this node as a judge for clarification of
graph would have k check vertices (the kth check vertex
our presentation. Further, the counterpart to the quality of a
belongs the judge node). The parameters s and k are to be
SP in the discussion of ITRM is the reliability of the node in
determined for high probability of detection while mini-
DTN in faithfully following the network (routing) protocols
mizing detection latency. Clearly, higher s and k reduces
to deliver the packets.
the detection error but increases the delay. We will discuss
Since direct monitoring is not an option in DTNs (as
this issue in Section 3.5. Hence, when two nodes establish a
explained in Section 1.1), a judge node creates its own rating
contact in a DTN, they exchange their rating tables. Once a
about another network node by collecting feedbacks about
judge node collects sufficient number of tables each with
the node and aggregating them. Each judge node has a table
sufficient number of nonempty entries, it can then proceed
(referred to as a Rating Table) whose entries (which are
with the iterative algorithm to specify the reputation values
obtained using the feedback mechanism described in
for all the nodes.
Section 3.4) are used for storing the ratings of the network
To adapt the ITRM scheme for DTNs, we will present
nodes. In DTNs, due to intermittent contacts, a judge node
(feedback) ratings as “0” or “1,” which results in binary
has to wait for a very long time to issue its own ratings for reputation values. In this special case, the iterative reputa-
all the nodes in the network. However, it is desirable for a tion scheme becomes a detection scheme. That is, a node
judge node to have a fresh estimate of the reputation of all with a reputation value of zero would be interpreted as a
the nodes in the network in a timely manner, mitigating the malicious node. Therefore, the proposed scheme detects
effects of malicious nodes immediately. To achieve this and isolates the malicious nodes from the network to
goal, we propose an iterative detection mechanism which minimize their impact. We note that we used binary rating
operates by using the rating tables formed by other nodes values for simplicity of the setup. Alternatively, one may
(acting as judges themselves). The rating table of a judge consider a setup where ratings are nonbinary. In this
node can be represented by a bipartite graph consisting one scenario, when two nodes establish a contact, they may
check vertex (the judge node) and some bit vertices (i.e., a exchange packets with some probability associated with
subset of all the nodes in the network for which the judge their reputation values (i.e., they may exchange packets

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mutual packet exchange as described in Section 3.2. When

B and C meet at t1 , they first exchange signed time stamps.
Hence, when C establishes a contact with A, it can prove
that it indeed met B. Then, B sends the packets in its buffer
executing the fairness protocol discussed in Section 3.2.
Moreover, (suspect) node B transfers the receipts it
received thus far to the (witness) C. Those receipts include
the proofs of node B’s deliveries (including deliveries of
the packets belonging to node A) thus far and are signed by
the nodes to which its packets were delivered. We note that
the receipts expire in time and deleted from the buffers of
Fig. 6. Indirect type I feedback between nodes A (judge), B (suspect),
the witnesses. Hence, they are not accumulated in the
and C (witness).
buffers of the nodes. The lifetime of the receipts are
determined based on the detection performance of the
proportional to their reputation values). Moreover, we did
scheme (required time for the scheme to have a high
not incorporate Ri values for simplicity of simulations, and
hence, we set all Ri values to one for the application of malicious node detection accuracy) as will be described in
ITRM in DTNs. In other words, we assume that the judge Section 3.5. At the end of the contact, node C also gives a
node does not have any previous knowledge about the signed receipt to node B including the IDs of the packets it
witness nodes and it trusts each witness node equally. received from B during the contact. Finally, when the judge
node A and the witness C meet, they initially exchange
3.4 Trust Management Scheme for DTNs their contact histories. Hence, A learns that C has met B
In the proposed scheme, the authentication mechanism for and requests the feedback. The feedback consists of two
the packets generated by a specific source is provided by a parts: 1) those receipts of B that are useful for A’s
Bloom filter [38] and ID-based signature (IBS) [25]. When- evaluation (i.e., receipts which include the delivery proofs
ever a source node sends some packets belonging to the of the packets belonging to node A), and 2) if node C
flow that is initiated by itself, it creates a Bloom filter output received node A’s packets from node B, it sends the hashes
from those packets, signs it using IBS, and sends it to its of those packets to A for the latter’s evaluation. We note
contacts. The Bloom filter output provides an authentication that C can easily find out A’s packets by just examining the
mechanism for the packets generated by a specific source. It headers as explained in Section 3.2. From B’s receipts, node
is worth noting that whenever an intermediate node A can determine if B followed the packet delivery
forwards packets belonging to a specific flow to its contact, procedure (which is described in Section 3.2) properly
it also forwards the signed Bloom filter output belonging to while delivering the packets forwarded by node A at time
those packets for the packet level authentication at each t0 (B’s receipts will reveal the packet deliveries of B after
intermediate node. We do not give further details of the time t0 ). Further, from the hashes of its own packets (if
authentication mechanism as source and data authentica- there is any received by node C), node A can determine if
tion for DTNs have been considered before [24], [26] and node B had modified any of the packets before delivery.
they are out of the scope of this paper. If both parts of the feedback are verified by node A (if
Our proposed feedback mechanism to determine the node B followed the packet delivery procedure for A’s
entries in the rating table is based on a 3-hop loop packets and delivered the packets properly), then the judge
(referred to as Indirect type I feedback). We will describe A makes a “positive evaluation” as 1. Otherwise, if either
this scheme by using a toy example between three nodes part of the feedback is not verified, the evaluation will be
A, B, and C as follows: let us denote the node that is “negative” as 0. We note that if node C did not receive any
evaluating as the judge (node A), the node that is being packets belonging to node A, then node A’s evaluation will
evaluated as the suspect (node B), and the node that was be only based on the receipts of B which are provided by
the direct contact of the suspect as the witness (node C). node C at time t2 (i.e., node A will evaluate node B based on
The basic working principle of the mechanism is that after the receipts it received from node C, which is the first part
the judge node has a transaction (in the form of passing of the feedback explained before). We note that the
some packets) with a suspect, the judge node waits to feedbacks from the witnesses are not trustable. Because of
make contacts and receive feedback about the suspect from the bad mouthing (ballot stuffing) and random attacks
every node (i.e., witnesses) that has been in direct contact (discussed in Section 3.1), a judge node waits for a definite
with the suspect. It is worth noting that this feedback number of feedbacks to give its verdict about a suspect
mechanism is only used for constructing the entries in the node with a high confidence. We will discuss this waiting
judge node’s rating table for a few network nodes. In time, the number of required feedbacks, and their interplay
overall, rating tables are collected from the contacts of the for different adversarial models in Section 3.5. Hence, each
judge node and ITRM is applied to find the reputations of judge node uses the Beta distribution to aggregate multiple
all network nodes (as described in Section 3.3). evaluations it has made about a suspect using the associated
Let assume that node A meets B, B meets C, and C feedbacks to form its rating (verdict) for a suspect node.
meets A at times t0 , t1 , and t2 , respectively, where That is, if the aggregation of multiple feedbacks for a
t0 < t1 < t2 . Indirect type I feedback between nodes A, B, suspect node is bigger that 0.5, the suspect node is rated as
and C is illustrated in Fig. 6. At time t0 , A and B execute “1” in the judge node’s rating table (i.e., the node’s verdict is

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“1”). Otherwise, if the aggregation value is smaller than or malicious nodes gets less significant in terms of data
equal to 0.5, the suspect node is rated as “0.”2 availability and packet delivery ratio.
In the high-level description of ITRM, it was implicitly
assumed that the judge has a priori knowledge about the 3.5 Security Evaluation
packet drop rate of the Byzantine node. This is unrealistic In this section, we give an analysis of the metrics of interest
as the nodes may apply random attacks as in Section 3.1. To and illustrate our simulation results. Further, we compare
remove this assumption, we propose detection at different the performance of ITRM with the well-known reputation
levels. We observed that the sufficient number of feedbacks management schemes (Bayesian framework [10] and
that is required to give a verdict with high confidence EigenTrust [21]) in a realistic DTN environment. Finally,
depends on the packet drop rate of the Byzantine nodes. In we show the performance of the proposed scheme for the
other words, for a node with a higher drop rate, we would malicious node detection, availability, and packet delivery
require fewer feedbacks than a node with a lower drop ratio via simulations (conducted using Matlab). We
rate. Assume that we desire to perform detection at level assumed the mobility models (RWP and LW) of Section 3.2
p1 ¼ 0:8. This implies that after applying ITRM, each judge with N nodes in the network. It is shown that the
node would identify and isolate all the Byzantine nodes intercontact time distributions of the LW can be modeled
whose packet drop rates are p1 or higher. Further, assume by a truncated Pareto distribution [34]. On the other hand,
that the detection at level p1 requires at least M ^ 1 feedbacks as we mentioned in Section 3.2, the fact that the intercontact
about a suspect node. The number of feedbacks depends on times of the RWP mobility model can be modeled as a
the confidence we seek at the accuracy of a verdict (before Poisson process [40] makes the mobility analysis tractable.
detection). The level of confidence is determined by Therefore, for our analytical conclusions (in Lemmas 2 and
the detection strategy. For instance, for ITRM, a confidence 3), we assumed the RWP mobility model.3 However, for the
value in the order of 0.95 (out of 1) would be sufficient. simulations, we used both RWP and LW mobility models to
Clearly, the number of feedbacks also depends on the evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme under
detection level. The lower the detection level, the higher is different mobility models.
the number of required feedbacks to maintain the same In all simulations, we fixed the simulation area to 4.5 km
detection confidence. Hence, every judge stores together by 4.5 km (with reflecting boundaries) which includes N ¼
with its verdict the lowest level of detection at which the 100 nodes each with a transmission range of 250 m (which is
verdict can be used. Obviously, an entry verdict with lower the typical value for IEEE 802.11b). For the RWP model, we
detection level (e.g., p ¼ 0:6) is also good for use in a high used ½vmin ; vmax  ¼ ½10; 30 m=s and ignored the pause time
detection level (e.g., p ¼ 0:8), but the inverse is not true. An for the nodes. For the LW model, we set the speed of every
entry is left empty if the judge does not have the sufficient node to 10 m=s. Further, we set the scale factors of
number of feedbacks to give any verdict even at the highest movement lengths and pause times to 10 and 1, respec-
detection level. We note that there is no predetermined tively. We used the Levy distribution coefficients of
¼ 1
detection level for the proposed scheme. The judge node and ¼ 1. Finally, we set the maximum movement length
applies the ITRM for the lowest possible detection level (to and pause time to 4 km and 2 hours, respectively.
minimize the impacts of malicious nodes) depending on Confidence on a verdict. We let i be the intercontact
the entries (number of feedbacks used to construct each time between two particular nodes. We analytically
entry verdict) in both its own rating table and the rating illustrated the waiting time of a judge node to collect
tables it collected from other nodes. The judge checks the sufficient number of feedbacks about a suspect (to give its
detection level of each table entry (from both its own table verdict with high confidence) and evaluated the effect of
and the collected tables) and performs the ITRM at the random attack on the required number of feedbacks in the
detection level of the entry verdict which is the largest. To following. Let the random variables x, y, and z represent
clarify this, assume a judge node M collected rating tables the number of feedbacks received at a specific judge node
from other nodes K and V as in Fig. 5. For this toy A (about a suspect node B), total number of contacts that
example, we assume that the judge node M performs the the suspect node B established after meeting A, and the
ITRM by using only three rating tables (its own rating table number of distinct contacts of B after meeting A,
and the ones collected from nodes K and V ). We further respectively. The following lemma characterizes the time
assume that the rating table entries with the largest needed to receive M distinct feedbacks about a particular
detection levels has a detection level of m, k, and v for suspect node B at a particular judge node A for the RWP
nodes M, K, and V ’s rating tables, respectively. Then, the mobility model.
judge node M performs the ITRM at the detection level of Lemma 2. Let t0 be the time that a transaction occurred between
maxðm; k; vÞ. As a result of this mechanism, the malicious a particular judge-suspect pair. Further, let NT be the number
nodes may try to survive from the detection mechanism by of feedbacks received by the judge for that particular suspect
setting their packet drop rates to lower values. However, node since t ¼ t0 . Then, the probability that the judge node has
the proposed detection mechanism eventually detects all at least M feedbacks about the suspect node from M distinct
the malicious nodes (even the ones with lower packet drop witnesses at time T þ t0 is given by
rates) when the judge node waits longer times to apply the
Z 1 Z þ1
ITRM at a lower detection level. Further, as the drop rate of
the malicious nodes gets lower, the negative impact of the P rðNT  MÞ ¼ fðxjz; T Þfðz; T Þdzdx: ð10Þ
M 1

2. ITRM then takes the rating tables, whose entries are associated
verdicts, as inputs to process and determines the final faith of a node. 3. Similar results can be obtained for the LW mobility model using a
Hence, the verdicts will be further examined by ITRM. truncated Pareto distribution for the intercontact times.

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Fig. 7. Confidence of a judge node on its verdict versus the detection Fig. 9. Probability of detection success for fixed k and varying s values
level for W ¼ 0:10. with the RWP mobility model.

Fig. 8. M^ versus the detection level when ¼ 0:95 for different Fig. 10. Probability of detection success for fixed s and varying k values
values of W . with the RWP mobility model.

Here, the distribution fðxjz; tÞ is Poisson with rate i z=2 and denote the fraction of the Byzantine nodes in the network as
Z þ1 W . As we discussed in Section 3.4, a judge node waits for a
definite number of feedbacks to give its verdict about a
fðz; tÞ ¼ fðzjy; tÞfðy; tÞdy; ð11Þ
1 suspect node with a high confidence. Fig. 7 illustrates the
variation of a (judge) node’s confidence on its verdict for
where fðy; tÞ and fðzjy; tÞ are both Poisson distributions with
a suspect versus different levels of detection p. This is given
rates ðN  2Þi and ðN  2Þi  i y=2, respectively.
for different number of feedbacks (M) when W ¼ 0:10. As
Proof. The probability that a particular judge node receives expected, a node has more confidence at higher detection
at least M feedbacks (from distinct witnesses) about a levels and for high M values. Due to the bad mouthing,
particular suspect node between time t0 and t0 þ T is ballot stuffing and random attacks, a judge node must wait
given by for a definite number of feedbacks to give its verdict about a
Z 1 suspect node with a high confidence. Let M ^ be the
P rðNT  MÞ ¼ fðx; T Þdx; ð12Þ minimum number of feedbacks required about a specific
R þ1 suspect node for an acceptable confidence level on a verdict.
where fðx; tÞ ¼ 1 fðxjz; tÞfðz; tÞdz. As a result of the In Fig. 8, the variance of M^ for different detection levels (p)
RWP mobility model, it can be shown that fðxjz; tÞ is and different W values is illustrated for a judge node
Poisson with rate i z=2 where z represents the number of to have ¼ 0:95 confidence on its verdict (i.e., M ^ ¼ M for
distinct contacts of the suspect between time t0 and t0 þ ’ 0:95). Using Fig. 8, we conclude that a judge node
T and x is the number of feedbacks received by the needs more feedbacks about a suspect when there are more
judge node (about the suspect) from a subset of those malicious nodes mounting bad mouthing (or ballot stuffing)
z contacts. Further, since there are N nodes in the on the trust management.
network, it can be shown that the number of contacts
Detection performance. We analytically obtained the
established by any node has a Poisson distribution with
waiting time of a judge node before executing ITRM and
rate ðN  1Þi (excluding itself). Therefore, the number
evaluated the effects of attacks on the detection scheme for a
of contacts the suspect established after the transaction
with the judge, y, has a Poisson distribution with rate network of size N in which the intercontact time between
two particular nodes is i . Let M^ be the minimum number
ðN  2Þi (excluding the judge node and the suspect
node itself), and given y, the number of distinct contacts of feedbacks required about a specific suspect node for an
of the suspect z has a Poisson distribution with rate acceptable confidence level on a verdict. Further, let T^ be
ðN  2Þi  i y=2. u
t the time required to receive M ^ feedbacks for a specific
suspect. The following lemma along with the simulation
We studied the effect of random attack on the required
results illustrated in Figs. 9, 10, 11, and 12 (which will be
number of feedbacks for a network with N ¼ 100.4 We
presented next) provide a good insight for a judge node
4. The results illustrated (in Figs. 7 and 8) are independent of the about the instant at which it should apply ITRM (the proof
mobility model used. is similar to that of Lemma 2).

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Fig. 11. Probability of detection success for fixed k and varying s values Fig. 12. Probability of detection success for fixed s and varying k values
with the LW mobility model. with the LW mobility model.

Lemma 3. Let a particular judge node start collecting feedbacks nodes (in their verdicts). As a result of the malicious
and generating its rating table at time t ¼ t0 . Further, let N feedback, a judge node may make a “negative evaluation”
be the number of entries in the rating table of the judge node. (as described in Section 3.4) on a reliable node. Second, the
Then, the probability that the judge node has at least s entries malicious nodes collaboratively victimize the reliable nodes
at time t0 þ T is given by (i.e., attack the same set of reliable nodes) in their own
Z þ1 Z þ1 rating tables by rating them as “0” and forward these rating
P rðN^T  sÞ ¼ fðzjx; T  T^Þfðx; T  T^Þdxdz; ð13Þ tables whenever they contact with reliable nodes to mislead
s 1 the detection mechanism.
In Fig. 9, we illustrated S versus time for fixed values of k
where fðx; tÞ and fðzjx; tÞ are Poisson distributions with the
and varying s for the RWP mobility model. In Fig. 10, the s
rates ðN  1Þi and ðN  1Þi  i x=2 for the RWP mobility
values are fixed and the parameter k is varied with
model, respectively.
increments of 5 for the RWP model. Similarly in Figs. 11
and 12, we illustrated S for ITRM and the Voting Technique
We evaluated the performance of ITRM for different
with the LW mobility model. In all figures, time is
ðk; sÞ pairs (where k is the number of rating tables collected
measured starting from t ¼ 0. Our results support the fact
at the judge node and s is the number of nonempty entries
that RWP shows a more optimistic routing performance
in each table). Moreover, we compared ITRM with the well-
compared to LW since its high occurrences of long move-
known Voting Technique in which a judge node decides on
ments intensify the chance of meeting destinations [31].
the type of a suspect based on the majority of the votes for Further, these results also give some indication of the false
that node. For the Voting Technique, we used the Indirect positive (tagging a reliable node as malicious) and false
type I feedback as described in Section 3.4 (since direct negative (labeling a malicious node as reliable) probabilities
monitoring is not possible in DTNs, we believe that this of the proposed scheme as well. As S increases, the
feedback mechanism is the only option for the nodes). probability that the scheme detects all malicious nodes gets
However, in the Voting Technique, instead of utilizing the higher along with the probability that the scheme identifies
ITRM, a judge node decides on the type of a suspect node all reliable nodes as reliable. Similarly, as S decreases, the
based on the majority of feedbacks it received (i.e., a suspect probability that the scheme labels a malicious node as
node is identified as a malicious node if it received more reliable gets higher along with the probability that the
negative feedbacks than the positive ones). scheme marks a reliable node as a malicious one. In other
We defined the success of a scheme as its capability of words, false positive and false negative probabilities are
detecting all malicious nodes in the network (without high when the probability of success is low as in Figs. 9, 10,
tagging any reliable node as malicious by mistake). 11, and 12. Furthermore, these results can also be used to
We illustrated the probability of success S of ITRM and determine the lifetimes of the receipts at the witness nodes.
the Voting Technique for different ðk; sÞ pairs versus the Knowing how long it takes to have a high success
required time. We used both RWP and LW mobility models probability at a judge node for a given detection level, the
(with the parameters described previously) in our simula- witnesses can delete the receipts which have been stored for
tions. In both mobility models, whenever two nodes more than the sufficient time required for a high success
establish a contact, a transaction occurs between them in probability from their buffers. Based on our simulation
the form of the packet exchange. Further, it is assumed that results, we concluded that ITRM significantly outperforms
the judge and malicious nodes start generating their rating the Voting Technique by providing higher success rates in
tables and mounting their attacks at time t ¼ 0, respectively. shorter time (regardless of the mobility model) which is a
We provide the evaluation only for the bad mouthing on very crucial issue in DTNs. We obtained these results for
the detection scheme and bad mouthing on the trust the fraction of malicious nodes W is 0.10 and for a detection
management only, as similar results hold for ballot stuffing level of p ¼ 0:8. However, we note that the required ðk; sÞ
and combinations of bad mouthing and ballot stuffing. In pairs to obtain a high success probability do not change
particular, malicious nodes provide incorrect feedbacks to with the detection level, which only has an effect on M. ^ It is
the judge nodes about their reliable contacts in order to worth noting that even though the time required to get
cause the judge nodes to misjudge the types of reliable the high success probability increases with increasing W ,

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the performance gap between ITRM and the Voting than the EigenTrust algorithm. Indeed, our simulation
Technique remains similar for different values of W . results (presented next) also support these arguments.
In the rest of this section, we will present our simulation We used the simulation settings described before with
results for different network parameters and show the the LW mobility model. We assumed that a definite amount
performance of the proposed scheme for mean absolute of time (4 hours) has elapsed since the launch of the system
error in the computed reputation values, data availability, as the initialization period, during which new messages are
and packet delivery ratio. We note that we did not compare generated by a Poisson distribution at rate m ¼ 1=3;000 at
the proposed scheme with existing DTN security schemes the source nodes and transmitted to their respective
such as [26] since none of the existing schemes is aimed to destinations. Further, during this initialization period,
provide data availability and malicious node detection as in rating tables were being created at the judge nodes. Then,
our work. Further, it is worth noting that there is no at time t ¼ 0 (after the initialization period),5 we assumed
existing trust and reputation management mechanism for legitimate nodes simultaneously start new flows to their
DTNs. In spite of this, we compared the proposed scheme destinations (while the previous flows may still exist) and
with the Bayesian reputation management framework in attackers start mounting their attacks (both on the network
[10] (which is also proposed as the reputation management communication protocol and the security system). There-
system of the well-known CONFIDANT protocol [9]) and fore, at time t ¼ 0, we assumed each legitimate source node
the EigenTrust algorithm [21] in a DTN environment. For has 1,000 information packets which are encoded via a
the Bayesian framework [10], we used the parameters from rateless code for single-copy routing transmission. Hence,
the original work [10] (deviation threshold d ¼ 0:5 and the number of encoded packets required by each destina-
trustworthiness threshold t ¼ 0:75). Further, we set the tion to recover a message is roughly 1,000.6 We assumed
fading parameter to 0.9 (for details refer to [10]). It is worth packets with 128 bytes payloads and a data rate of 250 kbps
noting that neither the original Bayesian reputation frame- for each link. We note that we used the same routing and
work in [10] nor EigenTrust [21] is directly applicable to packet exchange protocol for ITRM, Bayesian framework
DTNs since both protocols rely on direct measurements and EigenTrust algorithm (which is described in Section
(e.g., watchdog mechanism) which is not practical for DTNs 3.2). We evaluated the data availability and packet delivery
as discussed in Section 1.1. Therefore, we implemented [10] ratio for these new flows since time t ¼ 0. Moreover, we let
and [21] by letting the judge nodes collect indirect each judge node execute ITRM, Bayesian framework, or
measurements (feedbacks) from the witnesses using Indir- EigenTrust algorithm starting from time t ¼ 0, and hence,
ect type I feedback as described in Section 3.4. Since direct we also evaluated the MAE since time t ¼ 0. Thus, for all
monitoring is not possible in DTNs, we believe that this simulations, the plots are shown from time t ¼ 0. The
feedback mechanism is the only option for the nodes. Thus, percentage of the Byzantine nodes in the network is
we assumed that, as in our scheme, each judge node collects denoted as W . For ITRM, the Bayesian framework in [10],
feedbacks and forms its rating table. Further, each judge and EigenTrust [21], we assumed that each judge node
node exchanges its rating table with the other nodes upon a randomly picks 10 entries from each rating table it received
contact and then executes the reputation management in order to prevent the malicious users from flooding the
protocol in [10] or EigenTrust [21]. We note that in mechanism with incorrect entries. We ran each simulation
principle, ITRM performs better than the Bayesian reputa- 100 times to get an average. We executed the experiment
tion management framework in [10] since Bayesian with different parameters in the LW mobility model (e.g.,
approaches of [10] and [41] assume that the reputation different Levy distribution coefficients, node speeds, etc.)
values of the nodes are independent. Hence, in these and obtained similar trends. We further simulated the
schemes, each reputation value is computed independent of proposed scheme with the RWP mobility model with
the other nodes’ reputation values using the ratings given ½vmin ; vmax  ¼ ½10; 30 m=s and ignoring the pause times.
to each node. However, this assumption is not valid The RWP model resulted in similar trends as the LW
because the ratings provided by the nodes induce a model, and hence, we do not report its results due to the
probability distribution on the reputation values of the space limit.
nodes. However, this assumption is not valid because the As before, we present the evaluation only for the bad
ratings provided by the nodes induce a probability mouthing on the detection scheme and bad mouthing on
distribution on the reputation values of the nodes. These the trust management (as described in Section 3.1), as
distributions are correlated because they are induced by the similar results hold for ballot stuffing and combinations of
overlapping set of (rater) nodes. The strength of ITRM bad mouthing and ballot stuffing. Malicious nodes provide
stems from the fact that it tries to capture this correlation in incorrect feedbacks to the judge nodes about their reliable
analyzing the ratings and computing the reputations. On contacts in order to cause the judge nodes to misjudge the
the other hand, as we discussed in Section 1.1, the types of reliable nodes (in their verdicts). Further, malicious
EigenTrust algorithm is constrained by the fact that nodes collaboratively victimize the reliable nodes in their
trustworthiness of a peer (on its feedback) is equivalent to rating tables by rating them as “0” and forward their rating
its reputation value. However, trusting a peer’s feedback tables whenever they contact with a reliable node to
and trusting a peer’s service quality are two different
concepts since a malicious peer can attack the network 5. Once the initialization period is elapsed, we set the time as t ¼ 0.
6. It can be shown that when the decoder receives 1;000ð1 þ 1;000 Þ
protocol or the reputation management system indepen- packets, where 1;000 is a positive number very close to zero, it can
dently. Therefore, in principle, ITRM also performs better successfully decode all 1,000 input packets with high probability [35], [36].

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% recovered messages



20 detection level of 0.8
complete detection
Bayesian framework
200 400 600 800 1000
time (minutes)

Fig. 13. MAE performance of various schemes for bad mouthing when Fig. 14. Fraction of the recovered messages versus time for W ¼ 0:10
W ¼ 0:30. with the LW mobility model.

mislead the detection mechanism. In addition to the attacks detected and isolated regardless of their packet
on the security mechanism (i.e., the trust management and drop rate), and
the detection algorithms), malicious nodes mount attacks on 4. when the Bayesian reputation management frame-
the network communication protocol by both dropping the work in [10] is used to detect the malicious nodes.
legitimate packets they have received from reliable nodes We note that in the second, third, and fourth
(with different packet drop rates) and generating their own scenarios, the packet drop rates by the malicious
flows to deliver to other (malicious) nodes via the legitimate nodes are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 in
nodes. The ultimate goal of the adversary is to degrade the order to make the detection harder.
network performance (i.e., data availability and packet Further, in the second, third, and fourth scenarios, we
delivery ratio). assume the attack on the security mechanism as described
Mean absolute error. In Fig. 13, we compared the before.
performance of ITRM with the Bayesian reputation The plots show that the percentage of recovered
management framework in [10] and the EigenTrust algo- messages at a given time significantly decreases with
rithm [21] (in the DTN environment presented before) in increasing W for the defenseless scheme. On the other
terms of MAE when the fraction of the malicious raters (W ) hand, we observed a considerable improvement in the
is 0.30. In other words, for each legitimate judge, we percentage of recovered messages even after a high-level
computed the average MAE (between the actual reputation detection (p ¼ 0:8) using the proposed scheme. We further
value and the computed reputation value) based on the observed that the Bayesian reputation management frame-
reputation values computed at that judge node. Further, work in [10] fails to provide high data availability with low
since each legitimate judge node computes the reputation latency. This is due to the fact that when the malicious
values (of the other nodes) itself using ITRM, Bayesian nodes collaboratively attack the reputation management
framework or EigenTrust, we computed the average MAE scheme, reputation systems which rely on the Bayesian
over all legitimate nodes. Approach (such as [10]) result in high MAE in the
From these simulation results, we conclude that ITRM reputation values of the nodes (as illustrated in Fig. 13).
significantly outperforms the Bayesian framework and the Therefore, the reputation mechanism in [10] not only fails to
EigenTrust algorithm in the presence of attacks. Further, for detect all malicious nodes in the network, but it also labels
different values of W and for different parameters in the some reliable nodes (which are victimized by the malicious
LW mobility model, we still observed the superiority of nodes using the bad-mouthing attack) as malicious. More-
ITRM over the other schemes. We note that since the over, we considered the reliable message delivery as the
Bayesian framework shows a better performance than the
probability of the delivery of a single specific message to its
EigenTrust in terms of MAE, we compare the performance
destination at any given time. Thus, the probability of
of ITRM with the Bayesian framework for data availability
recovery (of a specific message) at the destination node at
and packet delivery ratio in the rest of this section.
Availability. We define the availability as the percentage
of recovered messages (by their final destinations) in the 90

network at a given time. In Figs. 14 and 15, we showed the 80

percentage of recovered messages versus time for the 70

% recovered messages

following scenarios: 60

1. when there is no defense against the malicious nodes
and each malicious node has a packet drop rate of 1, 40

2. when a detection level of 0.8 is used by ITRM (in 30

which each judge node is supposed to identify and 20 detection level of 0.8
complete detection
isolate all the Byzantine nodes whose packet drop 10
Bayesian framework
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
rates are 0.8 or higher), time (minutes)

3. when a complete detection is used by ITRM (in Fig. 15. Fraction of the recovered messages versus time for W ¼ 0:40
which all malicious nodes are supposed to be with the LW mobility model.

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Probability of message recovery


Packet delivery ratio





detection level of 0.8
detection level of 0.8 0.1
0.2 complete detection
complete detection
Bayesian framework
Bayesian framework
0.1 0
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
time (minutes) time (minutes)

Fig. 16. Probability of message recovery for a single flow versus time for Fig. 18. Packet delivery ratio versus time for W ¼ 0:10 with the LW
W ¼ 0:10 with the LW mobility model. mobility model.

any given time is plotted (while other flows still exist) in establishes (on the average) 30 contacts in 70 minutes. This
Figs. 16 and 17. These figures also illustrate the improve- means that a suspect node transfers approximately 30
ment in reliable message delivery as a result of the signed receipts to a witness node upon its contact. Since the
proposed scheme even after a high-level detection. We length of the signature is about 20 bytes [42] and the size of
again observed that the reputation mechanism in [10] fails a data packet is 128 bytes, 30 signed receipts can be
to provide fast reliable message delivery due to the delivered via five data packets. Considering the data rates
vulnerability of the Bayesian reputation management of 250 kbps, the overhead of five data packets becomes
framework to detect malicious nodes. negligible when compared to the entire message exchange
Comparing the time required for a high success between two nodes during the contact. This also shows that
probability (for detection) in Figs. 11 and 12 and the time the proposed algorithm does not introduce a significant
required to have high data availability at the receivers, we overhead burden on the network.
observed that the ITRM enables the judge nodes to Packet delivery ratio. We define the packet delivery ratio
calculate the reputations of all the network nodes in a as the ratio of the number of legitimate packets received by
relatively short amount of time. In other words, the time their destinations to the number of legitimate packets
required to calculate the reputation values of all the transmitted by their sources. Therefore, we observed the
network nodes at a judge node is significantly less than impact of malicious nodes on the packet delivery ratio and
the time required for the transmission of a single message, the progress achieved as a result of our scheme in Figs. 18
which is a significant result for DTNs. Further, the and 19. As before, we consider
overhead caused by the extra messages between the nodes 1. the defenseless scheme,
due to the security protocol is negligible when compared 2. a detection level of 0.8,
with the data packets. This is because the overhead due to 3. a complete detection, and
the security mechanism is dominated by the signed receipts 4. the Bayesian reputation management framework in
from the suspect nodes to prove the deliveries by the [10].
suspect nodes. As we mentioned before, knowing how long
We observed a notable improvement in the packet delivery
it takes to have a high success probability at a judge node
ratio as a result of the proposed scheme. As W increases, the
for a given detection level (from the results in Figs. 11 and
packet delivery ratio of the defenseless scheme decreases
12), the witnesses can determine the lifetimes of the signed
significantly while our proposed scheme still provides a
receipts. For example, in the LW mobility model used, the
high packet delivery ratio even at the detection level of 0.8,
scheme provides a high probability of success (S) in
which illustrates the robustness of the proposed scheme.
approximately 70 minutes. Therefore, the lifetime of a
Finally, we observed that the scheme in [10] fails to provide
signed receipt is estimated as 70 minutes, on the average.
a high packet delivery ratio due to its vulnerability against
Moreover, for the chosen mobility model, each node
colluding malicious nodes as discussed before.


Probability of message recovery

0.8 0.7

Packet delivery ratio


0.6 0.5

0.5 0.4

0.4 0.3

0.3 0.2
defenseless defenseless
detection level of 0.8 detection level of 0.8
0.2 0.1
complete detection complete detection
Bayesian framework Bayesian framework
0.1 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
time (minutes) time (minutes)

Fig. 17. Probability of message recovery for a single flow versus time for Fig. 19. Packet delivery ratio versus time for W ¼ 0:40 with the LW
W ¼ 0:40 with the LW mobility model. mobility model.

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FIDANT Protocol (Coorperation of Nodes: Fairness in Dynamic [33] A. Petz, J. Enderle, and C. Julien, “A Framework for Evaluating
Ad-Hoc Networks),” Proc. ACM MobiHoc, June 2002. DTN Mobility Models,” Proc. Second Int’l Conf. Simulation Tools and
[10] S. Buchegger and J. Boudec, “A Robust Reputation System for P2P Techniques, pp. 94:1-94:8, 2009.
and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,” Proc. Second Workshop the [34] S. Hong, I. Rhee, S.J. Kim, K. Lee, and S. Chong, “Routing
Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2004. Performance Analysis of Human-Driven Delay Tolerant Networks
[11] E. Ayday and F. Fekri, “Using Node Accountability in Credential Using the Truncated Levy Walk Model,” Proc. First ACM
Based Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,” Proc. Fifth IEEE SIGMOBILE Workshop Mobility Models, pp. 25-32, 2008.
Int’l Conf. Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems, 2008. [35] M. Luby, “LT Codes,” Proc. 43rd Symp. Foundations of Computer
[12] E. Ayday and F. Fekri, “A Protocol for Data Availability in Mobile Science (FOCS ’02), pp. 271-280, 2002.
Ad-Hoc Networks in the Presence of Insider Attacks,” Elsevier [36] A. Shokrollahi, “Raptor Codes,” IEEE Trans. Information Theory,
Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 181-192, Mar. 2010. vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 2551-2567, June 2006.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Pittsburgh. Downloaded on February 11,2021 at 16:38:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[37] B.N. Vellambi, R. Subramanian, F. Fekri, and M. Ammar, Erman Ayday received the BS degree in
“Reliable and Efficient Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant electrical and electronics engineering from the
Networks Using Rateless Codes,” Proc. First Int’l MobiSys Work- Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Tur-
shop Mobile Opportunistic Networking (MobiOpp ’07), pp. 91-98, key, in 2005. He received the MS and PhD
2007. degrees from the School of Electrical and
[38] B.H. Bloom, “Space/Time Trade-Offs in Hash Coding with Computer Engineering (ECE), Georgia Institute
Allowable Errors,” ACM Comm., vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 422-426, July of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, in 2007
1970. and 2011, respectively. He is now a post-
[39] F. Hao, M. Kodialam, and T.V. Lakshman, “Building High doctoral researcher at Ecole Polytechnique
Accuracy Bloom Filters Using Partitioned Hashing,” Proc. ACM Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, in
Int’l Conf. Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, pp. 277- the Laboratory for Communications and Applications 1 (LCA1). His
288, 2007. research interests include wireless network security, privacy, game
[40] R. Groenevelt, P. Nain, and G. Koole, “The Message Delay in theory for wireless networks, trust and reputation management, and
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” Performance Evaluation, vol. 62, nos. 1- recommender systems. He was the recipient of the 2010 Outstanding
4, pp. 210-228, 2005. Research Award from the Center of Signal and Image Processing
[41] A. Whitby, A. Josang, and J. Indulska, “Filtering Out Unfair (CSIP) at Georgia Tech and the 2011 ECE Graduate Research
Ratings in Bayesian Reputation Systems,” Proc. Seventh Int’l Assistant (GRA) Excellence Award from Georgia Tech. He is a student
Workshop Trust in Agent Societies (AAMAS ’04), 2004. member of the IEEE and the ACM.
[42] C. Zhang, R. Lu, X. Lin, P.-H. Ho, and X. Shen, “An Efficient
Identity Based Batch Verification Scheme for Vehicular Sensor Faramarz Fekri received the PhD degree from
Networks,” Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2008. the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2000, and
has since been with the faculty of the School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering there,
where he currently holds a full professor posi-
tion. He serves on the editorial board of the IEEE
Transactions on Communications and on the
technical program committees of several IEEE
conferences. His current research interests are
in the area of communications and signal
processing, in particular coding and information theory, information
processing for wireless and sensor networks, and communication
security. He received the US National Science Foundation CAREER
Award in 2001, the Southern Center for Electrical Engineering Education
(SCEEE) Research Initiation Award in 2003, and the Outstanding Young
Faculty Award of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in
2006. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

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