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Practical on Contact concept

1) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB pressed light
get ON, and when PB released light get OFF.

2) Make the Logic using NC PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB pressed light
get OFF, and when PB released light get ON.

3) Make logic for-

(a) AND gate (b) OR gate (c) NOT gate (d) NAND gate
(e) NOR gate (f) X-OR gate (g) X-NOR gate

4) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB pressed (momentary) light-1 get
on immediately, light remains on until NC PB Pressed.

5) Make the Logic using  two NO PB’s, NO PB-1, NO PB-2 (Push button) and One
NC PB in such a way, when either one of NO PB pressed light get ON, and when
NC PB Pressed light get OFF.

6) Make the Logic using  two NO PB’s, NO PB-1, NO PB-2 (Push button) and One
NC PB in such a way, when both of NO PB pressed light get ON, and when NC
PB Pressed light get OFF.

Practical on Timer concept

1) using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed Light Get ON after
Make the Logic 3 sec.

2) Make the Logic using NC PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB pressed light
gets OFF After 3 sec.

3) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) light-1 get
on after 5 sec, light remains on until NC PB Pressed.

4) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) light-1 get
on immediately, after 5 sec Light-2 will get on. Both the light remains on until
NC PB Pressed.

5) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) after 5 sec
light-1 get on, and after 3 sec Light-2 will get on. Both the light remains on until
NC PB Pressed.
6) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) light-1 get
on immediately, after 5 sec Light-2 will get on and after 5 sec Both the light get

7) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) after 5 sec
light-1 get on, after 5 sec Light-2 will get on and after 5 sec both the light get off.

8) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) light-1 get
on immediately, after 5 sec Light-2 will get on for 2 sec and this cycle will repeat
until NC PB Pressed.

9) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) after 5 sec
light-1 get on, and after 3 sec Light-2 will get on for 2 sec and this cycle will
repeat until NC PB Pressed.

10) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) after 5 sec
light-1 get on, after 3 sec Light-2 will get on, After 2 sec Light-3 will on and after
5 sec light-4 will On for 6 sec and this cycle will repeat until NC PB Pressed.

11) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) after 5 sec
light-4 get on, after 3 sec Light-1 will get on, After 2 sec Light-2 will on and after
5 sec light-3 will On for 6 sec and this cycle will repeat until NC PB Pressed.

12) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB-1 Pressed (momentary) Light-1
on Immediately, when NO PB-2 Pressed Light-2 will get on & Light-1 will get
Off, when NO PB-3 Pressed Light-3 will get on & Light-2 will get Off this
process will be executed until NC PB Pressed. Please Take Care two light will
never ON at the same time.

Practical on Counter Concept

1) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed
Counter will increment its value (Counter Preset is 10). Reset the Counter using

2) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed
Counter will increment its value. (Counter Preset is 10). When Counter get done
Light-1 will get on. Reset the counter using NO PB.

3) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed
Counter will increment its value. (Counter Preset is 10). When Counter “Current
value” is equal to 2 light-1 will on, when Counter “Current value” is equal to 5
light-2 will on, when Counter “Current value” is equal to 8 light-3 will on, when
Counter “Current value” is equal to 9 light 4 will on. Counter get Reset when NO
PB pressed.( Please note that no two will ON at Same time)

4) Make the logic in such a way that when NO PB Pressed (momentary) light-1 get
on immediately, after 5 sec Light-2 will get on for 2 sec. this cycle will repeat
until counter get done, Every time when cycle get complete counter will
increment its value till the counter get done, when counter get done light-1 and 2
get off and light -3 will get on to show counter is done with preset value 5.
System will work again when Counter is reset using NO PB.

5) Make the logic in such a way that when NC PB Pressed (momentary) light-1 get on
immediately, after 5 sec Light-2 will get on for 2 sec. this cycle will repeat until
counter get done, Every time when cycle get complete counter will increment its
value till the counter get done, when counter get done light-1 and 2 get off and light
-3 will get on to show counter is done. System will work again when Counter is reset
using NO PB.

Practical on Arithmetic Instruction concept through Memory Word

1) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed
value of Memory word* will move in another memory word.

2) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed
value of two Memory word* added and result will move in another memory word.

3) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed
value of two Memory word* Subtracted and result will move in another memory

4) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed
value of two Memory word* Multiplied and result will move in another memory

5) Make the Logic using NO PB (Push button) in such a way, when PB Pressed
value of two Memory word* divided and result will move in another memory

6) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table added and result will move in another memory word if the value of
this memory word is 2 then light-1 will on.
7) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table added and result will move in another memory word if the value of
this memory word is even then light-1 will on.

8) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table added and result will move in another memory word if the value of
this memory word is odd then light-1 will on.

9) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table subtracted and result will move in another memory word if the value
of this memory word is 2 then light-1 will on.

10) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table Multiplied and result will move in another memory word if the value
of this memory word is even then light-1 will on.

11) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table divided and result will move in another memory word if the value of
this memory word is odd then light-1 will on.

12) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table added and result will move in another memory word if the value of
this memory word is greater then 1, light-1 will on.

13) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table Multiplied and result will move in another memory word if the value
of this memory word is less then 9, light-1 will on.

14) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table added and result will move in another memory word if the value of
this memory word is greater then 1 and less then 5 light-1 will on, and if result is
greater then 5 light-2 will on.

15) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table added and result will move in another memory word if the value of
this memory word is greater then 1 and less then 5 light-1 will on after delay of 5 sec,
and if result is greater then 5 light-2 will on after delay of 3 sec.

16) Make the Logic in such a way, value of two Memory word* entered from
animation table added and result will move in another memory word if the value
of this memory word is greater then 1 and less then 5 then counter will increment
its value when counter get done light-1 will get on.

1. Practice question based on Horizontal/Vertical position Animation?

2. Practice question based on Horizontal/Vertical position with visibility Animation?


3. Practice question based on Rotation Animation?

4. Practice question based on Filling Animation?

5. Practice question based on Width\height Animation?

6. Practice question based on Script writing?

7. Bottle filling plant.

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