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System Identification

Lecture Week 3

Dr. Mian Ilyas Ahmad

Associate Professor,
RCMS, NUST Pakistan

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Last Week

System Identification ( definition )

Non-parametric Vs. Parametric identification
System identification - model types
System response identification (nonparametric)

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Current Week

Response identification
Impulse response identification
Step response identification
Sine wave response identification
Correlation Methods

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Representation

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Representation

Integrating both input and output from −∞ to ∞ leads to the

convolution model
Z ∞
y (t) = g (t − τ )u(τ )dτ

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Representation

Integrating both input and output from −∞ to ∞ leads to the

convolution model
Z ∞
y (t) = g (t − τ )u(τ )dτ

For causal systems: ?

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Representation

Integrating both input and output from −∞ to ∞ leads to the

convolution model
Z ∞
y (t) = g (t − τ )u(τ )dτ

For causal systems: ?

In case of one sided input: ?
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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Representation

The convolution model is fully characterised by the impulse response

g (t) of the system. For a given input u(t), the output can be easily
computed by identifying g (t).

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Representation

The convolution model is fully characterised by the impulse response

g (t) of the system. For a given input u(t), the output can be easily
computed by identifying g (t).
For discrete systems, the convolution sum is
y (t) = g (t − k)u(k) (1)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Representation

The convolution model is fully characterised by the impulse response

g (t) of the system. For a given input u(t), the output can be easily
computed by identifying g (t).
For discrete systems, the convolution sum is
y (t) = g (t − k)u(k) (1)

Define j = t − k =⇒ k = t − j

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Representation

The convolution model is fully characterised by the impulse response

g (t) of the system. For a given input u(t), the output can be easily
computed by identifying g (t).
For discrete systems, the convolution sum is
y (t) = g (t − k)u(k) (1)

Define j = t − k =⇒ k = t − j
For k = 0, j = t and for k = t, j = 0, the convolution sum becomes
y (t) = g (j)u(t − j) (2)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

If we are able to generate a unit pulse, than g (k) can be directly

found from the measured output

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

If we are able to generate a unit pulse, than g (k) can be directly

found from the measured output
In case u(t) is not unit pulse
α, t=0
u(t) =
0, t 6= 0

α is chosen according to the physical limitations on the input signal.

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

If we are able to generate a unit pulse, than g (k) can be directly

found from the measured output
In case u(t) is not unit pulse
α, t=0
u(t) =
0, t 6= 0

α is chosen according to the physical limitations on the input signal.

Equation (1) is defined only at k = 0, implying y (t) = αg (t)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

If we are able to generate a unit pulse, than g (k) can be directly

found from the measured output
In case u(t) is not unit pulse
α, t=0
u(t) =
0, t 6= 0

α is chosen according to the physical limitations on the input signal.

Equation (1) is defined only at k = 0, implying y (t) = αg (t)
Similarly equation (2) is defined only at j = t, implying y (t) = αg (t)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

If we are able to generate a unit pulse, than g (k) can be directly

found from the measured output
In case u(t) is not unit pulse
α, t=0
u(t) =
0, t 6= 0

α is chosen according to the physical limitations on the input signal.

Equation (1) is defined only at k = 0, implying y (t) = αg (t)
Similarly equation (2) is defined only at j = t, implying y (t) = αg (t)
Due to measurement errors, we normally use y (t) = αg (t) + e(t)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

α, j = t = 0.4
u(t − j) =
0, j 6= t
y (t) = αg (t) + e(t)
y (t)
ĝ (t) = α

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

α, j = t = 0.4
u(t − j) =
0, j 6= t
y (t) = αg (t) + e(t)
y (t)
ĝ (t) = α

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

α, j = t = 0.4
u(t − j) =
0, j 6= t
y (t) = αg (t) + e(t)
y (t)
ĝ (t) = α

The estimated pulse response describes the sampled behaviour of the

continuous time system. Not a good estimate for fast dynamics

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Impulse Response Identification

α, j = t = 0.4
u(t − j) =
0, j 6= t
y (t) = αg (t) + e(t)
y (t)
ĝ (t) = α

The estimated pulse response describes the sampled behaviour of the

continuous time system. Not a good estimate for fast dynamics
Keesman book, Chapter 2, pg 20-21

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Step Response Representation (Identifying g (t))

0, t<0
u(t) =
α, t≥0 (Unit step function if α = 1)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Step Response Representation (Identifying g (t))

0, t < 0
u(t) =
α, t ≥ 0 (Unit step function if α = 1)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + e(t)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Step Response Representation (Identifying g (t))

0, t < 0
u(t) =
α, t ≥ 0 (Unit step function if α = 1)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + e(t)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + αg (t) + e(t)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Step Response Representation (Identifying g (t))

0, t < 0
u(t) =
α, t ≥ 0 (Unit step function if α = 1)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + e(t)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + αg (t) + e(t)
y (t) = y (t − 1) + αg (t) + e(t) − e(t − 1)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Step Response Representation (Identifying g (t))

0, t < 0
u(t) =
α, t ≥ 0 (Unit step function if α = 1)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + e(t)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + αg (t) + e(t)
y (t) = y (t − 1) + αg (t) + e(t) − e(t − 1)
y (t)−y (t−1)
ĝ (t) = α

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Step Response Representation (Identifying g (t))

0, t < 0
u(t) =
α, t ≥ 0 (Unit step function if α = 1)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + e(t)
y (t) = α k=0 g (k) + αg (t) + e(t)
y (t) = y (t − 1) + αg (t) + e(t) − e(t − 1)
y (t)−y (t−1)
ĝ (t) = α

If an impulse input cannot be applied, a step input can be chosen for


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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response Representation

u(t) = αsinwt
Before going into sine wave response, we discuss some well known transforms

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response Representation

u(t) = αsinwt
Before going into sine wave response, we discuss some well known transforms

Laplace Rtransform (t → s)

F (s) = 0 f (t)e −st dt

For Convolution Sum

Y (s) = G (s)U(s)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response Representation

u(t) = αsinwt
Before going into sine wave response, we discuss some well known transforms
Fourier transform
R∞ (t → jw )
F (jw ) = −∞ f (t)e −jwt dt
Laplace Rtransform (t → s)

F (s) = 0 f (t)e −st dt For Convolution Sum
For Convolution Sum Y (jw ) = G (jw )U(jw )
Y (s) = G (s)U(s) —————-
DFT (k → P jw )
F (e jw ) = ∞ k=−∞ f (k)e

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response Representation

u(t) = αsinwt
Before going into sine wave response, we discuss some well known transforms
Fourier transform
R∞ (t → jw )
F (jw ) = −∞ f (t)e −jwt dt
Laplace Rtransform (t → s) Z-transform
P (k → z) −k

F (s) = 0 f (t)e −st dt For Convolution Sum F (z) = ∞ k=0 f (k)z

For Convolution Sum Y (jw ) = G (jw )U(jw ) For Convolution Sum

Y (s) = G (s)U(s) —————- Y (z) = G (z)U(z)
DFT (k → P jw )
F (e jw ) = ∞ k=−∞ f (k)e

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response Representation

u(t) = αsinwt
Before going into sine wave response, we discuss some well known transforms
Fourier transform
R∞ (t → jw )
F (jw ) = −∞ f (t)e −jwt dt
Laplace Rtransform (t → s) Z-transform
P (k → z) −k

F (s) = 0 f (t)e −st dt For Convolution Sum F (z) = ∞ k=0 f (k)z

For Convolution Sum Y (jw ) = G (jw )U(jw ) For Convolution Sum

Y (s) = G (s)U(s) —————- Y (z) = G (z)U(z)
DFT (k → P jw )
F (e jw ) = ∞ k=−∞ f (k)e

Discrete Fourier transform of sampled impulse response is

G (e jw ) = ∞ −jwk
k=−∞ g (k)e

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

Since e jwt = coswt + jsinwt, Im(e jwt ) = sinwt.

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

Since e jwt = coswt + jsinwt, Im(e jwt ) = sinwt.

Also G (e jw ) is complex and can be written as |G (e jw )|e jφ

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

Since e jwt = coswt + jsinwt, Im(e jwt ) = sinwt.

Also G (e jw ) is complex and can be written as |G (e jw )|e jφ
With these
P variables, the convolution sum becomes
y (t) = ∞k=−∞ g (k)u(t − k)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

Since e jwt = coswt + jsinwt, Im(e jwt ) = sinwt.

Also G (e jw ) is complex and can be written as |G (e jw )|e jφ
With these
P variables, the convolution sum becomes
y (t) = ∞k=−∞ g (k)u(t − k)
y (t) = k=−∞ g (k)αIm(e jw (t−k) )

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

Since e jwt = coswt + jsinwt, Im(e jwt ) = sinwt.

Also G (e jw ) is complex and can be written as |G (e jw )|e jφ
With these
P variables, the convolution sum becomes
y (t) = ∞ k=−∞ g (k)u(t − k)
y (t) = k=−∞ g (k)αIm(e jw (t−k) )
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) ∞ −jwk ))
k=−∞ g (k)(e

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

Since e jwt = coswt + jsinwt, Im(e jwt ) = sinwt.

Also G (e jw ) is complex and can be written as |G (e jw )|e jφ
With these
P variables, the convolution sum becomes
y (t) = ∞ k=−∞ g (k)u(t − k)
y (t) = k=−∞ g (k)αIm(e jw (t−k) )
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) ∞ −jwk ))
k=−∞ g (k)(e
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) G (e jw ))

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

Since e jwt = coswt + jsinwt, Im(e jwt ) = sinwt.

Also G (e jw ) is complex and can be written as |G (e jw )|e jφ
With these
P variables, the convolution sum becomes
y (t) = ∞ k=−∞ g (k)u(t − k)
y (t) = k=−∞ g (k)αIm(e jw (t−k) )
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) ∞ −jwk ))
k=−∞ g (k)(e
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) G (e jw ))
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) |G (e jw )|e jφ )

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

Since e jwt = coswt + jsinwt, Im(e jwt ) = sinwt.

Also G (e jw ) is complex and can be written as |G (e jw )|e jφ
With these
P variables, the convolution sum becomes
y (t) = ∞ k=−∞ g (k)u(t − k)
y (t) = k=−∞ g (k)αIm(e jw (t−k) )
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) ∞ −jwk ))
k=−∞ g (k)(e
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) G (e jw ))
y (t) = αIm(e jw (t) |G (e jw )|e jφ )
y (t) = α|G (e jw )|Im(e j(wt+φ) )

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

y (t) = α|G (e jw )|sin(wt + φ)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

y (t) = α|G (e jw )|sin(wt + φ)

If input is sinusoidal, the output is also sine wave multiplied in
magnitude by |G (e jw )| and shifted in phase by φ.

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

y (t) = α|G (e jw )|sin(wt + φ)

If input is sinusoidal, the output is also sine wave multiplied in
magnitude by |G (e jw )| and shifted in phase by φ.
As an example, let u(t) = 2.5sin5t. Then w = 5rad/sec and
y (t) = 2sin(5t − 2.5).

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

y (t) = α|G (e jw )|sin(wt + φ)

If input is sinusoidal, the output is also sine wave multiplied in
magnitude by |G (e jw )| and shifted in phase by φ.
As an example, let u(t) = 2.5sin5t. Then w = 5rad/sec and
y (t) = 2sin(5t − 2.5).
This means that |G (e jw )| = 2/2.5 and φ = w ∆T = −2.5rad

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Sine Wave Response

y (t) = α|G (e jw )|sin(wt + φ)

If input is sinusoidal, the output is also sine wave multiplied in
magnitude by |G (e jw )| and shifted in phase by φ.
As an example, let u(t) = 2.5sin5t. Then w = 5rad/sec and
y (t) = 2sin(5t − 2.5).
This means that |G (e jw )| = 2/2.5 and φ = w ∆T = −2.5rad
We can identify the frequency transfer function from the sine wave

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Frequency transfer function identification - Algorithm

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Frequency transfer function identification - Algorithm

Generate a specific frequency sine wave w1 with maximum allowable

magnitude α.

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Frequency transfer function identification - Algorithm

Generate a specific frequency sine wave w1 with maximum allowable

magnitude α.
Apply the sine wave to the system and record the resulting response.

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Frequency transfer function identification - Algorithm

Generate a specific frequency sine wave w1 with maximum allowable

magnitude α.
Apply the sine wave to the system and record the resulting response.
Determine magnitude and phase of G (e jw ) for the specific frequency
from the two signals u(t) and y (t).

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Frequency transfer function identification - Algorithm

Generate a specific frequency sine wave w1 with maximum allowable

magnitude α.
Apply the sine wave to the system and record the resulting response.
Determine magnitude and phase of G (e jw ) for the specific frequency
from the two signals u(t) and y (t).
Repeat this for a number of interesting frequencies w ∈ (w1 , . . . , wN )
Sine Wave Testing

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on its past value.

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on its past value.
1 T /2
φff (τ ) = lim f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Infinite duration)
T →∞ T −T /2
Z t2
φff (τ ) = f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Finite duration)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on its past value.
1 T /2
φff (τ ) = lim f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Infinite duration)
T →∞ T −T /2
Z t2
φff (τ ) = f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Finite duration)
a, 0≤t≤T
f (t) =
0, otherwise

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on its past value.
1 T /2
φff (τ ) = lim f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Infinite duration)
T →∞ T −T /2
Z t2
φff (τ ) = f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Finite duration)
a, 0≤t≤T
f (t) =
0, otherwise
φff (τ ) =?

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on its past value.
1 T /2
φff (τ ) = lim f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Infinite duration)
T →∞ T −T /2
Z t2
φff (τ ) = f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Finite duration)
a, 0≤t≤T
f (t) =
0, otherwise
φff (τ ) =?
φff (τ ) = a2 (T − τ ),
−T ≤ τ ≤ T
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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on its past value.
1 T /2
φff (τ ) = lim f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Infinite duration)
T →∞ T −T /2
Z t2
φff (τ ) = f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Finite duration)
a, 0≤t≤T
f (t) =
0, otherwise
φff (τ ) =?
φff (τ ) = a2 (T − τ ),
−T ≤ τ ≤ T
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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on its past value.
1 T /2
φff (τ ) = lim f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Infinite duration)
T →∞ T −T /2
Z t2
φff (τ ) = f (t)f (t + τ )dt (Finite duration)
a, 0≤t≤T
f (t) =
0, otherwise
φff (τ ) =?
φff (τ ) = a2 (T − τ ),
−T ≤ τ ≤ T
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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: discrete version

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: discrete version

1 X
ruu (l) = lim u(i)u(i + l) (Infinite sequence)
N→∞ 2N + 1
= E [uu0 (l)] (If N finite, u finite entries )

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: discrete version

1 X
ruu (l) = lim u(i)u(i + l) (Infinite sequence)
N→∞ 2N + 1
= E [uu0 (l)] (If N finite, u finite entries )

Cross-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on the past value of another function/variable.

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Correlation Methods

Auto-correlation function: discrete version

1 X
ruu (l) = lim u(i)u(i + l) (Infinite sequence)
N→∞ 2N + 1
= E [uu0 (l)] (If N finite, u finite entries )

Cross-correlation function: measures the relationship of a

function/variable on the past value of another function/variable.
1 X
ruy (l) = lim u(i)y (i + l) (Infinite sequence)
N→∞ 2N + 1
= E [uy0 (l)] (If N finite, u, y(l) finite entries )
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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Weiner Hopf Equation

As y (t) = k=0 g (k)u(t − k), we have

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Weiner Hopf Equation

As y (t) = k=0 g (k)u(t − k), we have

y (i + l) = g (k)u(i + l − k)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Weiner Hopf Equation

As y (t) = k=0 g (k)u(t − k), we have

y (i + l) = g (k)u(i + l − k)

1 PN
Since ruy (l) = limN→∞ 2N+1 i=−N u(i)y (i + l) therefore

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Weiner Hopf Equation

As y (t) = k=0 g (k)u(t − k), we have

y (i + l) = g (k)u(i + l − k)

1 PN
Since ruy (l) = limN→∞ 2N+1 i=−N u(i)y (i + l) therefore
N ∞
1 X X
ruy (l) = lim u(i) g (k)u(i + l − k)
N→∞ 2N + 1
i=−N k=0
∞ N
X 1 X
ruy (l) = g (k) lim u(i)u(i + l − k)
N→∞ 2N + 1
k=0 i=−N

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Weiner Hopf Equation

The resulting equation is called Weiner Hopf Equation

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Weiner Hopf Equation

The resulting equation is called Weiner Hopf Equation

ruy (l) = g (k)ruu (l − k)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems

Weiner Hopf Equation

The resulting equation is called Weiner Hopf Equation

ruy (l) = g (k)ruu (l − k)

The equation is similar to the convolution sum but with auto and
cross correlations.

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Assume that the first s elements of g (k) are enough to determine the
response of a stable system

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Assume that the first s elements of g (k) are enough to determine the
response of a stable system
ruy (l) = g (k)ruu (l − k)

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Assume that the first s elements of g (k) are enough to determine the
response of a stable system
ruy (l) = g (k)ruu (l − k)

If input and output measurements are given from 0 to N, we need to

compute ruy (l) and ruu (l).

M.I.Ahmad (RCMS) 17 / 18
Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Assume that the first s elements of g (k) are enough to determine the
response of a stable system
ruy (l) = g (k)ruu (l − k)

If input and output measurements are given from 0 to N, we need to

compute ruy (l) and ruu (l).
To ignore the effect of initial condition, the first M measurements are
often removed.

M.I.Ahmad (RCMS) 17 / 18
Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Assume that the first s elements of g (k) are enough to determine the
response of a stable system
ruy (l) = g (k)ruu (l − k)

If input and output measurements are given from 0 to N, we need to

compute ruy (l) and ruu (l).
To ignore the effect of initial condition, the first M measurements are
often removed.
Knowing that we have (u(M), y (M)), . . . , (u(N), y (N))
measurements, the correlations are written as
1 X
ruu (l) ≈ u(i)u(i + l)
N − M − l i=M
1 X
ruy (l) ≈ u(i)y (i + l), l = 0, . . . , s
N − M − l i=M

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Then using the Weiner Hopf equation, we have

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Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Then using the Weiner Hopf equation, we have

ruy (0) = g (0)ruu (0) + g (1)ruu (−1) + . . . + g (s)ruu (−s)

ruy (s) = g (0)ruu (s) + g (1)ruu (s − 1) + . . . + g (s)ruu (0)

In matrix form, we can write

M.I.Ahmad (RCMS) 18 / 18
Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Then using the Weiner Hopf equation, we have

ruy (0) = g (0)ruu (0) + g (1)ruu (−1) + . . . + g (s)ruu (−s)

ruy (s) = g (0)ruu (s) + g (1)ruu (s − 1) + . . . + g (s)ruu (0)

In matrix form, we can write

ruu (0) ruu (−1) ··· ruu (−s)
 
ruy (0) g (0)
   
ruu (1) ruu (0) ··· ruu (1 − s)
 .    . 
 .  =  .
 . . . .  . 
 .  . . .  . 
 . . . . 
ruy (s) g (s)
ruu (s) ruu (s − 1) ··· ruu (0)
ruy = Ruu g

M.I.Ahmad (RCMS) 18 / 18
Nonparametric Identification - LTI Systems
Impulse Response Identification using Weiner Hopf Equation

Then using the Weiner Hopf equation, we have

ruy (0) = g (0)ruu (0) + g (1)ruu (−1) + . . . + g (s)ruu (−s)

ruy (s) = g (0)ruu (s) + g (1)ruu (s − 1) + . . . + g (s)ruu (0)

In matrix form, we can write

ruu (0) ruu (−1) ··· ruu (−s)
 
ruy (0) g (0)
   
ruu (1) ruu (0) ··· ruu (1 − s)
 .    . 
 .  =  .
 . . . .  . 
 .  . . .  . 
 . . . . 
ruy (s) g (s)
ruu (s) ruu (s − 1) ··· ruu (0)
ruy = Ruu g

This can be solved for g using any linear solver.

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