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India 01 JUL 2019



1.1 Except for flights of nano and micro remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) intending to operate up to 50 FT (15M) AGL
and 200 FT (60 M) AGL respectively in uncontrolled airspace or enclosed premises, information pertaining to any
flight undertaken in indian airspace shall be informed to the concerned air traffic service unit.

1.2 Information relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight, to be provided to an Air Traffic Service unit shall be
in the form of the ICAO model flight plan.

1.3 A flight plan shall be submitted before departure to an Air Traffic services reporting office, during flight, transmitted
to the appropriate Air Traffic Service unit on Air ground Control frequency, unless arrangements have been made
for submission of repetitive/stored flight plan

1.4 Different types of flights:

a) International flight - a flight that takes off in India and lands in another country or takes-off in another
country and lands in India.
b) Domestic flight - a flight that begins and ends in India (other than international flight).


2.1 Scheduled flights

2.1.1 Flight plan filed in printed form in respect of schedule flights through any electronic media available with ATS
authorities shall be accepted. In such cases it will be the responsibility of the operator to obtain ATS, COMM and
MET briefing and the data/documents so obtained by them shall be retained as records for six months.

2.1.2 The Air Traffic Control officer may however require Pilot-in-command or any other member of crew to report in
person when special briefing regarding weather, ATC facilities or any other aspect that may affect the safety of
flights has to be communicated.

2.2 Non-Scheduled international flights

2.2.1 A flight plan submitted to the appropriate Air Traffic Service unit at the Aerodrome of departure shall be signed and
submitted by the Pilot-in-command.

2.2.2 For flight operated/handled by a regular air transport undertaking or handled by an authorized handling agency, the
flight plan can be signed and submitted by the flight dispatcher duly approved by the state of registry of the air
transport undertaking or handling agency. Such persons submitting the flight plan are authorized to take ATS,
COMM and MET briefing.

2.2.3 In order to ensure smooth operation of flights and avoid inconvenience to all concerned, operators of Non-scheduled
international flights operating into and across Indian Airspace shall specify the DGCA authority (YA No.) and/or
AHQ authority (AOR No.) wherever required in field 18 of the flight plan.

2.3 Non-Scheduled domestic and general aviation flights

2.3.1 Flight plan duly authenticated by the Pilot-in Command/ authorised person can also be transmitted to the ATS unit
through any electronic media (e.g. Fax.) available with ATS authorities.

Airports Authority of India AMDT 02/2019

ENR 1.10-2 AIP
01 JUL 2019 India

2.3.2 A flight plan may be filed on line through Airports Authority of India web site by pilot in command
after registering or opening an account. For filing a flight plan one has to login and file flight plan after selecting
appropriate airport. For filing the FPL, instructions are provided in the form of prompts/help tags and pilots shall
ensure that correct entries are made. After completing the filing process users will be advised to contact appropriate
ARO by providing telephone number. Copies of flight plan that has been filed will automatically go to ARO of the
concerned airport through e-mail for processing.

2.3.3 It will be the responsibility of the operator to obtain ATS, COMM and MET briefing and the data/documents so
obtained by them shall be retained as records for six months.

2.3.4 In order to ensure smooth operation of flights and enable the ATS authorities to contact the flight without delay
whenever required, operators of non-scheduled domestic flights shall specify telephone number of operator/ pilot in
command and AHQ authority (AOR) No. where ever required in item 18 of the flight plan.

2.4 Local/Training flights

2.4.1 For local training or test flights conducted by scheduled/non-scheduled operators, a flight plan shall be submitted as
laid down in para 2.3 above.

2.4.2 For training flights conducted by flying clubs within aerodrome traffic zone, a flight plan may be submitted by Fax
on ICAO model flight plan or on telephone giving the following information:

i) Aircraft Identification

ii) Flight rules

iii) Name of pilots and trainees if any

iv) Number of persons on board

v) Duration of flight

vi) Endurance

NOTE - On aerodromes where no Aerodrome Traffic zone is established or no airspace has been reserved for local
flying, a circular area of radius 5NM, centered at the Aerodrome reference point and vertical limits up to 3000feet
AGL shall be treated as the vicinity of Aerodrome for VFR flights.

2.4.3 Flight plans for cross-country flights conducted by flying club aircraft and general aviation aircraft from airfields
where ATS reporting office does not exist, shall be submitted to the FIC by Fax on ICAO model flight plan or on
phone giving the information as specified in para 2.4.2 above.

2.4.4 A flight plan shall include accumulated elapsed times to FIR boundary points wherever applicable along with
contact telephone/mobile number of pilot in command in field 18.


AMDT 02/2019 Airports Authority of India

AIP ENR 1.10-3
India 01 JUL 2019

3.1 Except where necessary for operational or technical reasons, the flight plans for intended flights shall be submitted
to appropriate ATS unit at least 180 minutes (3 Hrs) before Estimated Off Block Time. Flight plans of remotely
piloted aircraft (RPA) shall be submitted at least 24 hours before estimated time of departure.

3.2 In the event of a proposed delay of 15 minutes or more to the departure time for a flight plan when a flight plan has
been previously filed, the Pilot-in-Command or his representative will be required to notify ATC of the revised
ETD. Where applicable the flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan submitted by the Pilot-in-Command
and the old flight plan cancelled.

3.3 Pilots are required to pass the total person on board (POB) to Pre-Departure Clearance Delivery/ Surface
Movement/ Aerodrome Control when requesting engine start-up / taxi clearance. Pilots of departing flights are also
required to inform Pre-Departure Clearance Delivery/ Surface Movement / Aerodrome Control that security checks
have been completed.

3.4 In view of the introduction of RNAV/RNP SIDs at many airports in India, prior to push back and start up, pilots are
required to inform Non-RNAV status to Pre-Departure Clearance Delivery/ Surface Movement / Aerodrome Control
where ever RNAV/RNP SIDs are in use.


4.1 Increasingly the responsibility for originating the FPL and associated messages is being delegated by ATC to
Airlines and Aircraft Operators. In such instances the responsibility for completing all parts of the form, including
the addressing,rests with them. All such FPL and associated messages shall also be addressed to VIDPCTFM, in
addition to other addressees. The ultimate responsibility for filing an accurate FPL rests with the Pilot or Operator.

4.2 For flight plans filed on-line through AAI website, it will be the responsibility of the ARO (ATS Reporting Officer)
AAI to ensure correct AFTN Address and all such flight plans shall also be addressed toVIDPCTFM, in addition
to other addressees.

4.3 For flight plans submitted in person or by Fax to an ATS unit, it will be the responsibility of Airlines, Aircraft
Operators or their authorized Handling Agency for completing all parts of the form including AFTN addresses of
FIR through which the flight is likely to operate. In addition, all such flight plans shall also be addressed to

4.4 All Scheduled Flights equipped with Aircraft Communications Dressing And Reporting System (ACARS) and
compliant with AEEC 623 (Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee), operating from Chennai, Shamshabad,
Bangalore, Mumbai and Kolkata airports, are required to include AFTN address "XXXXZTZD" in the FPL/
CHANGE/DLA message Addresses, for DCL utilization. XXXX is ICAO Location Indicator of departure


5.1 Initiating Search and Rescue for an aircraft that was operating to a remote airfield and has forced landed in difficult
terrain or a sparsely populated area, or ditched in a large expanse of water, can be a difficult and lengthy process.
When it is detected by an ATS Unit that an aircraft needs assistance, it shall act as an alerting post and inform
concerned Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC).

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ENR 1.10-4 AIP
01 JUL 2019 India

5.2 If a pilot files a FPL to a remote airfield where no ATS Unit exists and then lands elsewhere, he shall notify the filed
destination aerodrome as well as the departure aerodrome without delay. When landing at an alternate aerodrome
with an ATS Unit, that ATS Unit will send an arrival message. However, it is important that the pilot informs the
ATS Unit that they have diverted from the planned destination. Failure to notify the filed destination aerodrome may
cause unnecessary search and rescue action to be initiated.



6.1 General

6.1.1 Having filed a FPL, pilots or aircraft operators may require to change the existing FPL details. In most cases, a
standard modification message can be sent. However, in some cases, the original FPL must be cancelled and a new
FPL submitted. A second FPL cannot simply be used to amend the first.

6.2 Delays

6.2.1 DLA messages should be originated when the departure of an aircraft, for which basic flight plan data (FPL or
RPL) has been sent, is delayed by 15 minutes or more after the EOBT contained in the basic flight plan data.
CHG messages and CNL messages are promptly originated in accordance with the provisions of ICAO DOC 4444
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS-ATM)
The procedure to be followed to modify the EOBT is as follows: -
A. To amend the EOBT to a later time, a DLA or CHG message shall be sent to ATC and CATFM.
B. To amend the EOBT to an earlier time, a CNL message must be sent to ATC and CATFM which cancels the
earlier FPL. It shall be followed five minutes later by a new flight plan with new EOBT indicated.

6.3 Departures

6.3.1 The ATS Unit at the departure aerodrome has the responsibility to send the FPL and DEP message by AFTN. The
DEP message activates the FPL in Flight Data Processing System (FDPS).

6.4 Modifications

6.4.1 Other modifications to a filed FPL, such as a change in aircraft type, speed, level, route, etc, shall be notified using a
change (CHG) message so that changes or modifications are incorporated to the original FPL through Flight Data
Processing System (FDPS). A change (CHG) message shall be transmitted to all the addressees that will be affected
by the change or modification.

6.5 Cancellations

6.5.1 Any changes to aircraft call-sign, point of departure and/or destination will require the original FPL to be cancelled
and a new FPL submitted. Should the flight be cancelled, for any reason, a cancellation (CNL) message shall be
transmitted to all the original FPL addressees.

AMDT 02/2019 Airports Authority of India

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