Tugas Bing Hospital Team

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Hospital Team

Meeting 1-2

Read the following text carefully!

A big hospital is like a small town; it needs thousands of people to make it work. All these
people are organized into teams and each person in each team has a rank and often specialism. In
the past, the health care team’s chain of command was simple: doctors made decisions and gave
senior nurses orders. Senior nurses then instructed junior nurses, and so on. Things are changing.
In many countries nurses have much more responsibility than they had once.

One thing is not changing; it is still a doctor who is in charge of a patient’s treatment. In Britain
that doctor is called a consultant. Next in line to the consultant is the registrar. Consultants and
registrars train the junior doctors who are called house officers or interns. Junior doctors work
the same long, unsocial hours that nurses do on the wards. The most senior nurses are nursing
officer; they are administrators. Then come ward managers who supervise staff nurses and

It is not only doctors and nurses who deliver treatment and care; there are many other specialists
too. For example, they are psychotherapists who specialized in exercises to treat injury or
dysfunction or occupational therapists who help patients manage everyday living. There are also
many people the patient does not meet like lab technicians doing the tests and pharmacists
dispensing medicines.

Like any town, a hospital has team of office staff and ancillary workers such as porters,
orderlies, technicians, drivers, cleaners, receptionists and cooks. Every team is essential for the
delivery of treatment and care. This includes the volunteers who, without pay, raise money for
the hospital and run shops, cinemas, libraries and restaurants.

Reading: answer the following questions correctly!

1. What should be the best title of the text?
2. How does the writer describe a huge hospital?
 Doctors made decisions and gave senior nurses orders. Senior nurses then
instructed junior nurses, and so on
3. What is the difference between the past and the present of the health care team
 In the past, the health care team’s chain of command was simple: doctors made
decisions and gave senior nurses orders. Senior nurses then instructed junior
nurses, and so on. Things are changing. In many countries nurses have much more
responsibility than they had once.
4. Who are responsible to give treatment and care to patients in a hospital?
 Psikoterapis, Doctors, Nurses
5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
 It is not only doctors and nurses who deliver treatment and care; there are many
other specialists too. For example, they are psychotherapists
6. What does the phrase every team refer to?
 Such as porters, orderlies, technicians, drivers, cleaners, receptionists and cooks

Grammar: choose the correct option to complete the sentence

1. Surgeon performs/ performing/perform operations.

2. I am a midwife, I delivers / I’m delivering/ deliver babies.
3. The paramedic is unavailable. He responds/ ‘s responding/ respond to an emergency.
4. A. Do you work in hospital? B. Yes I work/ do/ does.
5. I want/wanting/ wants to qualify as a physiotherapist.
6. I like to work/works/working with people.
7. Do you/ You are/ are you taking the patient to surgery.
8. I do/ ‘m doing/ to do a night shift this week.

Vocabulary: complete the sentences with the words from the list!
8.Qualified 2. Nursing Officer 4.promotion 3. part-time 5. apply for a job
1.Auxiliary nurses 7. rewarding 6. specialize
1) Auxiliary nurses are on the bottom of grade.
2) Nursing Officer often work in administration.
3) The new job is a… part time for her.
4) You can do a … promotion while you work.
5) You need to send a CV when you…. apply for a job
6) Psychiatric nurses… specialize in mental health….
7) Contact with patients can be very……rewarding
8) We are looking for well…. qualified staff.

Writing: please write in two or three paragraphs on how you will do your duty at a hospital!

Answer :

As a nurse in a hospital,i play a role in providing nursing services and am responsible for
improving health conditions ,providing services for patients and preventing desease.At the
hospital i have several duties,namely taking care of patients,taking care of the patients body
hygiene,and making sure they are in good condition .In addition ,i also help patients to eat
normally and help patients to put on their clothes.After eating i will give the medicine to the
patient according to the dosage.sometimes,the patients is stubborn or forgets to take the medicine
at the appointed time.Therefore ,my responsibility as a nurse is to make sure patients take their
medication on time.

In addition ,i am in charge of maintaining the health of patients according to the stages of

the nursing process,such as checking vital signs (tension,body temperature,blood
pressure),checking blood sugar,and installing oxygen tubes and installing infusions.Another
action is to provide motivation and attention to the patient.This is ddone to provide a spirit of
healing for the patient and also to comfort the patient to reduce the pain.
Speaking: Please tell us what you will do when you deal with a patient in a hospital!

 About my duty


Baca teks berikut ini dengan hati-hati!

Sebuah rumah sakit besar seperti sebuah kota kecil. Dibutuhkan ribuan orang untuk membuatnya
bekerja. Semua orang ini diatur ke dalam tim dan setiap orang di setiap tim memiliki peringkat
dan sering spesialisasi. Di masa lalu, rantai komando tim perawatan kesehatan sederhana: dokter
membuat keputusan dan memberi perintah kepada perawat senior. Perawat senior kemudian
menginstruksikan perawat junior, dan sebagainya. Hal-hal berubah. Di banyak negara perawat
memiliki tanggung jawab yang jauh lebih besar daripada sebelumnya.

Satu hal tidak berubah; Masih dokter yang bertanggung jawab atas perawatan pasien. Di Inggris,
dokter itu disebut konsultan. Selanjutnya untuk konsultan adalah registrar. Konsultan dan
pendaftar melatih dokter junior yang disebut petugas rumah atau magang. Dokter junior bekerja
dengan jam kerja yang panjang dan tidak sosial yang dilakukan perawat di bangsal. Perawat
paling senior adalah petugas keperawatan; Mereka adalah administrator. Kemudian datang
manajer lingkungan yang mengawasi perawat staf dan siswa.

Bukan hanya dokter dan perawat yang memberikan perawatan dan pengobatan; Ada banyak
spesialis lain juga. Misalnya, mereka adalah psikoterapis yang mengkhususkan diri dalam latihan
untuk mengobati cedera atau disfungsi atau terapis okupasi yang membantu pasien mengelola
kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada juga banyak orang pasien tidak bertemu seperti teknisi laboratorium
melakukan tes dan apoteker mengeluarkan obat-obatan.

Seperti kota mana pun, rumah sakit memiliki tim staf kantor dan pekerja tambahan seperti porter,
orderlies, teknisi, pengemudi, pembersih, resepsionis dan juru masak. Setiap tim sangat penting
untuk pengiriman perawatan dan perawatan. Ini termasuk para sukarelawan yang, tanpa bayaran,
mengumpulkan uang untuk rumah sakit dan menjalankan toko, bioskop, perpustakaan, dan

Baca: jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!

1. Apa yang harus menjadi judul terbaik dari teks?

2. Bagaimana penulis menggambarkan rumah sakit besar? P
3. Apa perbedaan antara masa lalu dan sekarang dari perintah tim perawatan kesehatan?
4. Siapa yang bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan perawatan dan perawatan kepada
pasien di rumah sakit? Psikoterapis, DOKTER, PERAWAT
5. Apa ide utama dari paragraf 3?
6. Apa yang dimaksud oleh setiap tim?

Grammar: pilih opsi yang benar untuk menyelesaikan kalimat

1. Ahli bedah melakukan / melakukan / melakukan operasi. =PERFORM

2. Saya seorang bidan, saya melahirkan / saya melahirkan / melahirkan bayi.
3. Paramedis tidak tersedia. Dia menjawab / 'menanggapi / menanggapi keadaan darurat.
4. A. Apakah Anda bekerja di rumah sakit? B. Ya saya bekerja / melakukan / tidak.
5. Saya ingin / ingin / ingin memenuhi syarat sebagai fisioterapis.
6. Saya suka bekerja / bekerja / bekerja dengan orang-orang.
7. Apakah Anda / Anda / apakah Anda membawa pasien ke operasi.
8. Saya melakukan / 'm melakukan / untuk melakukan shift malam minggu ini.
Kosakata: lengkapi kalimat dengan kata-kata dari daftar!
BERKUAITAS, Petugas Keperawatan, promosi, Paruh waktu, Melamar pekerjaan,
Perawat tambahan, Bermanfaat, Mengkhususkan diri
1. ................................. berada di bagian bawah kelas.
2. ............................................sering bekerja di bidang administrasi.
3. Pekerjaan baru adalah ......................................untuknya.
4. Kamu bisa melakukan ................................................. saat kamu bekerja.
5. Kamu perlu mengirim CV saat kamu ............................
6. Psikiatri nurses..................................in kesehatan mental.
7. Kontak dengan pasien bisa sangat .........................
8. Kami mencari dengan baik ................................. staf.

Menulis: silakan menulis dalam dua atau tiga paragraf tentang bagaimana Anda akan
melakukan tugas Anda di rumah sakit!
Berbicara: Tolong beri tahu kami apa yang akan Anda lakukan ketika Anda berurusan
dengan pasien di rumah sakit!

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